HAPPENING: Noam Chomsky Rushed To Hospital

I'm crying. I study at MIT and we just heard that Chomsky was rushed out of the building on a stretcher and taken to Mass. General Hospital. My friend was there and said he was totally unresponsive. I heard something about a heart attack. I'm an atheist but I'm practically praying that he'll pull through. :'(

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I live in Medford and just got a text from my gf. Confirmed.

It's not supposed to happen that way

Prayers up. Refuah Shleimah!

I can't believe he could pass away this close to Trump's inauguration. If Chomsky goes, there will be chaos on the streets.

Oh well. I was getting tired of being an anarcho-syndicalist anyways.


It's not confirmed he's dead yet you fucking faggots.

light the cities on fire for him, burger comrades, we are counting on your asses

sweet dreams, Chumsy

It just hit Boston local news. The King is dead. I can't stop crying.


HOLY SHIT. The Jew magick worked.


Fuck. Now he will never be able to redeem himself.

Occultist NazBols killed Noam Chomsky.

Between having a heart attack and being slowly tortured to death he got the lesser evil, having less evil is good you should celebrate

this will all turn around when dugin fucking dies this year



Is he dead? I would have been devasted ten years ago.He was right about Serbia and the media, and that's good enough for me. Also post modernism and the French in general.

our politicians and theorists usually die of old age, yours from a well placed bullet.

Lol butthurt eurofag.

lol back, clueless nazbol pisspit. shit theory, low energy.

You don't need Chomsky to critique the French when you've got Camille "going mental on the continental" Paglia.

He wasn't yours you tard waving that retarded flag

/lit/ pls go


How come there's no info for this anywhere else on the web?


Because they're afraid people are going to riot.

Deconstruction is all fun and games until neo-Nazis start using it to claim that the Jews are behind everything.

I'm not taking this seriously until I see some proofs.

libertarians should be banned from talking about anything, ever.

He's in his 90s, they don't last forever.

Oookkk then… Are you sure he isn't just hanging out with HRM?

Theory, end yourself, it's a plague on the human race. Poor smart people instead of investing their resources into their people and future into a rabbit hole of dead ends and no tangible improvement for anyone.

can we get another source? Im not seeing it come up when i google it.

Its probably fake. I've seen memes with that news template

He's 88.

That image is from a headline meme generator. I would better sources, since this hasn't come up anywhere else to my knowledge.


He's been rushed to MGH. No word on his condition yet but it's probably not going to end well given his age.

Seriously? It hasn't even hit the internets yet…

You don't say.

Redditors please stop replying to threads just because they're written like threads you would find on reddit.

I'm in Boston and can confirm this is happening.

It seems dubious.


He's going to be singing at Trumps inauguration.


My gf works at MGH and said he's there right now.

Good riddance. Chomsky is to the modern left what Bernstein was to social-democracy.

proof or fuck off

post the text

no kautsky w/o a bernstein tho

youre literally an edgy larping liberal posting on an image board

But dude the IWW. All we need to do is keep voting for democrats and protesting them and then communism will happen.

Fake news, your organisation is terrible

But he posts on imageboards, we already know he's edgy.

Post text.

Chomsky was all right, he got less radical as he aged but so did a lot of Marxist theorist. The question is, who is going to take over for leftist intellectuals like Zizek and Chomsky.



I hope this is fake.

Chomsky's critique of US imperialism is fucking amazing. I highly recommend his older works. His actual beliefs are stupid.

Thank God.

Nobody has harmed leftism more than this ivory tower retard.

Maybe we can finally be attractive to the working class again.




Go eat a dick.

How do we know that you're not just a retard samefagging from multiple IPs?

your ideology is the one that kills every other leftist in revolution.

relax it was a shitpost flag

well well if it isn't the milquetoast hillary voting liberals pretending to be communists

what was chumpsky's salary again?

where did he teach? how did he live? everyone who even likes him isn't a true revolutionary.

You know everyone who likes Chomsky? How did you end up doing that?

No, not like this.

get over yourself

Anyone can fucking criticise US imperialism well. It's the biggest elephant in the world. He hurt leftism to irreparable degrees and Zizek is the only man who is worthy and don't you care compare him to something like Chumpsky.

true solidarity with the proletariat

something chumpsky will never be capable of

Post your MIT student ID.

Oh come on, at least put a shitposting flag on.

I wouldn't be a leftist it I didn't read Chomsky
Even though I'm not an anarchist anymore, it was him that converted me from liberal to socialist


See that's the problem. We need more former conservatives, not liberals.

Looks like the curse was five months late…



Are you trying to imply that Zizek if more coherent than Chomsky?


He voted for Shillary and shilled for liberalism. This is karma. Oh and his consent embarassments on behalf of the left like Cambodia, Venezuela, and his linguistical theories that were soundly disproven to the point the first thing you hear in uni lectures about him was how he was wrong. Now everyone will be forced to focus on our real man, Zizek.

fake news: the board

The news isn't reporting on it because they know there will be riots in New England, especially coupled with Trump's inauguration.

lol no
you probably only like zizek because his main medium is visual and you literally cant read


God I forgot that he started the Venezuela meme among western liberals.

And yet he went against everything in the end. He deserves this and you know it.

end this meme no he didnt

I'm checking the local Boston news and not seeing anything.

I'm not seeing shit about his condition.

Besides, he's an old man.

Well the former conservatives were former leftists to begin with.
If the Americans leftists didn't fuck up by losing the South.
Jesus is leftist as fuck.

Aviva? Is that his health insurance person

nobody is dumb enough to fall for this, right?

