Apparently /r/fullcommunism wants to raid you
Apparently /r/fullcommunism wants to raid you
Yea, we had a few posts like this. Considered they're the idiots who get triggered by everything, I doubt they have the stomach to hang around here long enough to do anything major.
Yes I received the same message from another moderator
Back in my day, we used to call that pissing in an ocean of piss
By their own politics they aren't allowed to be mean
Do they mean telling us to check our muh privilege?
Shitposting in one messageboard will show all the other leftist forums the superiority of the leftypol thought. All Permanent Raiders need to be gulaged.
Rev up your gore folders
the ones we hate will get triggered and return to their club house, the ones who aren't beyond redemption will probably see the light and stay
do it
We get to fend off fuckin nazis every fucking day!
How the hell are a bunch of 'murican liberals gonna "raid" us?
By being really really mean.
They are even gonna use some ableist language if we piss them off enough.
This is great kek. Where does it come from?
the onion
Sauce pls
This is the funniest part of all this. We hang out on a website dominated by Nazis and pedos and these fucking liberals think we'll be even remotely impressed by anything they say to us? Or is this just because the mods get a boner when they see other people perform their silly commands like some schoolyard bully?
Wait a minute…
This seems too stupid to be true. They're trying to get us to raid their accounts so they can say "LOOK WHAT LEFTYPOL DID TO US HELP HELP!!!"
The only thing that would make that go from a 9.5/10 to 10/10 if there was some remark why New York is experiencing record highs.
It's obviously this. They just enjoy humiliating their lackeys.
That's what happens when you give people power over you.
I wouldn't mind getting bullied like that tbh.
we are literally being raided 24/7, plebbit means nothing to us.
Only if its by a got girl.
Such "solidarity" am I right?
Its hard to have solidarity with people who litterally say
Preventing Khmer Rouge 2.0, tranny edition, is kind of important.
SOLIDARITY: The macabre altar used by capable comedians of all sort to display their priestly talent for reciting masses. The beneficiaries pay nothing less than 100% humiliation.
Well its settled then
Catgirls are the new weapon of war, and we need to weaponize catgirls
… someone has jerked it to this, haven't they?
You have no idea what commies are yet, pol, do you.
So hot
Where does it say raid? It's just some childish public humiliation.
Considering there were over a hundred people on the list, it would probably constitute a raid if all of them had actually obeyed this command.
If the feds parading as communists want to come after us, I say fucking bring it.
I'm jerking to it right now in the bathroom at work
Telling people to post insults, profanity, and homicidal threats in another community is the deffinition of a raid.
I've already got a folder full of loli porn which will make them run away.
Report them for spam to get the board taken down.
You can find 1000s of words of this on various femdom story sites.
Go ahead and try, fuckin' dipshits
they're not communists, they are liberals
marx never mentioned any idpol in his work, neitherdid lenin. idpol is pure liberal ideology
Lenin has nothing to do with communism, though.
How much karme oe how old of an account do we need to report them?
I don't know how much karma you need.
You guys should send screenshots or just so the reddit admins think they're seriously fucking our board up.
it does if you ever wanna apply it in the real world lad
Maybe we should fuck up our own board to make it more believable.
Go prostitute some kids for bitcoin.
That's a great argument. I'm sure you are well read in economics, my left-wing friend.
wow the projection
Why be well-read when you can rely on Basic Economics™? Oh, if only Marx had understood them.
how is it a hyperbole when you literally support a form of society where prostituting kids would be legal?
He worked a lot.
someone will ye, are you fucking retarded mate?
no, but millions do
no it doesn't
Isn't that what we've been doing for the last 2 years?
How is "owning the means of production" not slavery. Are you implying communism or socialism would eliminate the need to work?
[citation needed]
Top tier argument there. Really showing the height of leftist critique of anarcho-capitalism.
The means of production aren't people. Read literally any book on leftist economics.
cant believe i bit into the bait so hard
He had a job as a historian and a journalist.
But also, nice non argument m8
if you want to reach out the reddit mods to let them know about the harassment we are being cruelly subjected to, please mention to them that these include Death threats and promises of retribution. They might not know what "The Wall" means to these sick twisted neonazi woman haters.
