Holla Forums
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Activism #13
What would happen to people like Chris Chan in your ideal socialist society?
Everyone start making get posts now
Pedophillia is the new counter culture, pedophillia is the new punk rock, deal with it
Daily News Thread 2/21
Can any Frenchies tell if either of these /guys/ have any chance?
[LIVE feed] Rome: protest against "Uber amendment"
The new face of Finnish right-wing
There is literally nothing wrong with being a Nazi. In fact, it's the way forward for humanity
How do you feel about the portrayal of Communism in video games?
Who here /wishing & hoping/ that wikileaks actually drops something nuclear one of these days?
The deep state totally doesn't exist!
Prisoner Liberation
Leftypol BTFO
Holla Forums talks big game about knowing military history, fascist might and all that, but what about Naval might?
Why do so many right-wing (especially lolbert/ancap) arguments revolve around absurd parables?
OH GOD AGAIN - its spreading like cancer
Is the critique of leftcoms really that they read too much theory and realize communism can't happen quite yet...
When is Zizek going to debate Molymeme?
Does Holla Forums enjoy reading fiction?
Non-whites of Holla Forums
Welp, that's it guys pack it up
How do we fight idpol?
Once, someone asked why I refer to myself as “cash poor” instead of “working class...
4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump
What if the child consents tho
Whats his name again?
Can we get some leftist brain memes made
Holy shit
I love Slavoj but I have to hail our one true leader
Anarcho-primitism thread
Why is BLM considered idpol when it's not really about black identity, but about fighting against police brutality...
A Leftcom's Day Out
Are Nazbols the alt-left movement? If you think about it they are filled Nazis in denial just like the alt-right
Anti Milo memes thread?
Bookchin alive in Rojava
ITT: We post Alunya, because I am require my daily dose of leftism and catgirls, so why not have them in one shot?
Climate Change
Why aren't you involved with your local antifa organization, user?
"life isn't fair, get over it."
Why did he do it?
He's not a post-autist
Two questions Holla Forums
There is literally nothing wrong with raping child molesters/child killers in gulag, they deserve it!
Fuck it...
The Socialist Party in France has 280 seats in parliament
C-communism in one country doesn't work because ebil ggabidalists will sabotage and crush it from outside!
Could we have a thread about the Soviet Union with some actual discourse for once...
Tfw former Holla Forumstard
Academia/Humanities Thread
Redpill me on NazBol
Leopold II of Belgium
Seventy-five years after FDR’s Japanese internment order, Trump prepares mass immigrant roundup
How do we defeat Ben Garrison
What if we copy praxis from the rightwing militia movement
Do you think suess might have secretly been a socialist?
How can fascism in America be stopped?
Zizek: La La Land: a Leninist Reading
TAA being based
Alpha as fuark gommunism
Getting real about the culture ware
Milo supports pedophilia
Why is it that Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Castro...
Goodbye Lenin
Has anyone here read "Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat" by Sakai?
Do Juggalos have revolutionary potential?
-Killed his wife with a lethal cocktail of alcohol, coffee, fentanyl, Adderall, and Xanax
On the Misuse of "Lumpenproletariat"
Socialism Kills. Venezuela is Hell
Holla Forums Fashion
What makes fascism a more valid category than cultural marxism?
Name one thing you agree with the Alt-Right on
Is Comrade Chubs /our guy/?
Nothing any of you say here is politically incorrect. Your views are entirely within the modern overton window
Richard Spencer ruined my haircut
Does this mean that we're finally starting to become a threat to idpolers?
Confused Lefty here
Someone explain this bullshit to me
Shia LaBeouf holding up a Party for Socialism and Liberation leaflet
Feminists/social activists in third world countries always wanted to end polygamy
Looking to become a member of r/theDonald? Here's your starter pack
Will we see a new sort of fascism be born out of the currently rising nationalist right wing...
Richard Spencer got kicked out of a lolbertarian conference by Le Bow Tie Man
Daily News Thread 2/19
Did you guys hear ?
What are your thoughts on intersectionality?
Those comments
The smarter I get, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish one normie from another...
Allende was not an ultra!
Are bubble baths counter revolutionary?
Post-Liberal Political Spectrum
Is Bernies personality one of the most unlikable in US politics? So negative and depressing
Thoughts on colonizing Mars?
Is there any credibility to the 'George Soros' meme?
