Leftypol-land is currently a place holder name for a supposed commune of us fags right under the porkies nose's
The current crisis within capitalism has been on going from '08,this isn't your boom bust cycle stuff this is brewing to be something big.Trump's isolationism and public works projects like 'The Wall' are going to only exacerbate this as the federal budget collapses,taxes on proles goes up,jobs leave.Brexit will trash the British economy and lead to similar riled up poor proles.we need to do something besides shit post dank commie memes all day,as fun a pass time as that is.The world looks bleak,but we can use this to show people a better way to run the world
We centralise,plan, and build a revolutionary movement.A scattered bunch of extremists on the internet is hardly a movement and nowhere near revolution
Partially yes,I want to fuck all of you (maybe just the qt ones actually).But 2 main objectives are what we strive for.First of all we need our own means of production and a safe place to use and store our goods and capital to use in revolutionary activities.And secondly we need to show that socialism works,that workers can own and manage the means of production and not fall into a famine or a authoritarian state regime.We need to show a face to socialism,and one that isn't LARPing tankies or anarkidies flipping bins(bins deserved it,all bins should be gulaged).the "it works on paper" argument needs to be refuted,and hard evidence right under their noses is how we do it
current communes tend to be over run with liberals,lifestylists,yuppies and idpol so thick you can smell it in the air( or is that just the fucking hippies who won't wash?)
Leftypol-land commune
Other urls found in this thread:
The first baby steps will require a few things;
Now this is obviously important we need somewhere to fucking build the damn place,how do we find some land and where should it be?We'll have to buy the land,squatting is just a bad idea in general, it's just too much of a hassle to deal with and at any moment the feds want to knock down our shanty town they can.We should look for a good few acres of land,we should be near a accessible supply of fresh clean drinkable water so a Spring,a lake or a river.Preferably we would be looking for a meadowy area with a few trees,somewhere we know is fertile,not too hot or humid and with decent rainfall levels.
We will all die without food,so I assume it's going to be pretty important.We will use Corn,wheat,potatoes and a small rice paddy as the core of our diet,this will provide a good amount of carbohydrates with a varied diet to give us a selection because nobody wants to live on 2kg of bread a day.Along with a few fields of that we'll have some vertical farms of vegetables.Carrots,onions,tomatoes,strawberries and asparagus are easy as piss to grow,fuck even I could do it, and they'll give us a nice balanced diet of the needed vitamins.Using vertical farms will give us more efficient use of space.Now most of us are omnivores so we'll need some animals.Chickens seem like a good investment as not only do they give us meat but their eggs are a bountiful source of protein,they are small and could easily be fed on home grown grain.Something larger than chickens would be good though,cows seem obvious however cows east a fuck ton of grass and despite their milk output I don't know if they are an efficient food source so something smaller but still milk giving like goats.cows milk could be imported from local farms.An orchard could provide us with apples and pears,as well as any other fruits we could grow in the climate,which could be fermented in ciders.
still related to food but it's like a side bit.so my freind's dad had in their basement loads of rotting old shelves which the grew mushrooms on,he would then harvest these mushrooms as food.All he used was some old wood and a dark damp basement,we could make a dark room with humidifiers and grow mushrooms in there.Problem I see with this is mushrooms can be dangerous if you dont know what kind you are dealing with
now like the rest of you I'm a lazy westerner who has gotten used to creature comforts,most all of which are powered by our friend electricity.oh,I'm also hearing its useful for tools or something.It's easy enough to hook up some diesel generators and call it a day,but we're lefty hippy fucks and ought to look after the environment so we need to think green.Solar is one,as is wind but these are expensive.Bio fuels would be a half measure we could employ in a transitional stage between renewable and fossil.Bicycle generators could be useful exercise and give us power.However with all these green methods we won't have a constant reliable source,even if we use batteries to store power, so we will need to fall back on burning fuel in generators.If anybody has ideas about power please suggest them cause you can kind of see I don't have many
Now none of us want to be in tents in a field so we'll need to build shit,real shit like houses and that.Way I see we build them safely is bungalows made of cast concrete slabs for quick and makeshift,although we could always use some RVs as makeshift housing, and then either make bricks with clay,if their is any local clay, or import bricks,Importing will be kept to a minimum on all things.
