Guerrillla warfare will not win the World Revolution

Guerilla Warfare will not win the World Revolution. A discussion of the guerilla victories in Vietnam and Afghanistan will demonstrate this.

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We need worldwide guerrilla warfare for the world revolution.

Modern warfare requires modern weapons,, and guerillas cannot control the industrial base required. The Viet Cong and Taliban were supplied with modern weapons by rival superpowers. Without the supply from their enemies rivals they would have been helpless.

World revolution will be worldwide. The Vietcong and Taliban were given safe havens to organize and regroup in by the geo-political situation. They could retreat to North Vietnam and Pakistan because their enemies were unwilling to bring their rivals directly into the conflict.

The will of the people is simply not enough to bring victory. I present the failure of the filipino insurrection against American Imperialism as an example. The Filipinos lost because they did not have supplies from an American rival nor any safe havens to escape American forces.

We need to purge the counter revolutionaries on the board

O.P. here. How does pointing out strategic and tactical realities make me a counter-revolutionary? I am willing to fight, but I want to win. In actual violence, who is right and who is wrong is not relevant. Material and strategy win wars not faith and devotion. I present the tragedy of the Ghost Dance as evidence. Blind adherence to ideology doesn't win.

I think unless we can acquire heat-masking uniforms, guerilla warfare will be impossible against the superpowers, and urban warfare tends to only get so far (e.g. when piggy has enough of your sniper nests so it carpet bombs the city)

The success of the weak against the strong is dependent on the strong's moral structure. I present the non-violent success of the Indian independence as an example. Would such tactics have worked against Imperial Japan?

last time I checked they still had capitalists

Britain was downsizing its empire after Suez, they wouldve let india go eventually, so Ghandis fight, whilst admirable, just got it sorted quicker. Its why non-violence will never work against capitalism.
Dont be thick, you think those in power with all the wealth they could ever want or need are gonna give it u cus you arent eating your fucking rice? Do you think, that they would even hesitate but gun down any mass gathering if they saw it as a threat? wake up man, jesus, there is no struggle without physical struggle.

The role that non-violence played in India's independence is horrifically overstated. Spoiler alert but this isn't a fairy tale, non-violence will get you no where and India would have remained a colony if not for violence.

Good point..

Another good point.

I don't like the idea, but is it possible to get funding from North Korea and/or other nations that hate the US so we could possibly other throw the Government


realpolitik..the only reason the United States exists is because of French support.

The only reason "big Kim" continues is support of China and his nuclear weapons.

hes still here, but i dont think the enemy of our enemy arguement applies to a big fat chink who holds east asia hostage with uranium bombs half filled with piss

How about making the weapons, DIY style. But with having actual means of production and using socialized labour for both manufacturing and R&D.

Think about what is needed for an anti air missile like the one on your picture. And then every major part is written to details, and then most affordable method of manufacturing it is used.

Of course any kind of diy research in recreating this is sketchy due to laws on having explosives and rocket propellants (essentially similar kinds of chemicals).

And without any major public agreement on the whole thing of communism makes this essentially a child's play in a garage, toying around with fireworks, with an added risk of being taken by the FBI and then sent to Guantanamo for having nitrated chemicals and copious amounts of nitric acid. Plus if they see the metal rods being welded together at the end to form a circle when an explosive explodes inside the rods (google how the SAM missiles use metal rods to fuck up the planes), then you are in for having water poured down your face while you are being asked which Muhammad Abdullah you are in contact with.

Given this, it would be more useful to do diy research in protein isolation from mushrooms, to give the vegans a good and cheap meat substitute. One can put quotes by Lenin, Marx and Engels on the packages. And such enterprise would at least warrant a smug satisfaction of not stooping to the corrupted ways of the imperialists.

Plus an easily replicable technology can be sent to poverty stricken areas for locals to get some praxis on putting their heads to advanced work despite their circumstances.

Google the may 18th 1980 Gwangju Massacre.

I wonder how the American Patriots felt about being armed by French aristocrats.

Are you MacGyver? Can you make an anti-aircraft missile that can take down an A-10 with baking soda and card board?

i honestly could give less of a fuck about either party in your example, as a brit i also find it indescribably triggering

You could have been generous and posted a link. Is this a good source for me to grasp your point?

Yes, it is good source except the universally agreed number of dead civilians is over 2000 and more. This is what the korean people in Gwangju are aware off, just gauging from the way it was being conducted.

Just mention it to outline of what scale violence are the ruling classes capable of.

To get an even more horrifying example, look up the wikipedia list of massacres in South Korea. Biggest one is Bodo League massacre, where over 100,000 suspected communist sympathizers were executed.

Not baking soda and card board, but materials such as aluminium, iron, glass, plastic, nitric acid and whatever.

The point is, it would be painfully slow for a one person. But the books are out there, the software for hydrodynamic/aerodynamic simulations is there, the nitric acid is there.

Despite the fact that one has to be a bit like MacGyver, it does not mean that what the Raytheon, Lockheed and the likes do is not magic and it can be recreated and replicated.

To be honest, people who can pull this off are usually the ones that come out as physics graduates from universities.

For example:

To illustrate the major pitfalls of any independent research and development. They know their capabilities are limited, they are slow, they need to keep things simple. But they can build houses and cobble together the basic machines they developed.

Then look up on youtube for other examples

Searching for homemade lathe or milling machine yields tons of results.

Countless teardown videos of electronics, with insightful commentaries form electrical engineers.

People having gardens, people spending their times in a workshop cobbling something together.

If you don't have your own workshop, you can attend a public one.

I admire your optimism,, but I cannot believe that guerillas would be able to "oakie-rig" effective modern weapons without securing the means of production. the afghan mujahideen just couldn't knock down soviet gunships without American stinger missiles. You just cannot make things like that in your backyard.

we must be willing to sacrifice more lives than enemy to win. The Viet Cong lost an average of ten of their people for every American lost. This is also supported by Clausewitz's theory.

You are right that with improper tools, certain things are impossible.

But with proper tools, those things are not that out of the reach.

Milling a lower receiver for AR-15 is not rocket science. And making a rocket is not that much of a rocket science either. But still a considerable amount of rocket science is needed.

There is a difference between a sacrifice and conceding that life under capitalism is more or less a suicide already, so why delay it?

People are not some sacrificial lamb to be sacrificed.

Sacrifice implies a choice. But when you put it in terms of either barbarism or socialism, then it is not much of a choice, is it? Who would choose barbarism?

my sides

Good attitude solider! now forward and gum up the treads of that tank with your corpse.

in the event of a world revolution there will be increasingly few modern weapons as delicate supply chains are increasingly disrupted if not eliminated

whichever side masters guerilla/asymmetric warfare first will win

or is that your shitposting flag?

Noone's gonna tell you to throw yourself into the track of a tank. Stop pretending they will.

You can't trick me, "comrade." I saw Enemy at the Gates, I know all about your evil socialism.