Mfw when gf is an ancap
Obesity epidemics and starvation epidemics exist simultaneously
How well-read are you in (predominantly revolutionary or otherwise) left wing literature?
Are young people really becoming more right wing? I'm not convinced everyone under 20 is a fascist...
Palestinians overwhelmingly support FSA
Tankies, Anarkiddies, I have a question for you
What would the revolution do about NEETs? srs
Please explain Market Socialism to me
Cuba becoming capitalist - Private bussiness already exists
Anarchism General
Confused Liberal Here
Porky Just Outporked Himself
I deserve to be poor tbh. I fucked up all of my opportunities and made terrible life choices...
Did Ben Garrison legitimately have a stroke in the last two years
Creator driven comics and socialism
Martin Shkreli Hate Thread
Is this a non-white board or is the openly deeply triggering and problematic sentiment here just a way to further...
In Barcelona 160,000 protested today, because they want more refugees
It was state capitalism!!!
Who was the most hardcore dude in leftist history?
When will the "Socialism is heavy taxation and government programs" meme end?
Noam Chomsky is a liberal
Why are conservative women so much more strong and independent than feminist women?
What's stopping communists from buying land in La Patagonia or some equally unregulated and unknown place and...
Stop the Nazbol hate
Holla Forums is the last hope for the left in this country to start talking about things that matter...
Open borders = bad
What went wrong?
Where do we stand on Antifa and Neo-Anarchism in general?
Exploitation and capitalism were necessary to advance technology and produce lots of wealth
Canada thread, get in here fellow leaf people
Would the world be a better or worse place if the USSR won the cold war ?
Phil Greaves is a good boy and he did nothing wrong
Are all ancaps pedophiles? Should we get them all arrested?
Porky is scared
Learning Dialectical Materialism/Historical Materialism
How do we radicalize the states that went heavily in favor of Trump?
The bourgeoisie have adopted Stirner's teaching, haven't they...
Daily News Thread 2/18
Why do Holla Forums want to destroy this?
W e w
What does Holla Forums think of this man?
DDR/ cultural marxism/ a lost polack
Bill Maher's interview with Milo last night, in case anyone missed it. It's very cancerous, as you'd expect
The alt-right's asskissers on Knowyourmeme triggered by "So much for the tolerant left"
If somebody believes in the actual class struggle and follows the words of Che Guevara (thinks you shouldn't coddle the...
Is Princess Bubblegum fascist?
Not trying to troll, I'm here for a genuine response
The first U.S. Greens to run for public office, 1985, were Wes Hare for Mayor of Chapel Hill...
The cancer that is Holla Forums
Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler...
What exactly is Capitalism? If it's solely defined as private ownership of capital and/or the means of production...
What's your name?
Maybe a eugenics discussion idk tbh
Right now today which tendency has the right praxis to bring communism to the usa?
Want to genetically uplift the population to the level of ubermensch
Happy Birthday
Wow, Bill sure did fearmonger tonight
Destroying the Alt-Right
How does this video make you feel? Why?
I'm a Socialist, yet there are things I do not understand
AT-X President: AI May Replace Humans in Anime Production
Is Trump /ourguy/ now? Even ex-CIA liberals are calling him a Leninist now kek
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who literally unironically listen to Controlled Oppo Crap House
Steve Bannon believes that there is, quote, "socialism for the very rich, and socialism for the very poor...
Anti Democracy Thread
Will he be impeached?
Do you think it's a smart idea that lefty journalists engage in no-platforming this professional troll and refuse to...
Webm thread?
Hello Holla Forums
These streets are our property
How do we solve the bourgeois non-white liberal LARPing as a leftist attacking the white working class problem?
What is the connection between videos games and nazis?
Can we talk about trump's constant attacks against the media?
Really makes you think, dem evil fake news not saying the great things Turmp does is the problem
What do you guys think of this quote
As a rightist observer who quite likes you guys...
Magnificent Bastard Thread
Did anyone else here go through a right wing libertarian phase?
/ourguy/ makes another response to Sargon where he tries to explain some basic leftist concepts to him
How come so many Weird Twitter/goon/ironybro people are actually upper(-middle) class neoliberals LARPing as...
Milo will appear on Bill Maher tonight
What does Holla Forums think of sex work/porn/prostitution etc? Should it legal...
