Thoughts on Sam Hyde?

thoughts on Sam Hyde?

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Hi Sam, you ugly fuck.

I would give my ripe virgin cherry pussy to Sam Hyde

Hes good, at least sometimes. Yeah, trump supporter, appeals to the alt-right, but most of what I've seen of him has been actually funny and actually pretty apt, when about social shit. goring yuppie-hipster advertiser scum TAP
'a flavorful smoke' and 'hi emma watson' are good ones from his channel too.

RIP in F

Eric Andre is better

Bad comedy for stupid people.

This, he's very boring too, a fatal flaw for a comedian.

Also this:

Only republicans and alt-right losers find Hyde funny.

I couldn't show my friends Hyde's shitty material without being feeling embarrassed.

A congealed lump of autism that panders to edgy teenagers

He's right about killing the weak.

The alternative to comedy

youre all completely right about him being unfunny and i understand where you're coming from
but he makes liberals so god damn uncomfortable in a way that isn't explicitly retarded like milo or dickheads like him and it's just satisfying
he's totally a reactionary shit head though and def not /ourguy/


3 funny videos
as for the politice he's another pridefully ignorant memepolitik saspie

not that Holla Forums is any different

I've met a couple of Hyde fans irl and they're utter trash. They repeat the form of Hyde's comedy without though to content.


do you guys think what he says about college is true? i watched all of his "how to make it in art school video" and it just made me want to fucking kill myself even though i've been thinking about going to college

just don't go in arts then?

then again i'm pretty sure he said building a business and being an entrepreneur were the only real useful skills to have and i'm pretty sure you have to basically be a sociopath to be successful at anything like that

it wasn't just about arts but he was talking to arts students and making fun of them but he was pointing out things about college in general

I'd be very skeptical of that, arts students have always been anything from pseudointellectual morons to geniuses (guess which one is the rarest). What were you thinking of studying?

Building on this, does anyone have that collection of pics from a sculptor raging his tits off at spending months carving a tree into a dragon or some shit and someone else just shitting on a canvass or something like that? That was brilliant.

If the right had there way and everyone became a business man and we had nothing but trade schools nothing new would be invented, the arts would die off and our collective imagination would be stifled on a level that even the cultural revolution would pale in comparison.

Having no arts, philosophy and creative leaning subjects is putting short term gain over our long term ability to think about problems in a way the status quo way of thinking simply can't or won't be able to. We see the effects of this in the response to 2008 and other complex problems short term linear business thinking just tells us more of the same is all we need. Sam is a retard that is just parroting a cliche opinion that makes him and his friends feel slightly superior to a few "college hipsters" he has met.

he also quoted stefan moleyneux which set of my bullshit detector right off the bat but i guess it really got to me since i've been considering higher education and have had anxiety about debt implications and if it would even be worth it. i think i want to study history or english which i guess isn't arts but it's humanities so it's considered equally as useless by employers. but with that i've also been thinking i want to get into teaching.

He's a very inspired artist but also a committed fascist ideologue.

You can study most things on the internet these days, unless you're studying something that needs practice like STEM or art you probably shouldn't do it.
Under Socialism or in Europe, lol we would definitely have much greater funding for the humanities and would generally work to better the human experience and promote intellectual pursuits for the common man, but right now , in Burgerland, Higher Education means giving up quite a bit in future living standards and going there in the search of knowledge rather than actual skills is often a self-destructive path.

If you're referring to the 2008 Financial Crisis, what the fuck are you smoking? We didn't get "short-term linear business thinking" along the lines of lolbertarian "Let the big banks fail" - the solution was to listen to whatever "the experts" said ("They went to Harvard and Yale! What's your alma mater, scrub?") regardless of how apparent it was to anyone with a few braincells that the interests of the supposedly-neutral experts seemed to align eerily well with that of the Big Finance firms they were dispassionately saving

Yes, because if there's anything that's benefited the arts it's the millions of underemployed retail clerks and baristas that got sold on that self-serving bullshit spouted by universities

Yeah allowing large banks to become even bigger and rewarding them for their failure sure was long term thinking.

Cries himself to sleep every night because he will never be as relevant or successful as Tim Heidecker.

In my post I was talking about "the experts", because at the end of the day the people in charge of "fixing" the financial crisis weren't Republican entrepeneurs yammering about bootstraps and BIG GUMMINT, they were technocrats who it was assumed by all and sundry that they knew what they were doing because they went to the Ivies and worked at the Fed!

Some of his stuff is good. I liked his work better when there was an ambiguity as to what he actually believed.

They may have not been republican con men pretending it was tough love, but a lot of neoliberal thinking is presented as unbiased technocratic wisdom and "this is just how the world has to be." Unbiased technocrats don't exist and the fed is filled with people who reap the benefits of the thing they're supposed to be watch dogs over.

I 'm actually not the pioneer of presenting the argument I did in my first post against this short term thinking, Chris Hedges has basically written 3 books concerning it and so has David Graeber and Ha Joon Chang.

he's funny

doesn't mean he's not a racist, reactionary piece of shit tho


Late teens is a whole different ballgame from the babyfucking that the weird twitter left is into

I remember 2 years ago when all the outspoken pedos were on 8/b/ and Mchan and even there they were fucking hated.
It's like the chans leaked into real life (race "realism", "globalism" are talked about by real and often influential people and even r9k terminology like NEET and LARPing is now used by Sargon) because of Trump's election, I don't even know what the right proportion between pseudointellectualism, feels and ironic memery is even meant to be for proper chan culture anymore. I fucking hate it.

