Free market capitalism does not wor-
Free market capitalism does not wor-
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Libertarian societies don't exis-
How does Switzerland have a "free market"? I mean it has a bigger welfare state than the US, though smaller than the rest of Europe. How is a monarchy (Liechtenstein) a libertarian society? Libertarians are not retarded, oh wai-
"Free markets" have never existed and never will, read some history and fuck off.
delete this
Monarchy is more libertarian than democracy
Libertarian social order>Aristocracy>feudalism>Monarchy>>>>>>>democracy>communism
Switzerland is a welfare state as well as an illegal money launderer. Their current economic strength for their citizens lie in their scientific and technological focus, not the "free market" they have.
Yep and being a money launderer for dictators and drug dealers, lol
You people really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
So your a Monarchist. I still laughing at you which is pretty bad coming from a guy whose ideology is just a fucking meme.
any ideology thinking that feudalism is a preferable state to democracy is not an ideology grounded in any sense of reality
They are all politcal systems moron
This. AynCucks and Lolspergtarians will never understand reality.
I am going to die of laughter.
Not an argument
Which one isn't?
me now
No shit, and so was the kiddie pool that I claimed I was king of when I was 3.
How many layers of meming is this
No, it's not.
An ideology that purportedly supports liberty and human prosperity but states that feudalism is a more preferable state of affairs than democracy is not an ideology worth wasting time arguing.
*Radical decentrization and property rights
I suppose the argument can be made that when you compare it to modern representative democracy, feudalism had more power in the citizen's assemblies and the local peasant communities, and the liege-lords largely left the peasantry alone, but even so, you have to stretch the definition of things and really cherrypick.
hahahaa holy shit
Well at least he's admiting that he's a feudalist (finally)
I stated that it is better than democracy
Yeah, but then again everything is simplified to meaninglessness. There's a world of difference between direct democracy and representative democracy, and a world of difference between early feudalism, that bore the decentralized hallmarks of a communalist society and later absolute monarchy with a strong centralized state, that had taken all legislative power from local assemblies.
Ancaps are literally just confused feudalists
I always wondered, how do you explain 1929 and 2008?
Also: how is a system which explicitly rejects mathematics as a tool in economics and empirical testing and better than a system that doesn't? I wouldn't even call ancap economics science. It's a school of thought.
we dont need to say anything else
Holy shit
Ancap is the meme ideology
It is the same shit
To people work on your toothbrush?
Do you rent out your toothbrush to people?
They genuinely, seriously believe that 2008 was the result of too much spending/government intervention
wat da fug m8
Honestly you HAVE to be a commie LARPing as an insane ancap. There is just no fucking way that you are actually this retarded. I mean I know ancaps are fucking retarded but this is just a new level of brain damage. If you are a real ancap you do realise that you're setting your stupid ideology back even further than it already is (if that was even possible). Please take my honest advice and see a healthcare professional ASAP.
It's actually internally consistent. All of these idiots think they'll be the CEO/feudal lord.
Nah, I would be the average joe
We are not
Read Hoppe
Praxeology strikes again! *tips axiom*
You do realise an average joe under feudalism was a peasant?
That is mostly because of the times, the average joe in democratic Athens was a slave
There was no "miracle". Pinochet was forced to revive many of Allendes policies to save Chile from the brink.
that's completely false, it's true of Sparta tho
I thought the vast majority in both were slaves, private in Athens, state owned slaves in Sparta?
Because, as you want it to be, it was only the proprietor class (the patrician) whom had democracy. The subjugated class (the plebeian) was entirely subject to the whims of the patrician.
no, there were private slaves to the citizens, although I'm not very savvy in Sparta's history
Athens still held a lot of state owned slaves, the private ones were treated way better fyi
The majority of slaves were helots, which were state owned slaves. In Sparta that is.
According to who?
I know capitalism doesn't work in the long run but can someone explain to me why Hong Kong is so damn successful?
It's a city state that functions uniquely as importer-exporter for mainland China and its junk respectively, where the only saving grace is the fact that over half of its housing is entirely public. Before reforming private to social housing in this way, Hong Kong was even worse.
What do you mean they're successful? They're completely depdent on the exterior. They don't produce jack shit and need imports from abroad to have food and other important goods.
Capital accumulation due in part to its status as a special economic zone. Having the backing of two of the largest empires of the past century doesn't hurt either.
This might be the most retarded thing I've heard an ayncrap say yet
Pure ideology
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Dumb communist
Not an argument
The free market is a meme. Capitalism is predicated on government intervention. Your whole ideology is a fucking meme lmao.
Neither was his comment
What's wrong?
Switzerland isn't a social democracy but it does have a mild welfare state. It's no Sweden or Germany though
tbh, I'm starting to suspect this isn't a real ancap and just a leftist falseflagging to take the piss.
They are usually don't go full retard this bad.
Wow nice non-argument you really showed me and proved your point with your ad hominem xDDDDD
Yes it was, Hoppes is being completely undialectical and he's a racist prick, no wonder you ayncraps worship him, he's your idol.
Name such a time as there existed a market that was affected by nothing but supply and demand and was in no way subject to outside forces.
protip: It has never existed.
You may as well be relying on the holy ghost to fix the economy
We have reached level of absurdity I never knew possible
shhhh only sweet dreams
You did not explain why he was wrong, and of course we like him he contributed a lot to our political philosophy.
That's right sit there and shut up
I really hope nobody still thinks this is a real ancap
i saw this faggot on Holla Forums, he unironically believes sweden is socialist
you deserve the guillotine for this one
Because the outcome of a political system followed to the letter with no outside intereference should be the value of a system of which these consequences rely upon; why should economic systems be exempt from this? Hoppes is basically saying "well even if feudalism fucks up it doesn't matter because we should pursue it anyway"