we need more america balls post any and all america balls
We need more america balls post any and all america balls
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Is there a dedicated board for these yet? I think there should be.
This false. She got burned and had to have skin grafts it was so hot.
Ya that was actually a good case against corporate negligence that got spun hard by the right.
saving this one
It's not even "on par". Cubans live on average a few years longer than Americans.
It's actually one of the better examples of the power of tort law to reign in corporate negligence when lawmakers can't be relied upon to do anything.
Out of genuine ignorance I'm asking how do other nations vote?
In California I do it by mail so I've never seen the electronic voting machines.
Dumping some fresh OC
Paper ballots hand-counted at the polling place. Everyone else wised up to what a rigging vulnerability electronic voting systems really are a decade ago.
I too read cracked dot com
Was a European election ever rigged with electronic polling devices?