
What do you guys think of the kibbutzim? My grandmother worked at one and my mom was born on one. Why did they fail? Also what do you think of zionist ideology since many early zionists were socialists?

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Ashkenazi supremacist crap

Utopian nonsense like the Amish/Hutterites

what's wrong with nationalism?


Except if you're a white fucking male.

a load of mythical bullshit to get workers to fight one another



Evidence that only Jews are intelligent enough for true communism.

Every left-wing ideology is utopian to some extent. Whether it's MLs thinking industrialization will magically lead to communism or anarcho-syndicailsts thinking all social hierarchies can be abolished through radical unionism to anarcho-primitivists wanting to go back to the woods to Trotskyists thinking Permanent Revolution can usher in full communism on a global scale. Literally everyone is utopian.

Only utopian in the sense that a lifejacket is a utopia to a drowning man. Liberals were utopians back in 1800's.

kys shlomo

watch out u will trigger the goyim

Utopian, in that they ignore logic in favor of wishful thinking. Anarcho-syndicalism also fits this mold because it, like Stalinism, assumes all social antagonisms can be resolved by "the union." By that logic, anarchist Catalonia should have ended patriarchy, homophobia, and other rigid social structures when it didn't (in fact, women in the Mujeres Libres frequently complained of abuse by anarchist men). But the workers had control of the factories, right?


kill yourself zionist apartheidist imperialist kyke scum


I'm very concerned that even a shitposter might believe this unironically. It seems like the uncritical worship of Israel and the Zionist movement on the Western Left has not died despite BDS and the bad press Israel has gotten lately.

Most of the regimes tankies support are also racialist, especially the DPRK and Ba'athist regimes. There ain't nothing socialist about racial purity, not that Israel is any better in that regard, but still.

USSR was anti-racist far more then Israel or the United States despite their constant propaganda. They created the republic system to deal with the problem of national oppression and racism under the Tsarist Empire.

Let's not delude ourselves by thinking there's any other reason that people would believe Israel got closer to communism then any other country other then the fact that Israel is now considered a wealthy country.

However, in the 50s-60s when the Kibbutzim movement was at its height in Israel the USSR was actually richer per capita. When Israel started to throw off their phony socialist mask they got a lot richer largely thanks to increased Western support.

It's not that the left is "pro-Israel." It's that the left has no idea *how* to deal with this conflict aside from vague buzzwords which don't translate into actions ("abolish Zionism!", "one-state solution!").

In South Africa, the solution was pretty fucking simple given as to how whites only ever consisted of 17% of the population, making them a pretty clear aristocracy. But in the case of Palestine, about half the people between the river and the sea are "genocidal Zionist settler-colonials". Even within the West Bank, the settler population is growing (even though immigration to Israel has gone down in the past year) while the Palestinian birthrate is slowly but surely declining. Even with a one-state solution, how the FUCK is something as crucial as a land reform supposed to be implemented? Those Zionists living in lands they consider holy like Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, Shiloh, etc. aren't going to willingly give up their lands, not to mention the settlements are almost always plopped on top of the best farming land.

At this point, everything all depends on what the Palestinians themselves do. BDS can only do so much. No one is going to put sanctions on Israel (especially not when the new wave of far-right governments seem more than eager to partner with Bibi), and while boycotts can be effective to some extent, they'll hardly be enough. Remember, the major reason apartheid in SA ended was due to uprisings and boycotts done by *black South Africans themselves*.

The USSR never ended its Russian chauvinism. There's a reason why most people in former Soviet republics despise Russians.

Which is surprising considering how a Georgian was leading the USSR for 30 years and a Ukrainian was leading the USSR for 11 years.

Coincidentally it is these two countries that hate Russia the most.

In my experience no western leftist uncritically support Israel, and they all oppose zionism. If you're talking about liberals then my experience is that they are among the most anti-semitic "groups" out there.

zionism is the most literally reactionary ideology on the face of the planet. basically huuurdddurrr i own and deserve this piece of land because our desert fairy tale book written by desert inbreds which made up shit like the non-existent slavery in egypt where we totally built the pyramids and shiet and then went wandered for decades in the desert only to magically come across the land and holocaust all the natives and claim it as it own thousands of years ago means it belongs to us today! herpderphyuk! judaism and israel is all made up bullshit and jews are an invented people.

