so why is Holla Forums so active?

so why is Holla Forums so active?

haven't been here for a while but last visit you were all really nice to me and didn't ban me for literally no reason like Holla Forums did. I'm curious as to what you are all up to. do you like trump? do you dislike trump? are you happy as long as he does a good job? are you guys just talking and having lots of fun and everything is like whatever and your shits all retarded? hows it going?

Other urls found in this thread:

We sponsored an episode of Richard D Wolfe and it caused r/socialism to go into complete meltdown, banning everyone and telling them to come here. We got double the targeted advertising!

I'm not clicking on that shit but I think choosing the lesser of two evils is retarded. when presented with two bad options I choose none.

but I honestly believe that trump was a good option even though I don't agree with everything he says, but overall I'm happy he made it.

I'm not trying to make this an all trump thread, but I'm just interested in figuring out how you are all doing. it's funny watching Holla Forums and Holla Forums freak out that you are gaining on them. your catalog just seems like normal conversation.

People are slowing see the emotional autism and lack of plans from Holla Forumstards and realize they were on the wrong side.

As you know Holla Forums literally just focuses on telling how superior they are while blaming the world's problems on X thing.

And now that Trump got elected and he wont do shit and just destroy the US they need a place where they can actually discuss politics and the future since Holla Forums is literally nothing but a couple of emotional autists masturbating to each other's delusions

Holla Forums here. Did this really happen?

who's richard d wolfe? reddit got pissed off and the mods banned them for being happy/sad about richard? so reddit came to Holla Forums, and you got boosted?

I guess that's kinda funny.

yes. it did happen. I was one of those who were banned.
Watch from 2:47

Holla Forums is loaded with shills from the posters to the mods and they blame all jews regardless of if they are real jews or the fake jews who run zionism and corps and govs.

also why do you think trump wont do anything and fuck everything up? when I heard him say the things he said, he really had a great grasp on what people want, didn't want, and so on.

and hillary? another clone of bush or obama? would have been horrible in my opinion.

I'm actually still freaking out with happiness that trump won.

Yes, in fact they sperged out so hard that they made the front page of reddit and everyone mocked them, I even found these guys chronicling the autism.

Also, RDW is a Marxian economist.

well good, fuck reddit. they are just like abovetopsecret. if you know too much you are shadowbanned.

also what does Holla Forums think about this?

What's that?


Some rule of fives tier stuff in there, but it's pretty cool. Could have something to do with Dugin's occult group, which Spencer and Jones seem to be in.

Part of the same cabal, it's for salty fucks with no theory to LARP, bitch and ban everyone they don't like. We're just assuming they're COINTELPRO at this point and trying to make them as bait as possible. It looks like the head is FBI and the rest are powertripping, white, male, college student virgins pretending to be minorities for e-power.

There is literally nothing wrong with being white male.


Good for accelerationism.

Only fags and plebel absurdly will disagree.

Hillary would just continue the status quo, things will be stable.

Trump has no idea what he is doing, he is just checking "what brainless angry people say" and repeating it, that doesnt mean he ll do anything.

He just checks what his brainless supporters are using as an excuse for failing his promises and he ll just tweet that and blame le evil media for not sucking his dick like his supporters.

his cabinet is literally full of rich men with no real knowledge on the position they are going to and they ll just end up using it to profit themselves

Just admit that you fucking hate the white working class with all your guts and want them to die out.

for what?

for saying that I love anime cat girls. I kid you not.

Never forget

Wew. So Holla Forums actually accomplished something IRL?

this is an excellent post, I really enjoyed it.

I think that was their point

Fuck of back to Holla Forums retard

Holla Forums-lite is popular cause scandal draws new fags here and they cant debate Holla Forums, so they join the wishy-wash college kid crew.

eping bnats

Thanks for proving me right.

the neoliberal elite is not the """left"""

just like obama and bush, things would consistently be heading on a stable path towards worse and worse quality of life.
I honestly to the bottom of my heart don't understand how anyone could ever justify another 4 or 8 years of obummer with hillary. I can't seem to understand why some people are so disappointed with trump. what did obama even do right? besides sit in the white house and pretend to be busy and have secret meetings signing shit in to protect monsanto the whole time, giving the nsa more ability to rape everyones privacy. I'm just confused. we know bush and obama and hillary promised things and never kept their promises, but at least trump knows how to get things done. I feel like hillary = guaranteed shit being the same if not worse, and that's really awful for me. but with trump things will get better. I really believe that.

when I watched him he genuinely understood what he was talking about and why people are angry, that gave me so much hope.

it's so cool how even before he's in the white house he already got america more jobs and money back than obama did in 8 years.

good point depending on how you look at it. I'm confident that trump chose them because he knows how to organise things for success. I'm guessing he chose them because he knew that if they are smart enough to do crazy money shit everywhere, they would do a good job doing what he tells em.