/r/socialism does it again
Bill Gates: the robot that takes your job should pay taxes
A lot of people here express hatred for liberalism, and I think it leaves a wrong impression. The socialist message...
Mfw internet liberals and tumblr babies are starting to refer to themselves as leftists
Lenin did nothing wrong
What's up with the hate for left communists?
Isn't immigration a petty-bourgeois sentiment?
Reminder on COINTERPRO
Daily News Thread 2/17
Pretty well researched and decently written article by a Baltimore art collective about the aesthetics of the alt-right...
This video is sitting at the top of Reddit right now, getting circlejerked to death
What is leftypol thoughts about Martin Schulz?
Should i put up a bunch of flyers around town that just say google bookchin y/n
A girl I like just asked me who my favorite historical figure is
I've seen people proudly proclaiming that they refuse to go along with white guilt as it if was some major cultural...
There was this community where everyone had equal editing rights, and it worked for a few months...
Cities are Reactionary
Conspiracy theories
Right to Bear Arms
Measuring use value
I just listened to the Chapo with this guy and wtf he's coming back? After only being there for like a year...
Boo-Boo theory
What if the proletariat are literally just shitty people?
Capitalists actually believe that proles should be oppressed like this
Major Flaw With Communism
The International Committee of the Fourth International is marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution with online...
So Holla Forums wants to debate us on their discord…
What is the end game of Holla Forums and the alt-right...
When Holla Forums was first created...
Why is Cuba poor?
So why does the far-left and far-right become friends in prison so much?
Why do female right wing commentators always look like they escaped the brazzers set?
Revolution in the Philippines lads
Celebrities and the Spectacle Newspaper Article
Marxists will defend this
Will there be pakis is socialist England? Not a troll, I'm genuinely curious
After listening to Zizek's views on Trump, the immigration crisis, LGBT issues and political correctness...
They're really making a big stink over the Pewdiepie garbage
Communist /Argie/ and /South America/ thread
ML party of canada
The American constitution doesn't apply to anyone who lives within 100 miles of the "border...
Hoochie post neck
Trump vs Deep State
Tfw no strategy game where the different factions are leftist tendencies
What message is he even trying to send ?
How do we achieve production for use without any form of exchange?
I require assistance, comrades!
Visualizing Capital
DSA opinion thread
Retard Trump is having a meltdown
The old Metal Gear theme was literally USSR propaganda music. Still think Kojima isn't a commie?
How do we solve the Saudi Arabia/wahhabi problem?
It's real fucking obvious that there is no coherent Left response to the current crises...
Tankie Hate Thread
In this thread. We apologise. Socdems. You know the drill
Any comrades in India?
This just came up for me
Everybody get in here!
Why do socdems hate guns
Holla Forums, Why do commies make so much better music than fascists?
Reals or feels, Holla Forums?
European elections 2017
Daily News Thread 2/16
In Praise of Antisemitism
Do you agree with this image
Is it possible to synthesise Leninism and Syndicalism?
Hey communistas
So leftypol why are niggers so violent do you have reasonable explanation?
It's time again to remember all the wonders socialists states brought to the workers, I'll start with:
What if we took over the government of a state democratically and established it as a base for american socialism to...
What could it possibly be that this girl read?
Called on bullshit
Is he communist?
Toei, In-betweening, Tezuka, Labor Movements and Rintaro
What does Holla Forums do for a living?
God get
What do we do with people like Phil Greaves?
What are the leftist or Marxist arguments for and against open immigration policy?
Explicitly anticapitalist
Nerds and right-wing politics
Students wear white privilege pins
What's your favourite political movie ?
He doesnt work in a co-op
Who /immigrant/ here?
Petition to ban holocaust denial
Pierre on Cultural Marxism
Can Holla Forums *actually* deny the holocaust with evidence?
Classless society and humans
What is the difference between Libertarian Municipalism and Democratic Confederalism...
Save me
Fighting the good fight
What the fuck! There's an immigrant's strike tomorrow, a general strike on Friday, and a woman's strike on March 8th...
How do you un-fuck yourself from Social media. I spend up to 16 hours on the internet per day...
There seems to be a Deep State coup against Trump brewing. Thoughts?
Anti-Work Reading List
Holla Forums btfo yet again
Oi respond to this smartypants
How do you know whether a good is worth its costs in a communist society?
Why read books?
Is National Bolshevism the final red pill?