The Baltic states are the most anti-Russian to my knowledge. The Muslim regions in the Caucus don't quite like Russia music either.

Even if your little rambling is entirely true, how do you fight Israel today? BDS' effects are highly limited, and no one is going to sanction Israel in today's day and age.

You are:
1. Assuming the thing that needs to be proven. I've met many people from the former Soviet republics who don't hate Russians and in fact if polls are to be believed there's quite bit of nostalgia for the USSR. It certainly wasn't reflected in the referendum on the USSR:
Russia had a greater proportion of people that wanted to see the USSR break up then most of the non-Russian republics.

2. You're ignoring the fact that the efforts that the Soviet leadership made in their propaganda about anti-racism, bringing the peoples together, and the republican system reflected a real desire to bring an end to Russian chauvinism.

3. Have you considered that one of the reasons that the fight against Russian chauvinism became lax was the Khrushchev and Brezhnev era when the leadership of the USSR became conservative and decided to re-instate capitalism to increasingly greater degree until the open switch under Gorbachev.

4. Seeing how its been almost 30 years since the USSR broke up that means a lot of people have been educated in the bourgeois nationalist mythologies of the new states and a smaller and smaller proportion of the population ever experienced life in the USSR. Do they authentically hate everything Russian or are they being distracted by bourgeois nationalism to distract the working class from its real problems and get them swept up in great power games?

5. You have the small problem of false equivalence, even if your claim that Russian chauvinism never died or we accept the crypto-conspiratorial claim that the Soviet leadership never intended to fight it at what point is "Russian chauvinism" comparable to expelling 700,000 people from their homes using systematic terror as the Israelis did during the Nakba. Even if racism stems from a common belief in ethnic greatness not all racism is the same in context.

Anti-Zionism =/= Anti-Semitism. I think most liberals just oppose the expansion of Israel and their acts against Palestinians.

I would even argue that anti-Israeli expansion =/= anti-Zionism. I'm not one of those "ship em all back to Europe" types but there's more to Zionism as an ideology then just occupying the holy land, it is an internationalist right-wig movement and perhaps the most successful one yet.


I want the porkies to die and for production to be utilized in a way that is beneficial to society as a whole and not harmful to the planet. If that is utopia, we're all dead men walking.

Well, the liberals I know don't know that jews aren't necessarily zionists. They throw fits at any potential racism yet freely use "jew" as an insult and find jewish stereotypes hilarious. This is why I said leftists oppose zionism, but liberals oppose jews. Again, this is my experience in my corner of the world.

Even if you could "abolish Zionism" there's simply no way you can send all the Ashkenazim back to Europe or the US. Most Ashkenazi Israelis have ancestors who came to Palestine before 1948 and thus the land between the river and the sea IS their homeland de facto.

Op here. Im not a zionist , My grandmother became a buddhist later anyway kek. Dont be so close minded comrade. The issue is not as black and white as you think. All the palestinian resistance is irrelevant execpt for Islamists.

The only other way to "destroy" Israel would be to take advantage of Israel's internal contradictions in hopes that the country will fall into ruin, giving the Palestinians an opportunity to seize power. But this too has been proven a failrue: anti-Zionists have tried taking advantage of the Ashkenazi/Mizrachi divide for decades, hoping Mizrachi Jews will reject Zionism and side with their Palestinian Arab cousins, only to see Mizrachim get ever the more right-wing and mixed-marriages in Israel skyrocket. Not to mention secular Ashkenazim in Israel are basically the equivalent to "white liberals" in the US. Certainly, there are many Mizrachim who resent Ashkenazim supremacy and who wish to rediscover their Yemeni, Iraqi, and Moroccan roots, but that hardly translates to dumping Zionism for pan-Arabism.

Pan arabism is crap and is dead. Nothing unites a moroccan jew and a Lebanonese Muslim. They can barely even understand each other. The Mizrachim will definitely not side with Palestinian arabs. Tbh these internal contradictions aren't big enough to destroy the state of Israel, not even close.

Agreed, and we shouldn't forget over 50% of Israelis have at least one Mizrachi or non-Ashkenazi grandparent, yet don't really desire Israel's destruction (especially since the Mizrachim have the Shas Party, which is basically a Mizrachi-dominated Likud).

Look at Hila from H3H3 for instance: she's half Ashkenazi and half Mizrachi (Libyan) and basically looks like your average Israeli.