The means of production will be collectivised and democratised.The work will be democratised and as fair as possible,with time for core work,like watering crops and tending to animals, free work time to do their own creative,educational, or perhaps an infrastructure side project.We will be non sectarian,ya can be a tankie,anarchist,leftcom whatever,as long as you adhere to From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.Membership will be open to outsiders as well,keeping vigilant for COINTELPRO and fashies needs to be sorted out, but we will make sure they know we are socialist who adhere to socialism.
Well we would hope that we can reach a point of relative self sufficiency and stability to start helping in local communities,feeding the homeless,volunteering at most every community event,donations to the needy and try to show we aren't an insular community,we are a people who wish to help all proletarians regardless of if they can provide for us back or not.PR is going to be a large part of this outreach work,we need to make people associate socialism with the work we do,so NO FUCKING LARPING TANKIES OR SMASHIES acting like autists.
Look if you aren't sold yet(even with that fucking dope art work I commissioned) just think about what your current future holds.I know mine,a mediocre job in a crumbling shitty apartment,alone as the world collapses around me,most of you are 18-25 year olds who I assume are in the same levels of lacking a future,so come with me and lets at least fucking try.
Not sure if Holla Forumsfag, redditfag, or genuine retard.
This is shit, but what would be a good idea.
if it's not a bunker, i ain't interested
If we're going to make a commune and possibly militia we need to meet up IRL so we don't end up with Detroit Commune 2 Electric Boogaloo
Yeah, I'm only interested in fully-automated hydroponic bunker communism.
newfags don't know about the Detroit Commune
At least they aren't trying to build a commune in fucking Africa.
It's that thread again. It's up to me to do the traditional link posting.
Suppose there are two tasks and two people, Alice thinks task one is twice as bad as task two, Bob has the opposite opinion. They could both do the same task mix, so each does 50 % of the total burden. Instead they talk with each other, so Alice does task two and Bob does task one, so they have different assignments; yet, in a way they have the same burden, Alice does a third according to her evaluation of how bad the tasks are and Bob does a third according to his own evaluation. It's like a third of the whole burden disappeared, even though in aggregate the same actions happen.
With more people and tasks and people being assigned task mixes instead of single tasks, it gets pretty unlikely that people can verbally work out things. But there is a website for that:
Everybody gets the same number of burden points to distribute between the tasks based on how awful they feel the tasks are. Then everybody is assigned to doing a task mix that has the same weight based on their individual judgment. People often praise consensus, but here it's the other way around. The more different the opinions are, the smaller your burden feels.
Is this thing supposed to be in the US or Europe? Anyway, here is a directory for already existing communes:
OP how the hell are you going to get enough money to buy any decent land alone, ignoring all the other shit.
Get land in Washington or Maine.
what are we Holla Forums now?
lets get a bunch of autists together a create utopia in >insert random shit hole here
I'm in Maine right now so I'd be down for that
I'm not an engineering wiz either, but consider there is always a loss of energy when you convert something into electricity and when you convert that into something else, there is loss again. So, banal point, whenever possible use light for light, heat for heat, motion for motion.
E.g. In the summer, you can heat water directly with sun light, instead of going sun->solar-panel electricity->heat.
I'm game.
Me too it's great
How the fuck is this going to happen? Not only is land very expensive in most of the non "OH FUCK HORNETS ATE MY AIDS-INFECTED NUTSACK!" world, you also have the problem that Holla Forums is scattered all across the world.
It's Detroit Commune tier.
This is retarded. And by that I mean it's tarded twice.
gay as shit. You spend 2x the money to live in garbage.
Every capitalist knows the only way to make decent money these days is to make some tech/software, or import some cheap shit from China and resell it for 200% profit. Here's a business plan for you; make and LLC, Go to alibaba, find some chinese company selling Creatine, test its quality (Chinks will cheat you 95% of the time), buy some insurance, import a ton of it, bag it in 1kg foil stand up bags, get a trademark label it, and sell it on ebay. easy as shit. you want to pool your money do that.