Typical Chumpsky theorist, folks!

Aviva is his daughter. She's a prof at Salem State U.

I think we all know who's responsible for Noam's timely demise.

beyond fake and gay

News does have to get to reporters before they share it with us…

but that could also be an user abusing that fact to ruse us

I'll just link whoever I think might care to this thread I guess

or not say anything

But we don't want former liberals. It's like trying to archive communism without starting out as a capitalist. Real proles would never go to liberalism to begin with and they're the only ones who are capable of revolution.

it wouldve just been better if you just had a friend do it with you

Reminder that the Satanic crypto-Jewish Donmeh killed Chomsky, just like they killed Barry.

It's an older iphone.

that text is way off centre

fuck off retard, you should have just done it with your phone and someone else's

this entire post is trash

literally shilling elitism on who is more prole

like how fucking dumb is that


Fake and gay
No proofs other than a text

If we actually achieved revolution, he would be the first one lined up against the wall and shot for treasonous anti-revolutionary actions towards the end of his life.

The one thing Chomsky got right.


Post-leftists should admire Pol Pot. Biggest nihilist of all.

ai ai ai, who says tankies can't embody the edge


Intellectuals are the feces indeed. Jesus Christ.



I'm sorry I don't proofread all my post on a Taiwanese hammer throwing forum. Anyway, I enjoy Zizek's cultural commentary, but I can never quite understand how he's proposing to solve a particular issue. He often hints at vague, and unsatisfying solutions. Like having a conversation about cultural autonomy while respecting the refugees as victims of imperialism and conflict they had no part in provoking. Sure, this makes sense (and is taking place right now), but without any strong convictions about how to structure the conversation with the far right, his commentary doesn't add anything compelling. At least with Chomsky, you understand his position, and you can from there analyze how it relates to leftism. With Zizek, it's all critique and no solution, and this lends itself to incoherency.

You can actually just name your own phone number as a new contact, text yourself, and then delete the duplicate messages.

Yeah. He really loved the guy.

Petite-bourgeois detected. It's perfectly valid lest revolution fail once again through being tainted by anti-revolutionary elements.

all of this is true tbh. Chomskek is still shit. The best thing he ever did for anarchism was call himself an anarchist and be a public intellectual figure. He's basically a liberal otherwise, and anarcho-syndicalism is a joke.



The irony is that Pol Pot would have killed him just for wearing glasses not to mention being ivory tower, something proles despise to the core.


anti-revolutionary elements
that are socialists
(but were once liberals)

and me being for greater class unity
makes me petit-bourgy
because I'm not going to waste my time running ideological background checks on people

Holla Forums pls

In a way, Pol Pot did nothing wrong because he would have most certainly killed Chomsky. kek



Mate, it was a joke


Are you fucking insane? Name one leftist ideology that doesn't do this after revolution. It's simply impossible to live with the tankies for example who will kill every other leftist.

Next you're going to tell me Communism can be achieved starting with an agrarian society rather than a capitalist one.

He didn't support Pol Pot, though. He questioned reports coming out at the time and pointed out western media's hypocrisy for not giving a shit about the East Timor genocide because the US was friendly with Indonesia.

Is that an iPhone!?!?!?


This is precisely why he ruined leftism. When a prole looks at this guy, all they see is someone who embodies all the reasons they despise the bourgeois and will never identify with him. In his ivory tower with his tenture and highest most expensive symbol of capitalist institutions with high salaried position, they only see those who look down on them. Ultimately only a prole can appeal to the proles like Stalin did because they're the only ones who can truly identify with them and they know it.

HE dead

this is what you fags get for trying to be a big board, now your getting punished

TBH I know plenty of actual proles who are Trots or Marxist-Leninists.

I know very few actual proles who are anarcho-syndicalists of the Chomsky variety.

What? Chomsky is the most entry level left figure. He speaks plainly and in terms everyone can understand.

One less jew

It's not just about what he says. It's about who he is. Most proles don't give two shits about academics.

this is pretty autistic


now I am 100% certain Holla Forums is itt

Fug i was just watching Chomsky last night on youtube.

Hope he's k.

Most proles don't have some weird inferiority complex about listening to people in academics.

He's dead. Thank you, ghost of Althusser.



Guys it's getting worse.

Most people don't want to hear radical leftist pseudoscience like sociology





So to confirm or deny OP, does anyone know the Patient Inquiry line for Mass. General Hospital?

Call and ask if he's a patient there, pretty ez

I'm sure they're getting flooded with calls about his state.

translation: im lying

Sorry, but Noam is getting what he deserves right now, and for all eternity.

Evil NEOCON finally getting his Eternal Judgment for what he put so many other people through, via the U.S. Military.


wew lad

I put all the other NEOCONS on notice, REPENT NOW, or get what Noam is getting.

PRAISE THE LORD, and pass the Ammunition!!!

double dubs of OP is a faggot

Send us the Patient Info phone number motherfucker


Maybe I'm just retarded, but I can't find the patient inquiry line anywhere on this website massgeneral.org/visit/

Main switchboard:

ask for patient info

Hello where is the proofs

op is lying faggot


no fuck
take that fat fuck zizek or thats useless moron sam harris

lol no

his arguments were kinda bad to be honest

If I wake up to Chomsky being dead that'll fuck up an entire day, just kill him now will you?


Go ask G*d to do it then.


He already passed his intellectual prime (26). Everything since then has been drivel tbh.
Rip in peace you old fucker, make room for some fresh blood now.


so nobody called huh

i am not in the usa and do not want to pay for long distance calls assholes

I'll call in the morning.

