When you are this deluded


Other urls found in this thread:


And then the fascists brought social darwinism to its logical conclusion and killed 99% of Holla Forums users because most of them are


whoa wait a minute. what about the niggers, spics, chinks, and most importantly the kikes???? We got a big problem here.

When you consider "SJWs" to be a serious threat, that's when you really should sort out your political priorities.

just write "daddy is never coming back" and watch them lose their minds

uhm actually it's
First they came for the Jews
And I did nothing to help them because I was not a Jew
Then they came for the communists
And I did nothing to help them because I was not a communist
Next they came for the trade unionists
And I did nothing to help them because I was not a trade unionist
And then they came for me
And there was no one left to help me

Straight up, anti-sjws are getting more annoying than sjws.
I mean, the anti-sjws are going around and are getting triggered by people referring to Manning as 'she', it's honestly just pathetic.

No shit genius, this Holla Forumsack made his own version.


Some good reactionary cringe, but I have better.

I want to headpat the catboi!



Cooper Ward is a pussy

This is only true when SJWs aren't trying to gain power of your internet shitposting.

I'll take "Relevant in 2014" for 100

this is kind of the coke joke from Boondock Saints, pretty fuckin low energy fam

oh all the niggers and mexicans are gone? Ill have a coke

what was the original from again, it was a jew right

anyone that calls themselves altiright isnt alt anything, theres some…"independent right" folks out there that arent too bad.

Ive said it once and ill say it again, the wisest of the rightists are basically crypto-leftists, the sync is approaching my friends

you must really like trains and minecraft bruh


The original was from some this guy:


where did this meme come from? such a dreadful misnomer

huh a lutheran, interesting. Also second offz on a a highly successfuly U-boot during ww1

I love how the alt right lumps all of Europe and North America together into some vague homogeneous mess.

IMO it's a response to the loss of empire in the 20th century. These countries no longer can exploit Asia and Africa, so they group together to give themselves weight in an increasingly multipolar world.

Reeks of insecurity.

uh no it isnt, not really, you guys calling literally anyone you dont like a facist is kind of a misnomer, or rightists calling everyone they dont like a fucking commie


trump is the first president since ive been alive that isnt an open globalist, of course words are just words but theres this already

yeah ive noticed this as well, they try to pad out their cred, its doubly amusing because of how openly antiamerican most rightwingers are in europe, although that might be changing now

Globalism is a cover for capitalism and the terroristic dictatorship of capital. It's capitalism that has made the world an interconnected market, going back to the 19th century and earlier. Not some vague abstract thing called globalism. "Globalism" implies it is somehow different to capitalism, when really it just means spreading capitalism.

Fucking fascists are all the same.

He opposes globalism while leaving the capitalist structures causing the so-called globalization intact. But hey, he blocked some international agreements, surely the capital will never attempt pushing it again in any form.

Have fun crashing the economy with a neomercantilist pres while the USA relies heavily on imports
Seriously though, do Trump supporters know the basic economics that they keep telling us to read themselves?


Its not an abstract thing though, its an accurate term for global "free market" capitalism, feel free to call it that if it makes you feel better, buts its a much more loaded term, especially in burgerlandia youve kind of already fucking lost when you start ranting about capitalism, and its not like capitalism is some kind of monolith, you can have capitalism in small things and still have a directed economy, which is probably the best way forward for now.

It just seems like your being dogmatic and autistic, instead maybe you should be glad people are talking about globalism, its the first step towards eventually talking about capitalism

Also this

He has businesses and factories all around the world

He doesn't oppose "globalism", he just doesn't like the way it works right now

wrong board

He leases his name to other companies and hires other companies to produce cheap goods since the market makes it impossible to compete based on price if you use more expensive american labor

Thanks for explaining globalism.

"Globalism" is a conspiracy theory suggesting that changes in the global economy are due to the deliberate wishes of some kind of internationalist cabal.

Globalization is not the result of any secret organization, but the inevitable conclusion of the growing power of capital in relation to the state.

Oh I guess all the leftists on this board are really just capitalists since they still participate in the system. Same exact situation dude lol

I'm not the one importing cheap textiles made in Asia and telling my followers I'm going to bring back their jobs.