The fact that MAP activism is "leaking" into real life, self-hating "virtuous" or not, is a result of dialectics as all arguments against adult-child relations are fucking pitiful considering they rest on pure hypocrisy and yuck factor.

Aside from that, Sargon is a purely internet figure, and "race realism" as well as "globalism" has been part of right wing conspiracism for years.

2016 was peak hyde
(as in, his career)

pre-World Peace MDE was god-tier

I don't get what he was trying to do with that show, it had some good moments, but overall it lacked direction. Overall I think the MDE group are a bit politically confused, and latch on to whatever is trending as counter-culturally conservative.

I don't think Sam is racist, and the cancellation of the show had more to do with post-Trump liberal paranoia.

I think the cancellation of the show was as simple as "alt-right isn't counter-culture when Trump is in office". If HIllary had gotten elected, they'd probably have had the full AS gravy train for the next 4-8 years. But edgy humor only works if you're on the edge, and the edge moved left the day Trump got elected.

It's not mysterious: Nick seems mostly apolitical, Charles is a legit neocon-turned-autright, Sam is a libertarian-turned-autright

Say what you will about his own political opinions, he's been calling out liberal bullshit better than any comedian in the past 10 years.

His best videos aren't even "calling out liberal shit" though, it's calling out consumerist/yuppie shit–admittedly, a lot of that is represented by liberals in mainstream culture nowadays, but it's not exclusive to them. If Sam had any inclination to read or learn, MDE's comedy could've evolved politically instead of regressing to shooting fish in a barrel.

Sam is the American everyman and MDE is exemplary of the contemporary confusion. he went full ethnonationalism because he's scared and frustrated on an existential level, he's a lot more misanthropic than he is racist. the anger and hatred comes from his jadedness and feeling of being cheated.

Notice a lot of the sage advice he imparts on his viewers makes no sense for him to be saying - stuff like knuckle down, start a business, don't waste time pursuing artistic projects. He hates himself and he hates the system that's been fucking him over since birth.

I think he's a visionary artist but he's not an intellectual. His political thoughts are just disorderly rage defined almost entirely by opposition to liberal hegemony rather than any coherent ideas. I really feel bad for Sam.

One of the two largest political parties in the US is devoted to just that. Perhaps we should all register GOP, as the last bastion of American Socialism.

Off yourself reactionary fuckwit.

I unironically like him and not for the reasons Holla Forums does.

I felt so bad for the guy when he suddenly broke down crying about not having medicare.

Gamergate opened a rift in spacetime, and reality is in flux. Liberals and socdems are redbaiting, the rightwing hates globalists and Soros, mainstream media is normalizing pedophilia, and a meme was elected leader of the free world.

That's because it's ridiculous advice and the joke is that even Sam doesn't follow it

You really see this every time he's confronted for going too far reminds me of a kid who pushed someone's button and doesn't want to take consequences.

Like he'll start saying racist shit about the Japanese or talk about horrible aspects of the LGBT community. Then when someone snaps at him he goes into "It's just a prank bro" mode. He's completely caught off guard and offended that someone might see him as a racist or a homophobe. He'll then go "yeah you can criticize me, but don't make me uncomfortable about it!" I got the vibe he fell into the aut-right because he's scared that people like him who enjoy off-color things like he does won't have a place. That if he makes any joke some dyed hair woman will come screaming at him.

The Tim Heidecker call was so telling. He was like tantrumy little baby before someone who could have been his boss (or maybe was). When Tim was like "I've been getting harassed" he immediately responded with Holla Forums nonsense of "thats what you get for advocating open borders!" then proceeded with a "I have it worse than you" argument with a professional in the industry. I feel like we heard Sam existential meltdown on full display. For years what we thought was clever satire and lampooning of the social climate was just another internet junkie raging around for being disempowered in the world. When he got the chance to have a show on Adult Swim, he couldn't stop and think about the presentation of himself on the internet. He wanted to keep pushing people's buttons in and make everyone around him as uncomfortable as possible. It was beyond simply your typical Holla Forums silliness. This is a man who is a living tempter tantrum and wants his way when he can have it, because he feels society stole everything from him the moment he was born.

If you're a burg like me, go to community college (at least at first) or do some committed autodidactic studies. I'm almost finished with my Philosophy degree and while I think it has helped me grow like nothing else, it also didn't need to be as expensive. Study abroad is the shit, though.

his advice is not a joke, he sincerely believes that people should be pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and that artistic endeavours are largely a waste of time. Look at his posts on the MDE subreddit or even just watch Kickstarter TV or Hydewars. As always it's behind a few levels of irony but it's what he actually believes.

I have watched KSTV and all the rest of his shit. I'm probably not going to watch any more of his vlogs, because quickly became unfunny rants. But here are just some of the asinine things he's said as "advice":

If you think he's earnest about any of this shit, you don't get it. But it's probably best you don't, anyway, because probably the only thing he is being truthful about is being a reactionary dork

reactionaries are hypocrites? Who could have forseen this shocking revelation!

20 year old too young for a 30 year old, what a fucking laugh. That is the fucking pay dirt for 30 year olds.