Pic related. You guys notice that Holla Forums is more humble now after discovering that most their users aren't the white "ubermensch" they thought they were? The most staunch advocates for white nationalism at the HWNDU thing were brown.
Pic related...
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intense cognitive dissonance is the only thing that keeps them from imploding
luckily, it also prevents them from ever building a legit movement outside of supporting the farce of bourgeouis parlementary politics which will NEVER work in their favor
Holla Forums is as white as Argentina.
majority of cuckchan Holla Forums users in NYC aren't white isn't really a huge surprise tho
just admit it. Holla Forums is a satirical board. you faggots will never get your white ethnostate
remember that one thread where pretty much everyone discovered they had jewish blood and panicked lol get fucked
somehow Holla Forums memes have convinced shitskins of all races to fight for a white ethnostate
I can only attribute this to kek and can only praise him yet again
praise kek
Yep, the asshurt is great.
That 5'9 always gets me
lmao nah. civic nationalism is being pushed heavily by Holla Forums now to the dismay of white nazi minority. the ethnostate will never happen loser :)
it hasn't even been a month in office. just give it more time. the assmad on Holla Forums will increase
and yet deportations are a thing and we're getting a wall
Prove that you're white
obama deported more people than bush and clinton combined. obamacare isn't repealed yet. the wall is going to be so expensive tax payers will revolt against the idea. but keep being delusional
East Germany had both
yeah and Trump is going to deport even more. And once the wall is back they're not coming back. 8 years baby
I know a lot of west germans who were not a fan of the wall coming down. Or the euro. Holy shit was the mark a good currency for the people of west germany. Also before all the turks came in too. What a life.
peak Holla Forums delusion
And non-jewish or gypsy
who is being delusional here lol
or slavic
do you have amnesia? obama won the rust belt soundly both times with his platform. hillary is probably the worst democratic candidate of all time. but enjoy your little Holla Forums torture chamber and repeating the 8 years meme
When did this happen?
found the liberal
It's funny how they now turned it around and talk about being a board of peace and how diverse they are. Bunch of spineless nerds.
obama was shit dude, don't even bother defending him
uhhhh… atleast you can see the difference between socialists and liberals
Top kek yeah i saw someone on 4 pol say pol is a libertarian board of peace haha what spineless shits
im not defending obama. i'm just saying that trump was lucky to have run against a candidate that was so hated universally by the electorate. and she still won the popular vote.
somebody has reading comprehension issues
At best, you'll have people more or less good at paying lip service to them.
As a young black man I believe that the future of America is post-party politics. I hope that in 10 to 20 years, the near constant issue of partisanship will be a distant memory. Many people in my generation support the person—regardless of political party—who they believe has the capacity and ability to lead. The future and stability of America are far more important than ego and party.
That's why I’ve decided to support Mr. Trump, and it's my sincere belief that flocks of other young people will soon follow.
The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton and the left don't seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
I support a return to what makes us Americans. A strong America built around our core national values of patriotism, sovereignty, and opportunity for all regardless or race creed and skin colour. That is why I voted Trump. MAGA
This thread doesn't seem exactly like a conversation, just a couple of people from Holla Forums, or pretending to be from Holla Forums, acting retarded and spouting the usual bullshit you would expect from such characters.
Then Holla Forums posters reply to them and there's a back and forth of banter and at the end of the thread everyone acts smug as fuck.
This is kinda pointless.
Maybe it acts as containment?
use the europoor flag, it's what most liberals use
democrap works too
you're not a socialist
you make a few good points and then completely miss it on another
you could make for a good socialist once you grow up, join a union and sing the internationale with us
ur delusional d00d
This thread was a mistake.
Trump won't fix capitalism. Nobody can.
i'm really confused about that tbh
The JQ really allows rationalization of all kinds of ideas
You're thick as a brick, cunt; work on your reading comprehension
White is an attitude, not a race.
race doesnt exist
like pottery
eh this doesn't prove anything. if you think non-anuddah shoah is unironically thought of besides a few posters you're dumb
what people want is for their countries to remain white and not import shitskins en masse.
That's as bad as saying someone talks white.
I almost pity you.
Progress, defined.
White is just the American way of saying bourgeois.
God I love Lewontin's fallacy so much.
Genetic differences within populations if Chimpanzees are greater than between Chimpanzees and Humans.
Certain medical treatments for diseases work better for other races than another one in medicine. This is just medical fact.
That smaller genetic variation than within races has a huge impact. Small variation can lead to huge differences.
of chimpanzees*
And yet the medical and biological conception of race has nothing to do with the shit Holla Forums complains about day in and day out
There's obviously biological differences between humans, otherwise we'd all be perfect looking specimen
When someone (ie a person who knows a tiny bit about biology) says race isn't real, they mean that the races referred to by racialists are absolutely made up, have no basis in biology outside skin colour and arbitrary and movable factors
responding to your satire with more satire
You're close to the truth user, but genereally we talk about ethnicity, not race in these contexts because race _is_ a retarded concept and does not make sense.
The argument hinges solely on Lewontin's claim that because fst is greater within races than between them, race don't real.
But you can see the same result for every mammal. Yet no biologist would deny that they are different species. Fst is greater within Lions and Tigers than between lions and tigers. So why aren't they classified as the same species?
But Ligers exist.
Dawkins already btfo'd Lewontin in The Ancestors Tale. While it's true the vast majority of genetic differences are within populations than between them, that smaller difference ends up having a massive impact, and thus race does have validity for classifying those differences.
Lewontin was destroyed pretty hard by Pinker as well. Gould was proven as a liar.
The only people who take him seriously are the same people who worship Marx and everything he has written as the gospel and universal truth.
No, it does not
Yes It's a containement thread
The argument is literally
The same tired concept that has already been addressed multiple times by multiple researchers, ones who do not bring their ideology and politics into the realm of science.
Anyways I keep getting banned and there is no way to have a reasonable discussion about it on here. Playing "dodge the hotpocket" is tiring. Say what you want about Holla Forums, but almost never will you grt banned for dissenting opinions.
Liberalism is eliminationism, not dissent.
Have fun with that
implies that the price porky offers is just and natural law and therefore not even to be questioned
implies porky wants to maximize production rather than maximize their control over production
fails save against disbelief
The "race science" that isn't real is the one based on victorian classifications of race
Nothing of value is lost, just stop dodging it
Do stormcucks actually believe this?
Not at all and considering it was in NYC, people just wanted to attention whore for the sake of attention whoring in front of the camera. None of them believed in any of it.
Still seeing the same old threads and posts to eradicate non-whites.
if they haven't over national debt or the F-22 Development Hell clusterfuck, what makes you think they will over this? Other two are spot-on tho.
No it isn't. It based on the fact that there is overwhelming scientific evidence from physical morphology, to medicinal treatments, to intelligence amomgst different races. I cannot stress this enough, if genetic differences between populations was only 10% or even 2%, you would still see huge differences to the point where concepts like race have validity.
Marxists can not stop bringing in their failed ideology with them into science. It's why you end up with liars like Gould.
It's a reality. You guys shit up Holla Forums with "leftist generals" and the mods never ban. The right-wing has always been better at free speech than the left.
Legal scholar Dorothy Roberts argues, "Edwards did not refute Lewontin's claim: that there is more genetic variation within populations than between them, especially when it comes to races. (…) Lewontin did not ignore biology to support his social ideology (…). To the contrary, he argued that there is no biological support for the ideological project of race." "The genetic differences that exist among populations are characterized by gradual changes across geographic regions, not sharp, categorical distinctions. Groups of people across the globe have varying frequencies of polymorphic genes, which are genes with any of several differing nucleotide sequences. There is no such thing as a set of genes that belongs exclusively to one group and not to another. The clinal, gradually changing nature of geographic genetic difference is complicated further by the migration and mixing that human groups have engaged in since prehistoric times. Race [however defined] collapses infinite diversity into a few discrete categories that in reality cannot be demarcated genetically." Similarly, biological anthropologist Jonathan Marks agrees with Edwards that correlations between geographical areas and genetics obviously exist in human populations, but goes on to note that "What is unclear is what this has to do with 'race' as that term has been used through much in the twentieth century—the mere fact that we can find groups to be different and can reliably allot people to them is trivial. Again, the point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation." The view that, while geographic clustering of biological traits does exist, this does not lend biological validity to racial groups, was proposed by several evolutionary anthropologists and geneticists prior to the publication of Edwards critique of Lewontin.
The concept of race has been widely propagated since Carl Linnaeus published Systema Naturae in 1735. The father of modern taxonomy proposed four distinct racial groups for human beings—American, European, Asian, and African—that encompassed not only physical characteristics and geographic origin, but also personality traits, skills, and abilities. This classification has become institutionalized with little awareness that the variable “race” is not actually a biological phenomenon: there is more genetic variation within these racial groups than across them. Rather, the notion of race is a social construct.
Except for the fact that poor white kids are the lowest performing """""race""""" in Britain and get outcompeted by black kids in Britain
The race being a basis of your intelligence and standard of life is a meme.
another faggot cucked by the wordfilter
It's just like at Bernie's rallies, which were the whitest by far in the entire election cycle. With all the talk of the so called "hopeless" white working class people keep always always forgetting that not just in western countries but all around the world, nonwhites are deeply conservative/reactionary and despite liberals more than anyone else. The only reason they even vote left is for handouts, which we thought for sure means they were aware of class consciousness and main motivations economic pursuit but nope. Every time a social issue comes up they can vote on like gay marriage propositions, they always majority vote against it so much it's entirely their fault gay marriage propositions fail such as in multiple states. Maybe it's time to realise that whites are the most "progressive" race in all existence and "progressiveness" at the core is literally white in origin, thoughts, and culture. It's literally true, in fact. You think we'll get all those Middle Eastern and African countries to stop executing gays? No. They'll turn on us and exclaim white imperialism. Whites are the first race to abolish slavery for a reason. The Africans have it to this day. Every true worker is a white and the rest are a lost cause.
Yeah, they hate gays because of their race, not because they're reactionaries resorting to barbarity because their societies have been violently disrupted by the forces of international capital.
You're massively cucked by your ideology. Despook yourself and stop being such a faggot.
love you
nonwhites are the most racist sexist sinners around
just look at the gender inequality for women index
ALL the countries at the absolute bottom are middle eastern and african
ALL the top ones who treats ladies well are white except one which is irrelevant because it's some fucking asian sinners or something
fact is nonwhite instinct is to only mistreat rape and stone women to death like sinners
fuck off
Why are Holla Forumsacks so stupid
Into the trash.
Your second source is non peer-reviewed: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
No they aren't. See pic related.
Abstract for the attached study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
So there is overwhelming evidence that different races respond differently to drugs for certain diseases.
Now repeat after me you ideological zombie:
Yes they do, faggot.
Again, your LEWOTINS FALLACY was debunked.
Do you even read the sources you post?
Also, funny you should use those sources from ncbi
Ahhh yes, coming from the government who basically wants to implement a second appartheid on Africa.
Ah yes, the humans vs orcs argument.
Difference between Lions and tigers is that they behave differently.
A lion forms a pride and stays with it, a tiger is a solitary creature.
In regards to the human race, your so called """""race""""" doesn't define your behaviour. Do you assume that white people are just natural fascists despite there being white anarchists?
Or that blacks are incapable of socialism, despite there being people like Thomas Sankara.
fuck off
Damn white man, keeping everybody up, and forcing them to be better people than the pieces of dogshit they are.
And yet you have people like Thomas Sankara who fought against colonial forces.
Again, this isn't a race issue. Any ethnicity is capable of committing vast atrocities against eachother.
look at the Rwandan Genocide for example
black cat abhors this level of autism
It was never about race, but culture. Western culture group > Asian, Muslim and Afrikan culture groups.
For weeks now I've been deeply hurt watching Holla Forums slowly destroy HWNDU. Shia's thoughtful art project became a outlet for all individuals disaffected by drumpf's actions and I saw many instances of real healing take place. I also saw many terrible incidents of pure hate and ignorance targeting good people who were dedicating themselves to help the country heal. I was completely crestfallen when I found out their abhorrent actions forced the museum to cancel the exhibit.
The thing that bothers me the most is how easy it was for them to get groups of marginalized peoples to publicly express antisemitism and promote a pro-white agenda capitalist agenda.
How the fuck did this happen and where were our people?!?!
Really shitty attempt at fitting in, Holla Forums. Shia's a liberal and Shill bot. Fuck off.
no, we're all 100% cereal behavior
You put almost no effort, but I'm in a good mood tonight, so I'll give you 2/10
Excuse me?
I produce the not divided podcast and when Shia brings this to California I'll be on the front lines to insure nazi's dont take over.
Fuck off Holla Forums, you're not fooling anyone.
But you are Holla Forums.
Fuck off
this is a false flag. i know what you HWNDU/pol faggots are trying to do
You know what I hate about you the most sabot cat poster? You're a borderline autistic retard, capable of detecting when you're trolled, but still not not able to resist your inner desire to respond to such obvious garbage just like a nymphomaniac slut cannot resist sucking more cocks.
fuck off Holla Forums
Holla Forums FUCK OFF
Again, you're not fooling anyone Holla Forums. Now fuck off with your projection and get off this board.
Your, comments are very excellent.
Are the Irish white?
Again, do you read the evidence you post?
The genetic makeup of an individual maychange the action of a drug in a number of ways as it moves through the body. Genetic factors may influence a drug’s action by alter-ing its pharmacokinetic properties (absorp-tion, distribution, metabolism, excretion) or pharmacodynamic properties (effect on thebody). Clinically, there may be an increase or decrease in the intensity and duration of the expected typical effect of the drug.
Except again, this doesn't prove that they exist as a race, but as individuals. Nice try, faggot.
Again, this doesn't prove anything you've pretty much proven that they exist.
Again, race doesn't exist. You're merely pointing out minor genetic differences and thinking this constitutes as race.
psychometric meaning of the Autism Level performance of Africans on
tests. In none of the samples in our review was measurement
in variance tested withcontemporary methods of item response
theoryormulti-groupcon firmatory factor analysis and found to
be tenable. For Autism Level tests that were subject to a rigorous test of
measurement invariance, measurement bias was found to be
quite severe (Claassen et al., 2001; Dolan et al., 2004; Nenty &
Dinero, 1981; Owen, 1989). In the absence of studies of
differential item functioning in the Wechsler scales, the DAM
test, and most of the other tests in Table 2 , it is unclear whether these scores are measurement invariant. Accordingly, the degree to which measurement bias has affected Autism Level levels in
African samples is unclear. We consider the conclusion that the
IQ of people in western countries to be tenable, but the degree
to which these low scores reflect lower levels of g is unknown.
These low scores might not reflect an accurate or valid
assessment of g, but future studies are needed to address this
issue. For instance, studies like those by
Fagan and Holland (2007) can be conducted in order to shed light on the meaning of Autism Level test scores of Africans. In addition, modern psychometric techniques should be applied to (existing) data sets in order to study the true nature of differences in Autism Level test performance between African and western test takers.
Only 8% of genetic variation in the human species takes place between continental groups. Our Fst is relatively low at .110. This is not even halfway to the >.25 required in biology for a species to be divided into subspecies. Chimps have 4x more genetic difference between continental subspecies, Wolfs have an Fst of .650 etc.
- Li et al 2008 found an 84.7 - 95% variance among groups, which pretty much BTFO Witherspoons conclusion that this disappears when measured over many thousands of loci since Li measured 100's of thousands of loci (650,000) and almost 400 microsattelites.