I have no choice but to participate in this system; Trump is a consummate porky, he actively perpetuates and profits from it. But hey, he SAID he doesn't and he fights for you, so just ignore his actions.

I…what are you talking about? also why are you being such a fucking collectivist instead of addressing me, do "all trump supporters" have the same skull measurements or something?

Im no fucking economics major but it seems like a big part of his shtick is getting murica away from being so reliant on imports and wrestling back our manufacturing capabilities, atm we pretty much only make arms in any major scale, and fradulent derivatives products, lmao

whatever man youre giving me a cunty vibe for some reason, im just waiting for one of you to say repealing the TPP was a bad thing

he has done all of this sure, but you still cant fuckin compare the man to an actual multinational like Bopal or monsanto or something, hes been a robber baron capitalist up until now, no denying that but ultimately hes fucking small time in the grand scheme of things

yeah thats almost the only way you can still do business in the present day globalist market

this reminds me of when they tried to grill him on evading taxes and he basically said "of course I evade taxes, thats literally how you do business nowadays"

all this talk about tarifs seems to me a bandaid for a gaping chest wound, but its still probably a good idea for now

yeah no, there are literally open cabals in ever sector, with by far the most shocking ones being in finance with energy being a close second, they literally rig pricing and fix the market, your being delusional as you accuse me of being a conspiritard

Its not an inevitable conclusion if you have actual politicians that legislate against these cunts, yes thats a pipedream atm but its not impossible and we might just be witnessing the beginning

again, its day…5? your acting like we are looking back on years of trump, so far his major action has been repealing the TPP.

your argument is kind of like the iphone one, i.e. you cant use the system for your benefit and combat it at the same time, obviously thats a shit argument, sun tzu would be irate

we dont know yet, stop acting like we do, repealing the TPP was a good thing and I hope more follows but sure theres a possibility this is all a ruse and hes the same old same old wrapped in a new orange package

you dont know that yet though nigger, and so far your camp has been wrong about pretty much everything so i guess we are just gonna have to wait and see for now

80 percent o of manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation. America's industrial capacity hasn't gone anywhere, so exactly what are you expecting to get back

You seem to be confused, sir.
The political alignment that brought you such hit terminology as "feminazi," "islamofascist," "sjw=nazis," "Obama is a Nazi socialist communist," "If you don't suck Israel's cock you are literally Hitler," "Socialists are exactly like anti-semites, the real racism is that experienced by rich people :((" and the recent Trump hit single "Are we living in Nazi Germany?" is over to your right.
The left actually has coherent definjtions of fascism, it is the right who just scream the f-word at anything and everything they don't like.


How did Holla Forums reacted to that "Nazi germany" tweet?

What attempts has he made to combat the system before running for president? Hell even his reasons for stopping TPP (It was a bad trade deal) was not as good as the left's reason for opposing (ISDS, race to the bottom, made by corporations themselves etc etc)

so…the poor little gooks sewing my nikes together are robots?

automation is a factor but its also the classic excuse from neoliberals to justify a rapid decline in standard off living

Disagree. Anti SJW's are the far enemy, while identity politics deviationists are the nearer and more dangerous enemy. They have to be liquidated first.

What did you expect from Holla Forumstards? they are simpletons, they dont have any huge intellect since by definition they are running on emotion since their beliefs are made to make their sad selves feel better.

We are hitting whole new levels of cognitive dissonance here boys


what kind of a weird quesiton is that, he was running his greasy ass business, he had no obligation to combat the system before being prez and was clearly profitting from it in many ways, but that doesnt mean you cant simultaneously acknowledge that a lot of facets of the "system" are shit

the one thing one can say in his defence was that he was always consistent on being for the most part anti-interventionist, admittedly in a very strange way(we should have at least taken the oil, fucking lol)

now youre just fucking with me bruh, what a strange thing to say, nevermind the fact that the left completely failed to stop TPP and he just fucking did it first thing. hillary was blatantly pro TPP and bernie would have fucking bended the knee eventually as well without a doubt, its basically been his MO throughout the years

It's like you didn't even read your own image. It is not about reason-emotion, but about the different underpinnings for moral instinct. For conservatives, it is disgust-purity.

hes not the same, alone the fact that hes an actual human with his own basket of neurosis vastly sets him apart from a nameless faceless corporation. If monsanto and the financial sector are the NFL, trump was somewhere in between high school/college football

Trump and most of his supporters are staunch capitalists they just want to return to a mercantilist zero-sum game of trade for no other reason than its the only way to justify american hegemony and their racial superiority. If they had to actually share power they would become "pozzed" and would eventually degenerate back into a mid level country no one cares about anymore

There's no point disguising our aims. You'll be called a dirty commie anyway…

When the far right talks about globalism they tie it in with old conspiracies and racist/antisemitic bullshit.

