How do we feel about the reddit left here? eg /r/socialism, /r/anarchism, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, etc

How do we feel about the reddit left here? eg /r/socialism, /r/anarchism, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, etc

Other urls found in this thread:

Diversity is strength
We need to INCREASE reddit immigration

Ban-happy, overly authoritarian, thought policing hypocrites.



You get banned for posting anything against the echo chamber or challenging their holy cows.

Overly sensitive bunch of crybabies who would melt at the first sign of trouble posting under the watchful eye of the FBI, who control the majority of the subs using sockpuppets for board owners and useful idiots for mods.

they are fucking gay

/r/anarchism is mostly alright, rest are useless trots and idpol screechers though

/r/Ultraleft/ is the only good leftist sub, desu.

As long as they bash the fash they are good.

Stupid, dumb and other slurs.

/r/socialism is trash
/r/anarchism had a lot of similar mod drama a few years ago but that's mostly died down I think
/r/communism is just full-on tankies
The meme subreddits (fullcommunism, completeanarchy, and ultraleft) are OK but they run their jokes into the ground fast (especially gulags, spooks, and armchairs)
/r/shitliberalssay is good at what it does but it has the same clique as /r/socialism making the rules
I like /r/shittankiessay
Can't really say about anything else.



pretty inactive though i thought


Quality over quantity, comrade.


r/Latestagecapitalism is waking normies up, but the moderation is brutal.

good luck with the revolution without actively radicalizing normies

I used to frequently participate in r/socialism, now I dared say the mods were idiots for the whole drama thing and now I'm banned.

No wait I did not say idiots, that was an loder ban, this one is permanent and is because I dared challenge their rule over their little kingdom

Ambivalence for me


who is the fash?

People who make the unintelligent feel retarded.

/r/LeftWithoutEdge is decent but dead. /r/ChapoTrapHouse for the podcast


They should be bashed, then put into gulags.

Are you trying to advertise some imageboard using these pictures?

/r/Socialism is the only one of those that are outright repulsive. The rest ranges from boring to okay

They are from…

I just thought I use them since they are in context here…

Don't forget to bash the fash in your free time.

what are fascists


In case you aren't trolling…

I'm funded by George Soros, tell no one.

what exactly do you take issue with about fascism?

Authoritarianism, I wanna do what I wanna do. Don't you too?

The ones anarkiddies blame literally everything bad that ever happened on
Kind of like Holla Forums did with the Jews (well, before Trump turned out to be the most pro-Israel president in US history and they started to be Zionists)

Nazbol… you like Jews now?

yes im anti authoritarian, but socialism seems just as authoritarian in practice to me.

No, a (real) socialist economy is stateless, who's going to be authoritarian against you? the rest of workers? if so let it be…

i don't like that and it's just tyranny of the majority. i prefer muh inalienable rights.

You prefer the tyranny of porky I suppose.

porky only exists because of the people, socialism is one step away from just being porky.

i prefer to keep porky small and unintrusive and retain my rights than to have my body owned by other people.

I hate Judaism, just like any other religion

How keep porky small? how?

privatize. everything.

Most Jews aren't even religiously Jews.

Anyway thanks for supporting a Zionist to get into the WH.

Thanks how you create hugh mongous porky.

Which candidates were anti-zionists?

I'll wait

no, that's how you create small porky.

keep the state small.

I think you mean /r/COMPLETEANARCHY, Comrade

Bernie was.

Small state is what create a big porky.

Are you some retarded libertarian?

all the anarchist subreddits are too full of muh LGBT muh womens rights, i don't give a fuck about them i care about me reee.

Porky is the state, small porky small state.

People are then free to do what they want.

Yup, he's a retarded libertarian.

Porky is the bourgeois…

And state make porky only fatter and fatter.



I don't care what the bourgeois do it doesn't effect me. the state is porky because cops are pigs.

no step on snek

The state works for porky, you know that?

Whatever man, you are as clueless as Gary Johnson…

Is this a markov bot? It feels like a markov bot.

Don't underestimate the Libertarian stupidity.

The state can't do anything because it is small, it working for porky would be meaningless.

The state is porky's condom. Whether it's small or big, you're still getting piggy dick in your ass.

Dude, you Libertarians stand for nothing. What a Libertarian utopia will even look like what will change? what will able to do but can't now?

As a socialist, in my ideal socialist world I won't see people dying of hunger around, or working for a non-livable wage, or fear the future in general.

What you stand for for real?

full rights over my body and full civil liberties, hands off let me do what i want and stop regulating and restricting me for the "common good". the government constantly banning things to keep me safe. banning smoking, taxing alcohol, making it illegal to ride without a helmet, making me wear a seatbelt, no drinking in public. they seem like little things but they take a toll, everywhere i turn i see a sign banning something because the state decided they knew what's best for me.

