Political Compass

I'm trying to get a reasonable estimate for the political compass in an international sense. The examples commonly given only include EU and US so many people don't have a good perspective for how different things could be. So far I've compiled the average of what I found on google and this is what I got. Its a little fudged to make it so you can see all the names without overlap.

What else would you include and where would you put it? What would you remove? Are there any well known philosophers or current countries that I could replace less known or country specific politicians? What is iconic that people will know about?

After its finished I'm going to clean it up and link the names to wiki entries in a pastebin and a google doc so it can be used for re-education.


make your own: politicalcompass.org/crowdchart?showform

Bush (6.0,4)
Castro (-5.0,3)
China (-2.0,5)
Chomsky (-8.0,-10)
Friedman (5.0,-3)
Gandhi (-6.0,-3)
Hitler (3.0,9)
Jefferson (2.0,-4)
Johnson (10.0,-2)
Lenin (-10.0,3)
Luxemburg (-10.0,-2)
Mandela (-6.0,-5)
Mao (-10.0,5)
Marxism (-10.0,-6)
Mugabe (-5.0,6)
Obama (3.0,2)
Pakistan (-3.0,2)
Paul (9.0,-4)
Pinochet (10.0,10)
Proudhon (0.0,-10)
Rand (10.0,-7)
Reagan (8.0,7)
Rothbard (9.0,-9)
Rucker (-4.0,-10)
Russia (1.0,4)
Sanders (-5.0,0)
Saudi (3.0,7)
Stalin (-8.0,9)
Stein (-3.0,-2)
Trotsky (-10.0,0)
Trump (6.0,6.0
Vietnam (-8.0,2)
Washington (1.0,-2)

Other urls found in this thread:


How the hell are Pakistan and China leftist? Why is Vietnam further to the left than Castro? Why isn't a single Marxist located anywhere near Marxism? Why is Stalin like twice as authoritarian as Mugabe or Mao? How is Stalin less Leftist than Lenin when he went full planned economy and murdered the entire petite-bourgeoisie whilst Lenin allowed some compromise in the form of the NEP? How is Leon "Kronstadt" Trotsky about as democratic as Sanders? Seriously, what the fuck.


Was Trotsky more lib than Lenin? As lib as Sanders? If we're looking at people's policies, then Lenin should probably be a bit more right due to the NEP. It might also help to have some people mark the far sides and corners, sort of like you've already done with Trotsky and Pinochet, so you can more easily measure the others (you more lib than Trotsky and more left than Proudhon, you're lib-left).

The political compass itself doesn't really tell you much. Labels like "left' and "right" or "Libertarian"and Authoritarian" are very broad. Mao being displayed as slightly more authoritarian as Lenin doesn't really tell me about the life or politics of either figure.

Some of these placements are just weird as well. Modern Vietnam, China and Pakistan aren't really leftist at all. How is Russia to the left of Obama and less authoritarian than Trump or Reagan? Saudi Arabia is probably the most authoritarian country on the list. Washington isn't much of a libertarian he personally crushed the whisky rebellion, owned slaves and was controlled by the federalists. You can go on and on…

Into the trash it goes.

What shitposting thread on Holla Forums did you find those in?

idk user thats what the google had them as.

I thought the Pakistan was odd too.

I heard here on leftypol that Vietnam was successfully communist?? Cuba is the same. Isn't China centrally planned? Or is it basically USA 2.0? I'd imagine the Mugabe stuff is revisionism but I cant find anything that puts him somewhere else.

This chart gave me cancer.




It wasn't a stateless, moneyless society, so no. China has gone full revisionist.



What has marxism-leninism done since the 90's?

Why does it hurt user?


Are you calling apples oranges, when you don't have enough oranges?

Whatever MLs have done puts them in the blue


Ok thanks for confirming it

Here's the real political compass for ya.

None of them achieved their goal?

how many points should I take off?

Where the hell does Trotsky go? Other side of Luxembourg or further than Marx?

I was going off the founding fathers meme where people place their writings and ideals there.

I'm also not sure where Gaddafi/Libya then and now, Assad, Saddam and Bin-Laden would go. Kurdistan needs a spot. I would like to include more African countries that had communist revolutions and fill out the Lolberts side(why I added Washington) to give the appearance of balance. Give them literature and maybe they'll realize AnCapistan isn't as fun as it sounds.

It would be great to do before/after of falling and rising nations and movements since WWII. I think this would help dispel the myth that communism=fascism that a lot of people seem to believe.

That's why I still have it on the state side +3. Its probably too far to the left because I didn't want the name to cover the one next to it.
Rough draft.


its not my meme son


The only political compass that truly matters

Who is this Marxism guy?


All these Hitlers placed on the Left piss me off. How politically and economically illiterate can Americans get?


Fuck me, that one's actually better


I might have been going for Venezuela where I put Vietnam. Maybe (+) means current for China and India? I ignored India because Gandhi is common on these charts. There's no legend. Also this is shifted down a lot, US/EU Japan Isreal are not anywhere near that libertarian so I shifted everything a bit up.

Still doesn't explain Pakistan-but if Pakistan is derivative from Gandhian India with more authority I think its at least close.

These are pretty good.


Chomsky is basically, in effect and whatever he says notwithstanding, a social democrat.

Why Kropotkin is higher up on the authoritarian scale, I do not know.

All of these charts are cancer.


Literally guessing with this one.

Kek for Pinochet

that is the only legitimate role of government, maybe some gibmedats for plebs. The State is a reinforcement mechanism for capital

Why go on fml


Is this chart implying that Disney's new Star Wars saga is more leftist than the original trilogy?


Please stop posting this garbage.

Does 'spectrum' trigger you?
