Millenials must be stopped

How do we prevent the millenials from creating an anti-freespeech speech dystopia? 40 percent of them want to restrict free speech in the future.

Normalize the unsafe space.

can we not


Who gives a shit?

No racists, homophobes, sexists and other types of close minded bigots deserve to be jailed and killed

Watch capitalism crush them and laugh.

They stop giving a fuck about cultural noise when they get hungry.

Over 20% of the American Millennials would vote for a Communist, and 40% for a Socialist.
We just have to teach them that identity politics are a spook and they could be the saving generation.
But I'll bet 10:1 you're Holla Forums and just pissed that they won't put up with your shit

That doesn't necessarily mean they're any more opposed to free speech than older generations. Old people might not approve of banning racism/sexism but I bet a lot of them approve of banning anti-Christian or 'obscene' speech.

millennials are freedom hating teetotal conservatives more interested in youtube personalities and twitter than global suffering. Literally all of them deserve to die

Fucking top kek

when they say socialist they probably mean bernie not Lenin

Y'all niggas postin' in a troll thread.

Baby steps.

What? They're literally talking about having the government act against offensive speech.

"decline of social mobility"? more like the declining rate of profit, right?

Baby steps.

they pick reform over revolution we will never over throw capitalism

think of Bernie as the 1905 Russian Revolution :^)

Yes but free speech as a concept quickly becomes freedom to not have anyone react to what you say, then not have anyone react to how you organize, then restrict all non-state intervention to pure speech.

reformists out

except there is no revolution or revolutionary spirit with reformists

The word is de-stigmatized, you just have to show them that they are already a real Socialist.
If you try to despook them by force it won't work, so you have to associate it with things they think are good. I've already converted a few Bernouts with this line of thinking. Over time they will despook themselves, which will work a lot better.

this is not the case. nobody is advocating for healthcare and college to be "socially" owned. They are quite happy with capitalism so long as the government gives them money for X thing

Socially owned was a poor choice of words, I usually use whatever words they use, I just hate saying free because that's not how it works.

Regardless though, they believe that the rich owe a great debt to society, and that the prols deserve to be able to live even if it means taking from the rich and giving to the prols.
Just teach them that surplus value is unethical, and watch the dominos fall into place.

The only free speech you have are the words you can defend with your own power. No state can bestow freedom.


I am also terrified of young people. Get off my lawn you fucking kids.

Pretty much this. The SJWs in this thread mask the greater problem. Americans in general aren't terribly interested in free speech. Most of the older generation of Americans would ban pro-socialist speech if they could.

Things like this have a way of sorting themselves out. Offensive speech starts to become "speech of those in the movement that oppose my clique", and then the movement eats itself. Not super worried tbbh famalam.

Also this.

You think "SJW" millenials and not capitalist security states will be at fault when actual censorship hits the west? How retarded are you? The rights terrorism fear porn did more than anything else to normalise censorship. Adabted norms of politeness are fucking unimportant.

The right certainly did do a lot, and they're now trying to hypocritically claim the mantle of defenders of free speech after all they did. However, it's not a certainty that they've actually done the most. The liberal "left", by opposing free speech, has attempted to set it outside of the Overton window. People already expect the rightists to be regressive, but if they see people claiming that censorship is progress, that's different and arguably much worse.

"Unsafe spaces" ARE normal, that's why safe spaces are created
The idea is that, when a group cannot act freely in social life without being harassed or arrested, they carve out for themselves a place where their community can act freely. This has been the case for all marginalized groups, homosexuals have always been around but in societies where homosexuality is criminalized they find ways to get by.


Same shit different labels really. In the end it's all spooks.

Free speech is bad, though. In a socialist society, should free speech be allowed for people trying to restore capitalism? No.

yea, until we come for your ass

user, the height of American capitalism was the industrial revolution, then followed back up after WWII, during the late 1940s and 1950s, where America was still largely a huge manufacturing producer.

Since the 80s we've been outsourcing all those productive jobs… look at that chart you start to see where it all rapidly declines. It doesn't even show up till today, which is so much worse.


If your ideas can't handle criticism, they don't deserve to be implemented. We don't want another USSR.