I'm sorry the truth hurts but the fact is that productivity advances via automatic have eliminated hundreds of thousands of jobs and it's only going to get worse.

Google "fully automated factory" and you get hundreds of articles about the process of automation that is going on even now in China.

Any time someone mentions "jobs" as being the problem or the solution you should know you're being taken for a ride. If you buy it then you're a rube.

You realize that those faceless corporations are full of and run by people and that more of them than not are just like Trump right?

Proof that automation has replaced manufacturing jobs in the US please. If you refuse you are lying like most neoliberals.



American hegemony is decidedly mercantilist, it functions not because of building infrastructure like rails and shit but by setting up bases for both military and resource extraction purposes

Talking about curbing nato is decidedly non-hegemonic, NATO is essential to projecting unilateral american hegemony, so at the very least trump does not understand how the empire functions. Best case scenario is he is actually against it, but even ill admit thats unlikely

god I hope youre right

what hurts is having 2 jobs and still being fucking poor, "hundreds of thousands of jobs" is a fart in the airconditioning even if you are only talking aboiut the US, im gonna side with anfem here and say you need to roll out some proof bruh, sweatshops are still way more economically viable than robots, and dealing with automation in a good way is more a matter of training than some kind of inevitable happening

There is implicit white nationalism in all republican campaigns you faggot brocialists can ignore this forever it doesn't mean volkish whites aren't retarded

American economics is classically liberal/neo-liberal its not mercantilist and hasn't been for 60 years

We are moving towards a zero-sum imperialist economics. Which will exploit Africa and Asia immensly. Just understanding how many useless jobs we're creating and how much oil and gas we're going to burn through trying to stimulate economc growth should leave you uneasy. Extrapolating what all of this will do to global finance capital is what has me on the edge of my seat. You can't de-financialize the economy or decouple manufacturing and service industries from finance. So if this destroys finance it destroys everything else. This isn't to speak of the massive backlash in Latin America against Trump and what that will do for ethnic relations

haha single parenthood haha so funny eks dees

Neoliberalism began in earnest the 1970s/80s. It's barely 40 years old.

the proof is in them not existing anymore anywhere, most factories in Germany are automated now and cutting their labor force. there is an inevitable wave of unemployment headed our way because of it

I'm on my phone, so, sorry I can't do better

Financial Times says that the US lousy one third of its manufacturing jobs since China joined the WTO in 2001.


They link this study that has more data. According to the FT between 01 and 06 all the production jobs lost accounted for one third of (remaining I suppose) US manufacturing jobs. I don't have a link at hand for the 80% figure though, so I might be wrong.

Except for the first one, the rest seems solid. 2/3 aint bad.

Now that's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one

mad as fuck at dad detected

why are you reactionaries all the same?

yah huh sure buddy if I want to read the economist ill buy a copy

literally in your head, they may not like his hyperbole but ultimately his deeds mainly in regards to trade and immigration will be what matters for south american relations, also if he will stop the deep state form fucking subsidizing and arming sinaloa and friends. he seems to be getting on quite well with Nieto so far, time will tell, you are being a western liberal New Yorker alarmist


they arent facts though, you pulled that shit out of your ass, especially the bit about white nationalism being somehow intrinsic to all this. Just because they have morphed into a vocal minority(in part thanks to the subversion, undermining and sheer perversion/incompetence of the left) doesnt mean they are a major factor, you might as well be saying goobergate is responsible for trump, its a laughable statement and it reflects your unbalanced media diet

This is kinda irrelevant but I have noticed when it comes to memes and humor im general, /Leftypol is forcing them and stating opinions as if they were fact. A loy of them are cringy as all hell and you can tell you guys dont understand either /pol or the right-wing nationalists or why/where they are coming from.

