Leftypol, Am I left?

Alright guys, yesterday I've posted to the wrong leftypol… So i'll just copy it here. I'm not sure if links are allowed though, so I'll repost a few of the comments I've got there, since I think the replies are relevant. Post in text - rest in pictures.

Guys, I am an east european. My forefathers on both of my family lines (mother-father) are slavic most were communists. I'm not a communist myself, although I do believe we will end up in a communist society (not saying its bad), I'm more of a socialist. I don't believe we will get to communism with the current mindset in the closest 100 years.

I live in EU, And the reason I'm writing this is that would vote Trump if I would get the chance. Although he is a money grabbing multi-national type of guy, I connect to most of what he's saying.

1. Fuck political correctness. Because it breeds people of the "pay me i'm black" kind.

2. Fuck political establishment, because they are capitalist pigs just like him, but not caring for the nation. I.e. trans-nation type.

3. I support most of the alt-right ideas, with the exception that they are fucking fascists. I.e. I understand that black people leach of welfare in 'murica and that is a bad thing, as long as a socialist like me might think. I.e. those who do not work - do not eat. I'm Russian I understand that, it's fare in general.

4. I Understand that SJW's are fucking cancer. Saying white men are devils and should be eradicated, or even ALL males should be.. I'm a white male, fuck the nazis who are saying I should be dead because of my skin color.

5. I totally understand the difference between african americans and niggers, the first should be praised AS MUCH as white americans for working and paying taxes, the second part are class traitors.

So where does it put me Holla Forums? Holla Forums is quite sure i'm a libtard cucklord, but I despise their fascism and call them that myself….




You didn't tell your views on economics. Do you consider it secondary to all this race stuff? Then perhaps you aren't a leftist

Just hang around here for a while man, you'll soon know if you belong here or there.

You're a seriously spooked centrist who's been played like a fiddle by Porky to only concern himself with identity nonsense.

You're not a Socialist.What's with the racism too? No mention of economics?

You basically sound like just a confused reactionary tbh

well I suppose the best you can be is a shitty marksoc with that attitude. how 'bout reading some anti-work stuff and dropping the "le blacks and SJeW's"

A political compass test is generally pretty bad at figuring out your political leanings. You have to be pretty edgy or basically retarded to end up anywhere other than the green square (i.e. you have to believe that what's good for big money is always good for the general public or that national borders are a natural and magical phenomena that must be obeyed or that children with mental disabilities should be gassed or other stupid shit like that). Basically the fact that you're in the green square means you're not just being edgy for the sake of it, which is a start. All you have to do now is read.

Its hard to tell, I believe it should be a gradual transformation (very gradual) from money to "respect points" or something like that.

I.e. the GENERAL society generates so much wealth that most of the jobs are automated and people have a basic income just for being people. No debilitation because lack of money, no GENERAL need for crime unless you're a real faggot (then be purged by death squads *justjoking*)

So people could work for 4-5 hours a day and have enough time to further educate themselves, take proper care of their children, and if they feel like it - do something for the society. The respect from others is a good motivation, people do even crazy shit because of that. And therefore people could use those "respect points" or whatever - to allocate to other people. With the ones having more taking priority in using common resources (i.e. a scientific society debating what to diverse resources to).

Something like that. Definitely not capitalism. I don't believe in the "Free market". Since there is no "free market". (Thank god for that movie "too big to fall" it helped me so much to ask the right questions from people. Free market economy- right? Right! The weak do not survive and so every new company gets better, right? Right! BAILOUTS MOTHERFUCKER WHAT NOW?!)

I've read the FAQ, it's like a jackpot actually. I mean it's hard being between two fires (siegheiling pol and SJWS)

I've commented on economics here -
Generally I think the USSR system should be updated and bettered by a grade.
If you choose any capitalist system to pick to start transforming it would be norway.

Sorry - economics here and here

Like this?

I've got the general anti-work idea from the USSR ideology and general planning. Although I do not know who is a "shitty marksoc" I am really pissed by those degenerate SJWs and would file a vacation to a GULAG for them if I had the possibility. Fucking scum.

I know. Education frees. As stated above, KAPITAL is my new book. It's actually hard to educate oneself but needed.

bump, i guess

Do you speak Russian?

Do you support the worker's right to seize and self manage the workplace?

Your a massive shitstabber a total dog fucker a waste of space and a motherfucking commie retard, I hope your entire genetic line is wiped out in one beautiful car crash or house fire.

KYS commie faggot.

Hello Holla Forums. How are you today?

Pissed off with your wankerish threads, I had to hide at least 3, please kys

Join us.




Well no shit

How can you like /leftypol, people don't even insult eachother here! How is this better than good old fashioned /pol? The leftist cuck propaganda will ensure the decline and fall of the modern european culture.

If the cucks and the shills are allowed to continue their course it will either end up with a middle east in europe and america, or the next nazi germany.

Everything in your post, from your misunderstanding of how welfare works to your absolutely boring and trite opinions on cultural issues ("I don't mind black ppl but I dislike niggers!" is the sort of shit a corny 45 year old stuck in the 90s would say) leads me to believe that you're a complete stereotype of a dumb young guy who should just stay away from politics altogether, or at least until you realise that watching Bill Burr clips is not a proper substitute to reading the news.

It's actually kind of mindblowing that despite not uttering a single original thought and not concerning yourself with political or economic issues of any significance, you simultaneously seem to think that your worldview is so unorthodox and mold-breaking that you deserve not one, but TWO threads dedicated to figuring out what label best suits you, as if only a team of scientists could solve this fucking puzzle.

And no, you're not a socialist, and if I could I would make an earnest bet on you dying without having ever properly learned what that is.

Stay in your lane, accept your fate of becoming that mediocrity at the corner of the party who won't shut up about how music today sucks and how we're raising a "generation of wimps" and don't try to delve into political theory or mask your shitty worldview with pseudo-socialist language (muh class traitors) again.

Да конечно, родной язык

I support "artels" meaning that people who form a company - share the tools to make profit and share the profit equally

Will not happen. We ended that jew on your pic.

fuck you kruat sympathizer nigger (you happy nao?)

People like you are why the Left is dead.


People constantly insult each other. Try posting with a SocDem or Trot flair for a while.

All you posters are giant fucking faggots. Only answer is to lurk moar, read a fucking book or at least a few wiki pages and cliffs notes on socialism and communism lurk some moar, try posting and naturally get btfo because you don't know your shit. Over time you'll either gain a generally alright idea of socialism, will gain views that are more or less in keeping with them if slightly divergent, but at least internally consistent. Learn to support them and refine them and you'll be an ok poster.

political compass a shit btw