What do you think the left should do in this situation? The vast majority of Israelis are zionists (Mizrachim and Ashkenazim).

You mean the left in the west, or the Palestinian left?

At this point, there really isn't that much western leftists (or leftists outside of Palestine/Israel in general) can do except go after companies which profit off the occupation and politicians which approve military aid to Israel. Divestments would be good, but again, everything all depends on what the PALESTINIANS themselves do.

Divestments played a significant role in ending apartheid in South Africa, but what played a bigger role were the actions of black South Africans themselves. If the Palestinians aren't resisting *all the time* and doing so in a way that actually matters, then they're basically sitting ducks. Watching them try to fight Israel through little stabbing and truck attacks all while the settlements are getting more numerous and the Israeli government is getting more fascistic is like watching a mother mouse trying to fight off a snake 10 times her size as it proceeds to swallow up her babies. It's fucking sad.

What should the Palestinian left do as well the Israeli left? Western leftists cannot do much against the Israeli regime. All the little attacks that Palestinians do are pretty pointless tbh. Also i don't think going out protesting shouting Al Mawt li Israel ( death to Israel) will do much to help them.

Holy shit look at this faggot's victim complex

It's hard to say. The "logical" thing to do would be form Weather Underground-type groups and bring the war home, so to say. But most Israeli leftists are peaceniks and I doubt they'd resort to violent acts on the streets of Tel Aviv.

The only other option is the reformist one, i.e. get Palestinians joining Israeli unions and work small reforms from the inside. Basically, going back to some kind of proletarian internationalism, perhaps some kind of all-inclusive kibbutzim which allow Palestinians and Jews to work side-by-side in a non-hierarchcal and democratic fashion.

Either that, or there can be some kind of leftist Zionist revivalism. Even if the Israeli regime dissolves, Israelis themselves are not going anywhere and neither is their Zionist mentality. Just look at what happened with the Afrikaaners when apartheid fell in SA: many of the ones who remained formed fascist/white supremacist organizations and kept with their white colonial attitudes. Again, keep in-mind that white South Africans were never more than 17% of SA's population; now compare that with Palestine where roughly half the population would be Jews. A one state of Palestine will no doubt usher in civil war.

To add, Israelis today are more religious than they've ever been. There is no way anti-Zionists can ignore this.

You would need a Jewish Liberation Theology. The religious Jews who are making life hell for the Palestinians aren't going to give up God anytime soon, so why not create a new orthodox Jewish theology which emphasizes leftist goals?


No, it's mostly about LARPing. Communists aren't relevant to the Palestinian struggle any more.

You have to keep in mind the average Israeli is NOT the enemy similar to how the average Trump voter isn't the enemy. These people are born into a racist system and socialized as such. They can be reformed with enough work.

No shit.

Lol communes in a porky outpost fiefdom

Zionism is trash tier, the last thing jews need to do is gather in one place so people have an easy way of wiping them all out at once.

Lol at this notion that Israelis are blood soaked savages, go look at Putin/Erdogan/Mubarek/Saudi death tolls and compare. Hilarious ignorance of scale and context.

So how do you "reverse" Zionism, especially when the majority of Israelis are mixed?

Those trips boi

Lol you fucking leave or you gear up for Millenial muslim population spike and ensuing culture/race war

It was a stupid, vaguely justified idea that is going to result in Jews disappearing from this earth as a race by being bred out of existence

Most Israelis don't want to leave. What do you do then? Kill them all?

Which river do you mean though? Where does the expansion end? Till the cherished plan of Greater Israel is completed and its territory or sphere of influence stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates?

Jordan River.

"Greater Israel" is an antisemitic trope. NO ONE, not even the biggest Zionist fucktards, believe in annexing all the land from the Nile to Euphrates. The most they want to annex is Area C of the West Bank.

Wrong. I want all that land to be given to the jews. It'll be glorious.

