What do you think Alunya's ideology is?

What do you think Alunya's ideology is?

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Because that's what she is.

Stay mad r/Socialism

My heart because I love her

Also if Rodina is the mascot of /bunkerchan/ why do we never see or work with them that much?

Anarcho Kitty

Stop posting these I have to jerk off each time I see them tbh.



Muh dick


Le chat noir

French socialism circa commune era.

top kek

"I want change, just not anything that significantly discomfits me"

Oh wait were we talking about the cartoon or the artist?

Many people's headcanon is that she's some sort of anarcho-communist. Even though she didn't start that way, the creation of Rodina as a Marxist counterpart to her makes it a good combination. So I'd say some kind of anarcho-communist.

Because Rodina was made here. Bunkerchan just also uses Holla Forums's mascots because they're Holla Forums's backup bunker.

Bunkerchan's mascot is Karen Koujo. and who made the exec decision Rodina is called Domovina now? and why does Rodina look nothing like how catgirl draws her? and literally who is Tania? and why did you pick such a gay fucking font to use?

t. /r/soc

Is the author socdem?

Rodina was originally the GETchan mascot: she never had anything to do with Bunkerchan. We just started using Rodina as an extra character for OC purposes since we didn't have many stock personalities to start with.

The headcannon of Alunya as an anarchist goes back further than anything involving Rodina. While the original creator of the Alunya image (the one we use for our spoiler image) stamps his feet about "nonideological" and so on, the reality was that the red and black color scheme was interpreted by most as being ancom. Shortly there after the name was given and stuck. This is important because even among those who beat their chests about how the mascot character couldn't possibly be related to an ideology they personally do not hold, they do not question the name. The joke of the name (Cat Alunya = Catalunya = Catalonia) doesn't make sense outside of an anarchist context: it's part of the character.

I think it was just accommodating for the fact that the new Rodina design honestly gets more use than the old one did at this point and its the design people outside of our circle would recognize her as. I don't know where that specific new name came from though,

that pic is adorable

Sorry, I don't tend to visit Bunkerchan that often.

I'm honoring the decision of the original artist.

Alunya and Rodina have been drawn in many different ways. I just went by the other drawfag's design.

/ref/'s mascot. It's pretty much kill now, but I like her design.

It actually looks pretty plain to me. Which should I have used?

I know, I'm just saying that the introduction of Rodina just furthers the idea that she's an anarchist, because that way we can have one mascot each for anarchism and Marxism. Haven't you noticed the arguing about her ideology has calmed down since Rodina came along?

Alunya's ideology is Holla Forums. She's a tankie, an anarchist, communalist, nihilist, whatever.

Because she's ours. She belongs to all of us and so she represents all of us.

She stands for complete freedom for all peoples and the emancipation of the human spirit.

tankie as fuk, as all cats are

We need more porn of her

really makes me think.

Obviously an anarcho-communist.

You can't tell based on her black and red motif?

She's an anarcho-syndicatist.

Anarcho-communism with feline characteristics.

Rodina > Alunya

Someone post that 'Hey Alunya, whatcha doing?' Image that hasn't been turned into a banner yet for some reason.


Reportedly, the original designer of Rodina asked for the name change? I think it works better if it's just a nickname, though. when I pushed for the idea of the two versions being separate characters with my drawings, I didn't quite expect this result

cat alunya

gee i fucking wonder what her ideology is


Originally nonsectarian, but the way of memes overrides the will of the originator of the content.


based mod/volunteer/boardowner/lenin

She's gay. She's a lesbian.

I don't think that's an ideology. Least of all a political one.

She exists in a place and time where it is.

Long live comrade catgirls

Stalin waifu?

No. She is sexually pure waifu who will be waiting for me in paradise.

no time like the present,senpai

mods do ban for creating such attempts to shit up the board, right?
or is there some brilliant meme that i'm not getting?