I like trump because he's a HUGE slap in the face to the system.

I thought someone might call me out for this, but that wasn't my point. My point was more that they're trying to have minority quotas for leadership, even though the board is 87% white and male, and then lying about being a minority to always hold a position no matter what.

Another quality NazBol gang meme! I hurt my ribs and you've put me in a lot of pain recently.

Thanks fam.

He's one of our worst posters and a Holla Forums false flag. All this is Holla Forums proving Holla Forums right.

confirmed Holla Forumstard

np bro

There's actually a thread on Dugin going on right now, if anyone asking about the 7s post is still ITT

Holla Forumsyps arguing with Holla Forumslacks

so Holla Forums would you like me to make a few threads based on some really great redpill copypastas?

I would be happy to make sure you have that information.

just read that whole thread, nobody really posted any relevant information in it at all.

I wish i could kill morons like you, you are so emotional and idiotic you unironically trust a conman

What's it on? If you have any occult Trump stuff put it in the Dugin thread.

Yeah I had a quick check, I just linked it when I saw the youtube video (not watched it, but it's someone talking about Dugin)

Note: Dugin is the leader of the NAZBOL GANG

Are the NazBol Gang actually in charge of the world?

Weren't you the same guy goin on about muh vidya?

Please do not encourage the local wildlife.

Are we watching the same person? If someone asked him RIGHT NOW–even as he's about to be inaugurated–"what are the three branches of government" there's a good chance he couldn't answer. He's a screaming, hair-on-fire moron and more and more people are getting buyer's remorse. I hope you're right and happy days are here again, but I'm not 12.

ouch, really harsh. why do you believe this? I don't want to just jump out and insult you and be all like "wow niggah you brainwashed" because I want to keep this polite, but why do you consider trump a conman when we all know the endless laundrylist of illegal and jailable offenses hillary is guilty for?

I mean I don't care if donald trump had a vagina as long as he did a good job, so my shit isn't about gender or race. I think obama is a huge asshole because he did a terrible job, and I think hillary should be in jail for a few hundred years considering people have gone away for things smaller than her smallest offense and she somehow walks like immune to the law.

what has obama and hillary told you to convince you to have such faith in them even though you can see all their actions and their effects all over the united states of america and further?

the reason I'm asking this is because people who like trump just can not understand why anyone would have wanted things to go the opposite way. even loads of people who usually voted democrat voted for trump. that's how much they hated the current system and it's people.

to me, it's not even about democrats or republicans, to me it's about who will I pick to get the best quality of life and the most freedom.

nobody understands why the rest of the people who didn't vote for trump are so angry, like they missed out on the wonderful experience that hillary would have been. did you really enjoy having obama as the president? is there anything worth mentioning that we should be proud of during his stay in the white hotel?

Dont bother, he is either a Holla Forumstard or some easily manipulated moron, nobody who can see Trump as "bring hope and defender of the every day man" can be saved

the nazi bowling championship?

no really what is this?



Nazbol will save us all

I got banned from Holla Forums for being too well balanced and logical. when they cried jews jews! I calmly explained the difference between the real jews and the fake ones who run the governments and corporations and zionists and all that, so they banned me for "defending muh joooooooooz"

I like trump because he isn't a politician. I like him because even though he's got a powerful stubborn vibe about him, he has a fun mix of professionality and jokey-wackyness. He doesn't take shit from anybody and he knows how to get shit done. and most of all, the establishment seems to really dislike him. the enemy of my enemy is my friend eh? but I could be friends with trump I think. we could crack open a bear and laugh about all the corruption and fake news. he is a hero to me.

that's all I'm saying. I don't mean to pull anyones ass muscles.

I bet a gorrila beating his chest makes you feel good because STRONK

All these are emotion based points that you like because it makes you feel better.

Just like brainless nationalist feel good when their leader says patriotic or nationalistic lies

trump isn't some brainless monkey. he build a multibillion dollar business with a small loan of a million dollars. he actually knows how to do things. I think you are just trying to make emotion based posts because you want to get a rise out of people. why are you so immature?

Yeah truly you are brainwashed if you repeat the idiocy the he tells you. But you unironically trust him and believe him, so like i said, if you are real you cant eb saved

Hey Holla Forums

This reminds me of a character from War and Peace that did this same numerology shit, trying to prove that he was going to kill napoleon on the near future.

Hillary was basically gonna rape white America in the ass for 8 years straight through mass amnesty and interventionist wars. Trump is shit, but nowhere as bad as Hillary is/was.

Trump presents an opportunity though he looks like a setback at the moment. Hillary would have been pure status quo and would have probably pushed many Americans rightward. Trump's presidency presents the possibility for the left to break through the liberal consensus a bit more

I came here to have a conversation but you hillary cucks are really so brainwashed that we can't even have a polite conversation. I hope you see what trump does and begin to love him.

