Tfw been six months since I was a Nazi

How the fuck do we get more people to read Marx? That's literally all I give a fuck about at the moment, holy shit people should be required to read this shit

I don't even care if I sound like a neckbeard, I genuinely feel fucking enlightened.

Other urls found in this thread:


Someone reading Marx and changing their opinion?

Marxism is class reductionist.

I want to believe.

No truth to this. Marx made it pretty explicitly clear that a classless society on it's own was not the solution to all ills. He spent much of his time attacking crude communists who would replicate the effects of surplus-value exploitation without actual -value.

Talking earnestly about your experience both before and after, the nature of Marx's work, and being as willing and quick to admit where Marx was wrong as to point out where he was right.

In my experience it's easier to get people to read Marx after offering them something more immediately relevant. A female friend and I were talking about liberal feminism and its complete failure, and when I told her about Rosa Luxembourg she was immediately interested. She read Rosa, then read the Manifesto, and six months later she's transformed from an ideologically-agnostic malcontent into a committed Marxist calling for all capitalists to be lead to the guillotines.

People respond if they think something has the answers to their problems. The better you know Marx, his works, and his arguments, and the better you're able to apply what you've learned to everyday thought and conversation, the more likely you'll be to actually win "converts" so to speak.


typical christfag, jumps from cons lib to libertaryan to nazi to commie

Can't stop adopting idiotic myopic cultic belief systems

should be interesting

And what is your magical non-myopic non-cultish belief system?


I don't know where to start with Marx. Everyone tells me that Capital is too in-depth for a complete layman to economics.

I picked up a book by A. J Ayer on Hegel and I found the explanations obscure and a little hard to understand, and not immediately relevant.

So I picked up things like "Essays on Marx's Theory of Value" by I.I Rubin and it's quite dry, I'm losing motivation for it.

I picked up "Theories of Surplus Value" by Marx, which is a little more interesting but still quite dull.

Now I'm interested in anarchism and I'm reading Proudhon's "What is Property?".

It's not going well.

What reading did you do beforehand?


feels class conscious fam

Nice trips. It's a long process to understand Marx imo. Maybe start with the Manifest.

reminder that a NEET nazi is better than a wage slave marxist

Sure thing kiddo. This is on the level of "I used to be a communist but after 3 days of shitposting, I hail hitler every day". If you're actually not just shitposting then you're retarded for changing your opinion so easily.


I bought a companion book by David Harvey and watched some lectures as well, I'd recommend doing the same.

No, I always knew something was wrong in the back of my mind. And do you know how fucking big and dense Das Kapital is? It's a genuinely really good argument, and I didn't have many strong ones to support my political beliefs as a Nazi.

"I like Cos"?

You have to be pretty retarded to be a nazi, so its unlikely your believes are backed up by much and they probably can be changed easily too.

I started with the Manifesto. It's about as short and basic as Marx gets and since it was meant to be a pamphlet it's pretty concise by Marx's standards.

But yeah, Capital is kind of advanced, but you can see the seeds of what became Das Kap in his other works, Grundrisse, 18th Brumaire, and so on.

It wouldn't hurt to read stuff all the way through and come to Holla Forums with questions. Chances are there are plenty of others that haven't read or are having trouble with Marx, and that one answer will piss off a sperg with another interpretation of this or that and you'll end up with some good information and links to resources (if all goes well).

It's possible he was just an ignorant teenager like most of Holla Forums.


I believe this post is an example of what is known on your board as "triggered".


Value, Prices and Profit is a good introduction to his economics imo.

the first three chapters of Capital are fucking unreadable .


You jumped from from the frying pan into the fire.

what do you mean "my" board?

I bought a book by David Harvey and watched some of his lectures to help get me through it, but yeah it was fucking dense

You aren't doing Holla Forums any favors by being both salty and illiterate. I didn't say that Holla Forums was bad, but that it was full of ignorant teenagers, much like yourself.

good job with that typo me. Now people are going to use my mistake as a critique.

Good for you OP! I have no idea to be honest.

Hi there Holla Forums, just because OP has a good attention span, unlike you, doesnt mean he is lying. Fuck hell.

Ignore this, complete nonsense. The first 5 Chapters of Capital are the most important out of the entire 3 volumes. It explains the basis for what Marx is setting out to prove throughout Capital.

I don't have a good attention span tbf, it was fucking hard to read

Marx for some reason has really, really long sentences. It's like he doesn't know what a full stop is and just replaces them with commas

It was definitely worth reading it in the end though

YouTube videos are the ideological backbone of the alt right. Most of these people spend way too much time on the internet and their attention span is shot, so they can't read books. They fill the intellectual void with Stefan Molyneux videos and memes about skull shapes.

