What happened? For the past eight years we had the establishment, the people, the zeitgeist on our side. But within the past year, all of that's been overturned. Is this the true power of prejudice and fascism? When did it become cool to make fun of political correctness? (Skinhead word for feminism and respect for your fellow human beings)
I refuse to believe it was just a few bad eggs (that got turned into a laughing stock) that de-legitimized the whole leftist movement. (Like second pic related
What happened? For the past eight years we had the establishment, the people, the zeitgeist on our side...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hi pol
As an unimportant aside, political correctness actually originated in the USSR and was about toeing the party line, since then, since obviously liberals are massive commies, anything offending liberal sensitivities has had it attached to it.
As for having the establishment by the balls and losing grip, doing nothing but lightly dusting them, you can thank SJWs/idpol etc, which all started at OWS. It's likely COINTELPRO. They'll be lucky if they can pull it off again though, as violent resistance should be used against such liberal agitators in the future. Evidence attached.
What are you talking about?
You're a fucking cuck from pol that thinks this place is full of liberals. Fucking lol yourself idiot.
I know that this place is full of leftists, not liberals. But, a lot of people make that misconception, which is why this is relevant to us. This is why whenever liberals are hurt, we are hurt, because normal people have trouble distinguishing us.
That's fucking laughable.
Ah yeah it's Holla Forums, my bad guys.
Oh fuck I didn't know we had labor vouchers in 2008 and I didn't have the longest periods of unemployement in my life the last few years.
A: Hey guys, I too like to fuck children. Let's talk about that.
B: Leave. This is the forum of the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes.
A: Lots of people make that misconception, which is why it relevant to us to pretend that they are right!
Yeeeeh. I mean we both know that you are lying, but what sort of lie is that? What sort of mental model does such a person have? This is not merely a shitpost, it's like you are literally made of shit and your fingers typing that are poop sausages. Go hang yourself.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums, you unfunny cunt.
To actually attempt to answer your question OP, the few previous years saw the rise of identity politics from disenfranchised groups. While well intentioned to even out the playing field, it ultimately back fired in that the nuance of the argument became distorted to denote a simple attack on the majority identity group which is now starting to retaliate. Combine that with a falling middle class, decreased social mobility and overall declining qualities of lives for average people, and you have the formula for modern day right wing populism. The point to highlight, however, is that right wing populism is also an identity politics driven movement, generally towards the icons and images of old that were representative of their "normality in power". This is why places like Holla Forums have mental spasms over Nazism and the like (an identity/nationalist driven regime) and why, in just about any right winger forum, the argument is ultimately framed around the majority/status-quo identity politics. As for why a slight majority of *channers fall for this tribalism is the subject of another post…
tl;dr: identity politics for everyone, including those traditionally in power.
You have not read any of the thread before writing this, have you?
I did read all the posts above me. I don't see anything that invalidates what I said.
It isnt full of liberals but some of us are liberal instead of extremist communists and since liberalism is a left ideolgy this place fits
Reported for being a dumb faggot
No it does not. Holla Forums should have been called something else to make it crystal clear that it is not liberal-friendly.
Christ, Holla Forumsyps really do have nothing better to do but spread fake information wherever they go.
So fuck off, this place is for everyone on the left.
it is like saying neoconservatives shouldnt go to Holla Forums because it is full of nazi extremists
Where in my post did I mention liberals?
I like some of your shitposts, user, but come on, you're being autistic.
sorry meant to quote