I have embraced communism

I have embraced communism
please drop some truth bombs on me

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read zizek

Create an alternative to the Hayek`s Business Cycle thats sustainable

Communism Will Win

Race does not exist beyond a few genetic traits and even then are meaningless.

Google Murray Bookchin

Fags are gay.

liking traps isn't gay if they have a feminine penis

that's some nice ideology you got there

is a homofag in denial

Thanks man.

You like pretty men with cute dicks, stop the denial.

no im a trap with a fetish for turning straight people gay

since sexual attraction is determined by appearance, you can't

are gommies always this gay or are you just putting on a show for me


private property is theft, your labour is stolen by the owning class.

You can always close the window and walk away if you don't like it, lad.


Are you the Holla Forumse that was posting Miranda while arguing against communism some weeks ago?
Isn't kind of hypocritical to have the hots for a furry kike?

Either way, communism is born from the historical and material nessecity of the people to control what they produce and use, a communist wishes to be a master of his working area and make commodities for his peers.
A fascist is a slave who think that they can choose their master


Why did you embrace communism in the first place?

Socialism is capable of much faster technological improvement than capitalism

nah, most of us are str8, but if faggots want to roleplay here which other, why should we be spoiling fun?

I saw this picture of Alunya seducing Vivian and I thought it was pretty neat
I lurked for a bit here and I realized that you guys aren't just SJWs who liked Clinton and Bernie and that you actually have meaningful political discussion
it looks like you guys actually know what you're talking about
I shouldn't say "embraced", but more "become open to the idea of"


You will hang like the rest.

I want to add
Communism is like a handegg team, everybody has an specific function that they perform because they're the best at it. that is what "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" means
Capitalism is like divegrass, everybody does the same shit to acomplish little

class consciousness is a spook

I'm closely accepting I'm bi and always had a fascination with men. Why?

That means you should start reading on what have been suggested ITT. There's also a reading list that is sticked so take what seem within your interest and go on to learning more.

Equality is a spook.

Ego pleasing another Ego is true sexuality, everything else is a spook

that is true, thee egoist is superior to the nationalist

I think you might appreciate the others…


Good, now go read some book. Manifesto doesn't count, but it's not so bad if you are not used to reading. Also, there are some really good memes on our youtube channel here : youtube.com/channel/UCSm1_XO-zvR0ToSJYMljmPA
Check out also russians here: youtube.com/channel/UCCe_fTqstaz8axIBScs8_Hg

the way the bodies are drawn in the third pic unnerves me

Ego pleasing itself is a spook then? If anything, shouldn't the putative "another Ego" to be pleased be more of a spook?

In the 1st pic, is the thing on Vivian's left thigh Aluny's real tail?

It's gonna get much worse before it gets better. Theory helps.

Agreed, we have the hearts and minds of the proletariat we will win.

Pic's not related

Equality is necessary for freedom. How can you have freedom when another person posses a power which can dominate you?

Because freedom doesn't mean your ideal.

I will dominate you with my dick
Let's get rid of private property first, anything else is not important now

You mean freedom of will, the lack of domination over the self? What else can freedom be within the scope of politics?




I find it hard to believe that a word from the early middle-ages revers to a platonic ideal conceived by 20th century leftists.


I am referring to the ideas of Rousseau, an 18th century thinker, who was, I suppose using words with epistemology more aligned with the latin Libertas, if you want to be pedantic. But language isn't a constant, unchanging fixture. It evolves, and changes according to the context. What freedom should mean in politics is highly dependent on the context of politics.

In this sense, freedom will always be a position that is yet to be attained, a future indefinite, a pointless fixture in an ideological treadmill.

What kind of communism, OP? Godly leftcomism, ancomism, or traditional Marxism? Or shit-tier MLism, Trotskyism, or Maoism? Big differences there.

Same communism though

It's quite obvious we scared op off with our cancer

whichever one's the cutest

neoliberal cat is so hot

she can keep my surplus value anytime

I agree that freedom is something to be strives for, and can never be achieved in the absolute, but not because of the nature of language or context. Non-sacred, and non-ideological freedom remains a conclusion easily reachable through rationality of the ego resisting power. The reason it is achievable, however, is because power itself is a force that is necessary to the creation of freedom, and its thus because of the inevitability of power and the desire for power that we will see resistance and from there, freedom.

Nobody knows whether communism works or not, because apparently it has never been tried.

All attempts to implement communism results in massive death of the native population.

Probably just a coincidence, so lets try again.

Stalinist cat can rule over me any day


The sad thing is that these days I can't even be sure if you're joking or not.

This but unironically.