Or do the same thing, but with Noopept, only you need bottles and encapsulating machines/contracting instead of foil bags.
I want to be the communal slut!
The biggest problem, and the problem that killed the Detroit Commune, was funds. In order to even buy a good chunk of undeveloped land, you're going to need at least 5 figures.
Banks wouldn't want to loan to a group of commie autists with no clear way to make mortgage payments, and I don't think we'd want to do that either, so that's not really an option. How are we even going to get this shit started?
I think in that case we should start a Kickstarter or patreon or something of that regard.
We need to give a good physical example of socialism to people even if it is a commune, this could stop the whole arguement of…:
Me to tbh
If you can somehow get enough money together to buy enough land to farm I'll gladly drop out of school (going for agricultural science) and be a farmslut. Until then it's not worth considering.
I once made a thread with an alternative location with special deals for business and residence but it was rejected by leftypol for being in country territory. I forgot the location but i can look it up again.
I'm not being sarcastic either, if you guys get the land I will drop everything in my life and work the fields all day and suck dick all night. I live in a desert incapable of sustaining life, I just wanna grow some plants.
is this the rp thread everyone hates
Found the location i originally discovered again. There are other places like this though.
Prepare all your holes
post lips and we'll decide if you can come.
That sounds almost too good to be true but even still someone should definitely apply for it.
They do it to encourage economic development. It's not well established area. I spotted this one because it had for both business and residential.
If you're going to do this for fuck's sake don't make your business plan "Establish international communism" or anything even remotely like a Holla Forumsyp's unstoppable urge to attempt satire while shitposting. Do it properly.
Here is a couple more
I myself dont have the ability but letting others know
I just bought a house with a small barn, pasture, deep well, and 10 acres of partially wooded land in vermont about a half hour from burlington, and we're planning on getting solar soon. But I don't know if I'd trust any of you enough to come here and not fuck everything up or be creepy or whatever. Also my girlfriend is introverted as fuck and generally dislikes being with people, so doubt she'd be thrilled with the idea anyway.
come on don't be a kulak
I'm sure after I introvert your girlfriend's cervix she'll be thrilled to have me living with you.
hold the fuck up, I said not fuck shit up, like come in and be faggots like most people I've met online are 99% of the time. Also taxes on this place are $7k a year, I'm paying that shit out of pocket with a fixed income since I'm basically disabled. I've had enough people in my life claim to have socialist ideals that ended up bowing under the pressure and become liberals once shit started to get hard, so I have trust issues.
You people are the sort of idiots who would have become hippies and maybe even followed Jim Jones if you were born a few decades earlier.
You might not legally be able to anyway. I think land has to be designated certain ways that determines what you're allowed to do with it. I dont know the details though it depends where you live.
No because he was Christian. Never trust a Christian or alien based cult.
I've been told I can legally build a few outbuildings but they can't be residences since they need septic, unfortunately my house and the land is on a mountainside so the bedrock is just a few feet below the dirt. That basically means compost toilets until a new drainfield can be constructed, which is pretty expensive unless we did it ourselves.
It's a reference to Holla Forums posts where someone complains about a bug, and someone runs in and says "Works for me"
I can appreciate this though. I wouldn't trust """"comrades"""" up until after the point shit has hit the fan.
There's some sort of application process. I hope you have a better pitch than "we're a bunch of plucky young communists here to build a commune."
Fuck digging up bedrock, build some earthbag buildings.
I just want to grow plants and have a nice armchair in the countryside man.
Then it cant be used for farming either likely. Doing so would require changing the land grade which is something youd have to have approval of because it influences land erosion. Basically all you could pull off with your land is possibly a co-op with a camp not a full commune.
You have to do that for any business anyway so it's not that odd as long as someone plans out what to do. Also see for a few more location options. It's not limited to those though. Basically all I did was search " free land" or " cheap land" . So if anyone wants to location spot it's not hard to find lists of places like this.