- Tishkoff et al. Science 324: 1035–1044, 2009 found 10 clusters in Africa and 6 in the rest of the world (as far as refuting the Rosenberg 2002, Tang 2005 and Witherspoon 2007 studies goes)
- Lawson-Handley et al. (2007) is an alternative method of looking at HBD in terms of clines (as isolated by distance). It gives "non-structured" results as opposed to the essentialist conception of HBD present in the aforementioned studies (including the Li et al one).
- C0nc0rdance's video series is good: youtube.com
"Ostensibly scientific": cf. Theodore M. Porter, Dorothy Ross (eds.) 2003.The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 7, The Modern Social Sciences Cambridge University Press, p. 293 "Race has long played a powerful popular role in explaining social and cultural traits, often in ostensibly scientific terms"; Adam Kuper, Jessica Kuper (eds.), The Social Science Encyclopedia (1996), "Racism", p. 716: "This [sc. scientific] racism entailed the use of 'scientific techniques', to sanction the belief in European and American racial Superiority"; Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Questions to Sociobiology (1998), "Race, theories of", p. 18: "Its exponents [sc. of scientific racism] tended to equate race with species and claimed that it constituted a scientific explanation of human history"; Terry Jay Ellingson, The myth of the noble savage (2001), 147ff. "In scientific racism, the racism was never very scientific; nor, it could at least be argued, was whatever met the qualifications of actual science ever very racist" (p. 151); Paul A. Erickson,Liam D. Murphy, A History of Anthropological Theory (2008), p. 152: "Scientific racism: Improper or incorrect science that actively or passively supports racism".
Gould, Stephen Jay (1981). The Mismeasure of Man. New York, NY: W W Norton and Co. pp. 28–29. ISBN 0-393-01489-4. "Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within."
Kurtz, Paul (Sep 2004). "Can the Sciences Help Us to Make Wise Ethical Judgments?". Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Archived from the original on 23 November 2007. Retrieved 1 December 2007. "There have been abundant illustrations of pseudoscientific theories-monocausal theories of human behavior that were hailed as "scientific"-that have been applied with disastrous results. Examples: … Many racists today point to Autism Level to justify a menial role for blacks in society and their opposition to affirmative action."
Will I get banned for these or are we allowed to counter-meme? Anyway as a lurker here and Holla Forums I use /liberty/ mostley I've noticed clear distinctions from the smarter Holla Forums anons and the /r/socialist tier ones usually based on ideology and education level, just as I've recognized the differences between endchan Holla Forums, full/pol/, and half/pol/ being similar to the stratification here. Indeed, most of the edgy anons from half/pol/ are mixed race and under-educated. Just check alexa rankings and their twitter demographics.
On top of that, povety has more of an effect on you than """""""race"""""" (which still doesn't exist BTW)
Clinging onto single allele's is laughable. I.Q. Is a polygenic trait which has many genes than might shape it (and the more we look into it, the lack of consistent correlation between a set of genes and intelligence I indicates it is heavily dependant on environment). Professor Graves takes a look at the Fst value for several genes linked to intelligence, and finds most of the values to be below the .25 threshold usually used for dividing a species into subspecies.
And then, this presupposes that the datasets used by Rushtons and Lynn are uncontroversial. In reality they are not. Lynn more or less made up the data for 101 of 185 countries in "IQ an the Wealth of Nations" by "approximating" the score based on the countries "race" or unrepresentative sample sizes. Similarily. Rushton only adjusted the data for 3 of all the datasets used in his landmark "Race I.Q. and Behaviour".
Lastly, the accusation that the "left wing academics" are ignoring this data is laughable. The fact the 100's of studies done every year that make use of race in one way or another not making their way into scientific consensus being blamed on "le left wing" is laughable. Even more laughable however, is the fact that the giants of Scientific Racism like Rushton, Lynn and Jenson took 100's of thousands if not millions of dollars from the Pioneer Fund a literal Nazi think tank.
So again ==WEW LAD==
Shitposting? If your shitposting is cancerous enough you might get banned.
either way those memes are retarded and wrong. shame on you user
Neanderthals were also fucking stupid and autistic and had very little desire for exploration and discovery, they never made boats and had a much slower process of homesteading, "colonizing" and expanding.
Sapiens all the way.
Marx was a casual racialist, just like Nietzsche and he was wrong. Holla Forums acts as if he somehow invented egalitarianism and the british empire hadn't outlawed slavery before he was born theepochtimes.com
Stormfront astroturfed their ideas into Holla Forums, it doesn't matter if you personally browse it.
western culture is the result of western material conditions, the superstructure follows the base.
Not until recently, Lions and Tigers were discovered long before evolution was. Species is a pretty arbitrary label which was assigned purely on physical appearance until recently (now they factor semen shape and stuff).
You usually would but now people are too interested in PR so they tolerate half our catalog being shitposts if it means daddy Holla Forums will notice them.
So the problem seems to be that Holla Forums tries hard to define 'race' as 'subspecies', like wolf vs. dingo, while Holla Forums defines race as variations of the same subspecies (homo sapiens) like shepard vs. poodle?!
Holla Forums doesn't define race, it has no effect on our politics.
That's eugenics, not evolution.
((I know, modern commie ideology also tends to say everybody is worth the same, all the skills and weaks equate each other so equal income for everyone, which is bs) but in your explanation only primates like the Neanderthals would count as another race
That's not modern commie ideology, that's Kant, and most classical liberals until Darwin and shitheads like Spencer and Malthus.
nope. If you view your fellow human beings in such a utilitarian way you're already dead.
I didn't really attempt to counter spurdo's claims, my knowledge of genetics is shallow.
Marx said himself that a man may be physically or mentally superior to another and therefore are able to have more labour output than his fellow men. You need to do flag related.
Wew. This is the last proxy I have left so I won't be able to respond to you any longer my anarchkiddie Canadian friend. So you """"""""win""""""""""
Like I said, if you were to dissent on Holla Forums, you would almost never get banned. You have leftist generals and the mods don't care. The same can not be said about this post-modernist echochamber.
Anyways the cognitive abilities test results is still not the same as Autism Level results. I'm trying to find Autism Level scores for blacks and whites in the UK other than the mackintosh source. I can only really find CAT scores.
Yet as I have proven multiple times, certain races respond better and worse to certain drugs which genetics play the biggest part in determining how the effects of drugs are experienced by said drugs. And genetics seen more in X race result in different outcomes for Y drug.
So race has usage in medical treatments.
Nigger. Did you not read the studies I linked? The entirety. Certain genes which occur more in certain races end up affecting the outcomes of medicine treatment. I gave you the Warfarin example which was just ONE of the multiple drugs they looked at that elicted different responses amongst races with said genes to quantify those differences. You didn't look at this study because you just saw Chinese author and reached the batshit conclusion that anything by chinese looking at race should be dismissed because the Chinese secretly want to oppress the blackies. Even though the authors are from the US.
I can't fucking post the entire study text here if you are not going to read. I can only greentext small portions. Do you just wait for me to ban dodge, reply then dump your copy and pastes? Kek.
Holy shit. How many times do I have to state that when you look at many other species, you have greater fst within populations than between subspecies or other species? See pic related. thealternativehypothesis.org
And I quote:
Attached is Long and Kittles. So even then Fst is quite shit for measuring genetic variation from the get-go. Nonetheless Lewontin is shit because that much smaller fst difference between populations has a huge impact. This is how genetic variation works, because no matter how small the variation is, it can lead to very sizable differences. It is as Dawkins said in The Ancestors Tale. Do you understand? This is where race has validity. Did you read the two papers I attached addressing Witherspoon and Lewontin? No you didn't.
Lmao. See attached.
IQ is one of the strongest predictors of socioeconomic outcomes, even health and age span.
Does not occur on g. See attached. Unless you seriously unironically believe that blacks today in the US are more intelligent than whites in the 1950s.
Is a liar and a fraud. journals.plos.org
Because nobody else would fund a race and Autism Level study because of the policy implications. And this has nothing to do with methodology.
I never even cited Lynn. You are attacking a non-existent strawman.
Mods pls stop.
He's posting arguments and pdfs, not spam or anything destructive. We were having a discussion here, come on.
and the FE have been identified, such as those in Estonia
(dietary changes, family size reductions, and educational
improvements). These point to causes for a single country, but
cannot be generalized. Future researchers should be encour-
aged to examine national data sets from health and social
service agencies to identify sharp changes that correspond to FE
rate changes. Some of this has already been done by Lynn, but
there may be additional factors that have not yet surfaced. In
the U.S. the National Institute of Health and the Food and Drug
Administration are probable data sources. Other environmental
factors that might be worth examining for coincidence with FE
rate changes: the introduction of radio, television, computers,
the Internet, and cell phones, etc. Educational policies and
numbers of graduates might be considered as well, despite
declines in academic performance, there may still be FE drivers
associated with formal or informal education.
Finally, it would be helpful to perform studies of biological
parameters that relate to intelligence. There is the IT study by
Nettelbeck & Wilson, but little else in this category. The question
to answer is whether other biological measurements (RT, brain
pH, nerve conduction velocity, pitch discrimination, EEG laten-
cies, glucose uptake rates, etc.) remain stable over decades, or do
they vary in the direction that would be predicted by an increase
in intelligence?
So again, inconclusive.
To put this as fairly as it can be put: Rushton and Jensen are anything but a new wave of scholars come to shed light on a heretofore intractable problem, as Saletan presents them. On the contrary, they have spent nearly a century combined harping on the same theme again and again, in paper after paper, and that theme is black racial inferiority. (Care for a taste of just how old-fashioned they are? They group human beings into a tripartite classificatory scheme of "Caucasoids," "Mongoloids," and "Negroids." It's in the 2005 paper, and it's roughly as credible as the Shem/Ham/Japheth theory of race.)
Jensen, as Melvin Konner noted in The Tangled Wing, has been tossing up one-sided hypotheses about the relationship between race and Autism Level since the 1960s that have consistently been swatted away by Gould, Howard Gardner, and others, but the fact that Jensen's findings have since been debunked did not prevent them from seeping into The Bell Curve. (Thus Saletan's articles come full circle, to say nothing of the geometric configuration of the chain of research supporting the hereditarian position.)
As for Jensen's co-author, in the excellent book Human Biodiversity: Genes, Race, and History, Jonathan Marks described the nature and integrity of Rushton's scholarly puruits as follows:
J. Phillipe Rushton calculated, on the basis of crude skull measurements of army inductees, that the average brain size of Asian males was 1403, of whites 1361, and of blacks 1346 cubic centimeters…
Have we thus discovered the biological basis for the differences in intelligence that previous generations have always assumed were there?…[T]he scientific issues and assumptions are as false as they have always been. First, we must admire the apparent cranial expansion of Asians over the last half-century, when researchers consistently reported their having smaller brains than whites. Obviously this implies the possibility of a comparable expansion in blacks. More likely, it implies the possibility of scientists finding just what they expect when the social and political stakes are high.
Meanwhile, in his review of Rushton's Race, Evolution, and Behavior in the Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, neuroscientist Douglas Wahlstein maintains an air of scholarly understatement, writing "I believe that great harm could be done to both the social and natural sciences if the standards for evidence and proof advocated in this book were to gain wider acceptance." Wahlstein further quotes Rushton replying to his critics to the effect that they "have failed to show an opposite predicted ordering in brain size, intelligence, sexual restraint.'' Apropos of that last point, Marks is delicate enough not to mention Rushton's companion studies of average penis size by race—and there, as the saying goes, you have it.
The foundation of Saletan's hereditarian argument is the pseudo-science of a man obsessed not only with his preconceptions of the inferior intelligence of blacks, but their lack of "sexual restraint" as well. Pity Saletan could not contact D.W. Griffith for comment.
In any case, Rushton's enquiries into differential skull and brain-sizes among the races, and the problems attendant upon them, are particularly relevant for present purposes, because Saletan himself places some significant weight on the implications of brain size, writing that magnetic imaging studies show " at least a 40 percent correlation of brain size with Autism Level. One analysis calculates that brain size could easily account for five points of the black-white Autism Level gap." To outline just one of Saletan's numerous misunderstandings of what correlations do, and do not, imply, let's turn back to Marks:
[B]asic scientific protocol requires that all relevant variables be controlled before drawing conclusions about the cause of an observed difference between samples. But in this case we do not even know what those variables are, or what the appropriate statistical corrections (for example, for body size) may be. Brain size correlates, for example, with age and with nutritional state in early life…
[T[hough there was agreement that women have smaller average brains than men (assuming their brains don't grow in subsequent studies!), they apparently do not have lower average Autism Levels. This obviously would undermine the strict determination of intelligence by brain size, which should already be common sense…
By now, this approach to the determination of the average intellectual abilities of group members has degenerated into sophistry. The populations within each "race" vary widely in measured cranial capacity, with the four largest sets of skulls deriving from the aboriginal males of Hawaii, Tierra del Fuego, France, and South Africa, respectively.
The upshot is twofold: First, there is no good reason to suppose that differentials in brain size are not attributable to dietary and other non-genetic variables, and second, whatever correlation between brain size and Autism Level exists must be weak enough to allow for women to have the same average Autism Level as men despite having smaller brains.
You're a moron dude. Rushton, Lynn and Jensen all took money from the Pioneer fund which is a fascist think tank.
Sorry to say m8, but Rushton is invalid.
As a matter of fact, yes they are.
Proposed causes of the Flynn Effect include improvements in test-specific skills (Greenfield, 1998; Wicherts et al., 2004), improvements in nutrition (Lynn, 1989, 1990), urbanization (Barber, 2005), improvements in health care (Williams, 1998), a trend towards smaller families (Zajonc & Mullally, 1997), increases in educational attainment (Ceci, 1991), greater environmental complexity (Schooler, 1998), and the working of genotype by environment correlation in the increasing presence of more intelligent others (Dickens & Flynn, 2001). Many of these environmental variables have not undergone the improvement in developing sub-Saharan African countries that they have in the developed world over the last century. This suggests that the Flynn Effect has great potential in sub-Saharan Africa (Wicherts, Borsboom, & Dolan, 2010b).
Although the implications of our psychometric findings for the potential of the Flynn Effect in sub-Saharan Africa remain unclear, the Raven's tests and other Autism Level tests have shown robust increases in many populations (Daley et al., 2003; Flynn, 2007). So suppose that there were a well-validated Autism Level test that showed measurement invariant scores between westerners and Africans. Even then, lower Autism Levels of Africans still would not support Lynn and Vanhanen's (2002, 2006) assertion that countries in sub-Saharan Africa are poorly developed economically because of their low "national Autism Level". Wicherts, Borsboom, and Dolan (2010b) found that "national Autism Levels" are rather strongly confounded with the developmental status of countries. Given the well-documented Flynn Effect, we know that "national Autism Levels" are subject to change. An average Autism Level around 80 among Africans may appear to be low, but from a historical perspective this average is not low at all. A representative sample of British adults, who took the SPM in 1948 would have an average Autism Level of 81 in terms of the British norms of 1992 (J. C. Raven, 1960; J. C. Raven et al., 1996). Using older British norms, the average Autism Level of Africans would be much closer to 100. This is evident in Figure 2, where we compared SPM scores of Africans to older norms. In this figure, the average Autism Level of several African samples is near or above 100.
