They used to be an anarcho-crapitalist but now are just retarded fascists who claim marxism is a biological disease and communists should all be killed and that stalinism is a form of anarchism because its end goal is s stateless society.
What is up with pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's basically ancap unruhe.
Uruhe makes sense sometimes.
Unruhu has a shit ideology but at least he is consistent within his own ideological framework.
that's what i readed
There are some "pure" an caps who actually believe in the NAP but not very many.
He's just saying what most aynclaps are actually thinking.
They are essentially baffled monarchists.
are you trying to say third worldism is masked fascism like anarcho capitalism?, that's clever if so
Well, if you're an ancap you must have some fascist elements in your worldview in order to justify the level of inequality which is burdening our society.
What is OP's pic supposed to be? Anarcho-monarchism?
It's the stupidest emblem I've seen. Also, yellow/black is an ugly fucking colour scheme.
Hes just an autist ancap that went the Hoppe route; this is a person that unironically defooed because Molymeme told him to, not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Anyway the idiot left all his dox all over the net because he has some shitty ""business"", I sent all his dox to the Antifa smashies in Melbourne a while ago.
Thank you. After all the death threats shit coming from the autist.
Watching LLAutism talk about murdering lefitst in the street is pretty funny.
Got any links? This shit sounds hilarious.
Holy fuck, I am watching their 2 hour video "On the Jewish question" and it's basically jewish version of The greatest story never told
Even though I hate cops, you could have just reported his arse to them for hate speech.
That being said, good job.
I'd say gang violence is healthier for the left than fighting fascists in parliament tbh.
Let the pigs protect the property, we protect the people in the streets.
Keeping liberal democratic law and order is always best for us than any political persecution on a legal level.
So what changed?
Google "Love life and anarchy"
Ayncraps were a smistake
He also says Maoism is a form of left anarchy…. Juche is a form of left anarchy…. Then he takes the word state capitalism literally and says that because the DPRK is not capitalist its a perfect example of socialism and we should stop calling it capitalism….
Holy shit, he makes Holla Forums sound like professional political theorists
kek. I'm thinking of starting my own you tube channel just to de-bunk idiots like this.
no im not, mtw is pretty much like the exact opposite of fascism tbh
except the authoritarianism.
LL&A has a split personality? Wew lad
mtw can't be authoritarian, unless your'e an anarchkiddie who believes the working class shouldn't rebel.
He went on /pol and got redpilled. I noticed this when he starting using le memey arrows when arguing with people.
Then he said the NAP does not extend to left-wingers and now has gone full on Nazi.
Like most AynCraps he probably held fascist views private, only now with the aut-right on the rise can he actually voice them.
It's Hoppe. They read the snarling anti-pleb stuff, and somehow imagine that they are not part of the mass.
From Wikipedia:
"In Democracy Hoppe describes a fully libertarian society[non-primary source needed] of "covenant communities" made up of residents who have signed an agreement defining the nature of that community. Hoppe writes "There would be little or no ‘tolerance’ and ‘openmindedness’ so dear to left-libertarians. Instead, one would be on the right path toward restoring the freedom of association and exclusion implied in the institution of private property". Hoppe writes that towns and villages could have warning signs saying "no beggars, bums, or homeless, but also no homosexuals, drug users, Jews, Moslems, Germans, or Zulus"."
He's not a fascist since fascism partially relies on the mass support. It'd be more accurate to say he took ancapism to the logical conclusion and became a full-blown reactionary elitist.
Direct him to Moldbug.
who is this?
You're all fucking stupid. I got to my position by reading Holla Forums everyday.
I also love drinking nigger semen
tbf reading leftypol everyday probably does have negative medical effects on the brain.
That applies to nearly every imageboard
I was part of the ancap 'community' a few years back before I moved left and I get disheartened when people I knew quite well become literal fascists. A lot of the people who made The Daily Shoah were ancaps as well.
They justify their leap to the far right using Hans Herman Hoppe's concept of physical removal. The idea goes that in order to preserve a 'libertarian' order society must rid itself of people who do not respect private property and must physically remove people who are hostile to it. Because the NAP can be used to justify anything as aggression, Hoppe's ideas can be used by ancaps to remove anyone they dislike from society.
Also, Love Life and Anarchy uses Holla Forums and has been known to dox and threaten people who insult him.
Same, although I was never really an ancap, I was more of a middle of the road civil libertarian who moved to left libertarianism. It is disturbing to look at all the internet fash these days and know they were probably calling themselves "libertarians" 4 years ago.
Who would be scared of brown Keemstar?
fascists calling themselves other names are not a new thing at all, you see, it happened before
they need to take possesion of other names, in order to make them look smarter.
Whats national syndicalism?
Also called falangism. It's the spanish fascism. Used the same colours of the anarchism and the same names of socialism
So fake socialism?
Isn't that just anarcho-communism with racial segregation?
Watching smashies is more fun though
I think this fucker has the most punchable face on Earth
I don't think either of them are really relevant though.