Most of these people will never even read a right wing intellectual never mind a left wing one like Marx. Even if you go back to classical Nazism there was very few actual intellectuals in the movement. Its praxis was pseudo science and the most spooked identity politics. These problems are the same among our current Nazis, just in the digital age.

Centrists and normies will never engage in politics in any meaningful way and they think Marx killed 60 trillion people.

It's difficult to push Marx.

Its because he was german, we all do that.

Most 19th century writing is like that. My translation of The Republic by Benjamin Jowett was my first experience with 19th century literature and I was astonished at the amount of commas.

Germans (and dutch people too) do this a lot.

marx hated freedom so I hate marx
What's the point in being equal if you're not even free?

I disagree with Stefan on everything, and I'm a Commie, but he's an interesting person to watch. He has a wide range of opinions and speaks about pretty much everything. His way of articulating concepts is strange and funny in a way. Sometimes he says strange things with a totally serious face. I just like seeing it.

He also has a strange accent.

In short, Stefan is nice to watch, provided you're not there for intellectual rigor.

Maybe I'm just weak-minded, but I find him so persuasive it's actually scary
He could become a cult leader IMO

freedom is a meme faggot

Freedom for whom, and to do what?

That's because there's no one to challenge him or fact check him. It's very easy to see someone speak authoritatively on something you know little about and think they're geniuses.

But when Molyneux talks with an actual intellectual like Chomsky all he can do is look gormless and not his bald head.

Freedom from shitty marxist parties and their shitty conservative morals and desire to unite everything. Anarchists atleast allow people to live the live they want.

Freedom of the individual over the will of the collective. Freedom for each person to pursue their destiny regardless of if it servers the system or not. Class doesn't matter, it's the collective that oppresses you and you are all slaves to artificial concepts which you perceive as real. The only thing that's real enough to matter is you and your true will, any political group will use your for it's own advantage so how about you use yourself to your own advantage?

*if it serves

He has quite a cult-like following. Some of the things he says are persuasive, but they probably wouldn't be for someone much more well read than me. For example in his "An honest conversation with a communist" video he makes what seem to be a couple of good points, but that's probably just beacuse I don't know any more than him.

For a while I wanted to start my own Youtube channel. But I just haven't done enough reading, and I feel like I would be destroyed. I don't want to be mocking or insulting, rather I just want to refute arguments and maybe bring over some more people to the socialist/anarchist cause. But Youtube is hardly the best place to do that, as people who happen upon your video will either be leftist anyway or they'll be in a little subscriber bubble of anti-sjw (tl;dr, TJ) or people like Stefan who look a little smarter.

doesn't make them less fucking boring.

There's nothing wrong with skipping the parts you find uniteresting in any book.

There is plenty wrong with it, you aren't reading political theory as entertainment. Although to me it's worse skipping parts of a novel for some reason, do you skip parts in movies or at a play?

So a meme, yeah.
It's sad that you're so hopelessly spooked.

I skipped the portions of Moby Dick where Melville starts pontificating about whale biology because it really doesn't have anything to do with the narrative.

But that's entirely different from skipping massive swathes of a multi-volume tome which make up the ideological foundation of a massive work of political and economic theory.

Yeah, I prefer the cinema edit of Brazil too. Cuts out all that dross at the end.

The emancipation of the collective precedes the emancipation of the individual. There is a dialectic between the two, they are not in opposition.
The self does not exist in the abstract, in it exist in material reality. If you want freedom from the collective, you should go live in the woods.

Read Wage Labour and Capital, then Value Price and Profit.


pdf related

what pdf

forgot pdf… too big to upload here

Cheers fam.

There's the problem

nice projection m8

When you're so autistic you require the last word on an imageboard even if it makes you look worse.

Before you even start: Not him.

The Essential Marx (Dover) is an abridged version of Capital vol. I prepared by Leon Trotsky. It's very portable but still has most of the key arguments.
Don't worry too much about Hegel unless you become a scholar. He's not really necessary or useful for understanding Marx. The big idea was really wresting the dialectic from his cold, dead hands and making it a practical and materialist thing. Same idea with Smith and Ricardo (though Smith says some surprisingly "socialist" things in a few passages about market failure)
You should read "Theses on Feuerbach" (~1 page) over a couple times early on to get a sense for Marx's materialism

Oh man. Read this in like 8th grade, was my very first introduction to socialism. It's pretty great for what it sets out to do. Highly recommend for starting from zero.

