Didn't Obama say that renegotiating NAFTA would be impossible?
Holy shit, forgot to copypaste the news
White House Announces TPP Withdrawal, Plans For NAFTA Talks
“This strategy starts by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] and making certain that any new trade deals are in the interests of American workers,” the website states.
Wasn't the TPP withdrawn a couple of months ago?
Also, usually when they're dropped it's just because they're redrafting another, just naming it something else to slip more under the radar.
I do hope that our future trade policies actually consider the proletariat.
what a surprise
They'll just push it through with a different name in a few months, guaranteed
Obama stated it was dead after Trump won the election– not really his choice.
Though I agree this one isn't going to go quietly in the night. TPP has been huge, the U.S. has been burning all its contracts in Asia trying to slam this one through because they want to isolate China and they want to do it yesterday. Similarly pro-US ASEAN politicians have put their asses on the line for it and now in the last year the US totally screwed the pooch.
They'll try and revive it I'm sure, it probably won't work though. They can't just do it again with a different name, they're have to redo years of difficult negotiations with every country that signed on.
A guest on Ralph Nader Radio Hour said there's an escape hatch in NAFTA. There's a clause that lets the pres pull out of it without the house or senate
Yeah, I know. But we can't have total apathy. We have to vote/get out there on our own, or nothing's going to happen.
Like my dad used to tell me: You can shit in one hand & wish in the other; see which one fills up quicker.
TPP = Trans-Pacific Partnership, Europe isn't involved.
Though yeah, they will probably try this shit.
I-I-is he our guy?
No, he's quite obviously not. Besides the fact he's an elite/ruling class capitalist, one look at his cabinet should tell you this.
There is pretty slim chance this will work, since at the moment the only thing TPP has giving it life is his much work has already been put into it
Well played USA, you Imperialist psychos.
Can MORENA save them?
I don't think it's possible with all the business interests involved, but I do think his ego is fragile enough to do that otherwise.
The office of the presidency has never been more powerful thanks to decades of congressional buck passing. Trump could do a lot of crazy shit with the economy without having to deal much with congress.
Yeah but Trump has never listened to anyone, ever.
I still don't believe he will push things too far. He will without a doubt be killed off if he goes too far in violating the interests of the bourgeoisie. At best he can piss off particular factions, like the majority of the media, without too big of a reaction. Some factions can be shafted in the general interest of the bourgeoisie. That's the brilliance of republicanism(not the party). The majority or even a large minority can be catered to so long as their general interests are protected.
Nah he's already fucked over the CIA and he hasn't even started yet.
He's got something libs don't have when it comes to the state, hurbris.
He absolutely doesn't give a fuck about preserving any of it
That's like saying you can't be socialist if you sell your labor to capitalists. It's just the system we live in. Trump is a reactionary piece of shit but that whole argument about his business dealings is worthless.
You're clueless in the functioning of a political system if you believe that. You need some degree of political capital to do whatever the fuck you want. He doesn't have power the way someone like Putin does. I do think he will push boundaries in certain areas, but overall he will still be defending the interests of the bourgeoisie even if it is a slight minority.
Why? Fucking why wouldnt one fucking person out of the millions that live there have the basic reach and grasp to build a fucking oil refinery?
The presidency is way over powered these days. You don't need political capital to start wars anymore. Nor do you really need it to fuck with trade agreements thanks to neoliberal policy "reforms."
He doesn't care about being re elected. He's a billionaire, he doesn't need a paycheck from porky, he is porky.
Not even a Trump supporter but how can you not see this
That's a poor comparison. Trump is another porky who could say the right things. I wouldnt be surprised months from now Trump proposes the tpp again with simply a different name.
There are tons of porkies who don't benefit from free trade and who would like more protectionism. If there weren't Trump would be facing open revolt right now.
Starting wars isn't dependent on political capital because wars are in the interest of your backers to begin with. All wars are started to meet the interests of some faction of the bourgeoisie. I wish you retarded liberals would read some fucking Marx despite how overrated he is.
