Guess which golden shower connoisseur and which image board who partakes in calling people cucks just got BTFO
Guess which golden shower connoisseur and which image board who partakes in calling people cucks just got BTFO
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So we wont see him in court after seeing him in court?
Woah who would have thought that political theater would be completely insubstantial
Holla Forums just got CUCKED
what did he mean by this?
Bannon won't let this happen.
He will do anything possible to bring about white supremacy. I believe in him.(USER'S WIFE SLEPT WITH STEVE BANNON FOR THIS POST)
on Pay-Per-View, ofc
Have you read his interviews?
I get a strong memer vibe from him 2bqh.
Meanwhile on Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums6735787
Bannon isn't even a white supremacist though. He's more like a troll.
He likes to play games with the media.
It Keeps Happening!
He's a Netanyahu tool. Even if you're being ironic this whole election has proven the system is fraudulent. As mentions, $2 billion of free air time went to Trump. The MSM as funded by its corporate sponsors used polling data to predict the candidate that was deemed unfavorable by the media would win. I can only imagine what the corporations have in store for us over the next four years, but I imagine it doesn't end well and results in China taking on the role of the next superpower.
We need a revolution right fucking now before they automate most labor. I am now on the accelerationists camp and will ignite both sides of the extreme to violence.
So much for that.
you don't think hes racist?
Never mind guys. Priebus changed his mind.
utterly cuckolded
they got so cucked this will appear in
No, and neither is Trump, but he is a clown.
h-heh he's playing chess while you fools are playing checkers, when you least expect it he'll enact the 4th Reich
post this on all news imageboards
we can raid them for a bit
So is the narrative that Bannon being a dark evil racist genius gonna go away now? The media treats this guy like werewolf hitler, getting tiresome. He read 3 books and wants to be William McKinley.
they don't believe it or at least say they don't. on Holla Forums they're literally saying "if it doesn't come out of trump's mouth, it's fake news." they're completely deranged.
O-Obama's just pretending not to be a socialist so the Republicans don't block him! He'll bring socialism any day now
literally no one thought this or said this
go back to Holla Forums, retard
No my dad did
Politically, he's a bit of a lolcow
You never listened to right wing talk radio did you?
How long before he steps down?
Why would Trump appeal an invalid ruling with no real legal power?
Low energy tbh
mods I gotta hand it to you, you do the best
Am I the only one who remembers he promised mass deportations? I eagerly wait for him to grant mass amnesty to the beaners.
Low energy tbh>>1359084
No, not at all. This shit is hilarious.
Is Preibus a starcraft player as well?
he probably thinks it doesn't matter at this point. The ban was for 90 days.
Trump has been following his election promises extremely closely and with great speed and force to this point of massive overreach. this is not a similar situation to obama and we should not imagine that he is actually a stealth centrist.
Go suck more politician cock its entertaining to a fair number of us.
deportations are happening as we speak.
Will literally, absolutely not ever happen as long as trump is in an office.
Nothing new under the sun. Probably the same Obama numbers.
What makes these Trump cock suckers felate him even after the election.
He is the president now, he is responsible for his actions. Most of which reek of utter incompetence, but that's not new the last 17/.
I just want to get into the heads of people who pathologically defend politicians they think will save their lives from the financial instability we live in; just as well, accepting every political move they make.
It's like PR or some shit
The DNC has decided to make this their gambit, "Trump is a weak and ineffectual leader", and it has resulted in this stunting of criticism from the left.. Even though he is using the full force of the executive branch to implement racist and senseless policy that is almost blatantly illegal, and even though the democrats have not managed to develop house opposition to him and the only effective opposition to him has come through courts, acknowledging that he actually is as terrible as he promised to be, means you support him.
Stop defending politicians and accusing everyone you don't like as from the DNC.
I'm shit posting about the leader of this capitalist pit of shit and teeth we call America,
If you're offended by people shitting on the fucking president, maybe this is the wrong board for you.
I recommend people take a look at pic related– it's an overview of democratic talking points. Notice the total lack of actuall policy matters regarding trump on climate change, immigration, racism and Iran.
You don't seem to understand. At least I, and many others here, want to destroy the United States, or engage in revolutionary combat against it.
Who the president is, perhaps, the most utterly fucking stupid statement imaginabel
It does not matter. He will not effect us (us being loosely used since you're clearly new), better in the slightest. He is contrary to the world we hope to one day create if even on a small scale.
Go clutch those pearls about someone who owes you shit
Politicians in America owe you nothing, you should start in response by not fucking respecting them back, sycophantic fuck
You are repeating DNC talking points. Trump has met only nominal resistance from the democratic party. He has not budged on his issues and he will undoubtedly try to implement such anti-immigration measures again and again, no matter the fact that this one was rebuke by the courts. Calling him names might make Holla Forums buttmad but it ignores reality to a probably greater extent than they do.
I don't give a fuck about the DNC either
Note I said 'politicians". That's a fairly large umbrella, you seem not to understand.
Why are you on this board.
I'm not new. He absolutely does have immediate, material effects on people's lives. I get that he's not upsetting your internet leftists ecosystem, but he is actually doing things in real life.
You ARE repeating DNC talking points.
That's worse.
And that's a laugh. Even saying he won't, he clearly will.
If we're an ecosystem, I wonder what Holla Forums is
Anfem finally says something I agree with.
Horseshit. Your only interest is in repeating DNC talking points calling trump an weakling and a coward, while pretending that actual events are unfolding exactly the most funny way possible because you fancy yourself some kind of Accelerationist that Knows That Marxism is Correct. As if American capaitalism collapsing on top of it's weakest and most exploited members is good because, heck, it's America collapsing. If this is you're attitude then there is a more appropriate place for you
The election is over fuck off
P-Pls stop criticizing our elected president, i-it's unpatriotic!
China will carpet bomb Washington when?
No need, China can continue fostering relations with Russia, while America tears itself open with its social and class tensions. The US if they ever engage in war with China over the SCS will practically spell the end for them.
Well I hope they engage in war with China over the SCS then.
You lost the argument btw.
Holla Forums CUCKED AGAIN!