can we just agree to start the revolution at a set time and place and just do it
getting real sick of all this
Can we just agree to start the revolution at a set time and place and just do it
I'm honestly surprised Holla Forums isn't agreeing to this more readily.
Personally, comrade, I am as ready as ever to destroy the capitalist establishment and bring the bourgeoisie to their fucking knees before the united might of the proletariat.
I don't know where, exactly, but I do know when… Just think. What happened exactly 100 years ago that was crucial to the history of communism?
lel commie cuckboys mad they cant compete with the Big Porky Cock. Revolution? Ha! You can keep revolving on that soros dick while porky cucks you like the little bitch you are.(USER WAS PORKED FOR THIS POST.)
ok its in the Pacific Northwest on October 25th let's do it
Go home Holla Forums, you're drunk as fuck.
Those liberals on college campuses let porky put his hand up their assses the moment they let him distract them from their economic concerns with LGBT/Racist/Feminist bullcrap.
Seriously though what's stopping us from actually doing this
Our numbers are too small. We need broad support of the working class, or we will be crushed like grape.
Yeah well you're a brocialist broarchist brommunist bernibro brobrobrobrobrobro so there!
what if we got got socialists all around the world to come to help in one place
They tried it in Spain - squash like grape
We just need to admit that 'bros' will be doing most of the fighting anyway.
If all socialists got together we could form a brand new society
You forgot your flag
not sick enough if you still ask others to do it FOR YOU while you remain on the sidelines
if you don't get heavy then you will only ever be a leaf floating on waves
tbh if anyone is FBI its the people unironically calling others FBI
shut up FBI
What is funny that it literally could happen overnight if the Working Class didn't have their minds literally riddled with Porkie propaganda from the media.
Just imagine if everyone stopped working for 2 days. The global economy would crash.
lol can u imagine all the air turned into water for like 5 minutes? 90% of people would die
lol wouldnt it be cool if all bankers just disappeared
We have always been allies OP.
step 1: prepare (by yourself or in a group) the necessary tools
step 2: attack large symbol of capitalism that almost everyone can agree to hate. Leave civilian casualties, or casualties in general, at a minimum to protect against negative PR
step 3: film part of the attack. Tell the reasons the attack is justified in it. Relate it with capitalism.
Be the example the rest of the world needs that they can, indeed, fight against this bullshit.
Use media hype around your personality or group to make more statements about real problems in capitalism and propose real solutions
MOOST IMPORTANT: don't get caught. If you do get caught, you will be made an example of what happens when you fight against them. This reduces morale and animo for others around the world.
How can you best become a martyr in that situation though? How do you turn being caught in your favor?
And immediately get invaded and/or economically squashed by porky.
I reckon be more insidious. Start forming workers co-ops, create art or media which relates to class struggle/ the criticism of capitalism etc.
Smashing shit may get you attention, but it will only work in the short run imho.
This is why y'all niggas need to read Gramsci. You can't shake off the hegemony.
Careful man, he'll tell you it's not science and show you some graphs instead.
Alright then, meet me in the soutwest corner of Comet Pizza next Saturday night. Remember to bring your own gag.
Fuck isms.
I'd rather die than give control to a world of isms.
Was Venezuela invaded or enbargoed? Do not be such a pussy
Not sure if Holla Forums or retarded.
Mao, tea party, etc.
NKVD squashed it
And then Anarkiddies will be starting an uprising in the rear, murdering members of Central Command (because hierarchy is bad), unleashing all the criminals (because some of them might be political - and prisons are bad in general) on population, or just refusing to follow orders and retreating - thereby collapsing the whole flank.
Did i forget anything? Oh, yes. Spain. Also alienating neutrals (desecrating churches, enforcing collectivisation, harassing centrist republicans) and refusing to coordinate economy (because Planning is State Capitalism).
Now, If needs must, cooperation with Anarchists will happen (just like with anyone), but I'm not particularly optimistic about it.
The problem is that they didn't.