So is the claim that "the number of people living in absolute poverty has been halved" just an outright lie?
Is this article correct or full of shit?
So is the claim that "the number of people living in absolute poverty has been halved" just an outright lie?
You just answered your own question, kiddo.
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Poverty for others is defined by porky. Porkies get porkier. The "middle" working class and the lower working class is getting "equalized" in non-absolute poverty. Somehow crippling debt is not considered poverty because you don't starve although your options in life are severely limited.
Even if this article is somewhat true it presents it as if it's an amazing feat. From my perspective it shows how fucking retarded, slow, backwards, and ineffective capitalism is at distributing wealth.
al-jazeera is better than most CNN-tier western news outlets
some people think cucumbers taste better than pickles
you wanna fucking go buddy? I'll taste pleasant water stick over gross ass veggie science experiments any day
The article is saying the claim is a lie, not supporting the claim.
cukes are fucking disgusting
more like cuckes
absolutely abhorrent tasteā¦I bet you love Bookchin
Yeah, I didn't read it, just talking shit about al-jazeera cause I'm awesome
pickles? more like decadent cucumbers, you filthy fucking porky
the fuck would you know about taste mr socialism flag
pick a fucking flavour
Vanilla is a flavor.
Round is a shape.
Sorry my snowflake isn't special enough.
nice b8, almost bought it until I saw the filename
Then I guess you're in shape.
from eating too many god damned disgusting pickles
top kek, literally laughed unironically
huh? His name is Mustafa kemal. Ataturk was a title granted meaning father of the turks.
also >implying im wrong
Nigga, I'm going to make an assumption: you did not read the article but assumed it was the same shit liberals churn out in defense of capitalism. If that was the case then I'd agree with you.
ok, time for me to stop posting and go to bed
Pretty much. Eiher in real numbers or in percentages of humans it is a fabrication.
Sure you have millions living in countries with sanitized water and access to food and healthcare and internet. Then you have pollution and debt destroying their health.
Just existing is not life.
That article is 100% correct.
Another thing the article doesn't talk about is how the UN and WTO just takes credit for China.