Capitalism is voluntary
Curious about leftist ideals
Do the leftists support agefluid rights? We have a subreddit and also an Holla Forums board set up
Daily News Thread 2/15
I'm a middle-class student from Eastern Europe...
Hates "communism" because they think it means the government controls everything
European Parliament CETA
Stop pretending you fuckers want to save everyone. Truckloads of people die every day from war, famine...
Can Leninism be Libertarian?
The Bogdanoffs
1 2 Y E A R S
Currency war vs. Venezuela continues
This has been buried deep inside of me for years but I figure now's the time to cash out on the tankie cringe
BTFO'ing liberals
Any thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard?
I'm tired of the those who inflate the dead under Communism to the arbitrarily high counts...
Get anprim bros
Why is she worshiped by liberals and normies?
Haha Paul Joseph Watson is an idiot, of course conservatism isn't the new counter culture!
Misanthrope thread
Coops wont give us communism but they will save us from capitalism
Suicide rights under socialism/communism
Holla Forums on suicide watch. Holla Forums discussing illegal activities in their discord
Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaig
So I think we can all agree CPUSA is fucked. How do we fix it?
So I have to pick out a young adult novel and read it for one of my college classes
Which political ideology catgirl will be the one to bring down r/socialism?
Katy Perry; Pop Music
So, are goals and ambitions a spook?
Russian Revolution
Why should I go on living/shitposting when Ill never be able to have a commie gf
Hi it's 8pol here
Seeing a fair amount of volcel comrades around these days. are they incels in denial or what? and if not...
Never do anything
Being a leftist
Will cosmetic surgery exist under communism?
"Cartoons are childish"...
I'm gonna quit my job and I can't fucking go back to work. Help. What do. Thinking about selling weed again...
I just discovered the reason I was a socialist was a fake chart. Really made me think
Can Marxist-Leninism be libertarian?
Daily News Thread 2/14
Famous Youtuber PewDiePie to lose millions for trying to pander to Aut-rightists
Social Rejects
Why aren't you (critically) supporting Sauron's struggle against Númenórean imperialism...
Thoughts comr8s?
Let's see, what are the good qualities of motorcycles?
The central divide between Holla Forums seems to be those who want to subvert Porky via violent versus non-violent...
Tankies: How do you see Stalin's atrocities?
What if marx was actually right and the inherent contradictions of capitalism will bring capitalism down...
Why do right wingers like Jesus when he was a first century Jewish SJW who hated the bourgeoisie?
Are there any boards on 4/Holla Forums that haven't been compromised by the alt-right?
Michael Flynn has stepped down
Lib: but communism killed so many people!
So will STEM people be less smug and delusional under communism?
Holla Forumsyps doing a twitch q&a . Report them for hate speech
Iran War
Japan's MRAs are anti-capitalist
I have embraced communism
Attempt to debate a neoliberal on the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory
Hey Comrades...
Respect to the anarchists doing this. We need more of this
Does anyone know of a decent leftist anime...
Paul "Conservatism is the NEW Counter Culture" Watson back at it again! REEE
So pretty much this is just Holla Forums for confused people?
Socialism in One country
Minorities profit from capitalism
Ackshually anarchism is not about causing chaos and destroying the entire society so we won't have to do Friday...
"Kosovo is Serbia"
Pic related...
Is leftism actually on the rise?
What does Holla Forums think about the rothchild dynasty
Which of the following completely fucking dead/fringe/unknown/unpopular/meme tier movements would most deserve a...
Why do these fucks have the most punchable faces?
I've heard the 'co-ops aren't socialism because you have to self-exploit because of market competition' argument a few...
Based Trudeau doesnt even bother holding hands with the faggot
Trudeau absolutely cucking Trump
Remove Bolshevism
Even insane Pagan racists who believe Norway is Marxist can see that communism is better than capitalism...
Life was a mistake
How do we make socialism popular in america ?
Why don't left wing movements use eagle in their symbolism ?
Tfw don't know if I'm an anarchist or a tankie
Trump & Trudeau to form Liberal Feminist cross-border initiative for 'Women Business Leaders'
Daily News Thread 2/13
It's time to do a revolution against Marxist
Assad is an anti-imperialist and we on the left must support him
Mao's achievements
Is being masochistic leftist?
Was Pinochet the only modern dictator who got away with it?