Yeah, I just think you're not going to find any free land that has an application process that will let you through if you don't possess the capital to make that land profitable and some people with a bit more expertise in business than I assume anyone here has. They won't just give it to people who claim they want to run a business. You'd be better off buying land cheap.
Wait a year, maybe a few years, and then move to Europe.
I'm still digging the thing, but it'll be pretty cool when it's done.
There also is Slab City which already has a community of squatters hanging out there in RVs without fees but it's a desert in California so it's unlikely to be good for agriculture. It has bunkers though.
It's for profit but it's more so to grow the population sometimes so maybe it's not that strict if you get to it at the right time.
its the BoS hideout kek
Are they our guys?
I always fantasize being in some commie village. Animal Crossing-esque perhaps. Or like the village in RE4 (except without the religious fanaticism).
But sadly I don't think it will ever happen.
Ag science master race reporting in. I suggest you finish (I'm like half way through my masters in it now myself) because it'll give you the skills to actually farm shit and do commune stuff when you're done.
What is the Detroit commune? and how did it fail?
About a year or two ago there was the idea to buy cheap industrial property in Detroit and turn it into a workers commune. It fell apart because organizing anonymously over the Internet inhibited progress, and add things dragged on interest waned. It was also especially difficult because all the interested parties were not only spread out across the US, but across the planet. Combine that with the fact that most were either broke or students or both.
It was a great idea with some great people working behind it, but just couldn't get off the ground.
Bumping thread with some a shitty flag I threw together the commune could use it this plans actually works
there is a 99% chance /pol finds out about this and kills us all.
sure, and then we kill the nazis that come at us>i'm not seeing a downside here? We're lefists,you think we ain't gonna have gunz n' sheit
I have a friend that owns a couple of acres.
If you respect fire safety regulations there is not so much Holla Forums can do.
that's pretty good man.Sticks to the basic principles of good flag design.
Make the star yellow and I think you're onto a winner here.
The ballsiest man on Holla Forums is too much of a faggot to fight Shia Lebouf.
the most realistic thing is to join, support, and create autonomous groups and co-ops so there's a whole infrastructure to replace the state when the time comes
no parties or communes
read bookchin, dumb leftcoms/tankies/socdems
I mean I guess this sounds good (and the cuteboys/girls wanting to serve as frustration receptacles for the comrades makes it better) but I don't see why it would be any more successful than the Detroit thing. Maybe we need some kind of things to do as a board to build up to this, like an easier step to begin with.
I agree it was a big idea with not too much forethought on how to get everybody together,but we've shown with the Democracy at Work episode we sponsored we can unite under ideas,and yeah I know there is a difference between pooling a little capital and building a settlement but still the principle is the same.
We need to show that the often refutations about socialism aren't true and we need to become a working beacon of socialism
Lenin rose up 100 years ago in a war stricken country on the verge of starvation.They also didn't have to deal with 70 years of cold war propaganda to deprogram out of proles.Point is they are two totally different situations and the same tactics can't be used here
Why would any other ideology fair better?
Why would any other ideology fair better?
Forgive me if this sounds retarded but maybe we could start with 'socialism in one houseshare' or something. Not everyone is in the same country so maybe it's best for people to live with comrades nearby and develop a decentralised commune of sorts as a starting point. Like a worldwide network of small groups cooperating somehow. I dunno. I know it's not really the same as a commune but it's something.
Lets just start coops and make a federation of coops.
Well I do know that at one point Holla Forums was considering meeting up at one point specifically in New England Boston, Massachusetts so maybe we could utilize that idea as a starting point for a commune.
in person meetup and planning will 100% need to be done before any capital investments can be made.If people can't be fucked to meet in person then the whole thing is dead before it even starts
i was thinking of something more ironic
ranked from least to most nazbol
crown is hard for people to draw and easily replicate.I assume the symbolism is that an overturned crown is like the over throwing of unjust hierarchies such as capitalism?
Prepare to be Waco'd.
yep. could do with a simpler crown, that was just the only one on the program i used
spiked one maybe?
i could make a proper vector later if this proves to be preferable?
have a yuge'un for reference as well
I am literally dedicating my life to getting enough money to start a huge farming and living cooperative. Everyone from leftypol is invited.
