Did America deserve 9/11?

Did America deserve 9/11?

America? Yes.
The bourgeoise "working" there? Yes.
The working class in the building? No.

How about we stop having this shitty thread everyday. OP please kys. Anyone else that responds should do the same.

I made this thread yesterday its still in the catalog don't be a fag

Technically they did it to themselves…

Sorry, user

They could have prevented it, but they didnt.
Just so they could justify starting wars and spying on everyone.

America deserved 9/11 for 9/11/73

Was it deliberately timed for an anniversary? What was it?

Putin did this and cut out the middle man in 1999 and he did it at Beslan.

Nations don't exist

Did Canada deserve Unruhe?


It's just a funny thing, it was the annivrry of Pinochet overthrowing Allende with CIA backing. So you can go "everything I need to know about America I learned on 9/11/73" to the "everything I need to know about Islam I learned on 9/11" types.

No because countries aren't hiveminds. You don't share responsibility for someone else action just because you are born in the same place.

The united States Deserves to be NUKED!

None of those rockets represent the proletariat and are targeting porky's henchmen.

"America," as a nation and as a state, was not hurt by 9/11. It should be pretty obvious to everyone here that America did very well with 9/11. Celebrating civilian death in America is not only useless in that it has no effect on the empire at all, but uselessly cruel.

I dunno I'm pretty sure the two pointless moneysink foreverwars at least made empire more expensive and increased the pace of insurgency whack-a-mole

Countries are not hiveminds, don't be so disgusting

Noice, will be using this. Thought it had something to do with the Suez crisis at first.

They deserve worse.

Suez was '56


I didn't die there so yeah they did.
I can only hope another one happens and more people die.

In before edgy fuck you I got my life