Even Le Pen is preaching borderline socialist policies
Tfw you realize Trump is old enough and you will get to celebrate his death
Why do leftist girls love blue hair?
Recently published article on Paul Mattick, German communist...
I know Obama was a terrible president...
Why do so many conservatives love 1984 even though Orwell hated conservatives and reactionaries ?
Badmouse BTFO
Why is it so difficult for the right to understand that communists/anarchists don't like Soros or for that matter any...
All races are equal!
The "gamer class"
Educating /r9k/
Conservatism is the new punk
Anfem meta thread
We haven't had an Esperanto thread in a bit, so how are miaj kamaradoj doing with their studies...
Kurdish qts thread
What is cultural marxism?
Iraq 2.0
So let me get this straight
Why did the Bolsheviks go AWOL
Cuba becoming capitalist
Where did all these SocDems come from and how do we get rid of them?
We just need a mix of socialism and capitalism bro xD
Will Trump go down as one of the most important presidents ever?
Mfw Stirnerfags are closet furries
What did she mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Let's make this Stalingrad 2.0
Oh, no…
Who can Leftists rally behind like the Alt-Right and Trump?
Idpol liberals actually believe this
Did your parents/grandparents partake in any revolutionary act Holla Forums? what are their stories?
Happy 208th birthday, Comrade Abe!
Ya'll know what to do, lads
What did Marylin Manson say about capitalism? He was friends with Anton LaVey...
You didnt listen to bernie…
Islam is bad
Is violence committed during a revolution ever justifiable?
Whats the difference between a Nazbol and a Nazi? Why are Nazbols accepted here?
Daily reminder if you waste your life to fight for a country you are retarded and should kys
Ebin new meme: Marx and Engels discover r/socialism
BLM & the Left
WTF i hate communism now
The state is mostly controlled by rich, upper class people...
Webm thread
Take a punch for the left
In your opinion, is a house PERSONAL property (akin to a toothbrush) or PRIVATE property (akin to a factory)?
The comments are a hive pot of gold
Daily News Thread 2/12
Anyone trumpgret here? Im so depressed i have voted this man into office. Can i get refund? Jesus
What voice do you read Holla Forums posts in?
KKK Grand Wizard in Missouri was found dead
Anyone have any tips for starting a squat/opening a homeless shelter in an abandonded building?
Even fascists think ancaps are fucking stupid
Cruz v Sanders Obamacare/Health Care Debate Question
Is Holla Forums one of the biggest, most active leftist forums on the English-speaking internet? We have more than 20...
Any good sci-fi books/comics/movies with left-wing messages?
Socialist Video Game Reviews: My First Video Now Complete!
Why are so many nazis non white now?
Why do you use capitalist software like Windows and macOS instead of communist software like GNU/Linux, Holla Forums?
The most common mistake of Stalin’s opponents was to underestimate how exceptionally well read he was...
Endning Infant Circumcision
How come so many NEETs buy into ideologies that probably hate them...
How will communism solve the human trafficking problem we currently have in the world?
I believe this guy is evil, but I think he's too dumb to be a fascist
Marxism is eurocentric
Why do so few western leftists support our comrades in novorossiya?
How come Marxists don't have a plan for post-capitalist society?
Thoughts on Sam Hyde?
Hi Holla Forums
New anti arab sentiment
Bill Maher Loses His Cool with Piers Morgan - Feb 10, 2017
Operation Troll Nazis
42k a month
Is this true?
Music is I D E O L O G Y
Is fascism pro-capitalism or anti-capitalism? Or does it depend on the particular strain of fascism?
I got told at a job interview "We aren't looking for straight, white men" and I'm a Jew
What went right?. Seriously though, what did the Soviet Union get right? Looking for nom ML opinions as well
Is Maoism the dumbest ideology...
Will capitalism ever end?
Is it possible to be a Leftist and not become utterly jaded and cynical with time?
Can dat boi be /our meme/?
What does leftypol think of Che Guevara?
It's Jeb's birthday today. The cake has been sent to him. Do you think he'll eat it? Will he read the books sent to him...
Daily News Thread 2/11
Redneck Revolt response to Alt-Right
When will we get another man like Lenin?
Holla Forums here, I have a question
Internal Contradictions
What do you think will change with Germany electing even stronger EU federalist to its leadership in the next federal...
Why does Holla Forums hate ayn rand?
