Alright guys, yesterday I've posted to the wrong leftypol… So i'll just copy it here. I'm not sure if links are allowed though, so I'll repost a few of the comments I've got there, since I think the replies are relevant. Post in text - rest in pictures.
Guys, I am an east european. My forefathers on both of my family lines (mother-father) are slavic most were communists. I'm not a communist myself, although I do believe we will end up in a communist society (not saying its bad), I'm more of a socialist. I don't believe we will get to communism with the current mindset in the closest 100 years.
I live in EU, And the reason I'm writing this is that would vote Trump if I would get the chance. Although he is a money grabbing multi-national type of guy, I connect to most of what he's saying.
1. Fuck political correctness. Because it breeds people of the "pay me i'm black" kind.
2. Fuck political establishment, because they are capitalist pigs just like him, but not caring for the nation. I.e. trans-nation type.
3. I support most of the alt-right ideas, with the exception that they are fucking fascists. I.e. I understand that black people leach of welfare in 'murica and that is a bad thing, as long as a socialist like me might think. I.e. those who do not work - do not eat. I'm Russian I understand that, it's fare in general.
4. I Understand that SJW's are fucking cancer. Saying white men are devils and should be eradicated, or even ALL males should be.. I'm a white male, fuck the nazis who are saying I should be dead because of my skin color.
5. I totally understand the difference between african americans and niggers, the first should be praised AS MUCH as white americans for working and paying taxes, the second part are class traitors.
So where does it put me Holla Forums? Holla Forums is quite sure i'm a libtard cucklord, but I despise their fascism and call them that myself….