How do you deal with the fact that porky is holding the world hostage with nukes and a 1917 Russian style revolution is...

How do you deal with the fact that porky is holding the world hostage with nukes and a 1917 Russian style revolution is basically impossible outside of the most underdeveloped irrelevant shitholes?

No seriously, how do you deal with it?

Not even trolling.

the infiltration of a political party by members of another group, with the intention of subverting its policies or objectives.

Its pretty good, wish they fire them already

Nuclear fire will light the way to freedom.

Are there more steps Posads' plan?


Edgy lifestylism

Absolutely! After the nukes destroy capitalism, super advanced aliens will arrive and guide us along the way to socialism.

Why not skip the nukes and go straight to the aliens?

If porkiy fires the nukes, the proles will die and porky's wealth will disappear along with them. Even if porky retreats to some bunker they will have lost absolutely everything they once had.

We don't need no water, let the motherfucking world burn.

Porky does not have direct control over nukes. As much as they can influence where the military are deployed, the military would not fire nukes at its own soil or another country and risk retaliation.
This is a recurring thing around here, you need to think critically about what porky does control, and how they use that for their influence.


I'm not concerned about Porky personally pressing the button, I'm concerned about what happens to the nukes when society collapses into a state of civil war.

it's like clockwork

I like to think they'd sit on them and hope it pans out without someone trying to take control of them, since they're not politicians or capitalists but a mix of soldiers and officers. If it was a big country like the USA where it could escalate into civil war I don't think they would be comfortable nuking themselves, and if it got that bad multiple states breaking down and seceding would happen before that point anyway.
Then you could end up with an inter-American cold war, but they still wouldn't want to risk someone firing them back.

sounds like what's happening to this place with idpol right now tbh

Revolution would actually be more feasible in the first world since most first world countries themselves have nukes. If a revolution were to happen in the United States, not many countries are going to be able to stop it since the revolutionaries would gain control over the U.S.' unclear arsenal.

what are you having trouble understanding about this?

On the contrary, nukes guarantee that a revolution in a nuke wielding country wouldn't have open outside resistance for fear of nuclear retaliation


Personally I don't believe nukes exist. It's all a giant bluff.

When the nukes drop our work will be done.



We will accelerate wh1te g3nocide too you know

No, the idea is that everything will turn into a Mad Max movie and we'll have true anarchy on Earth. It's a joke.

gonna have a hard time with nationalism consistently on the rise


Remember Trump supports zionism

remember that your ideology-sphere is crumbling

Tell me more about crumblimg ideologies

Ehhhh, it's probably more accurate to say they've been operating at the periphery perpetually. I mean, when their most visible proponent is a blue-haired university kid with a whole bunch of metal shit in their face and porn-star-anus-sized ear holes, you're not gonna attract anyone who'll move you forward.


I know, by the time he seeks reelection he will be a fucking commie, so much backpedaling

how does it feel knowing that no one will ever take communism seriously? that your biggest proponents are college feminists and genocidal dictators?

He's a super capitalist. If being a commie pays, he'll probably do it.

I don't i scorn and mock this dying world

Good! I am a market anarchist, commies are dumb and Marx was a fag

literally autism: the political ideology

Wew lad.



national socialism and fascism have been tried multiple times with results ranging from okay to outstanding

anarchism is basically larping

There was a time when commies were all basically "tankies," as you call them. Maybe user is a literal oldfag?

There was a time when Nazis existed, for about twelve years.

Lol, where should I begin to make fun of you

Lol outstanding, you had a debt based war economy run by fucking Porky (Thyssen-Krupp, Quandt) and the Royal Germanic Deepstate that collapsed by 1944 and was showing signs of weakness by 1941

Yeah, the flag pile here is pretty bare.

All true. Late-stage gommunism would've been fucked without western capitalist intervention during ww2, which is pretty fucked when you think about it.


Just like his leader when the soviets entered berlin

I don't get it.

Do you mean me or >>1254596 ??

bring in the people's bomb faggot