Which is worse, ancaps or nazis?
Owning the means of production is not slavery because you are in charge of your own labour and what happens to its output.
Slavery is when you are not in charge of your labour or its output.
Eventually, the idea is that yes, full automation will end the need to work.
Under capitalism, full automation just means that nobody has a job
They are more or less the same thing.
Ancaps are legitimately more ignorant and in more denial I think.
They know nothing
Nazis tend to be either full retards or they know just below enough to be actual socialists.
How is me working with other people any different from me working for "porky", as you call the producers of jobs and economic prosperity? In your society, where does wealth materialize from? Overthrowing the wealthy means that you all live as slaves in poverty, although possibly freer than in a capitalist society. The unfortunate truth, for you on this board, is that "porky" creates :jobs, roads, malls, theaters, and other cultural institutions that you enjoy each day. If you still use these things, you aren't an actual socialist, but a LARPer, and a hypocrite.
I actually like ancaps, they are hilarious.
Nazis have worse goals.
Ancaps just don't understand how to achieve their fairly reasonable goals. The same can be said of most leftists tbh.
Ancaps are just retarded and pose no actual threat.
and he could have had other jobs as well. we don't have a complete enough biography of Karl Marx to say he wasn't a clerk or a courier when he was 13 or 17. those sorts of things could very well be forgotten.
And Marx did a boatload of both paid and unpaid work. Historian and Journalist, but also Philosopher, Author, comissioned writer, and economist.
His lifestyle was also supported by the charity of close friends, not leaching.
and no one else holds this same accountability to any other person. Adam Smith could just as easily be said to never had a real job, if you discount Professor and Tutor as real jobs for no reason.
How do you regulate simple things like trade, and figure out the goods that people want in your society? You're also implying that automation wouldn't;t happen under communism.
Ancaps can't comprehend not worshiping dead intellectuals so they don't see how anyone else can either.
I didn't know allowing child rape and prostitution were "reasonable goals"
What are you fucking retarded?
Because no one is using property rights to keep a portion of the value generated by your labour
Also, remember anarcho-ccapitalism is not anarchism
Did the "job creators" dig the raw materials for those things out of the ground? Did the "job creators" work the machines to turn those raw materials into construction materials? Did the "job creators" drive the lorries and trains to bring those materials to the constructions sites and factories? Did the job creators build them with their hands?
What's wrong with sexual liberation?
Direct democracy.
Exactly how am I doing this?
I work for a company, and am granted a portion of the fruits of my labor. Saying that I don't own the means of production is untrue. What you never seem to figure out is that "the means of production" can be mental as well. When you work, you gain a skill, which you can take with you to another area. Are you implying that people cannot open up a small business in the US? In fact, 80% of the economy is generated due to small businesses. You mistake "means of production" as something tangible, like a saw or coal-mine, which is absurd.
Sauce: >>
Please stop being a fucking retard and arguing against straw-men. You make the left look even more stupid than it already looks thanks to the retards on /r/socialism.
You argue based on absurdities. If something has permeated into a culture, it exists. Morality is an innate, God given gift to mankind.
Your argument is that AnCap leads to automation. Communism doesn't?
nice b8 8/8
You said it yourself.
Do you own the company pc? Do you own the company? No? Then you don't own shit!
A skill does not produce. You do. And the capitalist exploits you.
Oh, fuck. why do I even bother…
To me this looks like Holla Forums trying to start some shit between reddit and leftypol. Why would anyone care what those fags at reddit do? They have the full authority to ban anyone they want, like, just dont go there nigga hahahahaha
Thats nice kid, but you are like a little baby
I am not a socialist, I do not advocate for worker owmership
Heh, do you really want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?
If you just want me to post my stirner memes all you need is to ask
Obviously, you are mentally deranged, or lack empathy and common sense.
Oh boy, here we go again!
Don't tell me you believe in intellectual "property" too? It's literally a state-enforced monopoly on an idea.
