Trump meme magic / time travel

Is he actually a magician? Can collective human will actually meme things into reality?

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he could have rigged the game any number of other ways, famrade

Sports are rigged.

Nah, patriots are just that good. 11-5 was a "bad" year for them in the Belichick era.

You can't lose a Super Bowl if you've never been to one.

Could have rigged it.

Or maybe no one would have noticed his predictions if the Patriots had lost and your confirmation bias wouldn't have kicked in.

NFL is full of implicit and explicit capitalistic ideology. Regardless of who wins or loses, NFL always comes out on top. Don't watch football; It'll rot your brain.

This is great

Damn son I lub it.

Brady was deflating the balls during half-time.

i-it was rigged

Thanks, here's another. If you want more (when I make them) check out my channel:

My gott


You got a sub bud I like it.

This shit was seriously election night all over again. The exact same feelings of "there's no chance" to "is this actually happening?"

The Russians did it! Muh McCarthyism

these are great, but consider getting the filesizes down. These could be 2-3MB easily.

Thanks I appreciate it!

Here's an attempt at lowering the file size. I'll make the ones I post here more byte sized.

Why are you trying to make me throw up all over your family

anyone who believes in meme magic or chaos magick pls kys, this is victorian spiritualism all over again except more fringe and more autistic

Magic is reel.


they forgot to adjust for the GOAT and the perpetual ineptitude of Atlanta sports teams
