

Hate white people

Want to flood our countries with mudskins

Love jews

Love faggotry

Love feminism

Holla Forumsyps:

Hate white people

Want to flood our countries with mudskins

Love jews

Love faggotry

Love feminism(Holla Forums: Loves shitposting. Makes no arguments)

Other urls found in this thread:


lurk more faggot. We don't give a shit about the identity of someone. A black crippled muslim lesbian bourgeoisie is still the bourgeoisie.

Lurk more, faggot.



Hate white people

Want to flood our countries with mudskins

Love jews

Love faggotry

Love feminism

Holla Forumsyps:

Don't care about race

Against imagration

Hates rich jews love working class jews

Says gay identity politics divide the working class

Says feminism devide's the working class

Holla Forumsyps:

Hate white people

Hate their countries

Hate their culture

Communists uniquely hate capital and its vanguard, the bourgeois class.
Communists do not recognize bourgeois nations at all, and only extend their hands to foreign working class people to minimize human suffering that is conditional on imperialist ventures motivated by these very same bourgeois states and their national economics. If the US hadn't funded the Mujahideen to stop Afghanistan from getting a reigning communist party, perhaps you wouldn't see so many people of Muslim faith on your doorstep fleeing war.
Hate Judaism, as they do all religion: Fundamentally notwithstanding any purile hate of a people blinded by religion through the reigns of capital and their bourgeois states (e.g. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS as one of the largest theocracies in the world, purely because it is profitable).
What's not to love? Nobody's forcing you to stay unwashed, unshaved and out of shape. The only one keeping you from getting in a romantic relationship is your pasty white ass and your lack of discipline, not a few faggots assfucking one another.
A banality.







I was making fun of nationalists.

Holla Forums:
Hates white people, wants them to be exploited.

Oh, sorry. My bad.

== >mfw i score a critical hit to Holla Forums

figures. you fags are whole lot of newfags. even your BO who bumplocks a stickied thread

Goebbels kinda looks like a Jew

It was super effective!

Really made me think there, Gunther-Johnson.

graduate high school first. how about that?

I wont lie I forgot how to crossboard link

redtext indicating absolutely no butthurt whatsoever


It harms workers.


Goalposts, goalposts and crypto-lolbertarian autism. All in one package.

is this the future you dream of?

What's a GIBS?

I wonder what he was thinking when he killed his entire family

L u r k m o a r

reminder the richest president in US history will now lead our nation to greatness. that fat kike of yours did fuck all for europe besides MILLIONS DEAD.

he probably thought it was cool to see a jew bleed.

so this this user correct?


Yeah pretty much m8

you seem mad user

bad day ?

Since my newfaggotry is out there can someone remind me how to crossboard link?


Thank you

>>>Holla Forums8952225





Lurk more.


YES WE DO. The White race is going extinct and you can't fucking stop it. Now go back to your anime.

you lefties always give me a chuckle

He didn't live on "gibs", he was a journalist. Proles don't have time to think, if they did they'd stop being proles. Cite me one economist in the 19th century who did manual labour.
From all of these Marx was the least muh privileged one. Also if you consider living with your friend and co-worker "gibs" you're burger.

Please, anybody explain why the solution to the evils of capitalism has to be communism out of all things?

well, it's not like capitalism will be the solution to the evils of capitalism

Not my question.
Why is communism out of all things the answer to the evils of capitalism?

Consider communism, as an idea, to be a placeholder. It is the economic system that occurs after capitalism. The alternative to the economic system after capitalism would be economic systems that occurred previous to capitalism, namely slavery and feudalism. I think that would be a negative change.

Communism is, in my understanding, a well defined set of ideas and changes to an economic system. In no way can it be understood as a mere placeholder for an economic system after capitalism.
I agree that going back to feudalism would be a loss. slavery is not an economic system, but I understand what you mean

I forgot to add:
That still does not answer my question. Why is communism the answer to the evils of capitalism?
Not an argument, commie.

Because it's the immigrants exploiting workers for profit, cutting their wages and laying them off for sure.

Communism, as conceived by Karl Marx, or "scientific socialism" was an attempt to logically deduce what the dialectical transcendence of capitalism was. I disagree with some of his conclusions, specifically that a state of abundance is reachable with our current productive capacities. Regardless, I do believe the fundamental idea of communism, which is that the next economic system will be an end to private property and bring about a general state of abundance through the high capital concentration that capitalism produces.

You're right! The workers should strike against the capitalist swine!

Oh wait, the capitalists just hired foreign workers when the natives went on strike against low wages.