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Nobody here is an anarcha feminist Holla Forums
Its time to give up the ghost.
post tits
I don't understand what anarcha feminism stands for
Also can anybody post the anfem annihil memeball images? I cannot find them
Get the fuck out of my thread unless you're going to contribute to discussion you retarded namefag scum
fuck you nigger, gook anfem is the best trip on this board along with nameless koba trip
go back to pol OP, the flag is a joke
I misread this as "American feminism thread" from the home page.
I was expecting a lot of feminism images, but I got autism instead.
>>>Holla Forums
Do anarcho feminists seriously think that if the state was removed women would stop being oppressed? Do they really not realize they'd go back to being treated like currencies and empty fuck socks?
Every protection the woman has she owes to the state.
First time raiding, Holla Forumsyp?
Why spend so much time here idgi
I've seen many things said by men on the internet who have not touched a woman since elementary school
Women being FIAT currency is by far the greatest.
That is an offensive avatar. Black and red are color symbols of brutality. Cat girls are the over sexulization of women.
anarcha+feminist= Hysterical egocentrical female
They are self-absorbeb, annoying, insane, and overall very unpleasant to be near. Imagine a extremist bourguese feminist, but much worse.
Like, the average leftypol user?
Yes but with extra vagina and hormonal dysfunction.
Go get em girl
no state no patriarchy.
So I guess voting in your federation in a way that empowers women.
are anfems into femdom?
Catposter has a rape fetish(though she thinks all sex is rape), escort anfem is a sub, and none of the others who posted here said anything about being doms into men.
lol we say nigger and gook on this board you pearl clutching faggot
Is anarcho-feminism even a real (i.e. non-internet) ideology?
I mean anarchists (and socialists) should be "feminists" in the real sense of the word (not the bourgeois sense) anyway. Saying "I'm an anarchist" or "I'm a socialist" as a self-label encompasses a position on the women's question, as much as it encompasses an economic or other political or social question.
So it's either a) a completely redundant label, or b) people are trying to merge bourgeois feminism with anarchism (which is of course a contradictory and impossible effort, as anarchism and socialism distinctly do not encompass any bourgeois ideology), which is pretty god damn bourgeois and ingenuous and set to destroy the movement.
So which is it?
which one is that?
She posted a thread a few months ago about prostitutes being seen as lumpens that blew up, then came back a few months later to talk about market socialism and funding co-ops with fuck money. Haven't seen her in a while, but she did read a lot and was better than most posters here. She also posted tits that put satanchan to shame.
need anarcha-TERF flag
Why are so many of the flags anarcho- that don't really need to be? Why would you need to add anarcho to nihilist?
because they are edgy retards with vulgar understandings that they collected from social media instead of literature
Start reading.
Even better
Why you so spooked my fam
good taste
=Western Europe/Scandinavia?
States like Germany exist in name only tbh famrade
No don't
It seems redundant to me, but the only anarchofeminists I've met IRL are basically just plain ol' ancoms who were women, so I do think it's a bit of idpol leaking insofar as they just slap the label on because they're women. I definitely agree with your second paragraph though, and if redundancy is the worst that it gets then I don't really see it as any worse than any other anarchist—everyone does goofy stuff at times, and at least they aren't bougie.