Here is a logical proof:
1.) One cannot prove that God exists
2.) One cannot prove God does not exist
3.) To reject God means to receive His wrath if He is real, and nothing if he is not real
4.) If God does not exists, nothing means anything
5.) Therefore, one must, by default, be Agnostic. Morality is a choice left up to each individual.
Wrong, Imtreat my property with the upper most respect, just ask my mistress
I'm ashamed to ask, but who is the guy on the right?
*tips fedora*
Some irrelevant minor polish nobleman.
That analysis leaves out the numerous other religions on Earth. If it turns out the Egyptians were the ones who guessed correctly, you're pretty fucked as a Christian.
I cho ose to deny it
I'd say the opposite. God doesn't exist, so we must create it.
In my life I have taken, and honed my skill in, many Calculus classes. This allowed me to move around to different businesses, and act as an accountant or mathematician for the company. All I did was study mathematics, which is a skill, and then I applied it in the economy. I am not arguing "intellectual property." I am arguing the fact that Calculus can be considered a "means of production", but you won't accept it, because it would break your infinitesimally small worldview. You always define the "means of production" as a coal-mine, factory, or farm. Yet, this is propaganda to force people into a way of thinking ripe for revolution.
Ugh, how is he relevant to anything? All he taught was the ubermensch-tought pattern for Hitler to use later.
That one was painful, user.
That's a clear logical disconnect. Again, you assume that God must prove that x economic policy must be created, and, therefore, destroyed.
Ofmcourse, but our ancapmfriend here is still struggling with agnosticism
pls be bait.
Lol no
So why should the bourg keep some of the value generated by you?
Nice spook
Calculus alone is not a means of production. Even if you only want to write calculus textbooks you at least need a printing press. I guess if you were a freelance calculus street-preacher, you wouldn't be being exploited, but I doubt you are. are doing is labor. It was futher labor which taught you the skills you use. The tools you used to learn were the means of production.
Why couldn't you tell me what nietsche has contributed?
nazis because ancaps are right
I'm struggling with the fact that your entire economic philosophy is based around "moving the goalposts." How can I argue when everything is a "spook?" Stirner is a convenient way to argue against anything you don't like, and it cannot be argued against.
The problem with this, is that their is only one foregone conclusion: everything, absolutely everything, is a spook. Yet, not everything can be a spook. If everything is a spook, but biological life is not a spook, your entire philosophy is self-contradicting, and, therefore, a paradox.
You are correct, time to use the correct vocabulary
Just reaad him
You dont, now spread your cheeks and get ready to be buttfucked by the egoist, might is right
nice bait, Porky
Because everyone gains value from a richer "porky"
I don't have an incentive to read him if the premise is "human can be above god brah ahahaha!" You should be able to tell me what he is right about in few words, if you have read him and understood him.
So the entire argument comes down to the fact that if I have to use a book produced by "porky" to be successful in life, I have failed? That's your argument?
The word spook is abused here a lot. It means a concept that governs you, an abstract entity you subordinate your interest to rather than meditating on your own interest.
Regarding "calculus being a means of production", I don't really quite get what you're saying. The means or production would be the way you apply that skill (i.e. a computer, paper etc) which would be managed by the workers. Calculus isn't anymore a "means of production" than being muscular is when applied to a construction job. Mop isn't super rigid either, collectivizing the means of production is moreso another way to say "collectivize production" - have production be dictated by the community rather than by private, impersonal market forces.
Are you the real "not an argument"-man? What brought you to this board?
But according to you, value is subjective :^}, therefore my subjectivity allows me to disregard any value I gain from porky
Be my guest then
I guess what I'm arguing is that people don't need the "means of production to be seized" because there are other ways to become successful in a free-market economy. This is never mentioned by your system.
Fuck your newage hippy bullshit. Idealism is reactionary.
I'm not a kike, but I appreciate the compliment
>inb4 Holla Forums detected. I hate Holla Forums, and Jews. These ideas can be mutually exclusive.
Well you just proved yourself not worth the debate in one post, good for you man. Go get your medicine and tell your mom I said hi.
Is inciting raids against communities outside of Reddit even against sitewide rules?