Zizek does not think Trump is the lesser of two evils either. He said several times that he would vote Trump. He is rather responding to a liberal combination of hysteria and apathy following the election.

There are very few of those on this board. We mostly reject both candidates

>>>Holla Forums

He's a professional rich man.
Sure he's funny sometimes. You have to wonder how much of that is a front. After all, he may not be an experienced politician, but he's an experienced businessman. They also lie for a living.
But that's part of the problem. He doesn't really. He has very little knowledge when it comes to politics. He's likely going to be a sort of figurehead while neocons and fundamentalist christian nutjobs direct policy (aka the swamp)
This is perhaps where we come closest to agreeing. Trump was at his best when everyone in DC despised him. He's seemed to become integrated into the Republican party at this point though. If you've ever watched Network I'd actually say Trump is comparable to Beale. He says a bunch of crazy shit and those in charge don't like it at first, but when they see it's working they try to ride his coattails and tailor his message to be a bit more establishment-friendly. only a matter of time before Maoists kill him

He is good in the sense that he disrupts the current liberal/conservative fight in the US and may lead to the emergence of some left-of-center anti-establishment figures who are willing to focus on class issues, perhaps they might even do something about the coming ecological crisis.

lol enjoy getting class-cucked by your authoritarian bourgeoisie CEO candidate who doesn't give any more shits about you than the mexicans and muslims he claims to hate

don't get too much of his cheeto dust on your face when you lick his boots, you might end up looking like him

shit, wrong guy

should be

trolling on mobile is hard ;_;

for catgirls
i am not joking

It is really sad that there are people who somehow cant see that.

Is it lack of critical thinking skills? overly trusting?

They are literally just as bad as normies who think hillary is a great choice who hasnt done anything illegal.

I mean the level of delusion from such people is scary, so possibly people who dont think as much

It seems to me that is in fact ,>>1256133,>>1256162 etc which, considering his ultra-pro-trump stand, might make sense how something he said in those subs might've led to a ban.

In fairness, iif you notice as things have progressed, Trump supporters have been slowly descending into collective cult status, where the cult leader is immune from criticism, ill or flaw and blindly follow anything he says. This is why, no matter how much factual, reasonable and truly hypocritical things are revealed about him his followers don't register a beat–a truly dangerous mindset.

Exactly, i made a meme thread on Holla Forums about his blank papers and a guy literally said "you are stupid if you believed that was the real think, it was clearly just a representation of his documents"

I mean at this point there is nothing you can say they wont make an excuse for.

I for one, don't like it.

I like my relaxing, slow, banter leftypol. Than fast bullshit Holla Forums.

what is this from?

his pres conference, he put all those stacks of papers and folders in front saying that is just some of his documents about his conflict of interest.

Nobody was allowed to touch them, they werent used, they had no labels or anything, they were there just to be seen "look how much paper lul"

holy fuck, that fucking bullshitter

Meh many hill politicians (including trump) have used such props before. This isn't something that needs to be excused imo. It is something people are being manipulated into treating like a scandal

It's also par for the course in Washington

He was probably raiding them with catgirls, but they did ban plenty of other people too.
Also try to learn how to post before you post.

That's pretty Putinesque.

We're active because a Reagan/Nixon tier idiot is about to take office. The faggots on /r/socialism got triggered extremely hard so we have newfags here now. Also Holla Forums is bleeding users and tons of berniebros who thought frogposting was funny and ironicracism was hip are starting to tire of it and move towards leftist thinking which is more sane and compatible with non-autistic minds

Just a couple days ago the vols were sperging about about us gaining on them pph wise, now there are doing this.

How many layers of irony are they on?

other than probably being uglier than whites will admit because of racial caste system in SMV and having an unbelievably awful speaking voice

Don't take the Holla Forums mod team seriously, they're in it for the keks.

That's just funposting but it'll probably still trigger Holla Forumsacks real good.


Trump and his core supporters are genuinely retarded but there's not many of them so who cares

Trump is fucking shit, he's a plutocrat whose policies will actively worsen the lives of non-wealthy Americans

He's going to create jobs trough is massive infrastructure plan.But that's about it.Oh.And that's going to happen trough even more debt.

He's probably going to usher in another recession but I don't really know much about economics so I should shut up.


It's the catgirls.

because we've got better memes than reddit.

Wait, reddit has memes? I thought they just reposted things for upboats.

That's pretty much what happens. 90% of their memes are reposted from imageboards. It's pretty sad actually.

wrong. I don't support trump, and I did not raid them with cat girls. and I haven't posted in this thread since

it's more the "pretending to be minorities for e-power" aspect that's troubling.