Present-day sub-Saharan Africa is one of the poorest regions in the world and the home to some of the world's most deprived children. The majority of sub-Saharan children are chronically malnourished, not only from lack of food but particularly from food lacking vital elements related to both physical growth and intellectual development. It has been estimated that up to 70 percent of rural children live in absolute poverty and 90 percent suffer severe deprivation (Gordon, Nancy, Pantazis, Pemberton, & Townsend, 2003). A substantial number of sub-Saharan African children are under-educated. According to Garcia, Gillian, and Dunkelberg (2008), only about 12 percent of sub-Sahara African children have attended preschool, and this generally for well less than a year. They note that children who do not attend or have only minimal experience in pre-primary school tend to do less well in primary school than children who have had that experience. Further, it is important that the preschool experience be successful. For example, Jaramillo and Mingat (2008) have shown that children who have a poor experience in preschool and have to repeat a year or part of a year have a high drop-out rate in primary school (r = -0.875). The probability of preschool without repetition and who complete primary school is low but positive (r = 0.209). With or without preschool experience, approximately only fifty-five percent of 10-14 year-olds in sub-Saharan Africa complete primary school.
Many many leftists believe this shit, they are addicted to feeling morally superior, because they suck in everything else, thats why they support the mass.migration to europe, (which is totally useless on the big scale and only weakens the countries and societies so they are easy to play),organized and lobbied by the same people above the system (jews) who cast the money towards each other since hundreds of years and play the lefties and politicians the way they need for personal interests
The reason you get banned is because you avoid bans you faggot.
Not an argument
Yes they do
Because if whites don't get to have their own countries, eventually no ethnicity nor culture will be allowed to. Multiculturalism is inherently anti-culture.
Nice spooks, lad. Also, another strawman.
You forgot pic related.
Also, are you samefagging here
and building up a strawman so you can practice your argumentation while at the same time attempting to convince anons of your opinion? Wondering, because I've seen it so often now and I can usually tell based on text formatting (the double spaced version of the strawman and the cohesive, block paragraph format of the other position) as well as exaggerated linguistic differences between the two sides such as grammar, clarity, and fluidity (make the strawman sound incoherent, purposefully misspell a few words here and there). Most samefags can't toe the line and have to use logical extremes when arguing in order to distance their egos from diminishing the validated and invalidated opinions. If not, apologies for the accusation, just trying to work on identifying samefags tbh.
They're wrong. It's a completely unmaterialistic notion.
Immigration is meant to increase the reserve army of labour and brain-drain the third world so they won't have the skills to manage their own resources and need to sell them to foreign companies instead.
False positive then.
I've seen it happening on /n/ and /newsplus/ recently, where Holla Forums samefags to build a strawman of Holla Forums and attempts to portray their position as the only justifiable and reasonable position. I'll lurk moar and continue working on the identification process.
This does not occur on g. You are fucking copy and pasting shit without reading it.
Do you know what the g-factor is?
Again, blacks today are not smarter than whites in the 1950s in the US, solely because FE does not occur on g. I have attached Woodley et al. The Flynn Effect is thus rendered null and void. Never cite it again.
This is the blog you're using, right?
I knew it! This is why you keep regurgitrating the same shit that has been addressed by the studies I linked. This is what anarchkiddies look like folks.
Did you not read the replies by Jensen to criticisms of his study? I'll attach them here again. He BTFOs the critics of the 2005 study. Namely the ones who offered any serious criticism which was Nisbett, Sternberg and Arsonson. There's seriously no point if you're just going to copy and paste all your arguments from blogs.
Forgot attachments
So then what's the point in having Autism Level tests in the first place?
In regards to the Autism Level gap the question becomes whether racial groups can be shown to be influenced by different environmental factors that may account for the observed differences between them. Jensen originally argued that given the high heritability of Autism Level the only way that the Autism Level gap could be explained as caused by the environment would be if it could be shown that all blacks were subject to a single "x-factor" which affected no white populations while affecting all black populations equally, as covered by Jensen (1998) Jensen considered the existence of such an x-factor to be extremely improbable, but Flynn's discovery of the Flynn effect showed that in spite of high heritability environmental factors could cause considerable disparities in Autism Level between generations of the same population, showing that the existence of such an x-factor was not only possible but real, (Flynn 2012) Today researchers such as Hunt (2010), Nisbett (2012) and Mackintosh (2011) consider that rather than a single factor accounting for the entire gap, probably many different environmental factors differ systematically between the environments of White and Black people converge to create part of the gap and perhaps all of it. They argue that it does not make sense to talk about a single universal heritability figure for Autism Level, rather, they state, heritability of Autism Level varies between and within groups. They point specifically to studies showing a higher heritability of test scores in White and medium-high SES families, but considerably lower heritability for Black and low-SES families. This they interpret to mean that children who grow up with limited resources do not get to develop their full genetic potential.
Jensen's MCV has been criticized with regards to the claim that it supports the later formulation of Spearman's hypothesis. Dolan et al. (2004) argue that MCV lacks specificity: that is, that instances not including g differences could create a positive correlation between the magnitude of the group differences and the g-loadings. Dolan et al. (2004) note that they are specifically criticizing MCV as a way of proving that group differences largely or totally represent g differences; they don't argue against Spearman's hypothesis as originally formulated and they do not argue that the larger body of evidence does not support Spearman's hypothesis as later formulated. Hunt and Carlson summarize criticism:
The essence of these objections is that the method of correlated vectors does not consider alternative hypotheses concerning the latent traits that might give rise to the observed difference in test scores. When a more appropriate method of analysis, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, is applied, it has been found that Spearman's hypothesis (i.e., that the difference is due to differences in general intelligence) is only one of several models that could give rise to the observed distributions in test scores (Dolan, 2000). These findings render the method of correlated vectors ambiguous—which is not the same as saying that the Jensen-Rushton position is incorrect. Our point is that the argument for the default hypothesis is an indirect one. It would be far better if a direct causal argument could be made linking racial/ethnic genetic differences to studies of the development of the brain.
Rushton's attempt to apply r/K selection theory to different groups of humans is seen as ignorant by actual evolutionary biologists (Rushton was a psychology professor, as far as I know he had no training in evolutionary biology), see scholarship.sha.cornell.edu
Eugenics is synthetic evolution and you have very different characters and intelligence levels although the genetics are very similar and dog race differences are the best documented differences I think, so they can very well serve as examples for a discussion
What else is new?
Which raises the question. If Autism Level can't measure intelligence properly, what's the point in using it at all anymore?
parents and teachers often think that smart people are retarded so they send them to a psychiatrist who then measures autism levels >9000 and gives them a certificate that tells their parents and teachers to stfu.
i don't think it can be used for anything else and once mankind stops being retarded we can stop using it.
The gains from FE do not mean increases in general intelligence. This is the point. Had the gained Autism Level points that occurred on the g-loading tests, then you could say blacks have become smarter. Are you aware different tests measure Autism Level on g?
Flynn in fact agrees with me here! I quote:
So no. Blacks in the US are not smarter than whites in the 1950s.
So don't bring up the FE because it's even more null and void now coming straight from Flynn.
This is not what Jensen argued. What he argued was a roughly 50-50 split between genetics and environment during childhood, then genetic factors playing the bigger part during adulthood. Nowhere is it argued that the gap is solely due to genetic factors. Again a misrepresentation.
But you've already had multiple adoption studies where black babies where adopted by wealthy whites. They still scored lower than white children. The gap was the lowest at childhood, and increased during early adulthood. This is 100% consistent with the claim that genetics play the least part in Autism Level and the biggest part during adulthood.
Nisbett also got destroyed in attached.
Proven to be bullshit. Has a ton of issues with replication and publication bias.
Nisbett is again, a Marxist. And he can't stop being wrong.
What leftypol ignores is the deeply triggering and problematic agenda. There are fairytales invented by 🍀🍀🍀them🍀🍀🍀, and spread by leftists, that the white man is the evil itself, he is a born fascist, racist, enslaver.
Every big culture had slavery, Africans enslaved Africans, Arabs enslaved Africans and Slavs for >1000 jears. Whites ended slavery worldwide. We are less racist than any other ethnicity. Without western imperialism there would exist only maybe 1/10 of the 3rd world population, bcs they would way more than in this reality, fight, kill, enslave each other and die of diseases and hunger.
What leftypol ignores is the A N T I W H I T E agenda. Hey that is a funny filter
And again, you said yourself that the Autism Level was rising but ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS DOESN'T FACTOR INTO INTELLIGENCE, despite the fact that this was your original arguing point. So is Autism Level a good level of measuring intelligence? Because if it is, then you have to admit that Blacks are gettign smarter. If it isn't then what's the point in your "hurr durr blacks are dumb cuz Autism Level"
And again, to counter your evidence, black kids outperformed poor white kids IN BRITAIN.
So again, you're being inconsistent. Even the minnesota test is still inconclusive as to wether it's entirely genetic or environmental.
Without accepting this fact, the Autism Level approximations of Africans do not make sense in the context of their academic achievements in the US compared to black Americans. For example, when one HBD blogger broke down the Autism Levels of black Americans by state using one of Lynn’s methods for estimating national Autism Levels, he found over 30 states that had black Autism Level above 89, i.e., higher than the black African immigrant Autism Level found by Richwine. If these black immigrants really have a representative mean Autism Level from a normal distribution that is lower than the black mean in 30 whole states, there is no way they would dominate the native black Americans so conspicuously and predictably in all academically elite institutions. The black Caribbean immigrant Autism Level of 83 (assuming it is represented under “Central America/Carribean”), which is lower than Alabama’s black Autism Level, is even more implausible in the context of their well-noted achievements. Correcting the different states’ black Autism Level by subtracting 5 Autism Level points from each state would still not fix the problem of plausibility: if there is even one state with blacks that are definitely smarter than (or just equal to) the black immigrants, it would be the children of the blacks from that state who would be conspicuously over-represented in those elite programs. There certainly would be no Caribbean names there.
The only plausible way to possibly salvage Richwine’s data is to accept that there are such large variations mediated by highly variable environmental factors (rather than restrictive genetic factors) within the African (or Caribbean) immigrant group that their mean Autism Level is totally inappropriate to use for estimating social expectations for every black immigrant group within the United States. As the UK data below shows, it is very unlikely that children of immigrants from the Igbo or Yoruba groups of Nigeria or the Ashanti group of Ghana, for example, have an average Autism Level below the white mean Autism Level.
You can find the graph of them outperforming poor white kids in said article.
Again, I can call you out on your bullshit from Rushton and Jensen, who were funded by the Pioneer foundation.
Moore (1986) compared black and mixed-race children adopted by either black or white middle-class families in the United States. Moore observed that 23 black and interracial children raised by white parents had a significantly higher mean score than 23 age-matched children raised by black parents (117 vs 104), and argued that differences in early socialization explained these differences.
We found greater variance in intelligence in low-SES families, but minimal evidence of GxE interaction across the eight ages. A power calculation indicated that a sample size of about 5000 twin pairs is required to detect moderation of the genetic component of intelligence as small as 0.25, with about 80% power - a difference of 11% to 53% in heritability, in low- (−2 standard deviations, SD) and high-SES (+2 SD) families. With samples at each age of about this size, the present study found no moderation of the genetic effect on intelligence. However, we found the greater variance in low-SES families is due to moderation of the environmental effect – an environment-environment interaction.
In a UK-representative sample, the genetic effect on intelligence is similar in low- and high-SES families. Children's shared experiences appear to explain the greater variation in intelligence in lower SES.
So given the evidence of poor black kids outperforming poor white kids, should we assume that blacks are all of a sudden superior now?
Holla Forums is very fond of Western civilization and the Enlightenment philosophy that produced it, we'd just rather blame actual individuals and the material conditions that produced them instead of this blob you call race.
Yeah, because there can be no trade without colonialism and conquest, go fuck yourself.
Should I also just CONVENIENTLY forget about how African Americans suffer more health issues from the environment which has an impact on said intelligence?
Environmental factors including lead exposure, breast feeding, (as stated by Campbell, 2002) and nutrition (as covered by Ivanovic, 2004 and Salojee and Pettifor, 2001) can significantly affect cognitive development and functioning. As stated by Qian (2005), For iodine deficiency causes a fall, on average, of 12 Autism Level points.
Such impairments may sometimes be permanent, sometimes be partially or wholly compensated for by later growth. The first two years of life is the critical time for malnutrition, the consequences of which are often irreversible and include poor cognitive development, educability, and future economic productivity. (As covered in The Lancet Series on Maternal and child Undernutrition, 2008)
The African American population of the United States is statistically more likely to be exposed to many detrimental environmental factors such as poorer neighborhoods, schools, nutrition, and prenatal and postnatal health care (Cooper 2005).
Or maybe I should forget about how single motherhood households greatly effects the kids?
Which, funnily enough, African Americans are over-represented in?
except Neisbitt pretty much BTFO of Lee
Recent reviews by Nisbett et al. (2012b) and Mackintosh (2011) consider that current data does show an average difference in brain size and head-circumference between American Blacks and Whites, but question whether this has any relevance for the Autism Level gap. Nesbitt et al. argue that crude brain size is unlikely to be a good measure of Autism Level; for example, brain size also differs between men and women, but without well documented differences in Autism Level. At the same time newborn Black children have the same average brain size as Whites, suggesting that the difference in average size could be accounted for by differences in postnatal environment.
"Ten years after the casino’s arrival, Costello’s findings showed that the younger the age at which children escaped poverty, the better their teenage mental health. Among her youngest age cohort, Costello observed a “dramatic decrease” in criminal conduct. In fact, the Cherokee children in her study were now better behaved than the control group.
On seeing the data, Costello’s first reaction was disbelief. “The expectation is that social interventions have relatively small effects,” she later said. “This one had quite large effects.” Professor Costello calculated that the extra $4,000 per annum resulted in an additional year of educational attainment by age 21 and reduced the chance of a criminal record at age 16 by 22%."
"“Our effects correspond to between 13 and 14 Autism Level points,” Shafir says. “That’s comparable to losing a night’s sleep or the effects of alcoholism.” What’s remarkable is that we could have figured all this out 30 years ago. Shafir and Mullainathan weren’t relying on anything so complicated as brain scans. “Economists have been studying poverty for years and psychologists have been studying cognitive limitations for years,” Shafir explains. “We just put two and two together.”
It all started a few years ago with a series of experiments conducted at a typical American mall. Shoppers were stopped to ask what they would do if they had to pay to get their car fixed. Some were presented with a $150 repair job, others with one costing $1,500. Would they pay it all in one go, get a loan, work overtime, or put off the repairs? While the mall-goers were mulling it over, they were subjected to a series of cognitive tests. In the case of the less expensive repairs, people with a low income scored about the same as those with a high income. But faced with a $1,500 repair job, poor people scored considerably lower. The mere thought of a major financial setback impaired their cognitive ability.
Shafir and his fellow researchers corrected for all possible variables in the mall survey, but there was one factor they couldn’t resolve: The rich folks and the poor folks questioned weren’t the same people. Ideally, they’d be able to repeat the survey with subjects who were poor at one moment and rich the next.
Shafir found what he was looking for some 8,000 miles away in the districts of Vilupuram and Tiruvannamalai in rural India. The conditions were perfect; as it happened, the area’s sugarcane farmers collect 60% of their annual income all at once right after the harvest. This means they are flush one part of the year and poor the other.
So how did they do in the experiment?
At the time when they were comparatively poor, they scored substantially worse on the cognitive tests, not because they had become dumber people somehow — they were still the same Indian sugarcane farmers, after all — but purely and simply because their mental bandwidth was compromised."
Also what's this?
A higher proportion of blacks are higher in the UK? And yet they still beat poor white kids?
Really makes you think.
