Just a reminder, Holla Forums is trying to move against us.
Just a reminder, Holla Forums is trying to move against us
Other urls found in this thread:
The_Donald is really sticking it to us.
Fucking Holla Forums.
Are they gonna spam us to death?
But we also have Murray Bookchin. The Holla Forumstard fear the Bookchin.
Operation Total Oldfag Mudkips Row Row Fight The Powah is go!!!!
There were like 6 to 10 threads which seemed to be Holla Forums baits (in the last 4 hours). Just a normal day.
This thread is Holla Forums or paranoid shitpost.
Nice try Holla Forums.
How are we supposed to notice any difference when Holla Forums is already shitposting here 24/7?
How have they not died yet from irony?
Where did you find this anyway OP?
Oh no, what are they going to do? Spam accusations of us being jews?
Um, wat? I just complained.
I mean basically this:
Desu is an ancient dead meme, it's the equivalent of us wordfiltering Bordiga to mudkipz and naming some scheme "Operation Mudkipz Distribution".
There was a little raid some time ago and someone grabbed this picture from the stuff they shitposted. The next day the pic appeared and a thread was started discussing it.
Also this:
holy shit, have we actually decreased in quality that much?
I think they're jealous they're being outdone on every front by the Nazbols tbh desu
Maybe you shouldnt have doxed some kid that runs a rival board?
When you organize raids on other people then you cant complain when you get raided in return.
Plus look on the bright side, its inflating your user numbers massively.
A-ancient? Dead? My youth, say it isn't so!
top kek, as they say
It's funny because we're pissing off so many people recently I don't even know what he's talking about.
/desu/ is a tiny board but its still a riva.
And their small size makes it even worse.
Next time pick on someone your own size and you wont make the entire site pissed at you.
Were it not for the presence of Trump I would have assumed this meme to have been excavated from the depths of 2007.
Fucking hell not the wrath of 4chan!!! Please don't! Take the Nazbols but spare me oh god I'm a massive faggot please don't put your pixels on my pixels!!!
OP seems to be quite buttfrustrated by it.
A rival in what way? Why should I give a fuck that some autist got his information spread?
In this case you are both imageboards on the internet.
I'm beginning to think after cross posting on both that Holla Forums has shills too
might be TRS they're an autistic group of stormfags and cuckservatives that espouse 'le h'wite nationalismos' that've been shilling Holla Forums non-stop for weeks ever since their hero was found out to be half-jewish, has a half-black nephew and is married to a jewish woman who's occupation involves organising transexual sex parties
their hypocrisy was uncovered so they've been shitting up the top 5 boards ever since
Yes he definitely seems to be in a state of anger and fear, you've used your 2013 oldfag psychology on him good and proper.
What are we competing for…?
Intellectual hegemony.
Being the biggest faggots, I for one will be giving it my best.
Nobody will stop me being the biggest faggot on the internet
Ignore this guy the contest is being a faggot
That's stupid, user.
You're being stupid.
Oh shit well we can't lose to those faggots!!!
choose one faggot.
If you decide to tripfag while at the same time having public information about you connected to said tripfag,it's your fault you got """"doxxed"""" in the first place.
This is the same shit as Quentin all over again.
I'm going to fuck a load of dudes dicks with my butt, that will show those faggots
You might be right. Thx for the info.
I bet the OP (and the OP of a similar thread on Holla Forums) is the shithead from a certain board that doesn't have the letter sequence pol in its name trying to cause drama. Pic related.
Who are we even talking about?
user here.
If someone who isnt me were to write and distribute a simple script that continually shitposts Karl Marx excerpts to 8/pol/ via the tor network, would anons here participate?
The autistic desu fag and his literally mentally retarded brother.
Not if I get AIDS first!
you know it
Ill keep that in mind. This person who isnt me is fairly busy at uni, but will throw something together over the weekend
Wait someone on Holla Forums made a /desu/?
The audacity of these fucks to call us cancerous newfags.
Yes, these are definitely all people who post here regularly.
check up on this thread after the weekend
>>>Holla Forums8829576
lol, looks like whoever blamed TRS in this thread may be right.
If you define a move as "AUTISTIC SCREECHING" then I suppose, yes.
The_Donald isn't anywhere as schizophrenic as Holla Forums is tbh.
told ya
need more open minded cross posters like me tbh
gotta keep your eye out for this shit
because cancer on the internet aint benign
its malignant and its always trying to metastasize to your bowels and brain
Holla Forums banned me becuase all they care about are memes and muhdik.
Welcome. Here you can expect an honest debate about your ideology… mostly.
Haha yeah turns out it's the faggots in the discord that have got them upset, because some autists spamming of /monster/ until he gets banned five minutes in is definitely a major threat. I just ducked out because there's no point talking to paranoid schizophrenics.
muh roads
So what do we do in return?
Do we post anti Trump memes in here or Holla Forums?
I've been banned for using slang on here
how? how'd you get banned?
What we always do to Nazi scum.
I got banned a few times here for saying that nati.onal socialism is a form of socialism.
Although to be fair the mods have relaxed quite a bit since the election.
You don't do anything you literal member of the opposition larping as another member of the opposition.
