Who /blair/ here?
He doesn't accept the greatness of the no...
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Where is Rebel? I thought he liked Christian socialists that support Monarchy.
You realize that the Third Way devoloped out of Christian Socilaist thought?
I think his enduring legacy will be cynicism
pick one
ur ideology is pure garbage
Is that a real book?
But that's my entire point
Blair is your child, take responsiblity.
tbqhwy jesus was a goat commie
its a giant meme
jesus is fucking dead
Respect the greatest socialist leader since Mao
It's the fucking truth and the proof why Christian 'socialism' is garbage.
the book that explains the ideology is a fucking meme you nerd
developed a theory of socialism being about ‘community’ — i.e. people owed obligations to each other and were social beings, not only individuals out for themselves — which pushed me down the path of trying to retrieve Labour’s true values from the jumble of ideological baggage that was piled on top of them, obscuring their meaning…[socialism]wasn’t about particular type of economic organisation, anchored to a particular point in history.
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-50079ab9253c#.ybbm6w4g6
Rafael Correa is doing a good job.
B-but muh LTV
still a better commie than everyone on this board
I see a lot of Christian 'socialists' getting triggered for being the literal stirrup holder of the Third Way.
And this is why you spooked fucks are fucking dangerous.
Except that is obviously a big fat fucking lie invented to cast Blair as a sympathetic character. The only Christian battle is between the people and capital.
But what about the non religious people who are even more hawkish than Blair?
Calling this """Christian Socialism""" is as valid as calling """NationalSocialism""" socialism.
So basically he was acting like your typical disgusting liberal moralist? Western culture has a lot of christian influences but that doesn't make it christian.
But this is what fucking Christian """"""""socialism"""""""" is about, trying redefine socialism to something totally different. Like """NationalSocialism""" it should be world filtered as well.
You mean, like Bush?
His advisors had to literally stop him from talking about god all day and after he left office he couldn't shut up about it.
Holy shit.
citizens responding in the natural way upon seeing the dear leader
No, more like Sam Harris lmao
Christian Communism/Socialism/etc is about fitting Christianity into the socialist paradigm where appropriate. The only thing we reject outright is pure materialism.
cringe everytime I see this
t. Christian
Cool Britannia
Smash conservatism and hold high the great red banner of Tony Blair thought
You dun goofed
t. God
P.S. No Gods, No Masters
Are Christian socialists worse than NazBols and Troskyists?
I mean their ideology actually caused real harm instead of being some obscure political sect.
FTFY. Third way trash needs to be executed in the most painful way possible after the revolution.
Whats Holla Forums stance on the destroyer of blairism , GG?
It's ok Christian-commie. I'm a Muslim soc, and I support you. Ignore the blatant fedoras.
Remember Sam Harris literally advocated for nuking the Middle East
Hardcore Fedoraism. Not even once.
I see the spooked and deluded have each others' backs.
Remember guys, when Blair increased the recognition and funding of faith schools and now you literally have classes being taught creationism with tax payer money in the UK, especially in Islamic schools?
You're blaming socialists for something that a neoliberal piece of shit did. No socialist believes that the state should fund religious schools, especially if they are private schools.
And what if they spread god's message?
If a capitalist state is funding your religious organization's message then I do not want to hear it and neither should anyone else.
Not British, so not my problem
anyone else sick of this constant islamic bogeymanning?
You forget to turn on your flag, apologist.
Maybe I'll feel a little bad for him when the cuffs go on. Probably not though.
Almost everything good believed about Blair is a lie.
1. He didn't "Make Labour Electable", the work of Kinnock and Smith beforehand did that. If just 1284 voters had voted differently in 1992 then John Major would have lost his majority. Black Wednesday had destroyed John Major to the degree Kinnock running for a third time could probably still have won. He resigned and was replaced by John Smith, who tragically died in 1994 handing over the party to the Blair creature.
2. Blair polled slightly lower on election day than Smith was doing at the time of his death. His shift rightwards essentially did nothing to help the party, neither in the short term nor the long term. Worse, he likely did this because he genuinely believed neoliberal policies were the right thing to do as opposed to because of a cynical political calculation.
3. Even in 1997, the rot had set in. Turnout dropped not only from 1992, but below the standard range for every election since 1945.
4. His 1997 "landslide victory" was down more to Tory abstention than conversion. He did nothing to improve the long-term prospects for the party while bogging it down immensely by finally achieving the final part of the demobilization of the working class. Thatcher broke the trade unions: Blair broke the electorate. Turnout in 2001 was below 60%
5. He disillusioned Scotland. Even before Iraq they were weary of him, and by 2007 - off the back of Iraq and other factors, Labour had lost the Scottish parliament (Intended to be a Liberal-Labour stronghold, ironically designed as such so that the liberals would ensure the "radical" Scottish labourites would be kept centrist to avoid scaring English marginal voters) by a single vote.
6. His supporters outright sabotaged Labour's prospects in 2010. If you want New Labour summed up in something other than an Iraqi child after an airstrike or the RailTrack debacle, it's Peter Mandelson asking the liberal democrats "Haven't the rich suffered enough?" during post-election negotiations.