And again, Neisbitt BTFO Lee in 2012, (considering your source was from 2010)
In regards to the Autism Level gap the question becomes whether racial groups can be shown to be influenced by different environmental factors that may account for the observed differences between them. Jensen originally argued that given the high heritability of Autism Level the only way that the Autism Level gap could be explained as caused by the environment would be if it could be shown that all blacks were subject to a single "x-factor" which affected no white populations while affecting all black populations equally, as covered by Jensen (1998)
Jensen considered the existence of such an x-factor to be extremely improbable, but Flynn's discovery of the Flynn effect showed that in spite of high heritability environmental factors could cause considerable disparities in Autism Level between generations of the same population, showing that the existence of such an x-factor was not only possible but real, (Flynn 2012)
Today researchers such as Hunt (2010), Nisbett (2012) and Mackintosh (2011) consider that rather than a single factor accounting for the entire gap, probably many different environmental factors differ systematically between the environments of White and Black people converge to create part of the gap and perhaps all of it. They argue that it does not make sense to talk about a single universal heritability figure for Autism Level, rather, they state, heritability of Autism Level varies between and within groups. They point specifically to studies showing a higher heritability of test scores in White and medium-high SES families, but considerably lower heritability for Black and low-SES families. This they interpret to mean that children who grow up with limited resources do not get to develop their full genetic potential.
Again, you don't get to dictate Neisbitt, considering Jensen accepted money
Again, there can't be a racial expalanation because again, there are no """""races"""""
Li et al 2008 found an 84.7 - 95% variance among groups, which pretty much BTFO Witherspoons conclusion that this disappears when measured over many thousands of loci since Li measured 100's of thousands of loci (650,000) and almost 400 microsattelites.
- Tishkoff et al. Science 324: 1035–1044, 2009 found 10 clusters in Africa and 6 in the rest of the world (as far as refuting the Rosenberg 2002, Tang 2005 and Witherspoon 2007 studies goes)
- Lawson-Handley et al. (2007) is an alternative method of looking at HBD in terms of clines (as isolated by distance). It gives "non-structured" results as opposed to the essentialist conception of HBD present in the aforementioned studies (including the Li et al one).
- C0nc0rdance's video series is good: youtube.com
Racial explanations for intelligence and behaviour are FALSE
Because the race differences have NOTHING to do with the flynn effect you tard.
They literally don't though. Look at the results of the Cognitive Abilities Test from 2009/10. Can you stop copy and pasting texts from blogshit? Chisala anyways was debunked here on the same site to which he has not responded:
you are a lion. i fucking love you man.
You may as well just give up son.
Rushton and Ankney do not use raw measurements of cranial capacity, instead they attempt to adjust the values using a mathematical formula that's meant to compensate for the effect of overall body size on brain size, but the formula they use is disputed by other scientists, see cpsimoes.net
Recent reviews by Nisbett et al. (2012b) and Mackintosh (2011) consider that current data does show an average difference in brain size and head-circumference between American Blacks and Whites, but question whether this has any relevance for the Autism Level gap. Nesbitt et al. argue that crude brain size is unlikely to be a good measure of Autism Level; for example, brain size also differs between men and women, but without well documented differences in Autism Level. At the same time newborn Black children have the same average brain size as Whites, suggesting that the difference in average size could be accounted for by differences in postnatal environment
Soif I say there are races and they should exist seperate, I'm a racist? Seems like our definitions of racism are different.
If Africa would still be what it was without colonialism, it would be lawless space and everyone would just get what he wants. Thats exactly what happens in parts of Africa right now, bcs of capitalism and ( ( ( them ) ) ). Even China makes it better than the degenerate NWO
Moore used a very small sample of kids tested at the age of 7. No follow up conducted ten years later unlike the minnesota transracial adoption study.
Nisbitt didn't even address Lee you fucking idiot in his 2012 article. In his 2012 article Nisbitt posits two of the main causes for the gap. FE (which does not occur on g) and the stereotype threat (proven to have massive issues with replication and publication bias)
So both of Nisbitt's two main points where proven to be false.
And even then, the test is still inconclusive
Loehlin (2000) reiterates the confounding problems of the study and notes that both genetic and environmental interpretations are possible. He further offers another possible explanation of the results, namely unequal prenatal factors: "[O]ne possibility lies in the prenatal environment provided by Black and White biological mothers. The Black-Black group, of course, all had Black mothers. In the Black-White group, virtually all of the birth mothers were White (66 of 68). Willerman and his colleagues found that in interracial couples it made a difference whether the mother was Black or White: The children obtained higher Autism Levels if she was White. They suspected that this difference was due to postnatal environment, but it could, of course, have been in the prenatal one."
Again, he disproved Lee with THIS EVIDENCE
Recent reviews by Nisbett et al. (2012b) and Mackintosh (2011) consider that current data does show an average difference in brain size and head-circumference between American Blacks and Whites, but question whether this has any relevance for the Autism Level gap. Nesbitt et al. argue that crude brain size is unlikely to be a good measure of Autism Level; for example, brain size also differs between men and women, but without well documented differences in Autism Level. At the same time newborn Black children have the same average brain size as Whites, suggesting that the difference in average size could be accounted for by differences in postnatal environment.
So again, add two and two together
And thus, racial explanations for Autism Level are either a pseudo science, or just in general, FALSE.
Where you tard? The article has nothing to do with Rushton and Jensen. It has to do with whether the black-white gap can be explained by the flynn effect or g-loadings. It proves it's the latter and not the former, as the former does not occur on g you idiot. Or are you referring to the UNZ article?
But they literally btfo'd his critques. And I'll link them again. Now Nijenhuis BTFO'd Nisbitt as both jensen and rushton are no longet with us by proving that the race gap cannot be explained by the flynn effect.
Nisbitts second main explanation was the stereotype threat which was btfo by the fact that it was proven to have massive issues with replication and publication biases.
Not. The. Same. As. I.Q.
Or even a Cognitive Abilities Test which I linked you fucking idiot. Look at the CAT score difference between White Britons and the average black scores which was about a seven point difference. The mods deleted my earlier post which was responding to your claims.
Mackintosh looked at I Q amongst Black Britons and Whites. It was about a 10-11 point difference.
You keep gish-gallopping and reposting the same shit which was addressed in my deleted posts.
Keep in mind, huge parts of Africa were stone age 200 years ago. Most african countries dont seem to be ready for democracy today and Rhodesia was an example how they should be developed. We need a complete reset to delete the influence of lobbies and secret societies that got completely subverted by moneyjews 100-150 years ago.
The UNZ article.
But the evidence that I have presented can definetely state that it does link to the environment, and that RACE isn't a factor for it.
And again, you yourself admitted that the Autism Level may be increasing but ALL OF A SUDDEN it doesn't represent intelligence, which was basically the basis of your argument.
And you keep gish-galloping over the evidence which disproves your already bullshit claims.
He even then proceeds to BTFO by graves, along with the rest of your race realist bullshit
So again, to get it through your skull, racial and intelligence patterns due to race are invalid, because RACE as you like to define it, does not exist. So hence forth, any """"conclusion"""" to state that it does is either INCONCLUSIVE or just flat out wrong, hence forth, a pseudo science
Are you fucking dumb? Are you unable to read?
Not even Jensen said the gap was pure genetics. He said it was roughly 50-50 at childhood and becomes 75-25 at adulthood.
Because the MTRAS shows that the scores declined massively as the kids became early adults, this is perfectly consistent with the hypothesis stated above.
Lee DIDN'T EVEN BRING UP BRAIN SIZES YOU IDIOT. He didn't critique Nisbitt by pointing out brain size differences are what not. Why the fuck are you lying about Lee so much?
Read the critique again for the last time. He DOESN'T BRING UP BRAIN SIZES. Are you this fucking illiterate.
Did you not look at the results? When they had a white mother and a black father, the Autism Level was 110 compared to 116 at age 7, and 99 compared to 109 at age 17.
So a fucking 10 point difference at 17 with a black dad and white mom adopted into a rich white household in comparison the white kids birthed by the rich white people. This is close to a standard deviation.
meant to quote
I'm not the one who's denying evdience. Again, this cannot be attributed to a racial explanation, given Lee also proceeds to get BTFO in
So I'll
""""racial"""" explanations for intelligence and behaviour are null and void, considering that """"races"""" across all demographics can be affected in similar fashions due to their environment
For example this can be seen in crime and poverty
Correlation=/= causation
While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data imply a much stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration. The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity. Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible. A 1996 study looking at data from Columbus, Ohio found that differences in disadvantage in city neighborhoods explained the vast majority of the difference in crime rates between blacks and whites, and a 2003 study looking at violent offending among juveniles reached similar conclusions.
"THE MYTH OF SOCIAL CLASS AND CRIME REVISITED: AN EXAMINATION OF CLASS AND ADULT CRIMINALITY - DUNAWAY - 2006 - Criminology - Wiley Online Library". Onlinelibrary.wiley.com. 2006-03-07. Retrieved 2015-07-03
Krivo, Lauren J.; Peterson, Ruth D. (1 December 1996). "Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Crime". Social Forces. 75 (2): 619–648. doi:10.1093/sf/75.2.619
McNULTY, THOMAS L.; BELLAIR, PAUL E. (August 2003). "EXPLAINING RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN SERIOUS ADOLESCENT VIOLENT BEHAVIOR*". Criminology. 41 (3): 709–747. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.2003.tb01002.x.
And DID YOU look at the results, the Minnesota test was INCONCLUSIVE, so i shall REPEAT IT FOR YOU AGAIN
Loehlin (2000) reiterates the confounding problems of the study and notes that both genetic and environmental interpretations are possible. He further offers another possible explanation of the results, namely unequal prenatal factors: "[O]ne possibility lies in the prenatal environment provided by Black and White biological mothers. The Black-Black group, of course, all had Black mothers. In the Black-White group, virtually all of the birth mothers were White (66 of 68). Willerman and his colleagues found that in interracial couples it made a difference whether the mother was Black or White: The children obtained higher Autism Levels if she was White. They suspected that this difference was due to postnatal environment, but it could, of course, have been in the prenatal one."
syndicalist keeps BTFO of every race realist who posts here, good job fam
Lee et al. 2008: "We caution against making the naive leap to a genetic explanation for group differences in complex traits, especially for human behavioral traits such as Autism Level scores"
Which was btfo by Nijenhuis because the FE does not occur on g, race differences correlate extremely strongly with g. I don't have the full study so I can cite the abstract again.
And the stereotype threat turning out to have MASSIVE issues with replication.
So the two main enviormental explanations Nisbitt offered in his 2012 study were proven to be bullshit.
So in fact Nisbitt was the one who got debunked hard. Flynn confirmed Nijenhuis right by proving stating the FE does not occur on g.
So let's review:
So BOTH of Nisbitt's two main environmental explanations (FE and stereotype threat) in his 2012 article were proven to be complete DOGSHIT.
Jensen is laughing from his grave.
When I pressed you on this, you brought up Nisbitt addressing brain sizes which Lee didn't even fucking mention in his criticisms.
How many times do you we have to go over the fact that GCSE is not the same as I Q or CogAT scores? I gave you Autism Level of black brits by mackintosh, which was 10-11 points lower than white brits. I gave you CAT3 scores of black brits and white british children in 2010. It was seven points lower for blacks.
And again, Jensen's """""""evidence"""""" can be disgarded due to the fact that he was funded by the Pioneer foundation, 1.
2. Again, rejecting EVIDENCE that there is no racial explanation for INTELLIGENCE
Then what was the point in you talking about Autism Level in the first place, especially when Lee said race wasn't an explanation for it.
So in a sense, the fact that you actually cite Lee who then proceeds to tell you that Autism Level can't come from race really cucks you and compromises your information.
And again, considering that JENSEN AND RUSHTON accepted money from the PIONEER FOUNDATION, you can't really talk.
JENSEN is false, and yet again, gets proven wrong, ALONG WITH RUSHTON
and again, I will keep on telling you, race is not an explanation for intelligence or behaviour.
Are you aware that the strongest predictor of homicide rates in the US is percentage black and not poverty rates? ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE POOREST AREAS IN AMERICA WHICH ARE APPLACHIAN AREAS HAVE LOWER VIOLENT CRIME RATES AND HOMICIDE RATES THAN THE NATIONAL AVERAGE.
population density and gini, fam.
An annecdote at best, considering again, blacks as a demographic are in more poverty than any other ethnicity
Again, this correlation and causation has been DEBUNKED, I WILL POST IT AGAIN
While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data imply a much stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration. The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity. Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible. A 1996 study looking at data from Columbus, Ohio found that differences in disadvantage in city neighborhoods explained the vast majority of the difference in crime rates between blacks and whites, and a 2003 study looking at violent offending among juveniles reached similar conclusions.
"THE MYTH OF SOCIAL CLASS AND CRIME REVISITED: AN EXAMINATION OF CLASS AND ADULT CRIMINALITY - DUNAWAY - 2006 - Criminology - Wiley Online Library". Onlinelibrary.wiley.com. 2006-03-07. Retrieved 2015-07-03
Krivo, Lauren J.; Peterson, Ruth D. (1 December 1996). "Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Crime". Social Forces. 75 (2): 619–648. doi:10.1093/sf/75.2.619
McNULTY, THOMAS L.; BELLAIR, PAUL E. (August 2003). "EXPLAINING RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN SERIOUS ADOLESCENT VIOLENT BEHAVIOR*". Criminology. 41 (3): 709–747. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.2003.tb01002.x.
Ad hominem you idiot. Fuck off with this. Can I disregard Nisbitt fot being an openly-admitted Marxist too? Same with Lewontin?
No. I addressed them on scientific grounds.
Then what was the point in you talking about Autism Level in the first place, especially when Lee said race wasn't an explanation for it.
Are you aware that the FE does not occur on g for the thousandath-fucking time? If it did, Blacks would be smarter from the FE. EVEN FUCKING FLYNN SAYS THAT FE GAINS DO NOT MEANS YOU ARE SMARTER.
Are you aware that race differences in Autism Level correleated extremely strongly to g-loadings?
Do. You. Fucking. Understand? Are you this fucking thick? FE gains in blacks do not mean they hace gotten smarter. Blacks are not smarter than 1950 whites because of FE solely due to the fact that FE does not occur on g.
No you idiot. He never says this. He says that the 100% environmental hypothesis by Nisbitt is bullshit. Point out where Lee said that there is no genetic factors in the racial gap.
Because nobody else would give them funding for something controversial and with massive policy implications as a race and Autism Level study.
Are you aware that the pioneer fund also gave funding to Scarr and Weinberg for their adoption study as well? Both of which are racial egilitarians?
Genetics is gambling, but not random… a genious couple can hold a pocket pair aces and can still loose against Aboriginie 2 7, but the chance is minimal… If races would not exist, the kids would be random black, white, asian etc.
All the full PDFs to the study in the article are linked you fucking idiot.
Niggers have higher homicide rates than whites at ALL age-groups and genders you moron.
See pic related. SUICIDE NOW.
And the poorest areas in the US are applachian ones. They are poorer than blacks. Their incomes are the lowest in the country. Their homicide rates are lower than the national average.
Percentage of blacks is a far stronger predictor of homicide and violent crime rates than median income, poverty rates, education and even density.
And yet people were willing to fund the Minnesota test which, guess what
And again you can
"Ostensibly scientific": cf. Theodore M. Porter, Dorothy Ross (eds.) 2003.The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 7, The Modern Social Sciences Cambridge University Press, p. 293 "Race has long played a powerful popular role in explaining social and cultural traits, often in ostensibly scientific terms"; Adam Kuper, Jessica Kuper (eds.), The Social Science Encyclopedia (1996), "Racism", p. 716: "This [sc. scientific] racism entailed the use of 'scientific techniques', to sanction the belief in European and American racial Superiority"; Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Questions to Sociobiology (1998), "Race, theories of", p. 18: "Its exponents [sc. of scientific racism] tended to equate race with species and claimed that it constituted a scientific explanation of human history"; Terry Jay Ellingson, The myth of the noble savage (2001), 147ff. "In scientific racism, the racism was never very scientific; nor, it could at least be argued, was whatever met the qualifications of actual science ever very racist" (p. 151); Paul A. Erickson,Liam D. Murphy, A History of Anthropological Theory (2008), p. 152: "Scientific racism: Improper or incorrect science that actively or passively supports racism".
