Steve Bannon believes that there is, quote, "socialism for the very rich, and socialism for the very poor, and the middle class pays for it".
Isn't it classic fascism to say things like this?
Steve Bannon believes that there is, quote, "socialism for the very rich, and socialism for the very poor, and the middle class pays for it".
Isn't it classic fascism to say things like this?
I don't see how it's fascism to say that, when most of the fascists tried to co-opt and corrupt elements of socialism rather than say "G-guys this is secret sociomarxculturalfrankfurtschoolism, honest!!!"
maybe he should try being poor, it's a great time, I laugh daily over how I'm getting one over on the middle classes with their homes and cars and twice yearly holidays
he is right, socialism is retarded, we need communism
He's right on the first part
He's a white supremacist and racist. He values whites over colored people
So he's saying that the lower and upper classes need to unite and murder all of the middle class?
He's an economic nationalist.
No Patrick, [insert contemporary right populist phenomenon ideologically interpellated to be perceived as bad thing] is not fascism.
No it's a basic campaign slogan among politicians in the overton window here in the US.
The mythical "middle class" gets jacked off a lot along with "small business" and "entrepreneurs" and despite them all being fantasy no one notices because they just blame themselves or everyone else for this standard not working for them.
Holla Forums BTFO!
Just call it protectionist and not your faggot newspeak bullshit
Umm, what does your pic say about 1917 and Holla Forums?
They aren't a fantasy. Numbers back up the idea that they exist, but they don't pay most taxes, the rich do.
The exact same, except the communist movement is in its overwhelming majority aware of its prior historical ineptitudes (as is the perogative of Marxism; to be ever-developing away from recognized failures and enveloping of material change).
but right wingers are also aware of their failures, now what?
why yes it is
Half the country is below the poverty line.
Middle class to me means "I'm not rich but I'm not struggling and one health care visit or some unexpected expense wont dip me into unrecoverable debt."
There isn't a large group of people in the country who can say that, bankruptcies are constant, job stability is worse than ever and the cost of most basic needs is rising not receding.
hes referring to the book "Animal Farm"
Any proof whatsoever that GINI raises under fascist regimes?
Half of individuals are below the FAMILY poverty line.
2/3 of families are at least 5000 dollars over it.
They're aware that their ideas failed to materialize; Marxist are a step further and are aware that their failures rested not simply on practical failure to implement their ideas, but on the perogative of their ideas themselves; that things failed both in the pratical and rhetorical-theoretical dimensions. This is very much unlike the right, which as its namesake defines, is wholly incapable of altering its imperatives without losing its very existence as right wing.
Not even true. Right wingers changed ideologically too.
fascism has always been a movement of the downwardly mobile middle class. the strongest supporters of Mussolini and Hitler were the lower-middle class, feeling squeezed by both the increasingly assertive proletariat and big industrialists after WW1
It definitely taps into labor aristocracy and petit-bourgeois resentment in a way similar to what Fascists did. They fear big business because of potential competition and they fear organized labor because of potential dispossession.
Nice clarification, but it doesn't really change the fact that people aren't meeting a basic level of income to buy the most basic things. Five thousand additional dollars for a family isn't a lot spread out when one doctor or lawyer visit could cost that much.
Again, as the namesake of the right wing implies, this ideological change is always going to be insufficient to change anything in its primary perogative. What remains of definitions and views of capitalism in the early 20th century for Marxist communists today has totally changed, and so have suggested solutions. For the right wing, embedded in the inescapable perogative of saving a status quo, can thus consequently be no discursive alteration. This is because a wedding to what prevails is a wedding to what motivates and conceptualizes this prevailing thing. Right wing politics are super-powered gravekeepers that simultaneously have the upper hand in their struggle to be gatekeeper, but constantly fight an uphill battle that is for the left to win, the only problem for the left being finding a proper way of conceptualizing this grave and a way to permanently map it in the cemetery of history.
Wow, you are out of touch.
Just go talk to a fascist and ask them who exactly it is they despise and who they admire in society, poor are always degenerates unless they are good looking whites (and mostly still they are still considered subhuman). Middle class are human citizens, upper class are elite and their stock is to be protected with subsidization.
I tried looking up if the GINI raised in Fascist Italy and Germany and wasn't able to find anything easily. But in principle I would imagine that it did.
It is you who is politically ignorant of the historically-born definition of what is right wing, not me who is not in your current
I feel like our public leaders are letting us down. We should probably close the gate on them and find new ones.
a retard cant solve physics textbook problems, a cripple cant pull off as much labor as a healthy man
insisting on any kind of social order where retards and cripples and other people who physically cant compete with those who physically can is bound to fail, because intelligent and hard working, honest and deserving people can just tell the inferiors "fuck off" and if they dont fuck off, only think left is a physical confrontation that inferiors must naturally lose
this is why I dont believe in forcing people to do stuff, if you cant work harder than someone, why do you think you can fight harder than that guy???
these equality pushers also always seem to be some of the weakest, most unfit and just all around worthless people I have ever seen as well, trannies, women, all mentally unstable and with zero military training or equipment
they do realize you can just say 'no' to them, and that they arent going to get any free shit just because they are acting like a little kid throwing a tantrum, right? they do realize I and other taxpayers arent their parents, and dont give a shit if they starve to death, right?
No it's standard Ameriblubber drivel
This sounds like the petit-bourgeoisie
The middle class USED to exist.
Yes, because America was the only country left standing after WWII and enjoyed a huge economic advantage, and the ruling class exerted a great deal of effort to appease the middle class out of fear of Communism through various welfare policies.
Yes it is, but right-wingers have adopted this (originally fascist) rhetoric for a long time, it's nothing to worry about.
There is no middle class anymore, all of it has either become petit-bourgeoisie or poor.
Fascism is the ubermensch's ideology, prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't
Funny how Fascism and Nietzschean perspectives go hand in hand in bourgeois culture
funny how fun and poorness go hand in hand with leftist culture
funny how not understanding nietzsche and not understanding anything else goes hand in hand in fascist culture.
funny how a free market fag is pro-fascism
What's the issue? Salazar's Portugal was pretty well run.
wew. sorry, nietzsche is the most perfect man to have ever lived and his works are the principled philosophy of praxis for life the end.
Also, Lusotropicalism was a better approach to colonization than the racial supremacist notions of other Western powers.
Classic fascism is social justice..
he quotes evola he is a closet fascist
evola wasn't a fascist
It is funny that reactionaries like Evola are constantly confused for Fascists that were the progressives of their time.
Bannon merely mentioned that some Russian intellectuals are familiar with Evolian writings… are you dense?
How does referencing a literal ANTI-FASCIST (Julius Evola was a heavy critic of Fascism) make you a Fascist?
Did you really fall for the mainstream media "hurrff durr Evola gave birth to Fascism" meme, comrade?