The more danger, the more honour.

That's what you stand for? that's the problems in your life?

Are you a middle class person? and did you grow up in a suburb?

yes and yes.

i matter.

In what way. Spell it out.

i spelt a lot of it out. i want the right to make dumb decisions and the right to die.


Either you are a porky or a retard. KYS.

Does this right come with the right to demand healthcare paid for by others? Do you intend to drive on roads paid for by others? Will you dig your own well?

Surprisingly nice

private health insurance, I don't demand healthcare professionals work like slaves for the state. that's socialism.

if a taxed system i paid for them too. if non taxed there will be tolls and i only pay for the roads i use.

I will pay someone to do it for me like literally every rural property owner

So what you're essentially advocating for is the ability to drop off the grid and go live in a (really nice) cave.

Why don't you?

I'm not advocating for that but you should be able to do what. I'm advocating for the government not telling me what to do.

Why not just go live in some rural area with your Libertarian friends and thing nature is beautiful and fishing is cool and live as a Libertarian, why you need us all to be a part of this shitty ideology?

You literally can achieve a Libertarian utopia with a couple of friends… we socialists need the means of production this is what is about… what you guys need?

Why do these threads keep getting posted, all leftist subs are trash, the mods are fags who should he shoa'd and the admins are even bigger scum than the mods so even if the mods were cool the subs would still be ruined by the porkyization of plebbit

plebbiters who aren't gigantic idpol pussies should just migrate here for the forseeable future until we can colonize the less infamous parts of the internet


In a single-payer health insurance system everything stays literally exactly the same as it is now except doctors bill the state instead of an insurance company. Doctors are free to practice however they like.

Except the state then sets the prices, not the doctors. fuck off statist.

t. communist

wait shit I thought this was Holla Forums. delet this

The point is, economies of scale only work at scale. Certain systems do not operate without universal participation or work so poorly as to be too expensive to maintain a market. You can not afford "your share" of the armed forces and there would be a nightmare of overhead to manage this on an individual level so we employ taxes instead. It's coercion but coercion is the price of living in a technologically sophisticated nation.

The problem is one of public waste and mismanagement, not one of the very existence of a public to begin with.

Go to America if you are not in it…

Stay mad, porky.

So you want insurance companies to set the prices instead?

Bernie was vaguely anti-Settlement and siege. Jill was anti-Israel

the doctors set the prices, the insurance company has no power o.

fucking stop with this, I would if I could. it's not easy to go to america unless you're a mexican.

No its not, i got banned semi-permanently for insulting BLM and An-Fem posters. Place is garbage >>>/anarcho/ despite its pathetic userbase numbers is actually much better and of course Holla Forums

If not go to Africa. Even more Libertarian than America.

its majority dictatorships fam



You are just a nazbol then. Fly away.

How Liberalism even have a stand about race? do you just cherry pick whatever you want and call yourself a Libertarian?

Yes, because Liberarianism era is shorter than the Planck era, before everything falls apart into dictatorships and warlords.

E. Africa is libertarian as fuck. Corrupt police, private security everywhere, small corrupt governments.

Stop this.

You asked for a Libertarian society and that's it…

How we stop the dictatorships? should we form something like a gov to prevent dictators from ruling a whole country?


small government

reddit is a conde naste corporate echo chamber and you implicitly support porky if you visit there. all the main lefty subs are coopted by useful idiot mods


An average mafia/gang/militia can easily throw over a small gov, and this Libertarianism as you like it.

What the fuck?

yes because the doctors are forced to work for the state. that's literally how it works, didn't you know this?

that's ancap

I got banned from /r/anarchism and /r/socialism because there was something in my comment history that was against the subreddits allowed speech.

I don't know how they expect to ever educate or convert anyone.

They're not forced to do that.

they are unless they have the option to go private.

We don't like them.

yeah it's the only one that's remotely decent

Nobody forced them to become doctors.

what a great system

You're not forced to live under it.

yes you are


You're allowed to emigrate.

This isn't 4chan, bud. Lurk more before shitposting.

Or are you?

Welcome, then. I can't count how many times I've been banned from political subreddits. Holla Forums was one of the only places I could/can fully speak my mind & that was invaluable during the elections. This is a great place to share information, no matter how obscure, with other leftists. It really does take a lot to get banned, if you're just trying to use the board for its intended function. I was here for a year & half before I ever got banned & it was for forgetting to spoiler porn(but was only a two hour ban, fitting). Anyone who says we ban too easily most likely just wants to shit all over the place & be allowed to.

Stop shitting up threads with your low energy shitposting. You're accomplishing nothing & not impacting a thing.

why does a lefty board have mods

fucking stop ruling over me reee

Best leftist sub by a huge margin


Because of low energy shitposters such as yourself.