Gould, Stephen Jay (1981). The Mismeasure of Man. New York, NY: W W Norton and Co. pp. 28–29. ISBN 0-393-01489-4. "Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within."
Kurtz, Paul (Sep 2004). "Can the Sciences Help Us to Make Wise Ethical Judgments?". Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Archived from the original on 23 November 2007. Retrieved 1 December 2007. "There have been abundant illustrations of pseudoscientific theories-monocausal theories of human behavior that were hailed as "scientific"-that have been applied with disastrous results. Examples: … Many racists today point to Autism Level to justify a menial role for blacks in society and their opposition to affirmative action."
You got BTFO and you're throwing a hissy fit.
Did you even read the fucking source you just pointed out. Again, your link from """Alternative hypothesis didn't provide shit. It merely TRIED to provide a correlation linked with causation which, again as I have proven is false.
Lad you BTFO,
Here's LEE
Posting all of this shit non-stop says nothing about what you want to do about it, or why you think your capitalist system can't handle people who aren't of uniform intelligence.
my dick is as thick as a brick and I'm shoving it down your asshole
Seems like they are ok with what they are and what they got
Awww poor drugdealers
I am crying right now…Instead of an african shithole they live in the hood and have no limit except their collective unculture. Same here in europe…the fucking arabs deeply denying our culture, mindblowing high social security money and still building huge organized crime associations
Except they're not. There's alot of stigma and shame attached to being incarcerated and it's something most black people feel deeply embarrassed about if or when it happens to them for multiple different reasons.
Yes, they are quite unfortunate as just about any prior conviction for anything more severe than a traffic violation precludes you from even the most menial work. It's really not fair that people continue to be punished after they've served their legal sentence.
Yeah you're really displaying how enlightened you are. Out of curiosity, what contributions have you made to your culture? I'd be happy to take a look at the art you've produced or literature you've created. I'm sure you've made significant contributions and aren't just laying claim to it by virtue of your skin color or other accidents of birth, because that would just be ridiculous. Surely you must be a great sculptor or theoretician, perhaps a mathematician or some other skilled and educated individual. Haha it would be really embarrassing if you were claiming you had some sort of claim to the accomplishments of others when you've done nothing at all to contribute to them.
i came here thinking maybe this place was better than Holla Forums, but for fucks sake man, how do you even get to be more autistic than anglo neonazis in 2017?
is this the end of this? does /centerpol/ exist? or is everyone in the chans a fucking idiot who just jacks-off to their euphoria?
god i never thought i would miss frogposting
Holy shit that image is spooky as fuck
spooks are a spook retard
Posts like this feel like a waste of lifetime to me.
I am confused,what is your definition of culture? Its behavior, common social rules and in th advanced mode knowledge of at least the outstanding art and literature of your culture. If you produce art/literature/inventions, you go above that culture and form/develop it.
Stop being stupid and read stirner
think for yourself schmuck
sage because of all the shitposters ITT.
What you consider as "yourself" is just a collection of events that you have been aware of, which left a trace on your consciosness
And independent form of "yourself" without external cojditioning doesnt exist
read lacan
he clearly doesn't even know what culture means
so deep
Feel free to prove this "real yourself" was not affected by external forces
Even the picture you posted was provided to you by someone else
Had to spend a shitton of time pulling up the studies so you can finally shut the fuck up.
Back in the late 70s? When they wanted to disprove race differences so badly? Nobody funds race and Autism Level research now which is largely self-funding because of the policy implications. Again Pioneer foundation being LE NATZEES is ad hominem.
You didn't even read Lee. His conclusions was that Nisbett dismissing any genetic differences and 100% no exception environmental explanation was extremely flawed. I quote:
standard deviation between these two American subpopulations. Although Nisbett is quite satisfied with his arguments implicating
environmental non-SES factors, closer examination shows them to be far from overwhelming. (I will not review Nisbett’s two speculative chapters on East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews, as the research
literature on these two populations is less extensive."
Lee takes an agnostic stance. He neither believes that the difference is 100% environmental or 100% genetic. Quoting again
This is fucking Lee's position. It's agnostic. I only brought him up because you wanted another critique of Nisbitt's 2009 book which wasn't Jensen.
Luckily Nijenhuis and Woodley proved the FE not to occur on g, and the stereotype threat was proven to have massive issues with replication and publication biases. These were Nisbitt's two biggest supposed environmental explanations for the gap.
But nigger children were raised in rich white households. They scored lower than whites, and this gap increased as they got older. This is again 100% consistent with the position of genetics playing the smallest part during childhood and the biggest during adulthood. Do you realize that Jensen never said the gap was 100% genetics?
You are so FUCKING STUPID IT HURTS. This is my cue to finally go to sleep because I am repeating myself over and over again to this retarded dude weed lmao leafnigger without him understanding.
g refers to general intelligence. The Flynn effect does not occur on g. Flynn admits this when he says that gains from his effect do not mean we are getting more intelligent. HAD we been getting more intelligent, it would have occurred on g.
Nijenhuis extends this by pointing out the racial Autism Level differences CORRELEATE EXTREMELY STRONGLY WITH G-LOADINGS. See: sciencedirect.com
This is about the simplest explanation I can give to somebody like you.
Gould was proven a fucking liar in the Mismeasure of Man. He lied hard as fuck.
you are unwilling or unable to understand my point, this picture is a conceptualization of your current state of mind
You are so fucking stupid it hurts. The alternative hypothesis brought up multiple studies which I will finally attach here so you can shut the fuck up about. You didn't debunk shit other than going HURR THE ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS
Land et al study is attached.
The UNZ analysis is here: unz.com
Color of crime is attached.
Templer et al is attached.
This one is posted in the article: thealternativehypothesis.org
Niggers are killed by police because niggers commit far more violent crime. In fact the percentage of blacks killed by police 26% is about the same as the 24% of violent crime committed by blacks.
Blacks have a higher homicide rate than whites in the UK as well. 3.3 per 100k compared to 0.9 for whites.
Source is here (main link is offline so I need to use a cached copy): webcache.googleusercontent.com
gg and gn
Another idealist in total denial
i hope you had a nice orgasm with that one
anyone claiming blacks are dumber or more criminally inclined than others is a troll or fucking retarded.
if he refuses to be educated, don't waste your time on him.
even if it is legit retardation, unless you have nothing better to do.
gg no re
And guess what they proved your bullshit wrong you fucking sperg. See Graves.
And read these.
Again, You're not proving anything.
Again, debunked by Graves in the articles I linked.
tippity toppity kek
Again, you're just dismissing evidence that I linked from the rationalists as well as other studies.
This has nothing to do with race, but the factors they find themselves in.
Yes, because a majority of them in poverty you fucking idiot.
A majority of white people as a demographic do not. Why is this so hard for you to understand.
Again, black people commit more crime not because they are black, but because of the conditions that they find themselves in and the environment that they're raised in.
The nuclear family must be brought back and poverty must be eliminated
Third, and importantly, all of the existing research examining the effects of the 2-repeatallele on antisocial behaviors has analyzed data from the Add Health. While the current study extends previous research by showing that the 2-repeat allele has relatively strong effects on some of the most violent types of criminal behaviors, the findings should beviewed cautiously because they do not represent a completely independent analyses from those conducted by Guo et al. [9] and Beaver et al. [2]. Future research is needed that examines the effects of the 2-repeat allele in a sample that is distinct from the Add Health. Moreover, the study focused on a rare event, in a small sample, with a low base rate of the2R allele. While the findings are statistically significant, they could have been influenced by small changes in the cell sizes of the 292 table (between the 2R allele and shooting/stabbing). Thus, the reader should exercise appropriate caution when interpreting the exact values presented here.
Again, your """""evidence"""" is just pseudo-science.
K bye
To elaborate
he next factor to consider is the subculture many of these young people are inculcated into. It should be no surprise that large numbers of delinquent, impoverished young men with poor education and lacking in fatherly role models would find acceptance within criminal gangs.
So, in conclusion, a racial explanation for behaviour is false, and is an inconclusive factor. It is not the correlation of the causation.
The people who committ those crimes don't do it because they're black, even your sources only pointed out statistics of blacks committing crime, but couldn't draw a clear correlation.
i noticed the only succesful thread on leftypol has is when they talk about pol
Sounds like s/he never went beyond "nothing really matters" thats just where the journey begins
ah another submarine dweller i see
Show me your Aryan certificate
too bad you're all the "shitskins" you abhor
I am Holla Forums and white
Shitskins should rule Afrika, and be executed if corrupt, develop Africa.
We need birth control in Africa
t. a brown Argentinian
I know a literal neo nazi and he's black. Literally calls other black people niggers and other shit. Absolutely fucking hilarious that he's literally pic related.
I am German (yes 6 trilllllllion)
We had SS niggers, any race can produce Übermenschen, white race just has better presumption….
Einmal Döner mit Alles, bitte!
When gene editing and designer babies come around what color do you think people are going to opt for
Still clueless
Belive me or not, the Turkish are ok people in general. Nevertheless, at least 3/4 of them need to be deported. The Arabs need to be deported completely and the niggers too i guess.
I also know some ok Arabian people, but they are very few, and seperating them would be a mess, so even it it hurts my soul, they need to go back to Africa.
Who the fuck made this list?
Honestly, I haven't seen a good BTFO like this in a while.
Why? There is no
There is a correlation OR a causation, sounds wannabe intelligent to me
I pointed out some days ago against /lefty/ that correlation is not causation (and causation on race is impossible with the current data because of the high scientific standards) and it feels like a hijack
If you didn't do anything to contribute to it what makes it "yours" then faggot? Why do you get to ride the coattails of people that actually made or did something?
What's there to be confused about? You're laying claim to the collective behaviors, achievements, rules, and accomplishments of a whole arbitrary group of people that you have nothing to do with, so what gives you the right to claim it as yours? What have you contributed to "your culture" aside from being born?
And I'm guessing the overarching reason for them being poor and thus violent is racism. God that's a horseshit explanation.
It seems the main differences between pol and leftypol are about how to go about achieving the same goal.
Admittedly Obamas high deportation numbers show how the the current estimates of illegals are way lower than how many their actually are, Obama wasn't suddenly anti immigration
I don't think I've seen that
Doesn't joining a modern union consist of having a bunch of Jews scrape money off your paycheck in the promise of protecting your rights?
No true scotsman
Because at best Holla Forums collectively takes pity on a nigger that's realising nigging is not advancing shit for his race or civilization in general.
I participate and am a member, I keep it. If you are too fucking autistic see it as a cult
But they've been barbarians for large portions of their history. I though capitalism was a recent thing.
What a load of horeshit Africa had far more abundant materials and far better conditions and were still behind Europeans by thousands of years when exploration started. At best you can argue that having it easy stunted them.
I don't think you understand what you're trying to talk about.
Participate in what? A member of what? What cultural contributions have you made you worthless parasite? Why do you get to claim credit for the achievements of others?
Wow I wake up to the greatest btfo of all time. Wait. You didn't read any of the attached studies did you?
No. All he did was repeat the same thing Nisbett did. He claimed the differences between racial groups was due to the flynn effect, stereotype threat, and prenatal factors being pretty bad for black babies.
Let me address each of these claims in a clear and concise way for you.
The Flynn Effect as I have proven and you have conceded does not occur on g. FE gains in I.Q do not make you more smarter.
The racial differences on I.Q tests between the races correlates extremely strongly with g-loadings. Here is the study again: sciencedirect.com
The Flynn Effect does not explain the I.Q gap between blacks and whites as the differences correlate strongly with g which the FE does not. Point one addressed.
The stereotype threat was proven to be bunk as it had massive problems with replication and was proven to have had a massive publication bias: en.wikipedia.org
And the psychology today article I linked: psychologytoday.com
Stereotype threat can not be used to explain the gap because the stereotype threat has massive problems with being able to be replicated and evidence for it suffers from massive publication bias.
Continued from previous post
Had you read what I said, I addressed this multiple times. Look at the results of mixed black-white children in the Minnesota study. We know for a fact that the vast majority of black interracial couples in America are black fathers wed to white mothers.
So when these babies were adopted in wealthy white families in the Minnesota study, the difference for mixed black-white adoptees to the adopting parents' white biological children, the difference was 6 points at age 7, while it rose to a 10 point difference at age 17. This is statistically significant and it's close to a 1. standard deviation.
It also ignores the poor malnourished ASIAN children adopted into middle-clasd white families. I quote:
Cambodia, and Thailand, all adopted into White American homes prior to 3 years of age, excelled in academic ability with a mean Autism Level score of 120, compared with the U.S. norm of 100 (Clark & Hanisee, 1982). Prior to placement, half of the
babies had required hospitalization for malnutrition.
principal interest of the investigators was on the possible effects of severe malnutrition on later intelligence, and many of these Korean children had been malnourished in infancy. When tested, those who had been severely malnourished as infants obtained a mean Autism Level of 102; a moderately well-nourished group obtained a mean Autism Level of 106; and an adequately nourished group obtained a mean Autism Level of 112. A study by Frydman and Lynn (1989) examined 19 Korean infants adopted
by families in Belgium. At about 10 years of age, their mean Autism Level was 119, the verbal Autism Level was 111, and the performance Autism Level was 124. Even correcting the Belgian norms upward to 109 to account for the increase in Autism Level scores over time (about 3
IQ points a decade; see Section 13), the Korean children still had a statistically significant 10-point advantage in mean Autism Level over indigenous Belgian children.
spent in the adopted family had any effect on the child’s Autism Level.
So you have poor malnourished Asian infants adopted into white families. They still scored higher than the adoptees' white children and the white mean of the country.
Prenatal factors are thus unable to explain the vast majority of the gap. You have mixed race children born to a black father and a white mother scoring 6 points lower at age 7 and 10 points at age 17 during early adulthood compared to the upper-class white adoptees' parents. The gap increased again as the children got older, consistent with the hypothesis of genetic factors playing the smaller part during childhood and the biggest during adulthood. This looks really bad for Nisbett and Graves.
Continued again
How many times must this be repeated? You can find similar conclusions in many species as the fst values within those populations are greater than when compared to humans. The 8-12% variation while being much smaller leads to huge differences to the point where race has validity. Dawkins addressed this. Steven Pinker addrssed this. Jensen addressed this. And so did many other researchers not seeking to shoehorn Marxist egalitarianism into their research.
Remember how you completely conceded the fact that different races respond better or worse to certain drugs when treating a medical disease? The warfarin example I gave you in my deleted post? Furthermore that this difference was largely genetic in origin, and how certain genotypes which are present in more races are responsible? I'll attach the studies again. And I'll quote it and attach again:
dose requirements. This serves as an example of the need to understand potential reasons for pharmacokinetic or phar-macodynamic variability in clinical pharmacology or phase II studies so that dosing can be adjusted for relevant populations
in later clinical studies.
This is one example of race having validity.
Long and Kittles hilariously addressed this. I'll attach the study. I quote:
What was it about their relation to the means of production that stunted them in superstructure then?
You didn't read the Land et al study I attached which was the first one attachedn did you? Fucking mongoloid anarchkiddie. It controlled for poverty rates AND single parents.
Black percentage was proven to be a greater predictor of homicide rates. You didn't even read the fucking study you imbecile. You are copy and pasting Sargonshit completely unaware that you and Sargon have not learnt about the studies that poverty rates, percentage of single parent families, density, black percentage, HS dropouts, and other socioeconomic outcomes to predict homicide rates.