Meant for


The JIDF is strong on this board.

this isn't true.
also pflp do all the stabbing attacks on israeli soldiers you hear about. literally all of them are done by pflp

jews are good though, they make retards mad

Unfortunately, this form of antisemitism is also reflected in leftist circles. Some of these positions can be found in the pro-Palestinian movement. When, for example, the Palestinian struggle is inseparably associated with the struggle for peace, for human rights, and for the political right of self-determination of the Palestinians. There is no recognition that for example suicide bombings have nothing to do with emancipation. Nor is it recognized that a radical antisemitism exists in groups like Hamas or Hezbollah. If these groups prevailed it would mean the death of five million Israeli Jews. But also gays, lesbians, feminists, transgender or even just people who want to dance to loud music would have a hard time according to the ideas of Hamas—presumably as would the rest of the population. Strange organizations for left-wing solidarity, aren`t they?

what do you expect man? there are so many "leftists" who think supporting israel just because they happened to be born jewish makes sense because "they aren't that bad".

its literally just nazi mentality shit. its like if some dude who was born a muslim supported isis because they are both muslims, there is no real ideology behind it just some nazi mentality.
anyone who supports zionism should be permabanned from this board

Hamas has more support than the PFLP. Also, the stabbing attacks do very little for the cause of liberation.

hamas and hezbollah don't do that. also hamas won the election in gaza and elected a bunch of women as well. regardless this is about supporting their resistance, they arent comrades but theres no reason why anyone who calls themselves a leftist shouldn't support their resistance against apartheid and colonialism.

holy shit lol liberalism now makes perfect sense to me

they both have a lot of support for a reason.

and yes, stabbing israeli soldiers is always a good thing

Hamas are still anti-proletarian.

Better support the imperialists then kek. Literally the same logic liberals used for Iraq and Afghanistan invasions.

Why do you think so many "lefties" are so anti-semitic though? I think it's misapplied anti-imperialism: tankies and maoists hate the west and don't think anything can progress until the west is kill, so they hate Israel as a result (despite it being objectively closer to a communist society with better protections for minorities and workers than basically everywhere else in the region except maybe Rojava).

No one is saying we ought to support Israel. We're just saying it's fucking stupid to support Hamas.

Yeah but u forget we live in a world with no nuance. For example u are a cuck who want all the refugees and open borders or you are some racist who hates muslim. My point being there is no dialogue discussing the actual issue just two sides of extremism. The issue of Palestine and Israel in particular is not completely black and white. It is more complicated than third world people good zionists bad. Hopefully we can try to foster a dialogue about the issue.

Israel isn't even "western" in that 1. the majority of its population are Mizrachi/Sephardi Jews and 2. it has a large orthodox Jewish population which certainly doesn't adhere to contemporary western norms like consumerism or narcissism.

whats it like to be insanely retarded

Low energy.

i take comfort in knowing you will get a bullet to the head someday, apartheidist imperialist kike scum

I don't support Israel. I'm just saying it's baseless to claim Israel can be dealt with the same way all these other western powers can.

Nice assumption.

what dialogue is there to foster?
a western colonialist project that projects apartheid and religious superiority (ie jewish isis) has robbed a bunch of indigenous people of their homeland. hamas being "KINDA SPOOKY CAUSE THEY FOLLOW ISLAM SO YOU KNOW GOD BLESS ISRAEL" is just beyond fucking retarded, they are put in an open air prison and are used as an excuse to get fucking retards like you to be reactionaries.

but this doesn't matter, you are only defending israel because one of your parents was born jewish and you know it. you aren't a real leftist. you are a genuine traitor and deserve a bullet in the back of the head

no they aren't

this is flat out not true. hamas gets a really unfair and bad rap when in actuality they were democratically chosen and are way more progressive than people in the left think compared to what is occuring and what is expected of their environment, same goes for hezbollah in some sense, netanyahu literally compares the groups to fucking isis which is ridiculous. the situation is more complex than how you think it is.

and Hamas is not anti-proletariat they are an important part of palestinian resistance against apartheid and imperialism, even if they are used as a tool sometimes to make people like you more reactionary. they are not comrades but as i've said you can't be a fucking leftist or even remotely call yourself a marxist if you don't support their resistance

You missed my point. I was just pointing out there is a lack of nuance in discussion in general instead there is just insulting eachother like you are doing. I didn't even give my opinion on the issue. I am not defending Israel at all. You cannot just blind yourself like this. The Palestinian resistance has commited many crimes (not even close to as much as Israel) against civillians such as a suicide bus attack in the city my mother is from.

not true, on the low pflp is still the biggest force of resistance in everywhere but gaza in palestine.

and their only real ideological competition is the dflp which is a maoist organization

Workers wouldn't fight each other if nation states were abolished?