Cultural Marxism is REAL
When will you admit Hillary was the lesser evil?
Mfw Diogenes created Egoism 2000 years before Stirner was even fucking born
Dear White People
Let me beghin by shhaying, that anti semitishm is disgasting...
Are Antifa groups more harm than good to leftism?
Russel brand's finally getting radicalized
Tbh Trump is probably searching for a way to resign that still makes him look like a hero to all the alt-righters
I may disagree with every opinion that he holds...
PJW Face Edit Thread
Wasn't vaporwave a leftist meme?
What is up with pic related?
People at my college probably think i'm an alt-righter because of my anti identity politics stance when in reality i'm...
Let me ask you a serious question
Tenets of marxism are?
ITT: We suggest good methods for purging porkies and other reactionaries after the revolution
Guess which golden shower connoisseur and which image board who partakes in calling people cucks just got BTFO
Is China a Communist Country?
Anyone who thinks were now living under fascism needs to read this article...
Bit of a madman, wasn't he? Where did it all go so wrong?
What do think of democratic socialism with basic income, but still having a market?
Should leftists participate in valentine's day? Are you going to give something to her/him/they?
I've been watching videos of zizek and I have to say, he's not /yourguy/
What are some good leftist characters in shows/movies?
Mfw white southern evangelicals are being radicalized by trump
Holy fug
How did we lose the meme war so badly? Is it because we're too intelligent to make shitty memes?
Daily News Thread 2/10
Jeremy Corbyn is hated by a majority of the UK labour paty
So what's a nazbol and why is it different to stalinism?
Why do you people hate cops so much? What did they even do to you?
Studying the Right
I've combed trough the catalog and I didnt see a technocracy/transhumanism thread anywhere for some time...
Fuck Milo Thread
Foreman Domai
Why didn't religious leftism ever catch on?
Are neckties counter-revolutionary?
The case for Trump being a Marxist
What do you think Alunya's ideology is?
Elon Musk condemns ‘morally outrageous’ pro-union agitation at Tesla
Central Planning
Should people who work harder get more labor vouchers than people who don't?
What would it take to get you to lean to the right?
What happens if the people vote in capitalism in a democratic socialist society?
Secular Talk coming at us with the human nature argument, cites Chomsky as proof
Dear Holla Forums
Why are there no actual picture of Max Stirner?
When you're working on testing a hypothesis that a change in political dynasty...
Hillary obliterates Donald
How is this theft?
He seems upset
Holla Forums banners and flags thread
Are Trey and Matt right libertarians or left libertarians?
Original Version "Bring back child labor: Work is a gift our kids can handle"
Holla Forums Discord Thread
Communism is impossible unless you're ready to execute literally a billion people. You know who
Mfw accelerationism is finally kicking in
If you had full control over the United States for 8 years what would you do? Nothing you do can be rolled back
George Orwell wrote in his review of Mein Kampf in 1940:
Alt-Right Hate Thread?
You have nothing
Really gets your neurons firing
Will you consider this?
The Trap
Children collecting scrap metal in order to afford an education. Isn't America beautiful?
New Maoist Emergence in the USA
Who /agreewithphil/ here?
The guy believes he's genetically superior
He only speaks one language
Sargon Makes A Video Attacking BadMouse
Can someone give me a quick rundown on anarcho-anything positions? It all sounds like it will turn into Mogadishu...
Cuckchan pol is trying to troll the Islamig community. How about we foil their plot boys?
America's youngest children most likely to live in poor economic conditions
As an lgbtbbq individual why should I support communism?
Why don't you support the PRC or CCP yet?
How do we win at this point?
How important is environmentalism to you?
Oh boi
Seizing the Means of Reproduction
Saudi Arabia and Israel fascist?
So outside of the obvious answers (Hegel, Marx, Stirner, etc...
Let's check out the local college socialist club lmao maybe I'll find some comrades
Are u allowed to be depressed in communism
I Couldn't Get Real Satisfaction [a Girlfriend] So I Became a Kindred Spirit to a Revolutionary
Chapo Trap House
If you had an easy opportunity to become a powerful billionaire would you take it?
Real political compass
Radicalize Jimmy Dore 4 the LOLZ
What makes Stirner so meme-able?
Why is this allowed?
