Holla Forumsyps doing a twitch q&a . Report them for hate speech.
Holla Forumsyps doing a twitch q&a . Report them for hate speech
here's link
the guy who is doing it got banned from his home IP address for streaming hate speech. He's using a shitty vpn lmao
Lets do it.
Lmfao. They both are fat degenerate weeaboo neckbeards. Is this really the face of the white supremacist movement? Disgusting.
yes very disgusting
done and done
Yeah no. But I would gladly troll the fuck out of them.
that works too
the "ubermensch"
Haha. They are fat degenerate and drink too much alcohol. Nazis would have gassed these pig fuckers.
How do I report on the mobile website or the app?
stop it you nigger faggot
kigurumis are cute tho
go back to ur circle-jerk faggot Holla Forums
The whole today's neo-nazis would get gassed satire seemed dandy at first but looks like to be less and less of a joke each passing day…
At one point, all time and effort against these greasy fucks is rendered useless and we are better off reading and organizing
LMFAO. I think these greasy fucks have already given a bad name to neo nazis.
It's also funny how these degenerate overweight neckbeard cucks rally around relatively attractive (I SAID RELATIVELY ATTRACTIVE IN COMPARISION TO THE NECBKEARDS)people like Richard Spencer, Nathan Damigo, Jared Taylor, Milo and such to get their points across. Seriously, no one would want to see a fat neckbeard attempting to red pill anyone. I think I am rambling but you get my point.
Can anyone identify the identities of those 2 people? No doxxing, but hints would be cool.
one of their own friends doxxed them lmao.
Link to info?
Also, I loled at beta neckbeard with a lisp talking about "ASSERTING DOMINANCE ON WOMEN". Kek.
She has fucking terf bangs. They're fucking awful
She looks like a feminist cuck yet spouts out pol talking points. Truly degenerate.
"red pill tony" account posted it and it got deleted. i dont have it ;_;
OP is falseflagging from Holla Forums FYI
his name is
Tehy be saying juicy info about pol organizing kek.
Boogie ripoff is diagnosed with autism kek.
oh no they linked to our stream. theyre degenerates lmfao.
boogie ripoff kek.
Main website for all of this.