I'm speechless


I don't even know what to think about this
I'm not used to seeing this level of autism in physical form
I finally lost all my respect for Shia LaBeouf

As a bonus, you won't unhear this:

Other urls found in this thread:


What in the fuck

It's interesting how he calls it a mantra.

Actual liberal, Shia Labouef

Going into NYC tomorrow, should I go up to it and say something?

I've been watching it too, It's pure ideology

"We're coming buckos"

what the fuck is wrong with this guy

Is he

We need some comrades in NYC to go there and start doing commie shit

Remember to hide your face

some user from 4pol left a speaker playing Shadilay and some American song/anthem in a loop all night long
This morning, Shia found it, kek

In less than two hours, another user promised to hang the letters KEK below "Museum of" on the right side

What the fuck am I watching? A living, breathing, broken record?

I guess it's time for Holla Forumss first IRL raid to occur…

College liberals going mental.

Someone go there and start playing the internationale or something.

All those Hollywood movies with change through peaceful protests are finally paying off.

Good citizen! Your voice matters!

This. I'm thoroughly convinced they are living in a fantasy world

Trump's bad, blah blah, but the problem with him is not "division"
Why the fuck do they think Trump is keen on diving people, they are doing that themselves by attacking oppossing views like rabid dogs. They bought into the democrat tale that Trump's a fascist, who will send fags to the gulag

I can't believe adult people want to fix the problems in america through the power of UNITY and TOGETHERNESS

No one is going to risk serious resistance when their living conditions under capitalism have not yet degraded far enough to make the risk seem worth it.

Why on earth would you have had respect for Shia LeBeouf in the first place?


Holla Forumsacks have been raiding the stream

Tell them the system is falling apart.

Read from the Communist Manifesto.

It's not about the power of BELIEF, it's about getting off your ass and get your shit done
Believing you can do it is important in driving your actions

great advice for Holla Forums desu

Whelp, looks like it's full acceleration then.

A Holla Forums user just showed up, lads. Guess what…he wasn't white

Did you… get a screenshot ?


Holy fucking shit.

The meme of Holla Forumscucks being nonwhite while screaming "MUH PURE INDO IRANIAN GENES" really plays into itself

I know a half black and half Asian chanfag that browses Holla Forums daily.

I don't even mind if people go there to shitpost but this shit writes itself like poetry

Oh and to add salt to the injury, his Asian side was from Vietnam.


Actors should just shut up and act.The A and B listers already make far more money than most people ever will.
I don't know where this whole "I'm famous, therefore my opinion matters more" entitlement that Hollywood douchenozzles like the scuzzy hobo behind this liberal idiocy came from, but it needs to fucking die already.

Explains the Holla Forums autism then
How unfortunate


Well meme'd.

Every time.

Inform them that division is a spook.

Really speaks alot about the "white race" , isn't it ? At this point they're just reversed white-guilt SJWs.

fuckin faggots

It's fun to watch tho


And Canadian Chad also. White people smh.

They're playing the drums or some shit now

Huh, people are turning up. First a group of teenagers now some lycra clad cyclist.


They've brought out the royalty free ukulele.

Someone needs to get down their with some pamphlets and their LARP gear.

I want to put my cock in most of them

I think they first went live on the 20th so I was saying that someone should try and get protestors down there.

What on god's green earth am I fucking watching?

Ukulele+Starbucks=Liberal ideology


I didn't know N Cortex was Finnish

This design is nuts if you look at it long enough. His face is yellow but his arms and legs are black and he's only wearing a shirt and gloves which are the same colour as his skin.

Reminder that based Garbage Man is our hero

wew people from Holla Forums are unironically posting about Holla Forums in Holla Forums threads on halfchan. We truly have started the fire.

Things have really kind of exploded lately.

Oh god, that video…LARPing at its finest

oh fuck, the world should know that children are posting nazi frogs online
And ever considered that those colorful anons actually support Donald Trump because he is not racist?

