I know, co-operatives do work within capitalism already, that's the beauty of it.
Yeh probably you will be nice to each other after all of that bonding.
Already conceded I have shitty spelling, yet here you are still carrying on about it like it matters..
Point me to where I said this.
Forming a group of delegates or a simple assembly of co-operative workers, assessing their area for what will be most effective, then deciding between themselves how to act.
So switch buildings. The point is your democratised something. Unless you are suggesting an instant cabal of landlords who suddenly up the price of the land astronomically just for us.
Where are you going to get the money to buy land from? Out of nowhere? It is much more expensive to buy raw land than to rent commercial property and also a much bigger risk. Sure, money would have to be raised to start a co-op but nowhere near as much as buying land. Although buying land in the immediate could also be an option if the conditions were right.
See, these are the kinds of things that would be left directly to you. Isn't that a good thing? If you think I'm retarded you can have your own form of democracy. So long as you are gonna chip in to the mutual fund and get on board with the projects. You can buy land instead of starting a co-op, then later we can federate and buy healthcare.
>The profit that they blew on community projects and on buying land
This is specifically at the stage after that, once we are reaping the profits of buying the land.
Come on man at least read what I wrote at this point you're kind of just being facetious.
No actually it is incredibly efficient, you make stuff, you give it out. You don't bother with markets or having to refer to a hierarchy.
We are no just handing out things willy nilly. we start with the basics, housing and so on. Then we build up. Once we own them outright, the only cost is in maintaining them.
>you will start losing productivity
Why? We will have been giving away a big chunk of our earnings from the beginning? Why would it only take effect just now? There are plenty of businesses out there that exist like this right now. All I have really suggested is bringing them together to pool resources, try to tackle larger community issues, and to form situationist solidarity groups to advertised this.