Anthony Fantano (theneedledrop) just tore PJ Watson a new one
I'm a man of means and I own a small company. How can I help the left? Should I donate to certain organizations?
Unfunny Liberals and the Rise of the Alt-Right
What I notice when I discuss with liberals - with normal liberals...
There are people on Holla Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't read Althusser's Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses
Iran is just trolling the U.S. now
How do we deal with the you-tube problem?
Just fuck my country up fam
But Holla Forums, how are we going to stop drugs coming from Mexico without the wall?
ILM — Internet liberation army
So the Brexit Bill has passed through the Commons with no changes
Why have you not yet read all of these books, Holla Forums?
Be me
I'm still pretty new, but why do leftists seem to generally dismiss post-modernism...
What you doin in a draft?
What do you think of centrism?
Socialist Gun Thread
What's her fucking problem
Daily News Thread 2/8
Mexican Revolution forum game
I dont get it
How would sports exist in a communist society?
I thought this was leftist politically incorrect
How come leftism is so collectivist in general?
The future of the NHS
Daily reminder the Internationale only sounds good in French
What does Holla Forums think of Superman: Red Son?
Why do people in 2017 still think the far right is our greatest threat/enemy?
Is it just me, or since Brexit and the US election, have Liberals become like 10000x more reactionary...
This is the perfect solution tbh, removes more brain dead Trump voters
Rumours from within the party say that Corbyn will be forced to step down in the next week and because of his stance on...
/econ genera/
So is the claim that "the number of people living in absolute poverty has been halved" just an outright lie?
How will Fat people be dealt with in gommunism?
Kek. this is literally the only tweet I sent him
In your ideal society...
Why do you hate God /leftpol/?
Valentines day is coming up and I don't have a communist gf
Can we just agree to start the revolution at a set time and place and just do it
So I just found out the guy who coordinated the first lefty study group I was ever part of killed himself
It's literally easy as fuck to make money. Free your mind, take psychedelics...
Why do you read theory?
Sanders vs. Cruz Health Care Debate
Ideal leftist UK?
What was his name again?
Why is gobbunism in my self interest?
Does anybody else feel like they hold unfair, prejudicial views of the bourgeoisie as a group?
Why aren't you a third-worldist?
How did you become a leftist?
Student activism in my university is dominated by SJWs and fucking vegans
The Bogdapill
Love life and anarchy
Tfw no leftypol bf
'Cultural Marxism' is Bullshit
Technological Singularity
How does Holla Forums feel about art? What are your opinions on contemporary art?
IDPOL Hate Thread
Who do you think is the real US prez?
92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed
Rebolutionary Strategy Thread
He claims to be a devil-may-care egoist
To which degree is it even worth engaging the ideas and rhetoric of the Right?
Hey people, give me all of your communist anime girls ASAP
Can any fellow amerifats who know whats going on redpill me on betsy devos?
Mao vs stalin
How retarded is fullchan Holla Forums
Hbomberguy attacks the Golden One
They can't even meme answer me
Should we try colonizing other more politically centrist/liberal sites and try to turn the tide towards the left...
Millenials must be stopped
Do you get positive or negative vibes from FDR?
Leftyvidya 2
Finish bolshevik thread
Heads up: Sanders and Cruz healthcare debate
Not having to worry about money and not needing to work is fine and all...
US might be a shithole heading for military dictatorship but let's be honest, they make the best tv series
Links, tools and lit
What's the consensus here on South Africa?
What's so wrong with inequality?
Dave Rubin - Why I Left the Left
Am I the only one that feels like something is going to happen, and very soon? Think about it Holla Forums
Holla Forums...
Daily reminder a fascist white supremacist is the president
What do Leftists have against me practicing Islam?
Wake up around 0415 to the sound of Leader B. Hussein Obama (PBUH) on my radio
Stocks soaring, Porkies bourging
Red terror in Spain
Open Discussion
What do you do when you're surrounded by reactionaries?
Ywn have such a glorious beard as marx or engels
Tfw feel for the STEM meme
I like punching nazis. It's hilarious and punk af. But as hard as this might be to accept...
Tankie hate thread
/India/ general
The white working class will never develop class consciousness
Karl Marx movie coming out in march this year
What are some good studies and sources I can use to debunk race realism?
Freedom of speech
If communists want to take my toothbrush, and capitalists want me to own my own property...