Holla Forums is racist af apparently

Compared to most actors he seemed like a cool, down to Earth guy. That greenscreen he did was to help out some college students. I was obviously wrong, because he's trying to save the nation with LOVE and a webcam

Man, putting it like that sounds so sad.


but i do know

i think this is nice. i love these kinds of open events. always something creative comes up. both from protestors and supporters. I love Shia too, he's pretty woke maybe not as "ideologically" but definetly as a human being. He doesn't limit himself by the judgment of the other people as we do.

But that's incorrect. A bunch of people supported Bernie, then later realized that was stupid, but there's never been serious support for Trump here.

I didn't say serious support, I just said "support"

Gotta atleast see if accelerationism works

This shit just happened. It's interesting to watch.

dubs,>>1264052 you must do this now

I supported him. Didn't want corporatist idpol 'left' conservatism winning and using at as their proof that real leftist stances don't win elections and white working class people don't matter.
His victory was hopefully a message to them that they were shit and need to change

Also everything about Hillary and her #fellowkids level nonsense made me physically sick

kek, Holla Forumsacks are on the camera right now.


WTF I'm a Holla Forumsyp now!

we just need a comrade from here to say "google murray bookchin" on there




Around the 20:13:00 mark for reference

*20:21, fuck I'm autistic

Does Holla Forums always lose fights with girls I mean christ

can someone goe down there with a well planned out speech about socialism plox? maybe we can win over some libbies of we go on about how Trump won't divide us but should unite us in the class struggle type shit,stick with their message of he will not divide us and expand on it.just don't be a LARPfag.

not the smartest

just use the bernie method
replace "proles" with "working class"
replace "capitalists" and "bourgeoisie" with "billionaires"
replace "means of production" with "our factories" and "our land"

You could literally read them full-on marx with some editing and they'd eat that shit up

A polyp getting his ass kicked by a woman.
What a time to be alive.

could work,but we need to make sure they know we mean workers revolution and not a social democracy.smashing the state and seizing the means of production are always misrepresented. Maybe try to win them over with the workplace democracy argument?

something like that, just wanting a middle ground between sacrificing all substance to a milquetoast socdem screed and going full aspie LARPer using outdated spooky terminology

Remember that clip of Reagan accidentally arguing for socialism? follow his lead

If every time someone mentions the maymay frog in public, they are immediately punched in the face, the world will be a better place.

How do I look at a specific time?

i thought he was a comrade? why is he not antifa-ing the fuck out of the those right wing asshats


also lol those answers… so sad

how to spot a liberal 101

It's hard as fuck to do with how long it is but just skim back like a normal video, I've reuploaded it if it's easier that way
**Sorry I'm not a webm wizard*

yeah just inspiring people is more than enough if he can pull it off

You didn't stop when he became a dudebro Xbox retard?

why is no one laughing at how goofy this is

as if communism to these little girls means "satanist"

If I lived in dc I would go read a speech

We need people to go there and say

"Bash the fash"

"Class war now"

"Bernie would have won"

"Communism will win"

NO LARPING dude,it just makes us look like faggots.if we want exposure,and we do, we need serious propaganda and explain our points than just shouting "WE'RE COMING,BUCKOS"

No, we didn't. There was maybe 1 or 2 who said that for "acceleration" purposes. But they could likely have just been Holla Forums.
Most burgers here supported Bernie or Stein. Some laughed at voting at all.


You're the super minority on this board, then. Or a recent Holla Forums convert. There was no "winning" from this election. Though I am glad that Hillary lost, tbh. Glad that dems have to face their bullshit tactics. But overall, no burgers won anything. It was a sham & continues to be.

sorry should've been clearer - by 'support' I meant I'm happier with this outcome than I would've been with the other immediate alternative, not that I would've picked Trumpo over Bernie

Happier thanks to a mixture of hatred for Hil, hatred for modern Dems, and a few isolated Trump policies I actually liked compared to almost none I liked of Hillary's

I mean, no. It doesn't. If Euro countries were as brown/yellow as that meme chart implies we probably wouldn't have the current rising white nationalism problem.

Amazing. It's still weird as fuck seeing Holla Forums crossposters talk about us like we're some threatening force. Who knows, maybe we are.

nice trips comrade.Holla Forums knows some of us are the real deal and have ideas,we don't just shitpost.More needs to be done,and IRL stuff at that.we need them to know

we're coming buckos

this is hilarious