If Holla Forums want to attack us because they got duped by some autistic mongo and his brother that's their prerogative, they'll just get banned.
Did you read a book like the ban reason said?
Don't lie, you made that pic
The ban reason didnt mention any books.
It makes it quite difficult to have a discussion when you get banned in the middle of a conversation for saying something which seems pretty obvious.
What are they gonna do? Post more fake infographs, cherrypicked information, and pretense of actually reading sources? Ha.
They will probably just link you to the wikipedia crime statistics by race.
I thought 8/pol/ thought wikipedia was run by Jews.
Praise the digits. He is with us.
ITT: All the digits
Not that Holla Forums believes such things
Exactly so thats why they would link them to you. So you cant argue with them because you are going against the sacred Jew overlords of leftypol.
When will you learn a ban here is irrelevant?
Maybe if the rest of us are really lucky, the ensuing board war will result in the total destruction of both Holla Forums and Holla Forums. No more of you fucks shitting up the rest of our boards.
I could live with that.
t.Holla Forumsyp
This is a 4chan op meant to ignite us against a false opponent while they claim to be comrades in the fight.
When will you learn that nobody here falls for your Holla Forums antics? Bans mean that they have to get up from their seat, which means placing one takes less effort than undoing it.
Anyway, Holla Forums hasn't got shit on us:
1) The trips have already spoken
2) We have the Nazbol occult on our side
All we have to do is go full Nazbol and your days are numbered.
If dubs, then Holla Forums and Holla Forums will both be destroyed and the rest of us happily continue shitposting on our respective boards in peace.
The problem with banning people when they post things you cant argue against is that one day you will have to face those same arguments in a place where you cant just ban people for not agreeing with you.
Then you are going to be up against someone well practiced in defending and rationalizing his beliefs so you will lose badly.
Sounds retarded.
This is what you're doing right now.
Im not even commenting whether you are right or wrong. in your beliefs
Im just helping you out by letting you know that you will lose a lot of arguments if you never have to back up your world view with facts or logic.
death to Holla Forums
death to Holla Forums
long live every other board
Holla Forums seems to be doing just fine
Oh, I thought you meant that if we ban people for raiding then I'm not going to be able to produce a real argument or something.
LOL No I was talking about my ban when I was trying to discuss different types of socialism and got banned.
But as I said, in fairness to you guys that was in the time before the election when leftypol went very ban happy for a couple of months.
Well, the right does always like talking about the "good old days". I find it funny that /monster/ is not considered degenerate by Holla Forums.
Shouldn't we just go to Holla Forums the moment they start raiding here and use it as our imageboard instead?
He was doxxed because he posted his intention about raiding this board.
Czech'68, revisionists.
They will fall on the wrong side of Nazbol magic if they do this, the triple trips are on our side in this ITT thread.
Like some kind of thought crime?
It isn't thoughtcrime if you've expressed your intent to do it.
Read Orwell, jesus fuck.
I meant raiding a board is a thought crime.
Or maybe a crime against pixels.
That's still not thoughtcrime you fucking retard.
what do you think thoughtcrime is?
Its where you trigger leftist by making them think thoughts that didnt originate in the mainstream media.
A toughtcrime refer to an outlawed opinion you fucking retard.
This was the equivalent of "i'm gonna fuck shit up". It's a call for action. You act on the threat depending on its credibility. With the previous history on the board it was judged sufficiently credible to act on it.
who the fuck cares.
we can post based bolshevik propaganda shit back on their board is they ask for it, of course.
>>>Holla Forums8827447
Is this a representative look at what the average Holla Forumsack's mindset is?
Sage because off-topic, I just didn't want to make yet another Holla Forums thread
M8 you cant argue with delusional people because they ignore all your arguments, shout false fake and repeat their memes
Holla Forums should cry me a river, if we believe what they say, then Stalin killed more jews than their beloved Hitler, because holocaust never happened, but Stalin killed 6 gorillion, and he was both a jew and a antisemite, therefore their guy, but also a jew.
What if I told you guize Holla Forums has been raided billions of times in its short history? and all of it failed miserably.
There's nothing to worry about.
god this is fucking cringe
i am so glad i don't associate with these fuckwads anymore
Didn't you come here in the first place because you kept losing arguments with Holla Forums and needed a place where you could ban anyone who wrecked you?
Didn't you come here in the first place because you kept losing arguments with Holla Forums and needed a place where you could ban anyone who wrecked you?
Not him but I guess most came here because any slightly leftist thread on Holla Forums gets banned for "defending jews"
We came here because 8/pol/ banned all leftists. Holla Forums wouldn't even be a thing if 8/pol/ mods allowed everyone to post like on 4/pol/.
Most modern day Holla Forums kiddies only know about 4chan from pages like knowyourmeme, it's not a surprise they are trying so hard to pretend to be oldfags (while being 17 year old edgelord nazis)
Haha I'm 18 but holy shit if you're 20+ and seriously care about imageboards raiding eachother you should reevaluate what's important kek
Just use this opportunity to make fun of how retarded most of them actually are,confront their retarded jew,make juicy memes and have some fun.
jew memes.