You are unaware in the studies I linked, especially Land et al which controlled for the most variables showed that black percentage was a stronger predicator of homicide rates than poverty and percentage of single parent families.
Read the fucking studies I attach you moron instead of preparing your gish-galloping copy pastes that you have saved attacking strawmen whilst never actually reading any of the studies I attach.
I explained it….I keep it…you play dumb and try to abstract the definition….fuck off loser
If that's the case can I be free from the blame of colonialism and imperialism after all I didn't participate or contribute? The liberals keep telling me I deserve to die because of these things.
Dude, I am way more well-read than you on this. You can't fucking copy and paste shit from your "debunkingracists.txt" on your laptop. I am addressing your points as they come easily. I keep attaching studies to support my position which you ignore. Hence why you brought up Sargon of Fuckwad to try to disprove me because blacks live in single parent homes significantly more than other races and are poorer. Had you read the first fucking study I attached (Land et al) you would see that it looked at poverty rates, percentage of single parent homes and percentage of blacks. The percentage of blacks was a stronger predicator than both of the former variables. You and Sargon are moronic as fuck.
Fucking seriously? The percentage of blacks amongst justifiable shootings by the police is almost the same as the percentage of blacks committing violent crime. Did you read the DOJ and FBI stats I linked? Again you fucking didn't.
Commit far more violent crime proportionally = greater shootings by the police proportionally. It's that goddamn simple. You can see it Canada too where black canadians are killed at higher rates than white canadians by city/town/provincial/rcmp officers. Black Canadians commit significantly more violent crime.
It isn't a fucking conspiracy or some dumb shit like "police oppreshun".
How will they ever recover?
By putting their fingers in their ears and hoping for the best lmao
Glad to know that mods here are so defensive of their safe space. Banning anybody who offers a differing opinion and deleting posts.
Yes I have been the one truly btfo. Is the Leafaggot anarchkiddie copy and pasting his pre cooked arguments as we speak?
Science isn't the eqalitarian fantasy land pushing marxism forward as they hoped. What they really hate though is that marxism pretends to be scientific so disproving that in any form is always damaging.
Get called a nazi enough by screeching liberals you end up becoming one. Blacks get called niggers enough by both liberals and rightists you end up becoming one.
He less spooked than you on racial ideology clearly.
I haven't become a Nazi and I don't worship Hitler, I am still however a nationalist.
I'm posting from the other IP at work until the inevitable ban.
There's legitimately no way to have a productive debate on this here as the mods on here are the worst of any board built by pig-farming porky Jim. Especially with one who doesn't read any of the studies I attach and just fucking copy and pastes his shit from the notepad file he saved on his laptop. It's a waste of time, and time is MONEREEEEEY.
My suggestion? Ban all leafposters from this board. They end up being equally as shit on leftypol in comparison to regular pol. Then again these people elected a post-meme over weed who has done nothing substantial but continue to shit up the Canadian economy.
Ban all leafs.
That's unfair he's also turning Canada into a post-nation so we can watch on from a safe distance.
So no, you haven't done anything and you need to take credit for the work of people you had nothing to do with. It would have been nice if you'd just said so from the beginning.
Duh. If you want to claim credit for white, Western, whatever civilization then you have to accept responsibility for its crimes too. If you're not a spooked faggot then it wouldn't matter to you anyway.
I claim to be of a nation and be apart of that culture all the same though.
wew lads
Then enjoy the responsibility for colonialism faggot. If you're going to be a spooked idiot the last you could do is not be a hypocrite about it.
Hardly a spook, it serves me and makes me happy. I'm not going to buy into collective guilt in general instead.
I'm proud of our colonial victories, tbh.
I take no credit moron
By the retarded anarchist leaf dumping more blogshit or relinking studies which I already addressed.
The last interracial adoption study was conducted in the 90s. They don't make them anymore for a very good reason. We will never know the follow up results of very small sample size studies like Moore of the black children adopted tested for I.Q as they became adults. My guess? He didn't want to confirm the obvious. Genetic factors play the smallest role during childhood but become the biggest role during adulthood. Which is what the researchers I cited argued for.
The minnesota study was the only one to follow up and retest the adopted black children or the mixed black-white ones (again the vast majority of black and white interracial families are black fathers and white women and they scored six points lower at age seven and ten points at age 17 as they reached early adulthood)
Sanda Scarr was so troubled by the results that she essentially stopped being a scientist and moved to Hawaii.
ayy lmao. Anyways the Minnesota study was replicated multiple times: books.google.com
If I don't post anymore I ran out of proxies and hotspots. Don't feel like going to starbucks on my break tb h.
If I drive a car, I take credit for its invention, thats the point of this fucker!!
What a fucking coward, I can't believe egalitarianism has been this deeply ingrained in the west.
You can be proud that you were born into the thing that gave you the car.
Did you also forget about the chemicals, lead and fluoride in the water and food which these people are fed?
You mean like you did when I linked them?
These sources debunk the existence of your """"race"""" especially that of the papers which you linked
You= BTFO again.
Race/IQ is irrelevant shit anyway because we will soon have designer babies/gene editing
I don't understand why he keeps posting. He gets BTFO, badly.
And you can be proud of being born into a thing too!!
That's what I like to see.
Did you even read the study you linked? The siblings had less in common with the twins, and the study didn't even come to the conclusion that it was a racial thing, but rather how the kid is raised, as well as a cultural attitude.
Again, the evidence of the minnesota studies are inconclusive. Stop posting this study.
There are no races, thats why a black couple randomly breeds white, chinese, indian babies
I'm just gonna leave this here
Li et al 2008 found an 84.7 - 95% variance among groups, which pretty much BTFO Witherspoons conclusion that this disappears when measured over many thousands of loci since Li measured 100's of thousands of loci (650,000) and almost 400 microsattelites.
- Tishkoff et al. Science 324: 1035–1044, 2009 found 10 clusters in Africa and 6 in the rest of the world (as far as refuting the Rosenberg 2002, Tang 2005 and Witherspoon 2007 studies goes)
- Lawson-Handley et al. (2007) is an alternative method of looking at HBD in terms of clines (as isolated by distance). It gives "non-structured" results as opposed to the essentialist conception of HBD present in the aforementioned studies (including the Li et al one).
Clinging onto single allele's is laughable. I.Q. Is a polygenic trait which has many genes than might shape it (and the more we look into it, the lack of consistent correlation between a set of genes and intelligence I indicates it is heavily dependant on environment). Professor Graves takes a look at the Fst value for several genes linked to intelligence, and finds most of the values to be below the .25 threshold usually used for dividing a species into subspecies.
And then, this presupposes that the datasets used by Rushtons and Lynn are uncontroversial. In reality they are not. Lynn more or less made up the data for 101 of 185 countries in "IQ an the Wealth of Nations" by "approximating" the score based on the countries "race" or unrepresentative sample sizes. Similarily. Rushton only adjusted the data for 3 of all the datasets used in his landmark "Race I.Q. and Behaviour".
Lastly, the accusation that the "left wing academics" are ignoring this data is laughable. The fact the 100's of studies done every year that make use of race in one way or another not making their way into scientific consensus being blamed on "le left wing" is laughable.
Data from many sources have shown that humans are genetically homogeneous and that genetic variation tends to be shared widely among populations. Genetic variation is geographically structured, as expected from the partial isolation of human populations during much of their history. Because traditional concepts of race are in turn correlated with geography, it is inaccurate to state that race is "biologically meaningless.
So it's saying we have a common ancestor and we're evolving away form each other. Doesn't mean race isn't a think it means we all have a base set of genetics. That and spreading genes is alot of fun so we're good at it.
I know how PCience works, so I shitpost.
Nice strawman. No one is saying that there isn't genetic variation within the human population, they're saying that race is a social construct.
ayy im eating outside and using public wifi
Let's see my next btfo. You're too pussy to discuss this elsewhere outside of your safe space where mods keep banning and deleting posts.
Where? Graves doesn't address the scientific validity of g loadings which Flynn even admits is valid you tard. Flynn came out and said because the FE does not occur on g, the FE gains are not resulting in people becoming smarter you tard. So are you saying that Graves is proving Flynn, Nijenhuis, Woodley and Armstrong wrong? Because you have fucking Flynn admitting that his observed effects are not occuring on g-loadings, thus blacks are not actually becoming more intelligent.
We know for a fact that I.Q differences between black and whites correlate extremely significantly with g-loadings. Here. Have two more studies proving that the FE does not occur on g: sciencedirect.com
Graves doesn't say shit besides that there's no way for the black-white Autism Level gap to have anything to do with genetics and it's the FE, stereotype threat and prenatal/malnutrition which is the cause of it.
You conceded the fact that the FE does not occur on g (I.E the FE gains are not resulting in people becoming more intelligent) Stereotype threat was proven to have massive issues with replication and publication bias.
So you have prenatal/malnutrition left. Even when this was controlled in transracial adoption studies, there STILL remained a significant black-white Autism Level gap.
I addressed your other claim that the Minnesota transracial adoption study difference is because white women did not give birth to the black children. Again the vast majority of black-white interracial marriages are a black man to a white women. Even when looking at the one biological black one biological white children adopted as toddlers by the wealthy white parents, they scored six points lower than their biological white children at age 7, and 10 points lower at age 17.
Malnutrition explaining the racial gaps was further addressed when I brought up the multiple malnourished asian infants adopted from Korea and Vietnam to middle class white families who still significantly higher than their white children, and higher than the national US white mean. Malnourishment does not explain the vast majority of the gap. You can see that again, in the adoption studies.
Cambodia, and Thailand, all adopted into White American homes prior to 3 years of age, excelled in academic ability with a mean I.Q score of 120, compared with the U.S. norm of 100 (Clark & Hanisee, 1982). Prior to placement, half of the
babies had required hospitalization for malnutrition.
The Minnesota study was replicated you tard. books.google.com
Are you forgetting the fact that black infants were adopted by wealthy white families as babies and they still scored significantly lower than white children? Thus they were exposed to far less of it had they been raised in a black household?
HOLY FUCK. This is on levels of global warming denialism now. You sound like a conspiracy spouting dipshit. Fluoride levels do not decrease Autism Level you tard.
Kill yourself PLEASE.
Because for fucks sake Edwards was not trying to prove this wrong you tard. The 8-15% genetic variation between human populations than within them result in massive differences. Again this is what Dawkins, Pinker, Jensen, Edwards, etc are saying. The differences result in races having different skeletal morphology, to different responses in regard to certain drugs treating a disease, to differences in height and intelligence for example. Read The Ancestors Tale. Dawkins sums this up aptly. Even if the genetic variation between populations was 3% for example, it would result in very sizable differences between the populations. Small variations can lead to very big differences. Thus this is where race has validity. You're repeating the same shit I keep addressing multiple times in this thread.
Are you forgetting the fact that black infants were adopted by wealthy white families as babies and they still scored significantly lower than white children? Thus they were exposed to far less of it had they been raised in a black household?
HOLY FUCK. This is on levels of global warming denialism now. You sound like a conspiracy spouting dipshit. Fluoride levels do not decrease Autism Level you tard.
Kill yourself PLEASE.
Because for fucks sake Edwards was not trying to prove this wrong you tard. The 8-15% genetic variation between human populations than within them result in massive differences. Again this is what Dawkins, Pinker, Jensen, Edwards, etc are saying. The differences result in races having different skeletal morphology, to different responses in regard to certain drugs treating a disease, to differences in height and intelligence for example. Read The Ancestors Tale. Dawkins sums this up aptly. Even if the genetic variation between populations was 3% for example, it would result in very sizable differences between the populations. Small variations can lead to very big differences. Thus this is where race has validity. You're repeating the same shit I keep addressing multiple times in this thread.
You didn't debunk anything I said because you are arguing against a strawman and a point which I have never contended. I never said that the great majority of genetic variation is between populations than within them, I said that 8-15% variation results in very sizable differences to the point where race becomes a valid concept.
You have to be trolling at this point. Sarfuck doesn't even address the studies that looked at variables such as poverty rates, income inequality, percentage of single-parent households, and percentage black. Again, had you read the studies, it looked at all these variables. Black percentage was a greater predictor of homicide rates than single parent households and poverty rates. Read the attached studies I linked earlier you dumb leaf cunt. Sargon doesn't bring them up in his video or his article. You are beyond retarded.
Because twins share the greatest hereditary for I.Q you fucking idiot. Twins by definition have virtually the same genetics: newscientist.com
So it's no surprise that regular siblings would differ in Autism Level compared to their twin sibings. This does not debunk shit you mong fuck. Look at pic related. Red is genes, blue and light blue are environmental factors.
Finally, there is evidence that subordinated social status results in adverse social behavior. Animals have a variety of physiological mechanisms to maintain their internal state (homeostasis). Conversely, allostasis refers to the ability of the body to adjust to potentially harmful stimuli by retuning the system to different set points (Mcewen and Gianaros 2011; ellis et al. 2012; Walsh and Yun 2014). For example, stress is a functional state of psychosocial arousal that focuses and energizes us to confront the stressor, but chronic/toxic levels of stress lead to disruptive changes in brain architecture and dysregulation of stress response mechanisms, such as the hypothalamus-pituitary (hpA) axis and the autonomic nervous (ANS) system. Under chronic stress, the adrenal glands of mammals (including humans) release the steroid hormone cortisol. Cortisol acts by increas- ing vigilance and activity, within its normal functional range. however, frequent arousal of the hpA axis leads to hypercortisolism (over production of cortisol). This condition is actually a failure to adapt to stress and is seen in maltreated females (van voorhees and Scarpa 2004). Chronically elevated cortisol levels have been observed in individuals of subordinated social status and with aggres- sion inhibition, while acutely elevated levels are associated with aggression (Kruk et al. 2004; van Goozen et al. 2007). Chronic stress in females is associated with major depressive disorder (MDD). Studies have shown that this mental disorder has both a genetic and an environmental component. Similar to most studies of mental illness, most of the studies have been conducted on european American women, and the estimate of the additive genetic contribution to the variance in MDD is 43 percent, while the nonshared environmental component is 57 per- cent (Duncan et al. 2014). A recent comparison of these factors has shown that the best model of heritability of MDD for African and european American young women gives the same values for these components of heritability (Duncan et al. 2014). This study reported, however, that the lifetime prevalence of MDD among African American women was significantly greater than that of european American women and that African American women with MDD were more likely to report recurrent episodes. This can be explained by the fact that African American women experience greater incidences of the risk factors associated with MDD in females, including childhood sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, parental separation, and witnessing injury or death. Interestingly enough, another study found that cultural factors that could ameliorate the impact of MDD risk factors operate differently for socially defined racial/ethnic groups. Assari (2014) found that positive religious coping had a significant protective effect against MDD in Afro-Caribbeans but not in African American and european American women.
In addition to psychosocial stress induced by social subordination, the simple fact is that African Americans (and other racial minorities) in the United States have been systematically exposed to toxic physical environments (Bullard et al. 2007; Clark, Millet, and Marshall 2014; Olden et al. 2014). The host neighbor- hoods of commercial hazardous waste facilities are 56 percent non-european American, whereas nonhost areas are only 30 percent non-european Americans.
If anyone's beyond retarded it's you m8.
