tbh Trump is probably searching for a way to resign that still makes him look like a hero to all the alt-righters
Tbh Trump is probably searching for a way to resign that still makes him look like a hero to all the alt-righters
He'll just go back to college and avoid the draft that way. Again.
N-no.. he's gonna g-gas all you kike loving c-cucks! y-you'll see!
Trump is just playing the Dronebama strategy but with white IDpol.
lol it seems it´s confimed that the russian hookers peed on him
Good lord he hates it there. President Pence in two years.
So are we on the Trump Will Resign phase now? I'm confused on what phase we have entered into now.
he'll never resign because he is obsessed with not showing weakness and not apologizing. resigning would be admitting that he's wrong or weak. he would rather die.
trump suicide when
It just occurred to me that if he did decide to kill himself, he'd probably order a nuclear launch first to take everyone else with him
crazy orange, bankrupt business man makes for the best president :🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀)
I want him to stick around for four years and roll the Republicans further in the mud.
Hello Hillary campaign. Didn't you spend months pissing away ad time by calling him a narcissist? Now he doesn't want the attention? Despite tweeting something controversial every 3 hours? Makes me think.
who said anything about him not wanting attention?
he clearly thought that once he became president, he would be able to do whatever he wanted. he's never had a job in his life and now he's realizing that this is actual hard work. it's not that hard to believe that he hates it.
Hillary lost, there is no more "Hillary campaign"
That´s cool, but who will stop him should he start a war out of a whim?
No one, which might get people to realize that having a "commander in chief" is a bad idea.
yeah but in the mean while fuck Iran or China or Mexico right? War is so virtual it seems
If we go to war with China we're basically already dead. Iran could mean a possible world war and a further destabilization of the middle east. Mexico is a meme country at this point, it wouldn't be a war it would be a comp stomp.
This ride has to end at some point why not with a bang?
Just because he's a porky who got a huge starting boost doesn't mean he's never worked in his life. Saying that is pretty ridiculous.
I just can´t see how you are not going to war against Iran, it´s the big cookie Republicans have been drooling for and now they have it all to go and bomb them…
what actual work has he ever done?
He's run dozens of giant businesses and managed to turn 1mil into 8 billion. Of course that's all from the workers and he's not actually necessary, but it does require actual effort and skill to do that.
Trumpcucks literally can't stop pretending is still happening cause they can't deal with what an embarassment their daddy is.
*pretending election is still happening
His daddy gave him more than 1 mil + he inherited his company too.
Holla Forums gets so confused when Trump threatens Iran, and so angry when he loves Israel ever so sweetly kek
No it gets them hard since Iran has promised to destroy Israel if the US attacks Iran.
Yes there is, and it's gearing up for 2020
I don't think he is. He's not that type. His philosophy is "someone hits you, you hit back twice as hard."
While, that isn't suggesting as some liberals hysterically predict he'll usher in fascist dystopia, it does mean he will go to the bitter end out of spite.
This a suicide will be perfect, he literally has LOST aka got BTFO 3 times in the courts, he cant stop losing and that probably enrages him xD
It doesn't make me feel good to say that about Mexico, but Nafta rendered Canada and Mexico all but vassal states of the US and are drug laws effect you more than any policies Mexican politicians can reasonably hope to enact.
I went to a Bernie rally near the start of the election cycle near the end of 2015 and a well meaning Mexican politician was there. Nice guy and had some fiery rhetoric and passion, I could just barely understand him, but the whole crowd was going wild over this guy. He was like ten Obama's charisma wise and with balls bigger than people think Trump has. A few months later he was killed by the "cartel." Shit was heart breaking man. This happens all the time, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that.
Mexican politicians are there to stop the Ayn's Rand's nightmare from becoming a reality, that you will demand a right to your own resources and land and start nationalizing and redistributing shit. They are sit ins for American interests.