(no illegal activity allowed tho)
cheers lads
I think the upturned crown has real good potential. no white circles though.
How about a black flag with a red spiked crown like the first in this
is there a way to draw an upturned crown, that it's easy to draw, and easy to tell what it is (rather than looking like an M)
This will not work unless there are 50/50 men/women, unless you're all homosexual/asexual.
your guess is as good as mine fam
i also made another simpler one
im willing to have sex with all of you that bathe and don't have aids
what if i only bathe
Another option to bring up although not as easy as the free land plan I had: buy a decommissioned oil rig far out enough in water it is international territory and declair it a micronation.
It looks like a Christmas tree and triangles look like a pyramid and pyramids represent hierarchy.
They don't leave their houses.
Check and check
wtf I'm a state capitalist now
please do this i want to suck all of your cocks and cuddle with you really badly and this could make that happen
I'm a bi man slut so we're set fam
so I drew up a quick design that makes the crown look more obvious and less like an M
me too honey ;)
Bump because I need a commune to run to because I live in a small town in Maine that is filled with conservative nut fucks who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in my brain if a civil war breaks out and people in my town find out I'm a socialist.
(C h e c k e d)
Commie sex cult when?
Remember comrades:
1. Assume your weapon is always loaded
2. Don't point the muzzle at anything you're not willing to destroy
3. Finger outside the trigger guard until you're ready to fire
4. Know your target and what's behind it
I didn't know how much I needed that pic in my life.
that's pretty hot tbh
there is a difference between some people building a commune and the fucking pol/ Namibia meme
That is pretty fucking hot fam
I like it a lot
how about the same crown, but red over a black flag or black over a red flag
fuck my commiepussi
Kek. We can do it wrapped under a million blankets because there's no central heating and we're in a commune in fucking Maine, just like Never Let Me Go
Except without Porky harvesting your organs
I have some specialized "chemical expertise," if you follow me, and several hundred bucks in MoP to put towards the cause if it takes off, with ideas for further investments. Just so long as you get electricity, running water, and internet
We would hope to start in the warmer seasons so adiquate infrastructure and resources are in place for the winter
couple of diesel generators at first will easily be enough while we work on better infrastructure that would be a green alternative like solar or wind.
Water would need to be on a property before we really even considered it,or at least an easy access to water but we ain't gonna have anything but some rudimentary plumbing .
Internet is something I haven't really though out as much tbh,I'm writing up detail plans about everything right now, but internet will be needed for propaganda as much as entertainment.This is as much PR for socialism as it is a living space
This is Prickly Cactus
do not allow him to be involved in this at all costs.
he is a professional cointelpro saboteur. BO can confirm this, having personally fired him.
Ehhhhh if you guys make a militia it should be separate from the commune supplies located on adjacent but legally separate land. The up in arms thing just makes me think of LARPers.
I get the worries but come on guns are legal and we should have the means to defend ourselves should reactionaries or whomever turn up.I will think about it though,as I said this is to be heavy on PR about working socialism and practical debunking of spooks,myths and propaganda from porkies
what did he do? and how do you know he is COINTELPRO?
linked to wrong post
what did he do? and how do you know he is COINTELPRO?
Kek, that fag does chemshit too? Admittedly I don't know much about him or whatever drama you guys got into
It's important for accessing the chemical literature as well as darknet or clearnet sales. A guy could probably use public library computers for the former, but traveling is a time investment, and it's hard to know that you've been thorough enough and don't have to plan a trip back until something goes wrong
5gal buckets and gravity can replace running water in a pinch
domestic 'production' would be alright,if we keep it on the down low, but we have to make sure it's kept like that with no exporting.Last thing we need is the feds kicking the door in.I'm not going to say don't make or do drugs,what kind of anarchist would do that?, just make sure we don't get caught
Producing "research chems" is the best option. It's technically legal, which translates to a much lower liability. Some people, porkies and public figures, just prefer darknet for legal but """morally questionable""" goods/services because of the anonymity. I didn't mean to spook you
I could lecture on topics in o-chem if there turned out to be any interest way down the line, but I don't really see that unless we wanted to produce a bunch of bootleg Daraprim or similar
Basically I'm just saying if someone does something stupid it only effects the militia not the commune as a whole. It's just separate on paper.