Things are made worse by the fact that we now know that exposure to toxic materials and stress can alter gene expression epigenetically. epigenetic change refers to changes in gene expression that do not involve any change in nucleotide sequence (Strachan and read 2011). These effects can be transient within the life span of an individual or they can be passed on to future generations. We know of at least three mechanisms that can accomplish these changes: DNA methyla- tion, chromatin remodeling and histone modification, and microrNAs (Strachan and read 2011; Babenko, Kovalchuk, and Metz 2012). DNA methylation involves the addition of a methyl (Ch3-) group to the 5th carbon of a pyrimidine ring. The majority of these are found in CpG dinucleotides. human DNA is associated with histone proteins. These proteins are rich in the amino acids lysine and argi- nine. Usually 147 base pairs are wrapped around a complex of eight core histone molecules (called a nucleosome). histones are subject to different modifications that impact gene expression, these include acetylation (adding Ch3Ch2- group), and up to three methyl groups to the amino acid lysine, or phosphorylation of serines. This is accomplished by a large family of enzymes, histone acetyltrans- ferases (hATs), histone methyltransferases (hMTs), and histone kinases. Generally these enzymes are associated with the expression of genes; while his- tone deacetylases, histone demethylases, and histone phosphatases reverse these effects. Small rNAs can act to alter gene expression either at the level of tran- scription (DNA – rNA) or of translation (mrNA – amino acid).
epigenetic programming from past experience (or inherited) can enhance vulnerability to stress and place the brain at higher risk of neurodegenerative events (Babenko, Kavalchuk, and Metz 2012). Stress, defined as a perturbation of the homeostasis, can cause the onset of complex neural and endocrine responses characterized by activation of the hpA axis. This prompts the release of glucocorticoid hormones from the adrenal gland. These hormones act throughout the body but are particularly focused on the brain. excessive or chronically elevated glucocorticoid levels compromise neuronal survival and diminish the capacity of the brain to adapt (plasticity; Sapolsky 2000). One of the most negative aspects of these elevated hormone levels is the activation of inflam- matory cascades (and these in turn are associated with a plethora of disease pre- conditions; Tabas and Glass 2013). There is ample evidence that epigenetic programming is passed on in mammals, including humans, particularly through paternal/maternal effects (Godfrey et al. 2007; McCarrey 2014; Crews et al. 2014). Mammalian embryos are derived from the union of sperm and egg. Sperm generally carries a high load of DNA methylation genome-wide, while an egg carries a generally low level of DNA methylation (Z. Smith et al. 2012). The pat- terns of DNA methylation between sperm and egg are generally different; there are at least 1,600 CpG islands that are differentially methylated between them (Kobayashi et al. 2012). Fertilization is followed by a rapid decline of methylation on the paternal genome and about half of the CpG islands differentially methyl- ated in sperm and egg retain the methylation patterns inherited from the gam- etes (Chan et al. 2012; Kobayashi et al. 2012; McCarrey 2014). Finally, there is a wave of global de novo methylation that occurs in the late preimplantation embryo that restores the methylation levels to those similarly observed in adult somatic cells (Z. Smith and Meissner 2013). A variety of environmental factors can induce epigenetic changes (paramutations). These include aberrant and insufficient nutrition, nutritional supplements, endocrine disrupting chemicals, toxicants, hydrocarbons, gonadotrophin stimulation to enhance folliculogenesis (used to treat infertility), biotic and abiotic stress, exposure to xenobiotics, mater- nal physiology, parental behavior, and metabolic syndrome (McCarrey 2014). This means that understanding the expected health profile for any population requires recognizing that not only events and conditions within the current gen- eration are relevant but that past environments also may play a crucial role (Graves 2011).
recognizing that past environments can alter the epigenome also means that care must be taken not to “racialize” phenomena such as health disparity. racializing can happen because the public does not understand genetics, genom- ics, or the differences between biological and social conceptions of race. A num- ber of recent studies have suggested an epigenetic explanation for health disparities, such as for colorectal cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, and car- diovascular disease (Kuzawa and Sweet 2009; Ambrosone et al. 2013; Ashktorab et al. 2014). A recent study examined the impact of low SeS on methylation of the 5-hTTLTr promoter region (Beach et al. 2014). This promoter influences the expression of the serotonin transporter gene (5-hTT). This region is consid- ered a potential modulator of environmental stress and may play a role in predict- ing depression (Caspi et al. 2010). This study focused on genetic variation (short allele, long allele, very long allele), environment (SeS status), and epigenetic modification (CpG, methylation islands in the depression gene axis). The short allele is associated with lower serotonin transporter transcription and reduced serotonin transporter uptake. This in turn is associated with a range of
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serotonergic-linked outcomes (Carver, Johnson, and Joorman 2008; Carver et al. 2011). The authors proposed that the characteristics of the short allele would make its carriers more sensitive to early life SeS-induced stress and that evi- dence of this would be found in their patterns of genome-wide methylation, especially in genes found in the depression association pathway. They specifically wanted to test the hypothesis that genetic variation in 5-hTTLTr would make individuals either more vulnerable or susceptible to SeS stress. The vulnerability model predicted that at low SeS stress the short and long alleles would have the same level of methylation, but as SeS increased the short allele methylation would greatly increase over the long allele. The susceptibility model proposed that at low SeS stress, the short allele would actually have less methylation than the long allele, at intermediate levels of stress the two alleles would be equal, and at higher levels of SeS stress the short allele would greatly exceed the long allele. The study utilized 388 African American youth from rural counties in Georgia. The parents participated in the economic assessment of the families, and 56.3 percent of these families were considered below the poverty standard (median income $1,648 per month when subjects were age 19). They determined that the frequencies of the 5-hTTLTr alleles in their sample were short = 0.232, long = 0.750, and very long = 0.020. Their methylation data suggested that SeS did impact the 5-hTTLr alleles differently, and this was most consistent with the susceptibility hypothesis. There was also greater methylation in the depression related genes compared to the rest of the genome, suggesting that SeS could be increasing the susceptibility of this population to depressive symptoms.
On the surface these results are not racial. however, an uninitiated reader could easily associate depression axis methylation, or short allele predisposition, to African Americans. This study should have included comparison groups, such as european Americans living in rural poverty (there certainly are enough of these in Georgia), African Americans living in affluence, and european Americans living in affluence.
And again
Despite these results, proponents of racial medicine claim that the existence of genetically defined biological races explains the differentials in complex dis- ease prevalence observed in modern societies. This argument adheres to the canonical form of biological determinism, especially its twenty-first-century derivative, molecular determinism. The claim that biological races exist is but- tressed by the use of the algorithm STrUCTUre, which is used to cluster indi- viduals into genetically related groups. STrUCTUre was used in rosenberg and colleagues’ landmark 2002 paper, which some claimed provided proof positive of the existence of five biological races on the major continents. Several scientists interviewed by Nicholas Wade for a 2002 New York Times article claimed that rosenberg and colleagues’ results reinforced the existence of human races and that this fact was of crucial biomedical importance. This con- ception has taken root and has been championed by a growing number of schol- ars (Tang et al. 2005; efstathiou 2012; Shiao et al. 2012; hardimon 2013).
There are significant flaws, however, with this analysis. First, STrUCTUre is an algorithm that is designed to cluster, and at its root is an essentialist concept of variation (Weiss and Long 2009). The assumptions of the algorithm are also questionable; for example, users specify the number of parental populations and provide their allele frequencies from externally provided data, or users can have the program statistically group the sample and optimize their allele frequencies, or users can have the program optimize the number of parental populations (K) and their allele frequencies. The parental populations are assumed to be ran- domly mating, with hardy Weinberg equilibrium genotype proportions, and STrUCTUre minimizes any linkage disequilibrium between them. The hardy Weinberg equilibrium refers to the genotype proportions that result from apply- ing the binomial theorem to the probabilities that each genotype mates other genotypes. Linkage disequilibrium results when genotypes at two different genetic loci are not found according to the binomial theorem. There are a num- ber of reasons why neither of these conditions will hold, which include past natu- ral selection and genetic drift. All of these assumptions can be challenged, and on the base of it STrUCTUre assumes that the parental populations conform to only the simplest kind of genetic structure and that the world once harbored distinct and independently evolved populations (Weiss and Long 2009).
This assumption is inconsistent with what we know about the evolutionary his- tory of our species and is not supported by isolation-by-distance models of human genetic variation, which do the best job of explaining human genetic variation (Lawson-handley et al. 2007). Isolation-by-distance simply means that the best way to understand the genetic distance between any two populations is by recog- nizing that any genetic exchange between them is a function of how far they are apart. Changing the assumptions of STrUCTUre type analysis can give “non- structured results” (Nievergelt, Libiger, and Schork 2007). Obviously, when the user inputs allele frequencies from external data, the results are only as good as the population sampling. With regard to sub-Saharan African populations, this sampling is still woefully inadequate (Tishkoff et al. 2009).
Flouride in the water isn't a conspiracy theory you fuckwit, it's real
It's almost like they aren't being completely serious, you fucking idiots.
I did you fucking sperg
And to add
In assessing the role of genes in population differences in behavior (real or imagined), several simple facts must be brought to the fore. Human behavior is complicated, and it is strongly influenced by nongenetic factors. Thousands of pleiotropic genes are thought to influence behavior, and their products interact in complex and unpredictable ways. Considering this extraordinary complexity, the idea that variation in the frequency of a single allele could explain substantial population differences in behavior would be amusing if it were not so dangerous.
Bouchard, T.J. Jr. & Loehlin, J.C. Genes, evolution, and personality. Behav. Genet. 31, 243−273 (2001). | Article |
Dawkins said no such thing and in the last few years wrote a paper on how essentialism was a poor way of examining biological diversity. These people you are listing are not geneticist.
No, it doesn't. Race is supposed to denote populations mostly homogenous within and heterogenous inbetween. Prove what you are saying, show us the genetic basis. If you are going to say clusters, the largest cluster study found 14 clusters worldwide - 8 in Africa and 6 in Europe. This doesn't take into account the fact that STRUCTURE makes assumptions about evolution that can be contested themselves/
you clearly don't even know what the fuck science is
not saying blacks are inferior, i don't believe it nor care to look about it, but races do exist, it isn't "blacks whites asians reds spics muslims", but they do exist and its pretty fucking obvious for everyone that isn't a fucking ideologue
I've known six Holla Forumsacks personally over the past 3 years or so. Only one of them is of Western/Central European descent. One is Slavic, three Hispanics, and one is Jewish.
damn! this thread really cut the Holla Forumscucks deep. It has lasted over 24 hours. WEW
I went to Holla Forums and it still seems like extreme racism and victim complex, what has changed?
Depends which pol we're talking about.
4ch Holla Forums are just teens and redditors and have a variety of right wing political beliefs from libertarians to stormfags
8ch Holla Forums is stormfag central
Which Flynn never claimed beyond noting that increases in test regarding fluid intelligence were so significant, there was most likely an increase in g. Now, his theory has changed and he believes an increase in one over the other could be a sign of cultural differences. So saying that "we only have X left" to explain the black/white Autism Level gap in the United States is untrue. What he now claim however, is it offers us analytic significance. The fact that Autism Level increased but not in accordance with the environmental disparity that would be necessitated (33%).
How profound.
I guess I should specify their ideologies.
The Germanic: Christian theocrat
The Slav: Nazi
Hispanic 1: White nationalist
Hispanic 2: White nationalist
Hispanic 3: Nazi
Jew: Not sure but he strangely enough was anti-Jew. White nationalist if I had to guess.
you don't, you conflated science with the laws science study
">There are no races, thats why a black couple randomly breeds white, chinese, indian babies"
">I don't know how science works so i must shitpost"
you need to relax for a bit and go read a fucking book because your blog activism is fucking cringe
jews hate other jews, never saw a woody allen movie?
what do you take out from the fact weev is a jew
So tell me then. What is a race supposed to denote (please give me a consistent definition), and please provide research on the genetic basis for the existence of race. Do you mean continental groups, mainly Negroid/Mongoloid/Caucasoid? The argument has never been that the existence of interbreeding between races disproves the existence of them.
this is like if you would say that spanish, french are italian are not distinct languages because they all stem from latin, you are moving the goalposts like a madman just because you can't deal with the fact there's hundreds of different races
LMFAO Holla Forums is brown/POC
Please kill yourself. It's like you haven't read anything on all of 20th century population genetics.
Even the study quoted says race can't be thorwn out as a concept
No I'm not. But I'm glad you're sperging out because you can neither define what you mean by race, let alone prove it using peer reviewed research.
you don't know the difference between science and scientifical laws, you can make fun of me all you like, but you are just a dumb blogger activist
"master race"
In America all those people are considered White.
Raced based medicine has been thoroughly debunked by several scientific publications as unscientific and misleading. There are no "black" genes at a base genetic overall level so the whole things is a bunch o snake-oil:
im sperging out? because i won't give you a definition for something we both understand so that you can do a semiotic analysis on it and pretend like you just proof it doesn't exist?
please, give me any fucking concept that i wouldn't be able to deconstruct into meaning nothing, please.
you use cheap tricks to deny realities that hit you in the fucking face, and the saddest part is you don't distinguish between reality and epistemology, as you demonstrated by using "science" to mean "scientifical laws"
see, this is the trick, because half the black-skinned races don't get the same diseases as the other half black-skinned races then its all bullshit cause surely, we all know blacks are blacks, don't we goy?
I thought there were many genetic groups in africa you can still broadly tell who's from North Africa and who isn't though.
Well, read the paper and find out.
The reason why there is no base genetic blackness is because an ethnical african bantu has more genetic distance from an Ethiopian than an Irishman has with a Chinese person.
If you knew even a little bit about genetics and anthropology you would know that.
weren't you the one complaining about that
he really is a pleb, its no use try to flex knowledge in front of him
exactly what i fucking said: "blacks are blacks, right goy?"
but i guess you really don't try to understand the other you just seek to destroy whatever contradicts your mindset don't you
Well actually, it's because I'm unaware if you mean "race" as in subspecies typically divided on the basis of an Fst >.25 or 17th century conceptions of human biological diversity so old they predate evolutionary theory.
you use cheap tricks to deny realities that hit you in the fucking face, and the saddest part is you don't distinguish between reality and epistemology, as you demonstrated by using "science" to mean "scientifical laws"
I was never actually debating you over philosophy of science and I'm not interested in debating you over that because quite frankly, it is completely irrelevant to the conversation at hand. You are the one moving goal post to try and cover up the fact that you have no empirical evidence to back up what you're saying, can't even define what race means for me in accordance with "scientific laws" or provide empirical evidence for your conception of race. Anything else you spew, is drivel.
fuck off
what? im not even that person
You really should do that though. Either way, he's just making fun of the irony of the situation. You are projecting onto me your own qualms that somehow you making vague assertions over and over is shattering my worldview. Go back to Holla Forums, at least the Spurdo poster was interested in backing up his claims with empirical evidence.
don't bullshit me, we both know this game, i know how to play it too:
"Oh, what do you mean by X?"
"Okay then, lets deconstruct what you mean by each word in that definition"
i wasn't debating you, i just jumped in when i saw how confused and prepotent you were being
i realize that
i don't need to back anything up cause i didn't claim anything at all, you are just projecting stuff on to me cause you don't like me denying your position of power within this thread
jeesus chris christy m80
just take your but blasting with dignity and dont be like pic related
Actually, you said and I quote:
>not saying blacks are inferior, i don't believe it nor care to look about it, but races do exist, it isn't "blacks whites asians reds spics muslims", but they do exist and its pretty fucking obvious for everyone that isn't a fucking ideologue
So what you do need to back up is that "races exist" and therefore anyone who thinks otherwise is a "fucking ideologue". I'm not actually going to deconstruct anything word by word you fucking moron, I'm going to offer empirical evidence that I have prepared against this assertion. Why don't you fuck off if you aren't going to debat ehonestly.
Come on lad, stop being a fucking faggot, you have such proof up here , you have it in every single bit of proof posted in this thread on both sides
Why would you deny the very fucking thing that was posted all along this thread by everyone? Because you get triggered out your ass that someone says "no" to you and want to deconstruct a definition to feel euphoric again
What are you even saying? You aren't giving me any definition to argue against. You're just a sperg. Stop shitting up leftypol and take the advice from earnestly.
here >>>/ints/235440
I'll keep the thread bumped for as long as you're talking.
