I like punching nazis. It's hilarious and punk af. But as hard as this might be to accept, it's completely counterrevolutionary. Normal people don't approve of such violence, especially of the even more radical acts of violence ANTIFA displays. This does not help free the working class; it only further cements them into capitalism and fascism. They make them see communists and anarchists as people who want to restrict free speech, people who don't want freedom. Even worse, it allows Nazis and fascists to play the victim card, as they have been doing the past few years. As those in ANTIFA should know, fascist speech is dangerous. Fighting against it only gives it more power. Furthermore, it allows the FBI to finally have a reason to restrict communists as they did during the red scare again. "They're a threat to public security." I wouldn't be surprised if every single person I find in Holla Forums calling for action is actually an FBI agent waiting for an arrest.
As leftists, we need to change our direction. Rather than explicit or violent demonstrations, we should be a bit more clever. Although you may disagree with them, Colombia did a damn good job at stopping FARC through clever advertising. We need to pick up those strategies. Remember, our goal isn't to look like a bunch of whiny college students, but to radicalize the public and give them class consciousness. Breaking windows and kicking trashcans do not do this.
Levi Campbell
Not this thread again
Bentley Nelson
neo-nazi sympathizers and neo-liberal talking heads on tv are not "normal people".
Grayson Mitchell
Yes, but they still have a wide influence and unfortunately most people believe them, at least in terms of violence.
Lucas Flores
stopped reading there
Brayden Peterson
Being afraid of what someone else might say makes you look like a little bitch. Just how weak is what you have, if you are shitting yourself that someone else might think something else?
*kicks trashcan* wew you sure woke all the classcucks, now they surely think there's something to it, eh? surely nobody would dismiss you as a hysterical lil bitch too worried someone out there might have a different opinion
Cameron Hill
Cry more.
Nathaniel Hughes
Is that how you describe open warfare, contras, and constant assassinations?
Jayden Evans
how's your eye going? I seriously hope you are better
Wyatt Richardson
They're going to fall in line no matter what happens, don't worry about it.
Carter Robinson
Those were ineffective. Once they started doing the advertising campaign they were able to reach an agreement with FARC.
Again, I don't like Colombia, but their advertising campaign was very clever.
Jaxon Young
Normies aren't the problem. Erm, well, sort of. Our violence will lead to bad public opinion, and the FBI will be able to justify cracking down on communists. Plus fascist apologists will become even more prevalent. And don't act like there's enough manpower to overthrow the government. If we want to overthrow it we have to radicalize the working class.
Julian Howard
If Colombia had its way, FARC would be dead, not signing a fucking treaty.
Brayden Gray
Morally, such violence may be correct. From a strategic perspective, however, it makes sense only to dispense it when lives are in danger (Milo outing undocumented students) or if someone particularly reprehensible can be made an example of (Spencer).
Kevin Peterson
That's pretty much the point I was making. I don't give a shit about the moral perspective, as morals are a spook. What I'm interested in is the strategic perspective.
Benjamin Nelson
Richard "Literally Who" Spencer is annoying, but no one cares what he thinks. He is not even fucking porky. The incident was pointless, not for or against class consciousness. The fact we are talking about it just shows to go ya how much we have been spooked by stupid media shit. The fact that I commented in this thread has nothing to do with how much I love dicks.
Michael Gonzalez
I think this was actually made up by some SJW. Please post proof of it.
Joseph Garcia
Fuck off, fed.
Leo Lopez
You're the fed!
Robert Evans
Jason Young
I've literally been saying this since it all fucking started
Luke Fisher
A fed isn't going to bother with abstract advocacy of something, unless it's to gain credibility, and an user can't do that.
What a fed would do is start advocating very specific actions, such as at a specific location, where they could then scoop up whoever actually showed up to do it.
So I wouldn't worry about feds that much whenever someone just says bash the fash, but if they say hey Richard Spunkmouth is going to be at X on date Y, let's go beat him over the head, that might be an agent provocateur.
Also irl is where you'll usually find feds. I don't approve of (some) black bloc type actions, but a lot of the time you see really deplorable shit, that's feds or other cops.
James Collins
Yes the system is against you!!!. That thin blue line is what is keeping you safe from militant oathkeepers and Full blown Rightwing nut jobs that actually care about gun rights and practice with the notion that one day there'll be no protections, Think about that before you decide that police are fascist pigs.
Xavier Ramirez
We need to treat nazis with respect, otherwise they will never rise to power. It was the same 1933, you basically have to hand them government on a silver platter. If we now stand up and hit all the pussies in the face they will just retreat to the internet and we will never have a proper Holla Forums-led government.
Jose Morgan
My boy
James Thomas
Police are Fascist pigs who openly side with the right over and over.
Gabriel Perry
Shut the fuck up crypto-trot. Normal people aren't clutching their pearls over nazis getting punched, only liberal fascist-sympathizers like you are. Kill yourself soon before someone better does
Jack Evans
Reminder: Everyone calling for the usage of violance against fascists is COINTELPRO. Also anyone calling for less-violent means is COINTELPRO too (basically a fascist enabler).
Jack Russell
Why do people keep referring to it as a "punch"? It's clearly an elbow.
Nathan Morales
indeed. did nobody here know about the extendable upper arms you get when you join the leftist club? fyi the op posted a webm.
Andrew Roberts
oh wait, he didn't post the webm. well, someone here did.
Leo Green
oh wait, he didn't post the webm. well, someone here did.
Caleb Brown
In this case at least some of them seem to have made an exception. If he said some of the shit he said in a bar, he would probably get snuck there too. I don't think they even think of the guy as a communist or anarchist, just 'the guy who punched the Nazi,' kinda like Uncle Joe before the Cold War set in. Also there is the slight possibility that they realize the Nazis want to take away freeze peach, and realize the irony of the aut-right falling back on the narrative that the fash stand for freedom and are they/by extension everybody else decent and freedom-loving is under attack by da ebul gommies. How? you stop that As opposed to what? They try to entrap protesters, they try to entrap lefties and they try to entrap board users, that's been happening for years. Nice narrative. To my knowledge nobody here is now or has ever been associated with the guy who punched Spencer or hour your precious trashcans and fee-fees, officer.
triggered lol
Joshua King
the media can't report on every single antifa action. if you let the media dictate your behaviour you end like the german pirate party: a fucking reddit faggot getting fisted by the porkies.
Liam Wilson
forgot sage, won't happen again
Kayden Clark
COMRADES STOP we are alienating the working class with all this meaningless illegal action! We should pool our money and invest it wisely in an advertising campaign to educate the proletariat!
Oliver Baker
No we are not, fuck your false narrative officer.
Matthew Ramirez
Why would a cop sage?
Jack Rogers
Does anyone have that video where all the spongebob characters are like "I'm the FBI." It's literally this thread rn