How so? Because I said something about Jews? Yes, I understand that all of our books were written by Jews, but those were secular Jews.
No, raiding is always against the rules of Plebbit. Why not just ask /baph/ to fuck with Plebbit for you?
Lol spooks
The point isn't so much about the possibility of whether one can "become successful" by taking calculus classes, so much as ironing out contradictions inherent in a class based society, and subsequently capitalism. I view markets as promoting production for productions sake, which necessarily leads to expansionism and infringing on the environment, the rights of the individual, etc. There are left wing market anarchist like Proudhon though, so it's not really accurate to say leftism is opposed to markets.
I agree somewhat with the first part, but the latter is incorrect. AnCap's, me included, are against war.
t. last man
Demanding ownership over something is an act of war
Property is theft
Prove it. Again, you're implying that ownership of a good isn't sometimes natural, or that gaining property can't be solved peacefully. Have you never heard of a contract
Also, funny coming from a pirate
I don't mean imperialism specifically. I view imperialism as just one of the mechanisms capital has used to subvert old modes of production. I mean, take a look at the Poor Laws in Britain, the enclosure movements, ecological disasters, etc. I'd say my main issue with ancapitalism is even if I were to get behind the notion of natural rights to private property, I don't see how one can uphold private property as it exist today. Capitalism was built on mass violence against the peasantry, expansionism, corrupt States that colluded closely with the up and coming bourgeoisie. There is violence built into the system. I honestly have no issue with ancaps making their own society somewhere if they really want to. I just find it hypocritical that ancaps preach about liberty but can't bring themselves to do what logically follows from those principles - expropriating the expropriators. If production was genuinely handled by those who partook in it and not by despots, do you honestly think people would agree to subordinate themselves to the interest of a higher up rather than form a mutually beneficial relationship? Christ, if I remember correctly there's a part in one of Hayek's books where he says one of the conditions for a servile workforce is a ruthless boss, of course all for efficiencies sake. I also find the concept of deductive economics pretty moronic, libertarians like Nozik are many times more respectable as theorist than Rothbard or Mises.
just give what hes wants and go back to reddit. faggot
You are one of the smartest Holla Forums users I have ever debated against. You aren't a normal user, are you? You are too sharp. Most of these faggots just spit out "muh marx."
Dude, I don't know why you're posting these videos. Anyway, in regards to the first one I find the debate over whether the minimum wage causes unemployment to be kind of off target, because the minimum wage is focused on increasing workers buying power and standard of living and has little to do with curbing unemployment by 1% or 2%. I think it's telling that there are Post-Keynesian's who reject a minimum wage, as well as social democrat countries that lack a minimum wage entirely, you can have adequate social welfare without it. Regardless, it's not something I feel strongly about as a socialist. I'd prefer to see strong unionization than a state mandated wage.
I also don't see what the second video has to do with what I said. I understand the tendency to consider Capitalism in a vacuum, but I don't think that's intellectually honest. If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, I recommend reading Part 8 of volume 1 of Capital. Marx traces the evolution of Capitalism, through the state expropriating common land owned by the peasantry so how imperialism and colonization of foreign lands benefitted the Capitalist state in one way. Some of the punishments that were issued to vagabonds by the monarchs of the 15th century when trying to create a wage populace were pretty terrifying, like being sold into slavery and then having your children sold into slavery - just for being unemployed.
I've been here for about a year, post quality has gotten a lot worse recently. Most of the good posters we used to have like Marxhead have disappeared despite the boards ever increasing size.
Is that a qt tomoko?
they didn't post their usernames in it though, did they?
Dont need to rpove what Produhon did almost 200 years ago
There is a saying here, "That who steals from a thieve, gets 100 years of forgiveness"
Contracts aren't natural. They are pieces of paper enforced with violence.
yeah unlike your picture
No, that guy's just an idiot. It's best if you respond to the strongest arguments against your position rather than the weakest.
petty sure ive seen this before
it wasnt a communism subreddit but it was equally powertripping bullshit
pic related of "powertripping" mods
This is too easy to debunk, my only regret is that I wasn't here to d it first.