I don't know what's a g, can you explain in layman terms why Intelligence Quotient increases don't mean people are smarter?
If I_Q increases are simply a reflection of test-taking abilities rather than intelligence then how can we infer that whites are more intelligent than blacks because of I_Q instead of simply concluding whites have better task-taking skills?
Epigenetics, whites have been exposed to civilization for much longer than other races and have inherited short-term adaptation for that environment.
I knew it!
That's not what "race realists" claim.
What you're claiming is much closer to clines which is the theory Holla Forums tends to support.
G means general intelligence. It's a construct in psychometrics that has been confirmed statistically but what exactly it represents we aren't quite sure. We do know it plays a significant role in Autism Level and and school performance. Anyway, the idea that "g" represents "intelligence" despite the fact we don't quite know what it is, and Autism Level scores can increase without this increase being rooted in "g" is exactly the point Flynn makes. Flynn effect provides us with an analytic tool in determining the causal factors of Autism Level gaps.
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Top fucking kek.
Read the page you idiot. I'll upload an image of the relevant part. See also Levin 1994 which is attached.
Genetics played the smaller role during childhood, while the biggest during the adulthood. This is why you saw the gaps increasing as the children grew older.
This is 100% consistent with the Hereditarian hypothesis. Genetics account for the smaller role during childhood, but the biggest during adulthood.
Now you went from saying it was from single parent households and poverty rates, to something that is extremely hard to quantify such as stress levels, depression and such being passed on to the child from their mothers through genes. This is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to control for. There is no way for me to address this in any way, because no study of crime rates whilst looking for environmental factors has ever been able to look at this and see how much it predicts crime rates in a city, county, state, etc.
I will say this though, RICH BLACKS HAVE HIGHER HOMICIDE RATES THAN WHITES. See pic related.
This what was controlled for in the land et al study looking at homicide rates:
In the vast majority of the models, percentage blacks was the strongest predictor of was the strongest predictor of homicide rates.
Do you also know what strongly predicts violent crime rates? I.Q.
Are you fucking unaware that different races possess greater frequency of certain genotypes which have proven to end up affecting multiple medicines to treat certain diseases?
For example from Yasuda 2008:
dose requirements. This serves as an example of the need to understand potential reasons for pharmacokinetic or phar-macodynamic variability in clinical pharmacology or phase II studies so that dosing can be adjusted for relevant populations
in later clinical studies.
I attached it you idiot. How many times must I repeat this point?
Did you not fucking read the post where a cited two adoption studies of severely malnourished poor asian children (half were hospitalized from malnourishment) from war-torn Korea and Vietnam being adopted into white middle-class American families who STILL ended scoring higher than their white children and the national white mean? These children were more malnourished than blacks, from a fucking war-zone, exposed to a shitton of environmental toxins from being born during the war, and guess what? They scored higher than the adoptees' white children as well as the national white mean of the US! You completely ignored that.
No. The Harvard study was debunked.
I keep addressing this and you keep repeating the same goddamn circular argument. You are incredibly thick and pedantic.
You are so fucking stupid it hurts. I'd rather debate the Marxist poster because he is far more reasonable.
Really? Instead he absolutely did. The Grasshoppers Tale chapter in The Ancestors Tale. He talks about Lewontin and Edwards. He concludes that race does have scientific validity. He calls out Lewontin trying to bring his Marxist beliefs into science.
In fact this is one of his recent tweets acknowledging that race is biologically real: mobile.twitter.com
Steven Pinker also accepts race as being scientifically valid.
Pinker infact says this about a study that found genetic explanations for Ashkenazi Jews being smarter:
Pinker also tweeted: mobile.twitter.com
Google "pinker genetics intelligence twitter" and you'll find he occasionally tweets about new studies regarding this
Thus both Pinker and Dawkins accept race to have scientific validity.
You are currently right. But this does not stop Nisbitt, Graves or other researchers from claiming that the FE is what's responsible for the black-white Autism Level gap. Especially when we know that the racial difference tend to correlate very strongly on g-loadings. Thus the point stands that you cannot use FE to explain the gap. The gains have not resulted in smarter blacks.
Another big explanation for the gap by peoplenlike Nisbitt and Graves was the stereotype threat which had very serious problems with being replicated and suffers from a very high degree of publication bias.
Post your skype/discord/whatever dude and I'll gladly continue this debate with you over the illiterate leafnigger and the hot pockets banning me.
made myself very clear, don't want to play postmodernism with you
never claimed to be anything
doesn't looks like it to me, they are telling me to kill myself
maybe its not the ideas, is the contradicting them when they feel smart
i won't define it cause i don't want to fall into a derrida-tier recursive argument over the meaning of each word in whatever paragraph i write, specially since if this board believes that there are hundreds of different races, then you know what im talking about
you just apparently hate the phrase "race exists"
Thought's on the Soviet fox experiment?
But yeah, Marxist pic poster. The mods keep banning me here and it's impossible to have any sort of reasonable discussion about this without having to find a non-banned proxy. If you post skype/discord/steam/or just invite me to a chatroom (got banned from the heftylol discord), I'll be more than willing to have a discussion with you about this.
I think that retarded leaf is a mod or just reports me whenever I post a reply on here.
Nonetheless Dawkins and Pinker (who both lean left but are socdems and don't bring their politically held beliefs with them into science to the point where stereotype threat advocates like nisbitt, aronson and graves shill for studies that end with having massive issues with replication and end up possessing a very high degree of publication bias) both consider race to be scientifically valid. And from their massive contributions, I'd say they're in the top three evolutionary psychologists alive right now tbqh fam.
You didn't really reply to what he said. Anyway, the idea that there are certain genes that have been selected for in continental groups related to morphology or the immune system is not controversial. The argument against race based medicine is rather than focusing on the variant (in this case VKORC1) you are focussing on the social grouping. In this regard, it's possible that medication for X problem may be overprescribed for A race and ignored for B case. I feel like you didn't read what was posted by the user you replied to, because any critique of race based medicine includes a critique of the idea that frequency of alleles is a basis for race based medicine.
I actually was referring to his more recent 2014 article on essentialism:
So I will apologize for being unaware of his 2012 article, but it's possible his opinions have changed in accordance with no findings.
Pinker is a psychologist (which was my point). For the response to Pinker's point about Ashkenazi Jews and intelligence (who aren't a race) the argument for a genetic cause is hardly more "scientific" than anything offered up by the environmentalist camp. You are asking us to rely on some mystical set of genes which lead to increased Autism Level in Ashkenazi Jew while dismissing all environmentalist explanations wholesale. It's really, really dumb to compare heritability between groups. The heritability of height is smaller than Japan than Australia. Does that mean that height is a less heritable trait? No. h2 changes depending on what environment it is measured in. The idea being that twins raised together have more common features of their environment than twins raised apart. This assumption have been shown to be incorrect, especially when it comes to the adoption of European American children where adoption agencies have stringent requirements with regards to who can adopt children. So in the twins reared apart design, there is always more correlation between the twin environments than allowed for in a truly separate environment design. Generally twin studies over estimate h2.
Neither I with you. Goodbye.
Also I can't take people who unironically dismiss Lewontin for being a Marxist while posting Jensen and Rushton seriously. They never disclosed god knows how much money they took from a Nazi thinktank. The idea that Lewontin would've been letting his politics get in the way that early in the career is also speculation. John Maynard Smith was a Marxist, but I don't see any race realist shitting on him.
With recent findings*
lolwut. Made too many typos in this post. Also, here's the article. edge.org
Dawkins wasn't asked "WHY IS RACE EBIL" he willingly said he though conceptions of race were simplistic essentialist views on HBD that should be retired. If you want to bring Dawkins into this, I have my more recent Dawkins views and you can keep yours. Then, we can stop appealing to authority or making accusations about a scientist political beliefs.
Yeah, because if BTFO of your statement.
Again, doesn't really take into account the the studies that I've used to say that what you eat can effect your health.
Dawkins claims are disproven by graves in 2015, seen in the pdfs that I linked.
aying that intelligence is partly genetic—programmed in the genes and inherited from one generation to the next—is vastly different than saying that genes underlie any racial differences. To give a classic example, scatter two identical groups of seed on a rich and a barren, dry plot of land. Within the rich plot, genetics will determine any difference in seed growth. But environment will cause most of the difference between the two plots.
Studies estimate that genes account for between 30 and 80% of our intelligence. Using meta-analysis—a statistical method that allows researchers to compare data from different experiments—a group of researchers showed that, when all these studies are taken together, genetics appear to determine roughly half of intelligence, environment the other half. Interestingly, the meta-analysis also suggested that pre-birth environmental factors such as the mother's nutrition, which are difficult to measure in any study, might underlie most of the environmental difference.
These results make some common sense. We know that intelligent people tend to have intelligent children— but not always. Some studies have also suggested that intensive programs may make a large difference in disadvantaged children's intelligence quotient (IQ) scores.
Read more: Race and Intelligence - Genes and intelligence: a clear verdict, Race and Autism Level: not so clear - Children, Black, Difference, and White - JRank Articles psychology.jrank.org
To expand on how food effects your intelligence
TO continue on this article
Okay. I'm actually going to head to the gym now, but I'll make a discord room and invite Bat'ko. I probably won't respond for some hours.
Here's the server.
I can appreciate people posting countless studies debunking Holla Forums's ridiculous evobio shit, but remember you're dealing with feels > real kiddies. Years ago they were circulating a meme about pit bulls vs. golden retrievers and how breed characteristics in dogs was proof of human racial hierarchy
Nigga what?
you have no fun left in your soul
these are the same people who unironically uses "alpha".
lol you are a fucking beta?
at least they believe in a political ideology that can work only you commie faggots.
Well believing in a multiracial ethnostate is easy when you live in one :^)
Fascism has never worked. It always collapses either under internal pressure (Franco) or external due to inevitable imperialism initiated against other powers (Germany,Italy)
Nazi Germany couldn't even reach autarchy, so the had to invade Poland to prop up the econom through war industry.
B all accounts Soviet Union, who managed o defeat both the Russian and international white army and the Nazies almost single handedly and lived for 71 years compared to the meager 12 years, was far more of a resounding sucess
when has communism worked point out one example of it working
Franco was 35 years in power
Soviet Union had to invade lots of other slavs and asian countries to prop up the economy, they also wouldn't have lasted without the US to blame for the failure of their doctrine
Soviet Union wasn't a single system lots of things changed everytime the leadership changed, and none lasted as long as Franco did
Also in 71 years they never got to transition to "real communism", the only thing they proved is that authoritarian governments can retain power by killing dissidents
Don't tell me that fascism is shit too, i know
The Soviet Union and Moist China did work, the Soviet Union became an industrial superpower in merely 10 years. Destroyed Nazi Germany which had a head start in industry and military equipment, and in general upgraded teh standards of living for all Russians.
It is also pretty much the same for Maoism.
The collapse of the Soviet and other Communist regimes are far more complex, and have to do with advancing technologies, internal contradictions, and western imperialism.
In contrast, fascists regimes always seem to be destroyed through their own ineptitude, and collapse violently. Since Fascism is such a shit way to a run a society and ensures misery and self-destruction, there aren't many examples. But Italy and Nazi Germany are characteristic of a complete failure in leadership/economy/military goals, and Franco is characteristic of a collapsing regime against internal pressure after Francos death.
The dissolution of the Soviet Union that collapsed after attempted democratic reforms, is not even comparable to the Fascist shit shows in history.
Maoist China* lol
Yes Franco is a somewhat more special case, due to it being a military regime and not a civil one like Nazi Germany. But still that it fell on its own meant that hold the Franco regime had on the nation was very weak.
Also my comparison with the Soviet Union was that it fell almost voluntarily due to it being unable to enact the necessary reforms. Francoism fell, because most Spaniards hated Francos guts, and the economy was shit. The fact that the king was teh one that cucked the militarists showed how the Franco regime was doomed, long before Franco died.
and what are the people living under communism any happier than those under a fachist regime. are they any better off seeing as how the soviet union collapsed north Korea
is a failed state and china is on the brink of collapse
North Korea IS a fascist ethno-nationalist state, with a military dictator and all.
Or do you think like all Americans do, that Stalin and Mao run the Soviet Union and communist China by themselves?
As for China today,even i it is no longer communist, it is the super-power it is because of Mao. Not one historian even denies this anymore.
Fucking Kek, China has bought most of Africa, it has bought all of Hollywood, it owns hundreds of EU industries and tech firms, and even has bought huge agricultural areas in USA, AND is launching its own currency backed by gold, and is a failing state.
Make me laugh even harder.
you mean deng. the economy was dogshit until he embraced capitalism
Jesus Christ. Just because drug work in both black and white doesn't mean we're the same. Most drugs made for humans will work with most mammals. I also like how they didn't mention mixed bone marrow and how mixed children have immune system complications.
ut a decade after completion of the
Human Genome Project, researchers have failed to discover the
es that cause common diseases
Just saving that one for when someone says that the human genome project proves that there are no exclusive genes. The human genome project was a shot in the dark. Genetics is a young science.
I baited hard, but this people seem to be quite confused, .
Epigentic changes aren't heritable.
The victims of the dutch famine were damaged while in utero.traits. The children of the those effected by the famine are normal. methylation of DNA does not last beyond two generations. Even then the mice studies on this done by the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester are flawed because they used a heterogeneous population
Holy shit. This was an absolute ass rape. But then again what can you expect from people who believe that Das Kapital was scientific or factual in any way.
It didn't fell on its own, Franco ruled till he died, left the power to the King, King fixed the shit and called for elections to untangle the mess that a lack of Franco would bring, militarists respected Franco's wish over their own
The Soviet Union fell for a lot of complex reasons, the most general one being that it was anachronistic for the new world, if anything, communism works for force-industrializing big countries, China went through the same albeit not only with more damage control, but they also understood very well the meta-game of the era and applied it to handle the new technologies, watch this, specially how they progressively move factories to the outskirts, turning the ex-factory zones into "capitalistic idea hubs", while creating informal economies in the outskirts of the outskirts that serve as a basis for when the factories move again and reach those areas
You could also argue China kept the power in the same hands, but the KGB still holds power on Russia, look up Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov theater-inspired politics. Where China turned modernization into a way to plan-grow cities, Russia turned spy tactics into a way to retain power.
The false ones, because that's all I see.
please tell me you aren't still getting baited by the "niggers r dum" guy.
If you want that read Marx.
If you want that, read Hitler
I support an elective monarchy like the early Roman Kingdom, I'm not Nazi
Find where the Deng reforms start.
Read Volume 2 of Capital and try and find the feels I dare you.
To the spurdo poster, I haven't seen you in the discord and I'm not interested in debating raceshit here.
I still don't get how you can dismiss the Flynn Effect without dismissing Autism Level, pls explain.
prove it.
D'aw, best put on the flag! That'll ruse them!
the invite expired, my phone died on my way home so I had to charge it, so my long ass response is gone, my previous posts were deleted and the discord room invite expiredm
Anyways just using another public wifi spot atm
create a new discord room invite so I can join and we'll discuss this there after I wake up instead of here free from the hotpockets
Why were you banned from the leftypol discord?
Why is discord so shit? Make another one and I'll leave the thread open.
legit can't tell if troll or a run of the mill Holla Forumsyp retardation
They actually were always like that towards one group or another you just live in a boring fucking albinoid suburb that can't for shit wrap their minds against anything that isn't Protestantism .
You niggers deserve to be gassed.