Kek doesn't give a fuck about poorly created and rushed memes, must be why youre losing ground so quickly in your "struggle" in the USA big time and other countries are rapidly following suit and following President Trump's examples.

Tldr; dont bother reading anything more than the first post in a leftypol thread, theres nothing funny to see or read, just people trying really hard to convert others to degenerate status, meanwhile /pol isnt even trying but everyone even most normies are starting to see the truth. The problem with you leftys is that you strictly operate in groups so unless your friends/family wake up and go Nationalist there's no way any of you will switch, even while knowing what you represent is orchestrated by the jews to disrupt and destroy us from the inside out via a modern age Trojan Horse.

I see a lot of stupid shit on Facebook and everywhere else and sometimes I wonder if these people are even worth helping, as bad as that sounds.

I really have my doubts when they support stupid bullshit or say the stupidest bullshit. A woman is trying to get my fake profile on Facebook in trouble for inciting violence when I merely said peaceful protesting doesn't work and if people want results they need to start hanging and shooting people because that has literally been proven to work.

Calmly explaining that I didn't support or condone it when I mentioned it brought up the basic, well done argument of "WELL IT LOOKS LIKE INCITING TO ME!!!!!!!!!"

Do they even deserve good things? I don't even know anymore.

This just confirms my belief that the alt right is just a bunch of hipster fascists.

why did you type all that when you could've said "i take meme magic seriously praise kek and this is politics"

God I hate Americans, I hope you start war with China and patriots that you are all sign up for the army and die in some nuclear strike in Alaska


all this internalized western liberalism, its shocking quite frankly


the only funny thing about these maymes regardless of what camp they come from are the tats on the arms

The actual context is that the mother viciously beat him for refusing, but I guess the truth is woman hateric.

They realise that most of you are just a bunch of pathetic faggots who aren't even the white aryan übermensch that you think you are.

I'm sorry, do you honestly expect that anyone with a dozen brain cells would fall for Holla Forumss bullshit? Considering the fact that stormfags deny the holocaust despite their being overwhelming evidence that it happened, do you honestly think that your """evidence"""" isn't going to be challenged?

It has breasts user.

Anything you don't like is liberalism? "Most powerful" is a pretty objective fact (even if you don't want it to be so)


wait wait wait slow down everything I dont like is WESTERN liberalism, theres a big difference

a liberal in saudi is basically just a relatively sane person f.e

Its hard to escape the confines of western liberalism, we are all basically stuck in this bog, it permeates almost all Gedankengut, sometimes in a good way but mainly for the worse

Anyhow the only way you could claim america is the "Most powerful" nation in the world is if you went by the price tag of their military, they just arent anymore by and real standard, even going by something nebulous like GDP. they probably could be, technically, but they arent, even if they are still barely holding on to their (almost) global hegemony

in terms of military prowess they are vastly overestimated, probably better than the chinese based on experience alone but definitely inferior to the russkis, despite blowing more than half of taxes on military bullshit and outspending pretty much everyone else combined. They have been trying desperately to secure what the chickenhawk community likes to call "full spectrum dominance" but they failed spectacularly over the past 10ish years, it was a pipedream that busted hard depsite all the machiavellian machinations they made use of

Did she beat the "shit" out of him? ;^)

I'm sorry but this just isn't true. I don't like American hegemony, but wishing it away and ignoring reality doesn't do anything. Russia has one aircraft carrier and it's pic related. It's a rusted-out tugboat.

Fucking you,. Russia of strong. хуесос

Why do you think American forces are inferior to Russian forces?

This, honestly. It would be impressive how self-centered Americans are if it wasn't so retarded.

America spends billions on planes that won't even be off the drawing board for twenty to thirty years.

They've already spent over a trillion dollars on a do-everything fighter jet that does nothing because it's too fucking fat to fly (unsurprising).

It's a good thing their drones work because if they were going up against anyone that wasn't a third world country they'd be hosed.


The Americans have subs too.
If all of their carrier groups are destroyed, they have the same number of carrier groups as anyone else.