Fucking faggots get on my level.
Thread here: 8ch.net
How are you able to support yourself honestly? You are living on a state handout. If you are not as disabled to the point where your girlfriend has to wipe your own as for you, the most you could do is desk work. The point of the commune project is to be able to fully support it outside the logic of market capitalism, ie. food production, building shelters, light industry, and replicating it in multiple instances to form a network for mutual support and defense.
Fuck no
You can't afford it politically at this stage. Drugs are all the Man needs in order to come in hot and fuck you sideways, and not the good kind either. Moreover, drugs are going to really fuck with your ability to do the shit you need to in order to make the commune grow properly and attract members.
This commune has to become a franchise. We have to open a bunch in the midwest, northeast, pacific coast, deep south, southwest desert, etc. If you get on drugs and let that shit happen in your project, you will never get anything done and end up burnt out like the hippies did in the 80s. Slab City is a warning of the perils of lifestylism.
this, even the slightest evidence of drugs will get every last man, woman, and child slaughtered mercilessly
Why, good comrades, do read the thread!
from your post
Any pretext is a good pretext, and with Trump they won't even need those nowadays. Not until we can feed ourselves and house ourselves, and also with the mass opioid epidemic in the US, putting ourselves in such a position where we could even look like we are a source of the stuff is only asking for trouble.
good point,best to cover our own asses just in case.maybe a separate affiliated organisation that represents the militia.Incidents will be kept to a minimum though,you don't just give any old moron a gun with live ammo,we would have training and some basic safety.
dude,people are gonna do drugs and there ain't much sort of war on drugs level shit we can do about it.But the warning has been noted because you do have some merit to your argument there.And this as well
Like overall,I don't think it's right to control what people do however we are going to need to be on our best behaviour.Perhaps we could get people to understand that sacrifices have to be made so that we aren't hunted down
I have a disability that limits physical activity and mental function, I've had it for 11 years now, it's lowered my ability to think productively. I forget shit constantly, I have what people call "brain fog", just like real fog, it lifts occasionally and I can do things for a short time, but then it settles again and I'm almost useless. When it's around, simple things are incomprehensible to me and I can't do certain tasks, I become very lethargic, I lack energy to perform most tasks. For me, it feels like I just woke up a minute ago, except all day every day, it never ends, I feel better some days, but 99% of time this is how I feel. Been to a dozen doctors who all have given useless opinions, I've given up at this point and simply do what I can around the house when I have better days.
To answer your other question, my girlfriend has a decent amount of money from inheritance, it's barely enough to live off since the state takes a bunch of it with property taxes every year, but we're making do so far.
I know people here are wanting to think big, but there really isn't enough of us to build anything major, even regular communes don't tend to gather more than a handful of people. And don't forget the amount of liberals that claim to be leftists, that's what I stated earlier, people give up when things get difficult, or they question basic leftist ideas because of their ignorance of real leftist theory. You get people like that in the group and it's going to undermine everything
The US actually allows for religious exception from drug bans and some other laws and it can get you tax exemption for some things. It takes detailed paperwork that explains why such a drug or whatever is part of the religion and what it's use signifies though. There are some pre-existing religions in the US that have excemption already.
How about making up some religion to benefit favor treatment? The US is still pretty laxist to the likes of scientology no?
Scientology is a multi hundred million dollar organization with backing of rich celebrities and politicians. A commune is not.
we can exploit tax and religious laws all we want but yeah like said we ain't no multi million dollar organisation that can just pay people to look the other way
How about even affiliating with one if you are part of it?
This monastery was established by Maximilian Kolbe, a Franciscan friar who volunteered for someone else to take his place in the Auschwitz starvation bunker. Used to be the biggest in the world, with one in Poland and another in Japan. Had enough room for 760 friars.