The buzzwordisation and devaluation of free speech can be solely blamed on the right.

I dont mean steps towards reform, but steps towards radicalizing millenials.

But if a socialist government is in control then they have the most power and as such, a monopoly on free speech.
Nothing you could do about it then but leave. If they choose to grant you a passport that is. Same as the current government.


more like >yay, using the violence of the state to silence people using language I don't like

Stop believing moderate Christian liberal organizations do impartial polls, for a start.

Most people in general are not supportive of free speech, even if they say they do they only say so in respect to the government, not elsewhere. Which is why most people support moderators against their own interests.

LOL these people think Obama and Trudeau are socialists and Bernie a communist.

LOL they think anyone that is against their idpol is a nazi KKK transphobic white supremacist.

this is Holla Forums teir shit.Firstly "muh millennials" come on,like 80% of you here are millennials.Secondly,this source is more than likely as spooked on free speech as so called regressive leftists,they just say this shit so they can call people they don't like niggers,trannys and faggots.Thirdly, Millennials are the most anti capitalist people we have in the west right now,I know they think socialism is granddaddy Bernie and when the government does stuff like roads but it's better than the fucking Reagan days and this crisis in capitalism is the perfect chance to radicalise the moderates.

What we need to do is not smash heads with them,we need to say "we don't give a fuck who you are or what you like to fuck.We care you want to overthrow the capitalists".You try to fight their idpol all you'll do is make them double down,nobody is le super rational only looks at the facts

People who don't understand the difference between ought and is shouldn't even use this word, let alone discuss politics.

No idea has a right to be entertained, accepted or weighed. You liberal rapists made that one up.

I am not in favor of restricting free speech. But Trump supporters should be shot on-sight. Sucker punching doesn't go far enough. Because Trump voters are infringing upon us by imposing Trump Republican government on us. The Republicans didn't even win the popular vote at the president, senate or house level yet they have the Presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court. How does that make sense? Thanks to the electoral college, the way the senate is structured and gerrymandering in the House, rural America has a disproportionate amount of influence at the federal level.

fam,you remember the idea isn't to have centrist liberals in charge but to destroy the whole system right?Either by election or revolution we still gonna burn the whole thing down

Che Guevara put reactionaries in front of a firing squad during the revolution. Trump supporters are incapable of class consciousness

Prove it or kys liberal teamist.

The Democrats have largely abandoned the white working class since the 70s. Until Bernie Sanders came along. And instead of voting for Bernie in the primaries, they voted for the TRUSTFUND BILLIONAIRE Donald Trump. They deserve the bullet. Hillary supporters who didn't vote for Bernie get the bullet too naturally.

I know reactionary lumpen proles when I see em'.But you also have to understand that the deep south used to be commie country and just as the reactionaries flipped them into temporarily embarrassed millionaires we can take the working class back.The poor white trash knows they're fucked,thing is they think it's liberals, immigrants, sexual deviants or whatever rather than porkie

Bernie Sanders made his case to them (and he did a very good job of explaining to the white working class how they are being fucked) and they supported Trump anyways.

Meanwhile white millennials like myself who went to college and have an average-to-high Autism Level embraced Bernie Sanders with open arms. Because we have the mental capacity to understand his message and realize who is doing the screwing.

even if he is hiding his powerlevel Bernie is selling socialism as social democracy and has further muddied the waters about what we actually belive.You think if Bernie actually was elected president he would have established workers councils up and down the country? or would have have followed a rather socially progressive format that would have had the same shit Obama had flung at him but now from his own party as well as everybody else

class does manifest as an identity though.

what's wrong with Gramsci

If Bernie were president, we would have the closest thing to a social democracy in the United States since the 1970s. The main hurdle would be to get the Blue Dog Democrats and the centrist Democrats to buy what Bernie is selling. But the executive office still has a great deal of power. And a Bernie presidency would have led to a cultural change in the Democratic Party. We would have more progressives running for office in the house and senate. And at the state and municipal level.

he still basically repeated the "Socialism is when the government does stuff" shit we have to deal with.He still would have been opposed at every turn and would need to rule from executive order like Trump,he wouldn't do that though because he isn't authoritarian

If anything from his loss we can build a new party that can cut itself off from the neo liberal image of the dems.Honestly Bernie needs to kick start this political revolution shit in the ass before it goes back to pure idpol with no workers issues.Best thing he could do right now is form his own party and use the ground swell of support to build up for 2018 midterms

Like I said, kys liberal. You clearly have no concept of is/ought.