^^^^^ ^^^^^

some very lucky sevens

The NSA must retain the ability to manipulate gets.

it is true though, none of that hardware means shit when you cant really use it, you should listen to actual think tanks and the US military itself instead of atlanticist propaganda, they openly admit they cant win a ground war in eurasia and that they probably couldnt even take out the russkies with a successful atomic first strike.

Why do you think the burgers do all this shit like regime change and destabilizaation in eastern europe? its because they know that even if they could somehow justify a war with russia they would lose horribly. The S-400 has made all of this even more obvious.

the russians arent very good at occupying or expanding but they are god-tier at home my friend, they defeated the best military in the world by learning from and adapting to them, despite a batshit insane leader that pretty much decapitated the entire officer corps. From the battle of kursk up until now(sans a brief period in the 90s) the russians have been the most formidable military in the world in regards of actual combat capabilities.

They are also now far better at fighting proxy wars, look at how fast they whipped the eastern ukranians into shape, a lot of western mercenaries were churned into biomass in the donbass meatgrinder and the same fucking thing would happen again if anyone actually tried to fuck with them, even if they nuked them into oblivion first. The ivans are getting even better especially in terms of doctrine, they are developing this whole fucking hybrid/adaptive war thing right now that will basically end color revolutions once and for all

the only thing the american military is truly good at is logistics, its downright fucking impressive what they build and move when they invade some place, otherwise they are basically a bunch of spoiled children, the only branch that even really bothers with maneuver warfare is the muhreens, everyone else ducks and calls for CAS when they see one haji with a kalash in flipflops

dont believe me, go to /k and ask there, there are barely any ivans on 8/k but youll get the same opinion with a bunch of autistic caveats

f-35 really is a tricked out mobility scooter isnt it, le-fucking-mao

I despise what the amerikans have done globally but on some level youve gotta love em they are just so obnoxiously ridiculous in so many things.

I wish they could get back to building cool shit and doing spess stuff instead of constant fuckery in other sovereign nations

Fascism isn't social darwinist though, modern right-wing movements basically exist because "average" white men in first world countries are uncompetitive in both the dating and labor markets.

You have a fighter that receives an infinite amount of money but never works. What more could you ask for for this purpose?



+15 rubles

fucking lol

America prints the world reserve currency and is the most powerful empire in world history, and has the world's largest military. Just because some idiot blogger thinks Great Russia is the strongest country in the world with moral authority to stand against America doesn't make it true. Russia is Saudi Arabia-lite but with nukes and Orthodox Christianity instead of Islam.

Its only a matter of time before it implodes and the only people who have the many thousands of dollars required to buy a loaf of bread are the bourg


similar topic, see:
20 years and ~$65 billion dollars later, all california has done is is come up with a very complex plan and has yet to construct a single foot of rail. But damn is it costing a shit ton of money. Its already cost the state twice what they approved to spend, and there has yet to be any physical progress

But communists have literally 0 influenced on the U.S, even less than Muslims.
And I don't even know what globalist means in the real world. They seem to think its some liberal/communist/crony capitalist hybrid. Either that or a euphemism for Jews.


it's either a euphemism for Jews, capitalism that includes immigration, or free trade that doesn't benefit them. Mostly Jews.

they be freakin out yo


What the fuck, why didn't any of you fucking niggers tell me we were doing this?

Are they honestly this paranoid?

"Transnationalist" is IMHO a better description than "globalist", in commie lingo, since they're more focused on exploiting the disparities between nations to drive them to the lowest common denominator for arbitrage, rather than raising nations up to the legal harmony that would allow true global unity.

You know, the IMF, WTO, World Bank, all the usual jetsetting fat cats who literally call themselves globalists? The ones that post-recession populist groups across the partisan spectrum like Occupy and the Tea Party were formed to oppose, and after their electoral failure resurged as the alt-right/left this year?

I'll admit I'm a bit of a newfag so does anyone know who the philosopher/political theorist at the bottom next to Traditionalism is? This seems like a slightly relevant thread to post this in. I realize the chart is complete autism but I'm trying to learn as much about the history and ethos of their ideology as possible.

Joseph de Maistre, supreme buster of rationalist spooks.