Freedom has gone from a legal status under to an ultimate point of reference. My issue with such a view of freedom is that it makes it into a metaphorical, polemical tool of criticism, it places it into a realm of ethereal archetypes that can never be grasped. It locks existence in being determined by resistance to a hostile other, one that will always be present, that is a condition for it, in practicality this leads to a paranoid nihilism, it's where the micro-aggression and all the similar pietisms come from, for it is incremental, there always needs to more, more forms of oppression, more apparatus of control, eventually rendering our own minds as "colonised" enemies.

don't do this stupid liberal YPG reactionary western deluded jackoff shit. google RICHARD WOLFF, KARL MARX, SLAVOJ ZIZEK, AND YANIS VAROUFAKIS

*a legal status under feudalism

Leninism was nothing out of the ordinary. The entire Communist movement has been a fraud pretty much from a start. Every single major organization even decades before Lenin was always dominated by a small clique of middle-class intellectuals LARPing as proletarians. The reason Leninists get singled out is because they are the only Communists to ever actually do anything.

FromSoft haven't made a good game outside of the Armored Core series

Welcome to Communism

The sad thing is, Lenin did what he had to do to keep the only socialist state alive. The problem is that his desperate ad hoc policies were enshrined as universal by his inner circle.

Someone here once pointed out that Lenin's life was a double tragedy. First he had to betray all his words of praise for democracy and freedom simply to keep Soviet Russia standing after the European revolution failed to materialize. To use that old cliche, he became a monster to fight monsters. But the bigger tragedy is, he was robbed of a chance at redemption. As the country was pacified and began a painful road to reconstruction, his health failed him, and kept him from reaching a time when he could make good on these aforementioned promises of freedom and democracy.

WTF I'm a fascist now!


These two are pretty far from each other policy-wise. If he hadn't endorsed the bitch he would have been blamed for her loss to Trump.

>Communism is arguably the newest, and perhaps even the last project of Faustian civilization to maintain and fulfill itself (If you want to save "Western civilization/culture", then Communism's for you!)

>Just fucking google Theodor Adorno already

Now that you know some of these truth-bombs, have fun living the rest of your days knowing that we're probably living in the bad-end of human civilization. Pic related

so that's why north korea, cuba, vietnam and venezuela lead the world in technology

who won the space race?




Josephina of course.

disparaging reaction image.jpg

not even an anarchist but anarchy cat is the cutest


Here's a truth bomb for ya, Stalin was terrible


Welcome to the board OP. As you have noticed, pol is a safespace and here we like to be open to discussion, even from right-wing viewpoints. While we have our own brand of edgy humor in the form of people like tankies and anfems who like to act like stereotypical visions of leftists (or who are unironically in agreement with these views) we tend to care about nuance and opposing ideas. If you post something it's quite possible someone will challenge your viewpoint, my advice is not to get defensive about this because you'll be defeating what is special about being on leftypol. If someone disagrees with you and gives you a strong rebuttal consider that they may just have a point, you may even be wrong, or that the topic is more complicated than you might think. Calling them a fag and chimping out contributes nothing to the conversation as it doesn't help you since we are anons and your personal image isn't at stake.



Nothing wrong with Wolffie

If a man has to look like a woman in virtually all respects for you to be interested in him, are you really gay?

No, you're straight.

Shit talk the Wolff again and I'll kill you user

Except developing his own theory that uses words like Capitalism and Communism - but is completely opposed to what Marx said.

He is literally COINTELPRO.

Anyone who uses the term "Marxian economics" unironically is no Marxist, which makes him a liar at the very least.

Marx never laid a foundation that actually makes sense on how abolish private property, labour commodification, commodity fetishim and capitalist exploitation to begin with

I am talking about what the word "Capitalism" means. Marx and Wolff has different ideas about it.

And - yes, he did. Socialize property. Common ownership. Read the damn book.

what am i reading

The manifesto is obsolete, his last works completly contradict the 10 main points


Ignore the fact that the site is made by ameriburgers

You just went full AnCap.

But you have no sources on that, have you?



christfriend don't be mean to lenin. "leninists" are stupid, but lenin himself was based

no, youre bisexual

Its possible that a hierachial party sets up decentralised communes in regions where they have influence. With clearly defined resposibillities and power devision shit can work. Just like even the most democratic nations today still have massive apperatuses that operate completely undemocratic and hierachically like armies.


Read [Author]

Except before feudalism, it was a legal status under roman slavery. A freedman was a former slave. But the thing is, your problem with the current situation of freedom still applied. Freedom was completely defined by NOT being a serf, by NOT being a slave, it was just as much of a negation as it is now, as what's its ambiguity in the positive sense, for there were many wretched situations of domination that still met the criteria of freedom.

Why should our minds be a point of escape from domination, as you imply? Does the desire for domination justify domination? What gives spooks anymore of a right to dominate us than the state or the slave master?

No, I think its a good thing that freedom is so hard to pin down, for the moment it is, it will be used to justify some form of domination. It is in fact the attempt to bring order to freedom that we must resist the most! When people are beat over the head with "micro-aggressions" simply point out that the sjws who do so are simply replacing the old forces of power over our language, whether patriarchal or whatever, with a new essentialist logic which similarly punishes the individual for their transgressions against a sacred idea.

