can Holla Forums *actually* deny the holocaust with evidence?
Can Holla Forums *actually* deny the holocaust with evidence?
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Shouldn't they be critically celebrating the Holocaust as a failure that didn't quite finish the job against Judeo-Bolshevism? Instead they pretend it never happened. What gives?
Same reason people here deny the mass killings under self-described socialist regimes. It's uncomfortable.
all history is biased so
but yeah, nah.
I don't deny them. I throw them under the bus.
There's obviously no way to conclusively prove something like the Holocaust didn't happen, you can only prove that it did.
All you can do disprove the evidence used to say it did, and there will always be more to take the place of that which has been disproven
that literally makes no sense considering there's ~15 million jews in the world right now.
I'm not pissed off that the holocaust is lied about.
I'm pissed off that it never happened.
I'd post all I have but I feel like the mods and vols here will ban me for spreading what they don't like
wow, jews had it pretty good under stalin
Here I have changed 5 million victims to a couple of thousand. All of the camps where initially claimed to be death camps, but the US army revealed that none of the camps they liberated where death camps. The only death camps where reportedly in the area "liberated" and controlled by the USSR after the war.
Gee i wonder how those darn nazis can't see what's right in front of them.
Another reason is that it's retarded. Their claim is that the nazis changed from simply shooting them (like they did at Babi Yar) to using a pesticide because they pussied out. Going from a method under which they killed ca. 30'000 during two days to an enormous operation under which they killed them slower and more costly. This is the only genocide in history during which the murderers are supposed to have pussied out from the violence. This didn't happen during the Rwanda genocide or any other.
They starved my favorite composer to death, that is all the death toll i need to shoot a Nazi in the face
Really makes you think
Denying absurd claims like Stalin killing half the population of the USSR isn't the same as denying mass killings
it is when you start with a strawman
Uh, what strawman?
Ive seen people claim 30,40, and 50 million which is a bit under the third of the population, so not far from a half. Wouldn't be suprised if the other user ment someone claimed around half the population was killed
Solzhenitsyn once claimed 110 million were killed.
Claims for people killed by Stalin range from 50 to 60 million, but the population of the USSR was only about 190 million when Stalin died. So for those figures to be true Stalin would have had to have killed about a quarter of the Soviet population. That's a higher percentage than Pol Pot.
The viewpoint is simple
The holocaust didn't happen, but it should've