Stirnerites are spiritually bankrupt

As one of the deep infiltrators with the ability to type hundreds of words per minute, I can confirm I am around one tenth of Holla Forums's userbase.


you are the over-orthodoxy of consumerism

You are the over-orthodoxy of lacking pragmatics.

its funny because the only thing making you act like sex is bad are your dumb theological spooks

but you don't live on a crumb a day, you are not a starved animal driven by a drive to survive. you consciously chose a consumerist over-orthodox ideology and think you have solved philosophy by yelling it's mating call at everything that isn't banal enough for it

have sex, buy stuff, use drugs, do it again, ignore the spooks, choose an existence that's emptier than a feminist walking home after a queer orgy

I'm not even a Stirnerite. But your pretense to there being an "ethical" sort of consumerism, one in which we are fulfilled by spooks, is laughable at best, and disappointing that all you have is a strawman.

it's not really a laughable pretense when you don't think that buying an apple is deadly sin while still believing that an ideology that takes consumerism to it's end conclusion in a totalitarian over-orthodoxy is spiritually bankrupt

or maybe you lost your sense of humor along the way, there isn't really a place for it in a concentrate of 100% pure ideology

Why buy the apple? Seems spooky. Just take it, retard, lol.

Any idoit can point out the obvious flaws in the system, but what inclination has Trump shown that he will fix the system other than saying he will?

Oh fuck off. The left started the hate train on TPP that Trump boarded. Hell Warren and Bernie even strong armed Hillary to denouncing it. Although I will admit the left failed to stop it in a republican dominated senate by like one vote(Fuck you Ted Cruz). And whether or not Bernie will bend over doesn't take away from the fact the left did most of the effort to stop TPP, even though Trump got the last hit.

Anyone can criticize the system but he has not shown any inclination to fix it other than him saying he will.

Oh fuck off. Did you only hear about TPP in 2016? The left has been against it since the very beginning, gathering awareness and supporters, even from the Tea party. They almost stopped the fast track in a republican dominated Senate (Fuck you Ted Cruz). They even strong armed Hillary to denounce. Trump at best jumped on the bandwagon without offering any new criticism of it. Just coz someone got the last hit doesn't mean he gets the whole credit of the kill

Any idoit can point out the obvious flaws in the system, but what inclination has Trump shown that he will fix the system other than saying he will?

Oh fuck off. The left started the hate train on TPP that Trump boarded. Hell Warren and Bernie even strong armed Hillary to denouncing it. Although I will admit the left failed to stop it in a republican dominated senate by like one vote(Fuck you Ted Cruz). And whether or not Bernie will bend over doesn't take away from the fact the left did most of the effort to stop TPP, even though Trump got the last hit.


Stirner decried hedonism because it was also a spook. Read his fucking book you dumb faggot.

This captures Holla Forumsacks perfectly.

It can never be the straight forward answer of 'maybe I dont have a girlfriend becuase I'm unattractive' or 'maybe Holla Forums is growing because people find leftism appealing and they dont out right ban anyone who wouldnt literally die for Trump', no it's always this big conspiracy where the whole world is out to get them and it's nothing to do with any internal problems they might have.

I dont understand that image. What weird logic do you use that women shouldn't serve in the army if its mandatory?

You know why they say those things? Because if they get in front of the right people, it means more budget money for defense contractors. Those think tanks and analysts are in the business of hyping up threats so that that gravy flows to the people who pay them.

Your point also covers much of the rest of politics, including radical leftism. The idea that history is directed by broad social forces rather than human civilization dancing on the strings of highly effective conspiracies, is one very difficult for most people to completely embrace.

I don't think I can recall anywhere outside Holla Forums that truly understands this. Quite ironic, that such a profoundly anti-intellectual worldview has obtained such total domination inside a field like social science academia in the last century.

It's just splashing together all the contradictory gibberish of the Heil Hillary campaign this election:

You can't just pretend all of pol is like that, they have a surprisingly large amount of normal and even chaddy people there.

Hell there is a confirmed correlation between right wing beliefs and being both beautiful AND tall. Trumpers and alt right=popular high school chaddy kids and chan-nerds, alt left=NU males and minorities.

Dems and Reps voted for it. It is only the progressive wing of the Dems and the Tea party voting against. Shit on the progressives for not being left all you want but they did most of the legwork in defeating this trade agreement

Also sorry for making 3 posts

grow up and stop basing your worldview off what you *think* the popular kids in high school would say ffs