You tell liberals to kill themselves while you make excuses for Republicans who vote for Donald Trump, who is going to destroy the economy. Ok… lol.

Don't eat up baby boomers propaganda.

Most problems exist because of baby boomers. When we call these out, they call us entitled. Funny, as we are the ones, who will provide them with their pensions.

First-past-the-post makes it difficult for third parties to gain traction. Hence why it makes more sense to primary the Corporate Democrats.

If I were Bernie Sanders, I would execute a bunch of executive orders under the first 100 days. The left needs more teeth. Lenin, Castro, Guevara, the Sandinistas, Chavez, etc. weren't weak. Unfortunately Sanders does seem to be on the soft side. Probably due to age.

tbh that's just socdems in general,if socdems had teeth they'd pick up a rifle not run in elections ;) I don't think a militant socdem could win

This is why you don't see me running for office I would alienate a lot of socdems with my aggressive rhetoric. When I debated with libertarians and told them that violently seizing the means of production is part of socialism, they called me a terrorist. Then I went onto to explain that private property is a spook and explained enclosure history and it went past their head. Reactionaries have been brainwashed from an early age to think socialism is evil. They are hopeless. Debate won't work with them. What they need is a bullet in the head.

I would pick up a rifle and kill shit but it wouldn't take long before they send in the SWAT team and gun me down so yeah. I feel like it's hopeless. That the first world is never going to achieve class consciousness. But it's not like the third world is making much progress there either. So it's not like I embrace Maoist Third Worldism.

I think we can have class consciousness(most all the posters on here are first worlders) I think we need to group together our anti idpol leftism into a unified structure rather than shitposting on leftypol so when capitalism collapses,and it's sure as fuck trying to of late, we have something to work with.Thing is when you do that all that happens is COINTELPRO,I'm just waiting for the proletariat to die in the collapse of society so maybe some of them will think "oh shit the commies were right" just before they meet their doom

And that's why you should kys: because you think liberalism has a right to its continued legitimacy and that debts to the current order are unquestionable. Before you kys, though, look up accelerationism.

If that were so, wouldn't it have worked by now?

Accelerationism doesn't work. It leads to fascism. Not socialist revolution. The economic conditions for the working class are already incredibly shitty. And instead of picking up a gun and shooting up a bunch of porkies or shooting up a Conservative/Republican convention when all hope is lost, people buy Fentanyl, OD and kill themselves.

Bernie Sanders came awfully close in 2016.

I still live a somewhat comfy life as a NEET who has savings from previous work, some inheritance money and earning some money from the gig economy right now while living in my dad's basement. So I have too much to lose by picking up a gun. But there are lots of people out there who have jack shit in their bank account, are in debt and have nothing to lose. Why aren't they picking up a gun and doing revolution? They just waste away and kill themselves. If I ever go rock bottom, I will pick up a gun and kill a bunch of people. I'm serious. I have the Elliot Rodger/Breivik gene. Except I will shoot up porkies or a Conservative Party convention, not a college town or a socdem retreat.

or because he's a liberal
you won't ever see any teeth from socdems.

I'm a little skeptical of their methods.
How was the question worded?
How big was the sample size?

Fuck off

hey there Holla Forums

Only reactionaries think that, Millennials think Bernie is a Socialist, and Obama is a Liberal.
Also, read:

Op here, just wanted to point out I got banned for 4 weeks for making the same thread on Holla Forums.

You failed to blame jews. Basic mistake.

You deserve it for asking such stupid fucking questions.
And since you post on 8/pol/ also, it tells me you probably don't support fully automated luxury gay space communism, so please leave this board too.

Typical retard, let's only post within our own bubble so our ideas never spread!