LSC goes off the deep end and will ban other communists and socialists who criticize tankies.
LSC will now ban anyone against tankies
How is this bad?
Yes, that isnt any different from here
Banning fascists is good, take your peach elsewhere
They've always done that. The mod teams of all the major reddit socialist subs are Tankies.
I'm sorry but they have to be COINTERPRO by this point.
They just fucking have to be.
LSC gets many, many normies invovled from the front page.
And they're doing this.
This makes me angry beyound beliefe.
Bonus. I just got banned for criticizing the rule. They're literally attempting to defend the indefensible. They will give other leftist groups a bad name by doing this.
They're just goons. Our tankies are autistes and I won't hear a word against them.
Tankies are the most powerful race in the world.
Stalin-tache best posters
I've noticed how "tankie" is a word for "actual leftist" invented to confuse people that comes here.
Everyone who is not a "tankie" is either a stupid nazi (nazbols), a capitalist (ancaps), a right wing reactionary (troskshits) or a stragiht retard (anarkiddies).
Back to the armchair.
Reddits definition of tankie is literally anyone who is a socialist. I don't see a problem.
That's becoming our definition too except we see it negatively. Anyone whose not an anarchist will at some point be called a tankie and its probably not long until "tankie in black" becomes an unironic slur. If your a socialist who follows an ideology that's never achieved anything I guess that's cool by Holla Forums standards.
There's no really attempt made to differentiate between the actual unironic Brezhnevist tankies where everyone who flies a red flag is a communist (I suppose Nazbols are in this category) and others who follow traditions that are more in keeping with Leninism.
t. grover furr
There's already "anarcho-tankie" floating around
God, redditors are such fucking babies. I hope all our refugees here feel a bit silly and other slurs.
Good tbh
Yall need to read bookchin
Cause Dialectical Naturalism > Dialectical Materialism.
I'm glad that at least someone is fighting for left unity.
how about no
why give a shit?
that's like complaining about a tennis club for banning people to play football on their tennis courts
What's the deal with reddit and excessive moderation?
Bad moderation is arguably the most widespread problem in internet communities. Every time you see a once decent community start circling the drain, there are mods and admins being utter cocks at the forefront.
I remember when /lsc/ didn't have an explicit tendency and may well have had plenty of naive liberals coming over to our side. Now this. I am mad.
Should have listened to him about those moderators.
First I've heard of it.
According to Tankies.
No. We have Syndicalists, Wobblies, MarketSocs, DemSocs and SocDems who killed Rosa Luxemburg for your sins, NEETSocs, Bunkers, Stirners, Anarcho-Nihilists, Anfems, Technocrats, Anarcho-Transhumanists, a ChristCom, the Islamig Gommunism guy who gets triggered by porn threads, Leninists, at least one Pan-African Unionist at one point, Gadsden Lolberts, Libtards, Conservitards, and people shilling or shitposting under those flags. And the Spurdo guy. Also Anarkiddies can be subdivided between AnComkiddies and pure Anarkiddies.
Not really. Inaccuracy upsets me more then the fact that people aren't Leninists or subscribe to Hoxhaist-Leninism in particular. The whole discourse really reeks of the the kind of moralism you'd find in the state department who'd gladly tell you all about evil tankies. At this point it has nothing to do with Soviet actions in the revisionist era of the USSR which spurned the term but is just a slur for socialists who actually want to learn from the successes of the Soviet model where applicable and who actually intend to take state power through revolution.
Red pill me on why I'd want to read the guy who Bob Black, of all people, BTFO
*which originated the term
So nowhere?
r/latestagecapitalism is the motherbase of the "everything I don't like is capitalism" kind of left-liberal that self-styles themselves as Marxist.
I thought they were trots
You have tankies on one side who want to promote the idea that socialism is ONLY achievable through violence
and then you have the others who are either pacifists or see a plurality of ways to achieve socialism.
The tankies will always win because they are the ones who are willing to ban the others.
Soon the word Tankie will be like a slur.
Do leddit tankies also ban people for using ableist slurs like "stupid"?
It's a natural product of late stage capitalism
The LSC mods are doing performance art
I won't hear such slander against our own retards. Sure, they might praise DPRK, claim Kulak's deserved it, and and deny that 10 million people died from the Holodomor, but I will not have them compared to reddit moderators. That's too far.
Capitalist propaganda.
here we go again
helicopter ride will never end
What if the real helicopter ride was the friends we made along the way?
not sure what you're implying
my point is, if commies won't use violence, their adversaries will
bolsheviks paid a high price for their hesitation to use force
maybe civil war could've been avoided altogether, if they just killed their hostages
This is some alternate dimension you are posting from, isn't it?
Nope. It's just inexcusable not to prepare for violence and to pretend that violence could be avoided in any circumstances.
No, no, I agree with you. Normally operating capitalism is itself inherently a process of political violence. "Moving past the system" however it is done can be no less a protracted violent process than living within it. And tankies certainly have no monopoly on this way of thinking.
Well, it's not like there is a real difference anyways.
It's human nature. Power corrupts people.
That's our lovable tankies!
Fixed this.
No. Our institutions as expressions of bourgeois culture are corrupted, moderation included. Pathological people are attracted to them because they allow the wielding of unchecked power, not because power itself is inherently corruptible, and not because our nature is inherently despicable. Most people don't want either the responsibility or the ability to wield power. The minority that do, seek out positions of power because there whatever need, desire or disposition which grips them can find expression. There they can control others as they must control themselves, subject themselves to others without the consequences, and do things for the sake of doing them; not for any truth, or meaning, or purpose; just because they can and no one can stop them.