Someone posted this webm in another thread, fucking great.

at least you concede society needs governance then to stop irl shitposters

leftism: 0
rightism: 1

The fuck are you talking about?
Not all of us are anarchists or communist, either. I happen to be socialist. Lurk more.
The mods are posters here as well.


only the leftcom subreddits are alright and I'm not even a leftcom

Reddit is garbage and so is everyone visiting it.


what song


Stop being such a butthurt bitch and people will respect you more in real life.

/r/COMPLETEANARCHY is the only good sub.

lmao, you're not getting me again

wow seems i hit a nerve

Lemme guess. """Holla Forums""" hates them because they're probably actually left wing instead of this board which is just "Mom I'm board of pretending to be a Nazi! I'm a communist now! NOW INCREASE MY ALLOWANCE BITCH!!"

A good comeback when used in the right situations. Sorry you're so confused and upset by the modern world.

Where do you think you are? Take your retarded shitposting elsewhere.
Despite all different ideologies we have here, I don't think even one ascribes to safe spaces.


ITT: I got banned from an internet forum therefore it is the worst!!!

You need to lurk more before posting ever again.

One (You) coming right away!

Oh please, stop pretending there's only one person opposed to your pathetic circlejerk.

Yes, we're aware there's more than one shitposter here atm. It's quite obvious seeing this thread.

Oh I've lurked this shit board plenty. All you faggots do is circlejerk about irrelevant shit while the world is falling to shit. You literally won't even ADDRESS relevant current events. It's like you idiots live under a rock…

or…maybe like…oh I dunno, you're controlled opposition.

lol u found me

this p much

What intellectual conversation have you contributed?

What are you doing here, then? It's more than clear, the more you post, how new you are. Just one look at the catalog can disprove these statements.
Go back to Holla Forums or wherever you came from. You're not contributing anything.

No need to get upset at everyone thinking you're a stupid faggot with nothing to offer the board.

Although I guess nowadays someone pointing this out to you is them being triggered. So much for the right not being politically correct and sensitive, right?

He's going to whine like a little cunt and call you out as an idiot unwilling to face reality every day, like a real man.

So what's your excuse? I notice none of you paid agents ever answer that central question. Why do you ignore obvious reality when capitalism is taking over and wrecking everything. I never even see you controlled opposition mention it, let alone discuss it at length.

I shouldn't even be answering this shit bait.

Who's whining? Wtf are you on about?

I'm not the one who posted this.

"Radicalizing" or pushing more normies to the left is a useful endeavor. r/socialism being the first thing many normies see in regards to socialism gives us a bad name. If you're not interested in the thread, fuck off.

Accidentally deleted the post quote when formatting.

The amount of attention this shit has gotten is absolutely ridiculous and serves no purpose except to fuel the circlejerk regarding /r/socialism rather than doing something useful.

Yeah, like Holla Forums would be any better.

I always find it funny, one user calling another "not a real man". We're both on an imageboard, lmao. Holla Forums-tier attacks are always on another's masculinity as well. I usually enjoy these posts because I'm not even a dude.

you're not fooling anyone

The reddit upvote downvote system is just cancer in general, it leads to circle jerks and echo chambers, it leads to shill manipulation.
During the 2016 election the entire mod team of the /r/politics was taken over by CTR.

I think image boards are superior, dont have to sign up, can go and leave, can say anything you want and it will dissapper into the void, yes there is shitposting, but actually shitposting holds the function of breaking up circle jerks when you think about it.

Sometimes harsh things need to be said in order for truth to come out.

I haven't seen very many threads about the r/soc thing for a couple of days now. If we can get some actual socialists to collab with this board & leave r/soc, I see that as a good thing. Again, what useful thing are you doing right now?

You can say what you want here, no matter what language you use, no matter how offensive. We don't have some retarded point system that buries relevant points. I love Holla Forums because of this & because it's a great way to share reading or new material.

If you don't like it here, fucking leave.

Lmao, about being female? I don't have anything I need to prove. You can feel free to not believe some random user. No one cares.

news material*


Hyper cuck.



Sorry, I only talk to masculine Men like myself.

there are like five or six cool egoists in all of reddit

I like them, but my god the anarcho-liberals and ML socdems dominate everything

Hahaha what is even wrong with you.

You do know that at least one of the mods is a known FBI snitch, right?

r/socialism is good for news but poor for debate

r/anarchism is utter cancer

r/FULLCOMMUNISM can be funny now and again

r/leftcommunism is pretty good

r/shittankiessay and r/shitleftistssay are pretty good too

Hello fellow masculine straight man who has straight manly sex (with women)

Reddit is generally identitarian cancer, but /r/Communalists is pretty good for info.