7. New Labour not only retained Jobseekers allowance and introduced workfare with their "new deal" on welfare, despite the fact they retained mass-unemployment as policy just like Thatcher, they also introduced the present regime for disability means testing. Every time the DWP starves someone to death, you can thank New Labour for setting up the points system.
8. New Labour did not create a strong economy, they inherited it, or more aptly, a strong global economy created the economy they saw. Many of the statistics used to show how good "Labour" were simply show the positive effects of a growing economy, even if 90% of that growth went to the richest.
9. He was explicitly endorsed by Thatcher.
In parliamentary politics compromise is often a useful tool. Do you know who actually understood that, and who was actually the most successful Labour leader?
Why, it's Harold "I won 4 elections Tony you Tory prat" Wilson. Someone who understood the value of marketing in getting the middle-class vote, without completely abrogating Labour principles. (Though purchasing Polaris despite a manifesto commitment against it rubs me the wrong way.) Even the New Labour spin-doctors have credited the 1960s Labour campaigns for their value in that area.
It would be a trivial matter to have elected a moderate left-wing Labour government in 1997 while Public-Relationsing it as a Right-Wing one. This would have shifted the illusory "centre" to the left. What Blair did was set the stage for the current Conservative administration and entrench neoliberalism more than ever before. Smith was our one shot and he died.
Now all I hope is that Tony Blair dies in prison for war crimes as penance.
I know it's all a meme yet I can't help but take the bait.
Blair was outright inept. He was handed election victories on a plate and he threw them away to impose status-quo doctrine, or worse, further marketisation.
Fuck me, even Thatcher occasionally had reservations about privatizing the Railways.
The worst thing is, it's not just him. Left-wing and notionally left-wing parties are full of these bastards. You've got Clinton in America, The Fourth Labour Government ("Rogernomics") in NZ, Hawke and Keating in Australia… You realize there's no end to this, time and time again the bad guys win and they do horrible things and they get away with it, and in time - because they won, they're mythologized.
If I were a Christian, I would pray that the world went nuclear in 1973 and that this is just purgatory, just a test from god. None of this actually happened. It's much too horrible to imagine the sheer scale of this evil project. Left or right, it doesn't matter. Everyone has blood on their hands.
Not fair to compare mid-term polling, which heavily flatters the opposition, with the actual election. After Blair took over Labour started polling as high as 60%. Smith would still have won comfortably, though.
4 elections that won 11 years of power. Not to belittle that, but he only had so many elections because he kept on failing to get a healthy majority.
I think he finally dropped tripfagging after that long anti-rebel thread
Oh, I wasn't trying to (Though I'll admit I considered a disclaimer and then left it out as unwieldy, so I was aware of what I did). I was just trying to set a general band within which things occurred to show Smith would still have been in with a majority of say, at least 100. The general narrative would have you believe 1997 would've repeated 1992 but for St. Blair.
This is true. It's largely because people tend to cite Blair's "3 election victories" which is easy to trump numerically - "13 years" or "3 full terms" can't be argued directly.
The proper response to the latter two is weighing up achievements. Wilson didn't let us mire ourselves in Vietnam like Australia or New Zealand, oversaw the end of capital punishment, the liberalization of abortion, the Equal Pay act, the Race Relations act, lowering of the voting age to 18, decriminalization of homosexuality (maybe all a bit idpol for Holla Forums tastes, but hey: it beats out civil partnerships, something even the Conservatives trumped.), the Open University, comprehensive schooling, vocational polytechnics, reduced censorship in theaters, increased family allowances… And this is generally building on the postwar consensus as a whole, so inequality is relatively low, taxation relatively progressive, and so on. I believe most of what I've said has been from the 64-66-70 administration.
By comparison Blair is thin on the ground. Reams and reams of numbers can be brought up - 60 million children brought out of poverty, 25% less dogs barking at night, British soldiers dying in Iraq up 280% on the prior administration… But the end impression is that, save for viewers in Scotland, we might as well have kept Major and taken our neoliberalism grey. Where improvements were made, they were often done horribly. (PFI, hello.) Where changes were made, they were often utterly unnecessary both economically and politically (Tuition fees, top up fees? Ring Ring. At the very least don't backtrack on a manifesto commitment…)
I musn't let my argument be drawn too far. Wilson was by no means a perfect man, I would simply call him the most rounded of Labour PMs in terms of political success, as compared to all-round goodness. (For which it would be cliche but obligatory to cite Attlee)
At the end for Old Labour (1979, actually under Callaghan and another administration which suffers from historical distortions) Labour's vote-base was still cohesive, and would basically remain so until 1997. The sheer apathy that Blair drove into the veins of this country is inexcusable. The fracture of the labour vote base, as demonstrated by Scotland and more silently by all those UKIP second places, perhaps irreparable.
Perhaps independent of wider data, it's worth considering this:
They bothered to plot a coup against Wilson.
Thatcher regarded Blair as a coup of her own.
absolutely kill yourself
someone make it happen