are they freedom fighters or terrorists?

do you support them? if yes, why? and are they still relevant today?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bunch of religious maniacs, anyone who wasn't in London during the 70's can fuck off.

Sick of fat yank cunts supporting these lunatics without experiencing the suffering they caused

British empire really is a fuck though

t. Brit who hasn't got a fucking clue

Anyone who thinks they're "terrorists" is a liberal and needs to leave.

Marx and Engels both supported Irish independence specifically and national liberation generally.

counter revolutionary scum that evicted the marxists from the movement

Omagh bombing best day of my life

Do I?
Why, now? Isn't it over?

Anyway, literal holy war. Irish independence is good, but both actual sides were in fact bad and I don't have a stake in the violence.

Provisional IRA/Sinn Fein is still a socialist organization.

Not at all. The Catholic/Protestant divide is more like an ethnic division than anything else. If you think the IRA and UVF were hitting up Sunday Mass regularly I got a bridge to sell you.

That could be said for a lot of religious fights tbh.

Anyone who thinks the IRA were letting off bombs because of transubstantiation is a fucking retard and probably got all their information on the Troubles from The Sun and The Daily Mail.

Éire will be free!

found the brits.

It's a typical colonial leftover over. You'll see these problems all across the ex British empire countries, from Ireland to Sri Lanka.

Oi vey!


Ooh Ah Up The Ra

Aren't the IRA quite fractious?

Anyone who thinks terrorism is ebul is a retard and needs to leave. It's often the only sort of fight that a people can put up against imperialism.

It's always a fractious process starting a national liberation group, but the PIRA did a pretty good job of crushing/absorbing splinter groups to present themselves as the singular representative of the cause.

my mind is blown

They got nothing on the Palestinians.

The IRA also had deep reaching channels such as armaments from Libya and often they attacked military, police and political targets which is seen as more militaristic tendencies. The UVF didn't have this legitimate argument with the policing which often was on their side so there were few attacks on police, few on military and some on politicians. This meant that the main targets were civilian and loyalist paramilitaries killed 877 which is 85% of the 1026 killings they committed. Compare this to republican paramilitaries who killed 2058 people, 723 (35%) were civilians and their largest causality grouping at 1080 (52%) was security forces. They had targets of police and military compared to the loyalists who targeted mainly civilians. The security forces also have a 51% kill rate on civilians (187) compared to 39% on republican and 4.9% on Loyalist. If you compare percentages the republicans were focused on military at 52% and Loyalists more civilian, their percentage against their enemy, the republicans is 4%. So in summing the IRA came across as a more militaristic organisation as they focused their efforts on security forces, the loyalists had a huge percentage of civilian casualties which shows that they were disorganised gangsters with a settler colonialist mentality, not only killing cilvilians but actively targeting them.

Say it with me now: OOH AAH UP THE RA

'Twas down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I.
When armed line of marching men
In squadrons passed me by.
No pipes did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its loud tattoo
But the Angelus bell o'er the Liffey's swell
Rang out in the foggy dew.

Right proudly high over Dublin town
They hung out a flag of war.
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through;
While Brittania's huns with their great big guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew.

'Twas England bade our wild geese go
That small nations might be free.
But their lonely graves are by Suvla's waves
On the fringe of the gray North Sea.
But had they died by Pearse's side
Or fought with Cathal Brugha,
Their names we'd keep where the Fenians sleep
'Neath the shroud of the foggy dew.

The bravest fell, and the solemn bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Watertide
In the springing of the year.
And the world did gaze with deep amaze
At those fearless men, but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light
Might shine through the foggy dew

One of my father's coworkers came in to work on St. Patrick's Day wearing an orange tie. So this fucking ginger bear of a man grabs it and cuts it off with a pair of fucking scissors.

Irish idpol is best idpol

Notice how even some leftist Brits still have imperialist muscle memory

Mate trying to kill Margaret Thatcher is a downright noble activity

every fucking thread some cuck Britnat has to wade in wailing about how muh terrorists. kill urself imperialist faggot

I agree with this

Overall though I don't get the love for the IRA, but I do support a Unified Ireland.

It's also fun to LARP as a unionist to trigger Paddies though.

this is peak liberalism

Ireland BTFO

The little brit's mad that he looks like a donkey not a human being

Any friend of Gaddafi is a friend of mine.
Basically, the IRA is based.

Truly, they are to be admired.




theres no denying some of this, i like the IRA but they were completely infiltrated, brits are masters at infiltration. My old man was in eire in the 70s and dated a girl that took him to a bar where IRA and ulster boys were fookin drinkin together like it wasnt no thing

the game is fixed lads, conrad warned us 100 years ago and its never been more obvious, ya gotta be double triple tricky to fight the fookin brit cunts

IRA a shit

INLA was leftist at least

kek, guerilla forces cannot function without popular support. Almost every catholic in NI supported the IRA to some degree.
Guerilla forces are not like proper armies you retard. Total victory is rarely if ever an option with guerilla forces. What the IRA achieved, while not a total victory, constitutes a huge victory in this context.

Also the dissident republicans are just bored retards who have nothing got to do with the actual cause.

Wow racist, you're not welcome on this board.

They never gained enough popular support to produce a general uprising of any kind and never managed to properly bring people to outright support their cause.

And the IRA achieving things that would've come about with the general development of Northern Ireland does not constitute a victory in any real sense - while polls still show that 'United Ireland' remains as far off as ever.

Do you honestly think the Irish look any different?

Ahh yes, just wait around and suffer viscous oppression, it'll change eventually lads… probably… maybe.

And let's give it a few years and let Brexit really sink its teeth into Northern Ireland and then see the polling. Britain does not want Northern Ireland and this will become increasingly apparent in their economic policy as Brexit manifests.

Also popular support doesn't have to manifest in a idealised mass movement that overthrows the state in one fell swoop.


So you support Mandela and Mugabe?

this is true tbqh

only diehard orangemen care about the union
Taigs are subhumans.

Freedom fighters, anyone who says otherwise on this board is probably some whiny anarchist going on about "muh nationalism" not giving a shit about oppressed nationalities or a brit/anglophile wierdo that somehow doesn't see the irony of supporting imperialism here.

don't they bomb innocents?




brits did the same thing on a much wider and more disastrous scale. And then there was the Loyalist gangs who literally executed random people for no reason. IRA were by far the best of an ugly bunch

It's more like "lets stop being ruled by the queen of england by force and take back our republic"

Irish here, I get depressed looking at my country men and women, we too are a very ugly race. I especially feel it after coming back from a place like Paris or Barcelona where everyone seems to be beautiful

that's not really a justification for killing random innocents

there's no such thing as a clean war, this idea that the IRA killing some civilians while fighting a civil war against a sectarian apartheid state that was simultaneously arming fascist gangs and rolling out a modern imperialist military makes them 'just as bad' is ideology at its purest

The PIRA were pretty terrible
t. Catholic from the North of Ireland.

Fug, forgot shitposting flag

Freedom fighters



As a Brit; I welcome our new Cornish overlords.

I know this exact feel
Why are we so ugly…?


Almost as if some people don't like their own people being murdered.

t. 1/64 Irish-American