Simple one from me today; Is an insurrection the only way to save the west?

Simple one from me today; Is an insurrection the only way to save the west?

No, 5th column strategies work really well against the US once you're entrenched enough. Look at how hard Israel and Saudi Arabia has cucked the US.

Leftists certainly don't have the manpower to commit insurrection or sustain it afterward.

instant Holla Forums detector

Good point, would it not be beneficial, though, to rise in the place of falling local government thanks to those 5th column strats.

Stop abusing; the; semicolon?


nah fam

am i using it wrong?

The only thing worse than a Nazi is a Grammar Nazi.

It's only Holla Forums if it's about saving the West from a third-world other.

Read Zizek.

the West doesn't exist though


You know exactly what that means

where does the "west" end and the "east" begin?

It's where the line of imperialism is, just west of Crimea.

Embrace competition among ourselves in case of no enemy presence.
Promote total destruction of the enemy.
Establish culture and values based on militarism, survival, masculinity, imperialism.
Do not tolerate weakness.
Hang all the leftists, relativists, cowards, shitskins, faggots, cripples, retards etc.
Embrace white supremacy.
Embrace eugenics.

Basically something like Sparta/Prussia/Third Reich, for Europeans by Europeans. Wipe out shitskins. Attempt to colonize the solar system.



It is objectively the right thing to do. Our universe operates on basic fundamental rules which tell us what we should do in case we desire to exist.

Those who adhere to these principles continue to exist, those who do not get wiped out. The universe wants us to organize in this matter.










I can tell by your post you know nothing about those

i'm not so sure that's in their best interests

Holy shit if you are going to be spooked at-least be cool while you do it my dude.

If you can't revolt, at least make porky THINK that you're about to revolt and fuck his shit up.

Worked in the US during the '20-'30, right?

Tell me about the spook. What is it? If I am spooked as you say, where can I learn more about it?

spotted the poltard

the history of the west is the exploitation of the rest of the world there is nothing to save

Maybe, but it's pointless without an opportunity. Try as we might, the left has proven incapable of reaching power without cataclysmic levels of civil strife beforehand. Except arguably in Spain's and Chile's cases.

How about no. Read some theory and call me in the morning.

Its a belief, idea, ideology or world view that a person subscribes too without being aware of the underlying reasons that they subscribe to it (emotional attachment, convenience, political benefits) or even being aware of these reasons and still adhere to it even after it has been proven wrong. Someone is "haunted" by a "spook" in this sense.

Tbh I'm explaining it very poorly, this is partly because Max's book is required to have a comprehensive knowledge of the concept. On top of that there are several modern thinkers that build off of his work that point to ideas springing from the void of being.

What is wrong with exploitation? Isnt exploitation a manifestation of superiority? If you are capable of exploiting someone, and if you would benefit from exploiting someone… why should you not exploit someone?

It violates basic principles.

lol no, just because you can exploit others it doesn't mean you are better it just means you are more exploitative nothing more

Colombus set out to discover a route to India but he discovered the Americas by accident, then it just happened through an accident of history that the invaders had diseases that wiped out the native population, and it was the countries which just happened to have naval access to the Atlantic that were able to exploit the Americas. Accidents do not make you superior, better at exploitation perhaps but not superior.

Because you have some basic principles and values. This may be hard to understand if you have been an unprincipled opportunistic scumbag your entire life and you have just went around looking for opportunities to exploit others.

How can you think Saudi Arabia and Israel have "cucked" the US?
It's a mututally beneficial deal in both cases. The US needs a strong military pressence in the middle east to spread democracy and freedom, Israel serves that purpose the same way South Korea did during the cold war. And Saudi Arabia has totally awesome oil and a very corrupt government that is easy to push pro US policies through.


Time to smash some grammar trashcans, then.



Let me put it lightly, you would have the financial infrastructure, but would lack the tactical and strategic backbone needed to perform well in combat.

Of course, these things can be learned, but the problem for the moment is that gummiebears have taken control of a majority of socialist politics with their PR bullshit, or you have lunatics without a clue like Antifa.

In my experience, most militia groups these days are either about training communal strength or training individual initiative. The latter has always been far more effective in the insurrectionist perspective of things. Imagine having people who are willing to go McVeigh mode, and have the know-how to do such. It's a pretty scary combo to say the least.

I was having this argument with my flatmate. Basically, its gotten to the point where people just say that whatever the other person is saying is fake news, enough people believe it is fake news because trust in the media has broken down so low.

Words have no power any more. If I thought democracy could save us I would much prefer that option, but we really don't have a democracy, not at all.

When democracy has failed, when your opponent closes their ears, you don't have any other option.

semioticians BTFO

well, outside of all the technological and philosophical advancements…
Also considering that Marx and Communism have evolved in the Western Context…

Just because you want to start a new era it doesn't mean that the products of previous ages should be thrown away.
When Feudalism was overcome by Capitalism, historians didn't start a damnatio memoriae of everything regarding the previous system.