This is pretty true, and I agree on the dark skinned woman thing. There's a lot of gorgeous dark skinned women and unfortunately the media as well as porn industry is fucked with everything surrounding "BBC this" or "BBC that." You don't see a black woman on television, and if you do, they portray them as masculine, foul mouthed, and rude/obnoxious. It just completely goes against reality in just about every encounter with the majority of black women I've ever talked to.
In real life, I've probably met more polite, well rounded, and highly educated black women than I have even with white women in a lot of cases. Again, this could be personal bias, too. I've met tons of great white women as well, so no fault there, but I just think the stereotypes of "black women are X" are totally mismatched with reality.
And not to sound like a Holla Forums tard but there is certainly an element to interracial porn that I find repulsive. The way they portray white men as these bumbling idiots and black men as pure animals that are only capable of fucking white women or some shit. It's kinda fucked up IMHO, but then again, so are lots of sexual fetishes so I don't wanna project too much. I like interracial porn for what it is – I guess I just wish there was a greater gender balance is all.
I think its (hopefully) just a stupid trend that with time will subside as people (hopefully) break through stupid stereotypes (black people have HUGE dicks) in the same way that people once thought stupid shit like "aids is spread via anal!! and its only gay guys that get it!!1" etc.
The only reason I wouldn't wife a dark skinned woman might be just the fact that we don't have a lot in common. Realistically, I think my chances of meeting a dark skinned girl that shares my interests are small, since I'm into punk/heavy metal, write computer code, and am generally the "skinny white nerd" type as far as looks go (although I also have long hair).
Plus, I've met the family of some black girls, and some of them are legitimately not into the whole "bring home a white guy for dinner" type, and it kinda sucks. It's like white chicks bringing home black guys to meet their incredibly racist dads, but the opposite haha.
At the end of it all, I might prefer a white chick if I can get one, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to how many fine black women I see out there as well that I'd be perfectly happy with.