Even billionaires are mortal. He doesn't need a paycheck, but his ego and his life are reliant on what he does from now on. Trump is a pussy and I'm absolutely certain he would rather follow the interests of some establishment faction than die. Seriously kys. World would be better without retards like you misleading people.
Haha another edgy teen that thinks they know how state power works.
Presidents have gone against porky before, porky is a class not a fucking deity. Regan was almost killed too, you gonna try to argue he worked against porky and got a hit put out on him.
It's idiots like you that see the gov as this monolithic tribe because dumbasses on the internet that couldn't critically analyze themselves out of a paper bag told you so.
Eat shit, and telling people to kys is so 2016
The defense industry were behind Iraq and Afghanistan being invaded?
It's a meme response since most of the post-invasion oil contracts went to state oil companies like the Chinese one
you first
Are you fucking stupid or what?
Oil industry is owned by the state
Read the post again faggot
You basically are saying Reagan was NOT against porky
The user I was responding to implied all prezs that go against porky get assainated. I was saying that's not true, Regan was loyal to porky and there was an assassination attempt against him. Porky is not a monolithic tribe is what I'm getting at
Good. Agree that it was basically dead, but Clinton probably would have turncoated on her 'opposition' to it once elected. We'll see if he is so opposed to its replacement, but if he isn't then there may be a second silver-lining to this after all.
Hey Holla Forums, you do realize he profits from it right ;^)
Oh wait no you suck his dick blindly
It's still a little cool, though. I mean, he's going to do a lot of fucking awful things in the interest of profiting off of shitty policy, but this at least has a positive. Come on, smile for once.
What's so surprising? Trump is a classic reactionary
he holds the delusional ideal of making capital subservient to the nation. or at least pretends to, in order to gain votes
Isn't the TPP meant to counter Chinese influence in the Asia-Pacific? Lmao.
Hey, hey. I didn't say anything about fascism, buddy! Come on, the TPP is RIP, won't you give us a little bit of a knowing smirk? He wants you to be happy and satisfied! Come on, he's really trying so very hard! Just pretend like you can't tell, you'll seem less cynical and people will like you more.
Nah, it's the US and China fighting over cheap labor in the rest of Asia.
China has the industrial base now to build a military strong enough to lock out the US from exploiting the rest of Asia like Vietnam.
You can see it in their weapons dev. Chinese are developing medium range systems and the US is developing long range ones,
That was just how it's branded. Basically Chinese labor is too expensive now so SEA has become the place to go for lower wages. Lot of IT stuff is being sent over there for instance. China for the most part is hated in SEA mostly due to the south china sea and the fact that chinese fishermen are operating in very illegal areas for them and don't give a shit.
Are you implying I support Trump?
I don't.
I don't like the TPP either. I'm all for the organized fucking up of his shit, just remember the TPP was also bad and it's gone now probably yayyyy. And the timing suggests that it's a pretty blatant political move, but it's almost cute how poorly disguised it is. Like, have you ever watched a Roger Corman flick?
a broken clock etc
You are supporting him by celebrating some of his actions that you view as positive without knowing his long term plans for it and what he intends to do.
Only Holla Forumstards unironically believe Trump's long term plans profit the people
It's less hated than the U.S. wants you to think– especially when framed in terms of an either or with the U.S.
The list of reliable US allies in SEA has been shrinking and it's seriously got the believers in the current Paradigm spooked.
Oh, boo.
Did you act like this jaded when your uncle pulled nickels out of your ear?
It wasn't branded that way until people realized that the old method– "free trade means free markets" was failing to convince people but there are still able to lean on sino-phobia, understanding that Cold War paranoia left a permanent racial stain on the NATO citizen's conscience w/r/t Russians, Slavs and the Chinese.
All I know is that Trump supporters on imageboards are high on their memes and unresponsive to reason.
You can see them here too, Holla Forums shitposting and pretending the left supports him
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