You sure are
They do this I will proxy spam interracial porn on Holla Forums 24/7
Did you think they just happen to have a terabyte of interracial porn handy purely to be able to make infographics showing how star wars is a liberal plot to brainwash you into wanting black dick?
They like interracial cuck porn though. Seeing as most are newfags it would trigger them more if you spammed gore and quotes/images shitting on Trump, Hitler, or whatever other faggots they suck off.
Thinking about digging up some of these other Holla Forumsacks trails, but a lot of them are more careful with online footprints.
How sad is it that there is a damn cult for this shitty ancient meme? Remember we already got one of them we can get more possibly.
Who is this sad fuck anyway?
post info
/k/ here
We're not. Go bug Holla Forums about their false flagging.
Yes you fucking are. Holla Forums doesn't fucking post shit like that.
They do lots of shit like that actually especially on this very board.
No, just fucking look at the threads on there. It's a couple of you fuckers arguing the same thing.
I've been posting on imageboards since 2006. These children need to learn that they were never a hive of their kind of faggotry.
They do when they false flag. We're actually the target of most of their bullshit. They're trying to organize some shitty raid of their own right now.
No one archived that thread?
They always post cuck porn. Look, I don't like pol, but you noggers need to cut it out. I know pol doesn't go on about shit oike mop or whatever. Fuck off.
i laughed
Just fucking look
No one is posting da posts?
This group also did the 2014 raid >>>/desu/755
About what? Don't have to believe me. We aren't fucking with /k/. If you want to blame us for Holla Forums shitting all over the site there isn't anything we can do about it.
Holla Forums is literally posting shit and trying to get y'all to raid. Are you fucking retarded?
Alright Holla Forums i'm organising a raid on them on the 20th. If we get hit, we're taking them with us.
t. Holla Forumsyp
if you'd rather we keep looking like cowards to the rest of Holla Forums, sure.
No one will win this war
We are going to make Holla Forums go Mutually Assured Destruction.
DEFEND Holla Forums
Are you the same guy who also goes to all the other boards making the exact same posts all the time too?
I guess they're doing it right now. Do we wanna head out?
Oh no a bunch of threads with ebin raction pics.
This is weak,I was expecting gore,cp,scat and the likes.
This reminds me of that time tumblr tried to """raid""" 4chan.
Absolutely pathetic.Really goes to show you that they really are newfags from reddit.
So the targets are /desu/, /monster/ and /mg/? I'm ready.
It's not the 20th in the US yet comrade, let's give them another chance.
desu doesn't let you make many threads in an hour.After a couple of them it locks down.
Quite pathetic really.
Bumpo por mia kamaradojn
Change your ip address or use a proxy and raid existing threads
It barely has 20 posters
I will continue spamming until morning when there will be nothing left but gore threads
It's pretty sad. Not that gore would bother most here. Actually might be a good thing as it would scare the redditors away.
To be honest, I think we should explain shit if we browse /k/. I don't want to raid /k/ with dank may mays, but I think this thread is not too bad for explaining shit.
It's funny because the few people raiding desu are using gore images.
PS we need more people for the raid
I doubt spamming gore thread on anonymous imageboards have that much of an effect actually. Maybe you could trigger a few autists with pictures os Suizesiki getting abused tough…
No one cares about raids, here. You're obviously new if you think that it happens & it isn't just Holla Forums stirring shit up.
Should be spamming their website too rather than just their board here.
No, the mods of r/socialism started that shit & tried to direct people here to raid us as well.
You mean the chan?
Oh dang, they have their own chan? No wonder they don't care what happens to their board here when they have their own homebase.
It's time to strike them at their heart.
Oh, Green. You lovable scamp.
Why are you spamming their board when they haven't done anything here?
real subtle, only thing missing is starting threads crying "OMG leftypol is riding us!!!!"
I don't know about you peeps, but I think we could turn the gurochan situation over to our side. Scatbros are the hardest of the hardcore and the ones I've introduced to Holla Forums have become invaluable allies and memesmiths (one of them is responsible for over 65% of the stuff in our very own OC threads).
Don't kinkshame the lost friends: calmly explain the ideals of Karl Marx to them and they'll quickly fill up your ranks like, mmmmmm, a swollen diaper full of gooey goodness :)
btw their experience with image manips could be invaluable for seizing the memes of production, just saying
Needs more gore and zippocat
I am stopping for now since these are just warning shots.
green stop acting like a goon. also the leftypol discord is quiet at the moment because of you.
ok, so a few days of shitting on our board followed by nothing. Check that off for 2017, I`ll book those days of for irl funsies.
That isn't me, i don't use fucking watermarks on images
Is this what an old person meme looks like?
Be careful there Green. You might not get enough good boy points to have tendies for breakfast, and wouldn't that feel bad?
What's happening with Gurochan? Dead once again?
Holla Forums invited them to raid us or something
Yo, I have no idea what Holla Forums's going on about, but please keep Holla Forums out of it. shit's annoying as fuck.
I agree with you. Politics doesn't belong on the hobby boards. Unfortunately some autists from Holla Forums and /desu/ are trying to stir shit up.