They have an orchard, garden, apiary, tailor's workshop, machine shop and smithy, hospital, school and living quarters, a radio station, publishing house, literally a huge place. Legend has it that Maximilian Kolbe had plans to even start a space program but he was killed in the war.
It is doable; smaller groups have done this, we could too.
You're overthinking it.
As long as it isn't scheduled, and as long as it's not sold "for human consumption," you're golden.
I'm not envisioning some druggie den, either. I'd prefer it all leave the site. Small-scale fine chemicals manufacture is just one of the easiest and more feasible forms of "light industry" we could bring to a commune, I happen to have relevant skills, and RCs have a fairly large, consistent built-in market. But that's not the only option.
Undercutting Big Pharma price-gouging is another possibility, more as "direct action" activism than a way to raise capital. Trendy liberals lose their shit when you so much as tell them the wax they're dabbing is "homemade," so think of how starkly we could highlight capitalism's contradictions by finding some drug that costs 13 cents per pill to produce but sells for $200, and selling it at cost.
Neither the price wedge nor the insurance racket are warranted. It's great propaganda to show people exactly where capitalism fails them, and provide an alternative.
yeah this sort of stuff I dabbled in only once,we made some acetaminophen.I say 'we' I stood there and watched some of my friends do it.just don't fucking kill anybody and we're cool
Nah no spice and bath salts tier shit. Those type of drugs dont stay legal long anyway and the effects are unknown for new drugs so it's dangerous as can be. Bath salts was an attempt to make a safe meth alternative. Look how that turned out.
This is just silly. We know roughly what the pharmacophore "looks like" for a given target, so we know, for instance, that all cathinones with certain structural features will be dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, to some degree. We can even make quantitative predictions of a compound's complete pharmacological profile with various computational methods, and model absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion kinetics. Beyond that, we have a wealth of experience reports for several of them, on erowid or similar. Many RCs were promising candidates in clinical or preclinical trials years ago, only for their patents to expire. Yes, the particular side effect profile and long-term effects of reckless use often aren't fully known, but we know a far sight more than "nothing" about RC health effects, and you should always use harm reduction strategies and know how to be responsible if you actually plan to put anything in your body.
I don't know if I'd say "safe." It was trying to fill a market niche.
You might not want to hear this, but a-PVP, a-PHP, and so on aren't as dangerous as you've been led to believe. They're fairly typical stims, with generally stronger body high/somatic effects and a more "racing"/confused than cerebral cognitive space. Worst I've encountered is people getting overly extroverted/enthusiastic or vocally anxious with others and regretting it later, which is mostly par for the course.
The "face-eating bath salt zombie with superhuman strength" is just the media doing what it does best. You could have forty guys binge on meth until a combination of sleep deprivation, chemical imbalance and genetic predisposition gives them psychotic episodes too, see them do odd or violent shit in public, and it still wouldn't be the same story because it's not "the NEW DANGER to your KIDS." Not that meth is an intrinsically dangerous stim either, mind you, it's still prescribed to children for ADHD under the label Desoxyn.
The industry forces you to innovate. That's honestly one of the high points.
It's like a hydra. Or an arms race, or whatever metaphor you prefer.
I know enough to take as a polite rejection, I just hope you guys don't spit on whoever eventually says you need to put pesticide on the crops.
It was a kiwi trying to help his meth addicted friend iirc.
But if you already had something perfect trying to change it to fit laws isnt really what I'd call innovation.
There are natural pesticides though which is cheaper and something more self sustainable in that you can grow the ingredients. Organic produce is a growing niche market too.
i could help you with that, but i've already got a gf
If you havent tried attempt to take ambien and stay awake wile on it, it does strange shit to people with brain damage. You could attempt nootropics like racetams but some claim it causes brain fog wile others say it makes them smarter and more able to focus. The herb turmeric has been shown to help alzheimers maybe it would help you have more clarity. Also on top of that acetil-l-carnatine and alpha GPC supplements might be of help. Most of these would take time to work but the first thing i mentioned should work instantly first try. Hope im not bothering you with stuff you heard and tried before or giving you false hopes.