Not to say language shouldn't be out of the realm of the political, but it should be used in a strategic manner, not as an extension of sacred principles.

What does resistance to power and domination look like? Here, I agree with deleuze, it is the War Machine, the complicated chaos of an intricate motor that channels the flows of everything opposed by stringent order. It is the state of nature describes by Hobbes, the truth of constant conflict at the heart of society. But even then, war remains at the heart of politics, and thus at the heart of the state (for not even it can escape corruption from its "pure" conception).

Orthodoxy and constant reference to the past instead of building a new future will be the death of the left.

you have a funny definition of opposition.


and yet you're still posting

There's also places on the internet where absolute monarchists converse, yet I hesitate to consider that a vibrant political movement.

As someone involved in leftist orgs, I don't think we're doing half bad, especially compared to the monarchists. More and more people are interested and getting involved since the election, in part because I think the liberals are beginning to realize the old neo-liberal politics are no longer viable.

So? What is OP thinking now?

interested in this "class consciousness" thing
is it like a commie redpill or something
I'm interested because my Holla Forums flavored redpill felt really good

It means you're aware that there's a systemic separation between workers ("proletariat") and owners ("bourgeoisie"). For instance you can see how people slob the knob of "job creators". In reality, you can't create a job in that way. These people are just the owners and they function as gatekeepers for work. They create artificial scarcity by deciding whom to employ and when, based solely on what is most profitable to themselves. This can result in a situation where you have, for example, a factory that is fully operational but not being used right next to skilled workers who are looking for work AND a significant need for the factory's products among consumers, but the factory doesn't produce because workers are not able to work because the owner won't hire them. The owner will not allow people to work their property unless the process will be profitable to the owner, and economic conditions might make this the case. On the other hand, the workers could still run the factory without the owner. Not only would they work when they needed work (and as long as there was demand for the product) but they would also reap all of the benefits instead of some of the revenue paying for the owner to do nothing useful. Please note that owner =/= manager.

We could say so. It kind of mirrors the Holla Forums flavored redpill, but as somebody who has tasted both Holla Forums and Holla Forums, I'd say that thanks to the analysis how the fundamental logic of capitalism influences our behavior it feels more coherent than

Stalin did nothing wrong.

I agree, he didn't kill nearly enough reactionaries. Somehow the likes of Yieltsin made it through.

I forgot to add one last bomb

That's a real no true Scotsman fallacy there. Also, Zizek is the grand master of cultural Marxism. Because he had heavy influence from the Frankfurt school and shits on ipol the way regular Marxists shit one class.



wtf I'm a furry now

Who is that?


what the fuck is up with people masturbating to this flash cartoon from france is something with curves really all it takes to get you hard

Yes tbh

Is your reading comprehension really that bad??

The manifesto is obsolete, none of its proposals solve the problms pointed out in his later works

Feel free to prove how then10 main points of the manifest eliminate the commodity form and the law of value, dumbass

Not a fan of furries, but wakfu is ok. Imo, as an connoisseur of the lewd 2D arts, the combination of creativity, artistic technique, personal expression, and of course the lewdness, suggestive illustrations give a very different superior sexual high compared to 3DPD.


3dpd is actually superior to 2d

Nope. You're also the person on Holla Forums most obsessed with ranking jerk off material. Is something the matter? I'm sure there are many good counselors.

Lou Hearts from Dofus cartoon.

You mean there's something else to femininity?

haha wow you lefties actually let this tripfag go unbullied
get your shit together

Ignoring works too.

Quads and not a single check
WTF Leftypol

i put her on ignore and have never looked back

She's our resident whipping boy.
There's no use punishing her, because she likes it too much.

Get some Wolff on your life.
He's great if you want some redpills on capitalism.

Wakfu characters don't count as furry
They're humans but look like furries because of the god they worship, this goes for all all races on the setting

Don't worry about checking the quads, for where one is missed another quad, a hundred dubs, and a ten trips will take its place!

Furfag here. They're kemono. Even though I think the artists are french or whatever? They're just anime's version of furries.

Yes wakfu is french but the point is that their outwards apparence is not related to their biology.
For example Miranda >>1369825 is a cat lady, Ecaflip in the setting but she's married to an orc looking dude and they have a daughter who I think is also a cat lady but there is also a chance that a child will be a different class/race from their parents. I think its also possible to change class and therfore your outwards apparence.

So it's for furries in denial.
Got it.


Irrespective of the lore, it's art style is kemono, which is a blend of furry and anime. Even though it's drawn by french artists some how.

miranda is not a kike
this is a kike

Also most technology developed under "capitalism" is publicly funded research

I don't care about you though

You cared enough to respond :^)

Well obviously but there's nuance to this.

Are you retarded?

What gave you that impression

jews are white

Stay in your fucking gamergate thread.