Engels' Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is nice and easy to digest. It gives a good sense what was so "special" about Marx and their development of socialism onto rigorous foundations.

David North's The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism, and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left is a solid defense of historical materialism against contemporary anti-Marxist philosophy which looks critically at how the latter has shaped and influenced the ineffectual "pseudo-left" social movements of recent history. Another strong recommendation, especially in the age of rampant idpol.

There's also a Capital manga out there, in two volumes. It's okay

This. Have discussions and debates on Holla Forums. High quality content and discussion are good for everybody, and don't underestimate it as a resource in itself either

Dumping reading lists

Who reads a whole book just to laugh at someone? I have trouble reading stuff im actually interested in.

I didn't realise it would be as dense and complicated as it is

People that really love doing it. I struggle sticking with a book.

I guess when you've read dozens of books reading that one book those faggots that have never read anything more than the wikipedia article on it starts to seem very appealing.

that last one was a mistake lol

Good luck getting anyone to read anything these days.

That's just going to make people not want to read it.

What actually sounds fedoric is when people claim they had figured out some of the same ideas Marx did. *That's* some prime /r/ThatHappened material.

What are you,a STEM-fag?

I struggled to have the attention span required for reading Cliff Notes of Das Capital. I learn and memorise easier through video.

I have a really good memory so if I'm paying attention it's stuck there, but I think maybe too much internet when I was young may have shot my attention span a bit.


You'll probably grow out of this too and just lump it all together in retrospect as your "radical politics" phase.

Marx was a fag.


Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations

I'm reading Volume 2 right now pls no hurt

Individualism is sin. You should submit to the greater good of the collective.




Time to read bakunin




It helped Marx establish his own theories tough.

no u

ANCOMS BTFO!!!!!!!!!11111

You should look into Murray Bookchin, OP.

Whereas Marx sublated Hegel's idealism, Bookchin sublated Marx's materialism. Bookchin incorporates a great deal from Marx, but is more relevant to the problems we face today.


Bourgeois individualism isn't a sin, just delusional.


Delusion is a sin.


10/10 I died


I could easily crop the ofunny but i did not as a post-ironic meme :^}

Undialectical as fuck.

I'm struggling to see the problem

yep, everyone knows blingee's where it's at for dank memes

every ideology ever

So did Hegel, Feuerbach, Bauer, et al. It's not like a thorough grounding in the theories of political economy Marx critiqued is important for understanding Marx at a practical (non-scholarly) level or has any inherent use to a modern leftist "developing" a new theory. Might as well read a bunch of Hayek and come up with objections lol

greow up kiddo

That's "Hayek," like "high explosives."

It's not absurd to change your mind after reading a long, well thought out and logical argument

Feels good breaking out of a right wing phase

It made me miserable as fuck. No idea how they do it.

I beweave, Do you beweave?

This is the most ridiculous video I have ever seen.

And all the commenters, my god.

i believe we need street preachers to spread the word of marx and lecture halls reminiscent of evangelical mega-churches to spread the word.

bad advice. Just follow David Harvey's lectures on youtube. He'll explain those chapters.

Econstories always baffled me. "If we don't try to steer them, they won't go berserk"? "Too much is wasted as cronies get fatter"?
It's not like bourgeois government meddling in markets to serve bourgeois interests, and moreover any large capitalist meddling with markets in the pursuit of self-interest (see: literally every gang and drug cartel) is, like, a natural product of capitalism or anything.
So close, and yet so far.


you mean like back when we had reading and study circles with publications etc.?

You speak like nazi beliefs are based on things with any depth.

This so fucking much. Also its nice to have christian communists here. Jesus would have agreed with you.

If he actually existed, Jesus was a fucking nut. All the talk about turning the other cheek was implicitly understood only to apply to other Jews; it wasn't a message of universal compassion, it was a message about reforming the tribe.

I would go to commie meeting every sunday tbh

There's something immensely suspect about taking guidelines from ancient philosophers, I'm sure we all have to admit.


/lit/ go home. Not really, I like you.

It starts and ends with the Germans.


Althusser and Foucault are pretty worthless

What about Zizek?

Well, you know, as a rule.
Greek philosophy is full of shit like "Do rocks have souls? How do we know?"
Rocks do not have souls Aristotle you fucking spastic.

I'm not all that hot on zizek to be honest. I don't think he deserves most of the praise he gets here

i can believe this
fascism and communism are hip again