Why does Holla Forums hate ayn rand?
Why does Holla Forums hate ayn rand?
Have you read Anthem? A little heavy handed there with the extended metaphor, Ayn
She was a bad writer, and also an idiot
She was a horrendous writer and couldn't even stick to the principles of her own retarded ideology..
Pick one and only one, Ayn.
Her writing style is sophisticated but her narratives are so fucking *boring* and the highest level of preachy/pontificating I have ever fucking set my eyes on. The bitch had like 3 important points to make that she just would not stop beating you over the head with. Like we get it, sheesh.
I studied literature and philosophy at university. Niether course included anything to do with Ayn Rand, because she isn't taken seriously by anyone remotely academic and is a bad writer who produces boring and unoriginal young adult fiction. She is hunger games tier but for 14 year old spoiled fedora kids who just learned about "logical fallacies" and think that makes them the next Socrates
"There are 2 novels that can change a bookish 14-year old's life: THE LORD OF THE RINGS and ATLAS SHRUGGED. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." - Paul Krugman
Why does OP ask silly questions
🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢
Fuck neoliberal appropriators. Actual source is a Marvel-tier Hollywood screenwriter: kfmonkey.blogspot.com
My bad.
I think it's because she's a woman, unlike Max My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine and my property and it is not a general one but is unique because I am special (possibly snowflake) Stirner and this board is full of unironic brosocialists who can't stand when a woman says the same thing their fav autists do.
But they're both the same thing in the end, which is Nothing is more to me than myself and muh property.
Of all the evil capitalists in the world
Stirner was anti-capitalist. Self-interest doesn't stop at property rights in Egoism like it does with Objectivism. Important difference.
She was a sociopath that idolized serial killers
Not that Krugman wouldn't. We cool.
Would that make for a smooth transition though? I mean Objectivism as a gateway to Egoism to turn rightists into leftists?
Maybe if they genuinely believed in Objectivism.
Unfortunately, I tend to find that the jackboots come out whenever you start questioning capitalism and property rights and find out that these fucks are really just market fascists.
I'm pretty sure it's erotica.
Also, negative liberty is a lie. (The "positive liberty" of muh social rights is retarded as well.) Individualism leads to authoritarianism to protect muh individual liberty from the ebul "mob". Ego just promotes special snowflakes.
Oh and "rich people are so oppressed by big bad government and are striking" is the most retarded idea ever….then again, Antifa and SJWs in general have proven me that a bunch of rich elitists CAN do it IRL….And, I have no words to describe how much of a shitshow that was.
Feminist detected. All modern feminists need to end up like Marie Antionette.
But seriously, Ayn Rand was and still is the most cringiest "philosopher" of them all. Her works are shit, she's a loathsome welfare-leeching sociopath, can't write a good romance even if it hits her in the head, is a self-absorbed cunt, made a completely retarded and ultimately irrelevant ideology that not even lolberts or ancaps like, has shit taste in architecture, and is a filthy immigrant who should've been deported back to Russia.
Hitler is a better person than Ayn Rand. At least, he fought for his country, didn't write autistic novels, actually pretended to give a shit about the common people, didn't leech off welfare, actually worked a day of his life, was friendly to his dog, made the Autobahn and Volkswagen, and had some good taste with classical-esque architecture and Wagnerian music.
Hell, I can even say the same for Stalin, Mussolini. Even Philip Petain is better than Ayn Rand. Hell, EVEN Charles Murras, whom I despise, is better than Ayn Rand.
:^) Prove me wrong.
This is a retarded theory. Find one "non-brocialist" leftist group anywhere that likes Rand. Go ahead, link to a feminist anarchist or feminist socialist anywhere that thinks her works have ideological merit.
Oh and 🍀🍀🍀Ayn Rand🍀🍀🍀 is a full-on Jewish porky. Literally the lowliest and filthiest of the merchants. Not even the guillotine is worthy of such untermenschen. She needs to be gassed then be made into pizza through an oven. :^)
Though, we should clean up the body before shoving it into an oven though. I don't want Zyklon B in my Jew pizza.
If you're going to follow an ideology and reject any that has prominent jewish philosophers you're gonna have a really shitty time
That first meme is a new level of shitty. Who the fuck thought black text on black background was a good idea?
Lol, I don't give a shit. I just hate Ayn Rand so much that I get anti-Semitic towards her only. Well, the same for George Soros, but ESPECIALLY that loathsome cunt. If only Ayn Rand got killed in a pogrom by some honest, hardworking Russian or Ukrainian peasants.
To make it even more ironic she died of lung cancer
Wait… she wrote romance novels? The same person who thinks all love is just selfishness. No wonder she can't write romance. She is the opposite of a romantic.
On state benefits.
She had "romance" subplots in her books. And, all of them are really cringy and detract from the overall plot.
Because narcissism is not rational self-interest.
dude it's porn. it's literally porn. try reading it and i guarantee you'll picture her having to stop typing because of the urge to masturbate.
got triggered i see? spooky
I have a Belgian friend who is the biggest Ayn Rand fanboy.
He's completely mental ill when it comes to her.
He's convinced reading Ayn Rand will bring anyone wealth and personal success.
My friend's bourgie mom handed me a copy of the fountainhead when I was 15 and I had never heard of it so I started reading. Even 15 year old me recognized that Roark was a douchebag and I read to the end to see if maybe he could change his ways but no. He never changes and he wins in the end and that's her point. Fuck Ayn Rand.
this contradicts the last two as capitalism requires authority, collectivism, and if you are a member of the proletariat it goes against your own self interest
except the labourers are the ones who create all the value in the economy
Agreed. Also Not Socialism is a much less loathsome ideology than what Rand preached.
One of her famous quotes is something like, Isn’t man entitled to the fruits of his labor? Why should he be coerced to share with others? (Big paraphrase)
…which is an argument for socialism tbh
The best way to understand Ayn Rand is as a resentful Russian expat who still absorbed enough Soviet propaganda to think like a totalitarian but be edgy enough to apply that logic to capitalism. She’s a product of the Cold War, nothing more.
True love is selfish, just not the way she describes it. Read Stirner, he wrote about it.
Shes not a real egoist as she respects others property "rights".