Hezbollah > Hamas
Hamas backed the Al Qaeda groups in Syria while Hezbollah backed the government. While I'm not saying to write Hamas off completely, it's clearly a pretty shitty organization compared to others in the region.

and i'm telling you there's a lack of nuance because there is nothing to "debate". anyone who supports israel is not a real leftist.

as someone who's been to syria all i can say is the hamas position on syria during the arab spring days was misjudged and they lost so much for it. but they slowly began opening their eyes and now they don't have a side.

its true they used to hold up fsa flags and whatever not realizing what was actually going on but over the past 2 years they stopped shitting on assad and have re-gained ties with iran and hezbollah.
they are technically neutral in the conflict now. unlike pflp which has always known whats really going on in syria and has backed the ba'athists from day 1

nice nasheed mate. Im sure u realize that Hamas wants an Islamic state. What is the end goal for leftists there?

u been to syria?
Hal tatakallam lughatul arabiyya?

What white people can to do help Palestine: become Palestinian.

Yeah, I know Israel isn't western, and I'm perfectly aware that the vast majority of Israeli Jews are middle eastern and not lily white (despite many of the most bougie in their society being European etc). The issue is that Israel is viewed through a tankie/maoist/revisionist lens that reinterprets it away from a self-determination movement of jews and tries to claim it's some kind of western settler-colonial state. Israel may not be western, but it's called western by people with fucked up politics in an attempt to delegitimise it or claim it's especially bad.

This isn't to say Israel isn't shit or does shit things, merely that liberal democracies are slightly less shit than tinpot theocratic dictatorships, and secondly that the vast majority of the people complaining about it only give a fuck about dead or dispossessed arabs when they can point at THE JEW as being responsible, which is completely fucked on so many levels.

I don't get how anti-Zionism won't be just as racialist as Zionism is. How many Palestinians who demand Ashkenazim "go back to Europe" also demand Mizrachim "go back to Yemen/Iraq/Iran/Morocco"? Not to mention I doubt a successful land reform could be carried out unless it was on a race-basis rather than a class-basis.

My understanding of permanent revolution is more "socialism and capitalism can't coexist so we basically have to destroy capitalism everywhere or be destroyed ourselves."
To be quite honest history vindicated him there.

Well, for me that is really the crux of the issue. More Jews were forced out of their homes and communities in the middle east and north africa in the 40s than Arabs were in what became Israel. How often are calls to dissolve the Jewish state married to demands for those countries to reintegrate their jewish populations? How often are demands for anti-zionism alongside demands for solidarity with even more oppressed groups in the region, such as Kurds, Druze, Baloch, etc?

The only real solution of course is one that doesn't rely on nationalisms, that allows everyone self-determination, or communist societies across the region, or something more communalist/bookchinish with decentalised, independent communities in a confederation of some kind. But the calls against Israel aren't based on these things, they're based on some kind of anti-jewish exceptionalism, with the underlying idea that if only those dastardly jews were somehow magically removed, it would magically result in communism and sunshine and puppies and rainbows, which is fucking retarded.

I think it has more to do with the fact that anti-Zionism is actually useful for anti-imperialism as it gets rid of a western client state in the region. How the fuck does Druze or Baloch nationalism help end imperialism?

All states are bad, whether they are Western or not has nothing to do with it. If the West never existed, we'd still have imperialism from other empires and places, and the current world order with a dominant West is really just a consequence of the West industrialising first.

I think this is one of the most dangerous and fucked up revisionist ideas Lenin (and later Mao) espoused: that if a state is "western" it's somehow more evil and more deserving of criticism than a state that isn't Western. Anti-imperialism in this revisionist context is basically saying that communism will suddenly spontaneously appear if only those evil jews (or whitey, or whatever) didn't exist, and that's demonstratably false if we look at the colonial history of Russia, Japan, and now China, etc. And it's that revisionist conceptualisation of anti-imperialism that is applied to Israel in many leftist spaces. It has nothing to do with defending workers, building a more egalitarian society, or the rights of minorities, it's just knee-jerk reactionaryism against Jews with a facade of anti-imperialism to make it seem more acceptable and less anti-semitic.

i don't speak arabic

but i've been to Damascus

One post:
>Israel isn't Western despite European Jewish and Russian-Jewish culture being disproportionately influential both culturally and demographically but its being called Western by people with bad politics