So the solution is to give power to the people who want it the least.
TL;DR: Only corrupt people get into power. It's just human nature.
I'm banned from basically all Socialist subs for posting on STS.
It's pretty fucking ridiculous, STS is really just a pretty tame "bad history" sub aimed specifically at the fucking batshit Stalinists and Maoists and USSR larpers that inhabit the more popular socialist subs.
It's hilarious they call it a "hate sub" but there is pretty much no hate on it whatsoever, just a lot of actually pretty polite and often very detailed criticism.
While I actually do believe there is a connection between COINTELPRO and all the Idpol shit. A lot of this is just because Tankies generally are think skinned egotisticial power hungry fucks who can't take any fucking criticism.
This is why Leninist parties spit several times a week, because they're dogmatic power hungry thin skinned fucktards.
Don't blame the CIA, for the actions of shithead purists.
What's even more cringy is that these people think that Ethnic cleansing denialism and muderous totalitarianism? A-OK! Using the word "blinded" or "dumb" or criticizing the mass murders that happened on the left? = TO THE GULAG.
As somebody who has a heavy dislike for (mainly reddit) leftcoms and who thinks that STS are a bunch of whiny ass sinners, it's fucking retarded that it's labeled as a "hate sub" and can get you banned from the commiesphere for posting there.
Also, their behavior only lends credence to the whole "communists are just religious zealots/cultists" meme.
First they impose understandable rules, then they ramp it up over time, to have really shit rules, then start 'purging' those who either question or mock the rules, then the certain sects that don't fully agree with the leadership (i.e. 'support of the EU' and third-worldism (so most of r/communism)) get purged, then a crackdown on any possible dissenters, then telling the members to go 'attack' the 'enemy' and permanently purging anybody that doesn't obey these rules.
Holy shit, no wonder there's the conspiracy that the mods are part of an FBI psyop.
Considering the fact that it started in the 70s, I wouldn't doubt it, especially how much it's fractured the left through the 80's, 90's, and now.
This, and also making sure that those who wield power are accountable for their actions and don't wield it for long. With reddit, of course, this is impossible, since mods are only really accountable to each other and the board owner.
Really the only solution is to have a very light mod team and an active community that can police itself.
Left my shitposting flag on
word-filter is based.
Careful I'll weaponize my Mautism into a tact- ohp too late
how big can a Big Other get to you people
That's because Leninists tend to be religious zealots.
It's no fucking coincidence that /r/socialism, every single mod bar one is a Leninist and /r/socialism almost engages in 1:1 Stalinist purges against anybody who dares criticize them, then turn their back on Socialist values, while their discord chat logs leak showing they are all hypocritical fucks who fucking hate the userbase (look at how they use terms like faggots and moron and retard in the discord, yet they will ban you on the spot for using language like that on the sub, not even us on leftypol call people "faggots" anymore)
Same with LSC, the mods are literally defending ethnic cleansing in that fucking thread.
Honestly, It's so disheartening for me, I am really starting to lose faith that the left will go anywhere because honestly, as near every leftist community and party will show, we are our own worst enemy.
Revleft, then Libcom, then /r/communism, then /r/socialism, then even "center-left" subs like the Labour sub and the Democratic Socialism subs etc etc.
This just repeats over and over, authoritarian psychopaths get into positions of power, then purge the rest of us through "purity testing" while 80% of the sychophantic userbase cheer them on.
Leninists are cancer
It's intrinsic to the far-left, it attracts the kind of people who would a hundred years ago become priests who torment children in orphanages for being sinners.
What is it about "leftist" subreddits and moderators being so terrified that their users post on any other sub or site?
I can shitpost on LSC and Fullcommunism all day and I'd still be welcome at r/altright and the_donald.
You've got to be kidding me. Why does this keep happening?
First I learn about rHizzonE actually existing, then I learn about Holla Forums. Fuck me.
I'm going to bed soon, can you (or somebody) post links/pics? thx in advance.
After a fashion. There are methods that, while not eliminating the problem of sociopaths and other borderline personalities, at least ensure they do not dominate by virtue of their ruthless pursuit of power. Delegates, drawing by lot, limited terms, etc. Participatory politics in general. All of these ensure the people who rule are ruled in turn. But you can't ignore the broader culture, which means you can't ignore that culture's social foundation. I.e. its mode of production. Ancient Athens, by the standards of the time, had very participatory politics. But it was still a class society; it was still imperialist; and it suffered upheavals as a result.
And the culture of the community helps determine what should and shouldn't be policed. Part of the reason why I love Holla Forums is that the culture, relative to Holla Forums and Reddit, is very tolerant. Nonetheless people know when to rally around it and force liberals and other retards out.
Human nature is culture. If there's corruption the individual is a scapegoat for broader problems. That's why the "bad apple" argument is complete nonsense. The individual doesn't exist outside their social environment. Powerful people in particular do not act alone.
No, it's because their socialist culture is too bourgeois :^)
tbh the tankies are the only people on the left who have a lick of sense.
I mean, they're still leftist faggots who want to ruin life for everyone, but at least they sometimes get it done IRL, unlike the rest of you.
We are agents of Satan.