There's only one thing worse than tankies. Trots
Gamergate wants to see ANTIFA as terrorist group
ITT: we post things that makes us more tankie
Trump supporter here
Look around you leftypol, the proletariat shows no desire to liberate themselves, they love the spectacle...
Simple one from me today; Is an insurrection the only way to save the west?
Who Tiqqun here
What are the legal limits of a protest?
As part of a talk on gentrification...
So I have a few questions if anyone out there is bored enough to indulge me. Thank you for your time...
Full automation will kill capitalism right guys?
Was he right?
Why don't you (critically) support the Chaos Space Marine Legions in their struggle against Imperialism...
Actual pic I just took right now
I'm scared. Who is doing this?
Daily News Thread 2/6
Liberal facism
Muslim immigrant cabbies say they face discrimination in Quebec City job market
General capitalism woes thread
German SPD overtakes Merkel party in polls
Dear Whyte People…
Socdem sucks ass and demsoc cock
Feminist Frequency Employee Is our comrade
Sargon wants Antifa Declared "Terrorist Group"
Incentive in communism
What the hell happened to DCCMFCP?
Anarchists take over Brazilian town
Leftypol proverbs and copypasta
What has marxism-leninism, vanguardism and other totalitarian state backed theories accomplished in the last 25 years?
North Korea best Korea
Is Veganism idpol?
Why are SocDems so hated?
Supposed 1.08gb of zipped FBI leaks
Trump meme magic / time travel
When Canada has a socialist revolution, how will they make their flag more communist? It's already red
ITT: we post communists who are LITERALLY impossible to assassinate
What went wrong?
Manifesto attempting to counter the alt-right - #AltWoke
People often make the mistake of equating capitalism with democracy
Too smart to be a tankie
Nathan Gate ex pol discord owner and fascist
Tfw Assange is a confirmed Nazbol
Capitalist here
The new SJW
We must get rid of the regressive jewish bourgeois class
There are people here who unironically believe that pizzagate was anything other than a Holla Forums crafted tinfoil...
This just in
Why are literally all ancaps pedos?
Catgirl drawgirl worship thread
What have been some important movements that only had skeptical support for them?
Questions for tankies and any authoritarian leftist for that matter
Does anyone have a good critique of Socdem welfare states? they seem bretty comfy?
Fall of the Soviet Union
Can I marry lolis in a lefty utopia?
Vous êtes entré dans le mauvais quartier, bolchévique
ITT: I defend Muslims
Ben Garrison Thread
Was he /ourhombre/ all along?
How do I make irl comrades?
Oh no. no one should ever do this…
Political Compass thread
Horoscope thread
This image is presented without comment
/r/leftypol is now public
Was the U.S.S.R Socialist or state capitalist?
Just wanted to let Holla Forums know that Graz, 2nd biggest city in Austria...
What is up with the left defending Islam? This guy is gay and in many Muslim countries he would be thrown off a roof...
This is a good opportunity guys! Muke was too dismissive and ideological (he would just use a bunch of terms in the...
No one here has read any feminist lit. No one here even understands basic feminist positions...
Would you rather live under full fascism or full right wing libertarian anarcho capitalism
Holla Forums btfo
Would prisons exist in Communism?
He knows what his country did wrong, still does those things, but openly
Communist utopia
Trump has the means to do a completely military dictatorship
Holla Forums completely BTFO!
What are your thoughts on Ted Kaczynski's views and writings?
Leftist movies
Well isn't this interesting
Record high fatal radiation levels, hole in reactor detected at crippled Fukushima nuclear facility
Surely This Will Stop Donald Trump
So how true/wrong is this Holla Forums? How do you disprove it?
Private Property = Bad?
Mfw i realized that brain-draining the rest of the world is part of America's vampirical postwar order...
Communism is bad because of famines and food rations
Hey ANTIFA/leftist faggots
An army marches on its stomach
Nihilists I guess I'll join you. :.(
WEBM/MP4 thread
Heres another dank meme for you all
Anarchist Bookfair
Is Third Wave Feminism a liberal meme or a leftist issue?
Antfaggot gets shot in self-defense after assaulting a Trump supporter
Defeatist shills out in full force
Russian Nazis in Ukraine
When you've told yourself you'll start reading serious theory "tomorrow" for over a month now
Is communism really anti-family?
Anarchist Bookfair - Should I go?
Wtf I hate Chomsky and Zizek now
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...