Next post:
>what's bad about Lenin's theory of imperialism is that it criticizes states for being Western while letting non-Western states much like Israel according you am I right? off the hook

You've clearly never read Lenin's work on imperialism as he was critical of non-Western imperialisms like Russia and Japan. Imperialism is defined by Lenin as the stage of finance-monopoly capitalism not as some kind of arbitrary "Western-ness" or merely on the basis that a country has relations that could be called colonial. Israel obviously meets the criteria as a finance-monopoly capitalist society and even has the added edge of complete militarization of society to boot. It has 200 nukes and more attack aircraft then any European power, you're not fooling anyone with your "oh poor the poor Israelis! stigmatized by the right and crypto-racist leftists" garbage.

As a christian zionist, I support Israel. Death to Hamas!

hmmm i wonder who it is

maybe its the adventurism dude who's band sang songs about killing arabs and how great zionism is

Israel's culture isn't entirely western. Cities like Tel Aviv certainly have a very western influence, but most of Israel is Mizrachi/Arab Jewish.

You can't lump all imperialist states together. I wouldn't even necessarily call most Russian Jews "western" in a traditional sense either, unless they're modernized and then I would.

this has to be literally just 1 dude samefagging. you aren't a leftist dude you are just a stupid faggot

Christian zionist LOL. Literally the biggest cucks in the world. Just give the jews your tax money goy or ur an anti-semite.

Pic related. Fake news is very powerful and the Arabs are extremely deceitful with their propaganda.

Gotta love how political extremes come together when da jooz are brought up.

Get cucked again fucking goy

So stupid.

why do these christian zionist love sucking my circumsized ashkenazi schmeckle?

fuck off cuckersvatard

Commie isn't really a slur.

didnt say anti semite?
literally said nazi.
Go to the gulag.

Not an argument!

calm down stefan. Give us more money when u cucks dont even have universal healthcare LOL .

What is this, some bizarro offshoot of r/socialism?

I support universal healthcare though. And the US can literally afford almost anything it wants.

Yeah but u dont have it. You would rather give us billions to kill Palestinians and have ur own citizens die of preventable diseases.

What was his band called?

No I'm an ashkenazi nazi. kek. I'm an ashkenazi who hates ashkenazim lol.

I honestly stopped giving a shit. Both Israel and Palestine are fucking horrible.

Wew lad if that were the case single payer would be day one complete.

Why do u support Israel ? Other than being a cuck. (actual question)

It fulfills biblical prophecy.

As jews are going to be extremely persecuted in the last days and they need their old homeland back.

wow. we cucked even more then i thought. You do realize that according to judaism you guys are idolators? The new testament is pretty anti semitic as well.

Yes I know we're seen as idolaters in jewish eyes.

As for the New Testament being anti-semitic, gib proofz plz.

This is actually something very intresting if you study early christianity and the new testament. As the new testament progresses it removes many jewish refrences and becomes more centred toward gentiles. The new testament mentions " When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!' All the people answered, 'His blood is on us and on our children!' (Matthew 23:31-33) According to the early christian commentaries this is the blood curse put on the jews for kill Jesus. Also Paul mention casually in his letters “the Jews who killed the Lord, Jesus” (I Thessalonians 2:14-15). Anti semitism has been part of the christian church from the begining one early sect of chrisitianity even went to the extent of disregarding the old testament and believing the God of the old testament to be a cruel tyrant.

In Matthew, the very same book, this happens:

And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.” 23 But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, “Send her away, because she keeps shouting [j]at us.” 24 But He answered and said, ==“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”==
25 But she came and began [k]to bow down before Him, saying, “Lord, help me!” 26 And He answered and said, “It is not [l]good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” 27 But she said, “Yes, Lord; [m]but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” 28 Then Jesus said to her, “O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed [n]at once.

Obviously the priority is the jewish people.

As for the """blood curse""", Pilate washing his hands meant nothing. He and the Roman soldiers who tortured Jesus were equally as guilty - if only the Jews were responsible for Jesus' death, only the Jews would be saved. The Romans by sharing the responsibility enabled His sacrifice to be for all. Also, funny that you mention Paul since one of the first things he did post-conversion in Acts was preach to jews. If a """blood-curse""" was in effect he wouldn't have bothered. Paul simply can't be considered anti-semitic.