Bill Maher Loses His Cool with Piers Morgan - Feb 10, 2017
Why is Piers defending Trump?
Bill Maher Loses His Cool with Piers Morgan - Feb 10, 2017
Why is Piers defending Trump?
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He is a pee pee man apologist what did you expect?
both fags
who cares
It's odd how a lot of people who hated piers now seem to really like him
oh and based john waters too
I want Maher to die in a fire only moderately less than I want Piers to. I never have liked Piers because he is the worst kind of insufferable antigunfag. I used to like Maher but he is dead to me these days.
yeah you never liked maher
I like Maher, but god damn is he plagued by spooks.
The worst thing he said last night was "People who said Hillary was the lesser of two evils, can we have an apology now"
Proved he didn't even know the meaning of the term.
I liked his new rules segment though.
Fuck off Holla Forums, Maher is an honest liberal who is fine with people killing bigots
theres nothing based about someone as spooked as bill fucking maher
I'm pretty sure he meant that the people who said that wanted an apology but he was angry and slipped up on his words.
As far as liberals go he's tolerable.
Shame he missed the zinger that this is what the British said to him.
ah yes the followers, but how many updoots do you have my fellow le sir?
is he a bernie bro?
Bill Maher is against political correctness
Ah yes, two mongs yelling at each other.
Piers and Trump are old buddies.
Interview from 2011:
Piers seem to agree with Trump when it comes to the US foreign policies in the middle east, so I guess that's one reason.
Bill Maher's a disgusting neoliberal warmongering zionist kike.
Of all the reasons to hate Maher, my cousins and aunt and uncle hate him because he makes fun of fat people.
I brought up why it's such a bad thing to make fun of Chris Christie for being a fat lard and my uncle says
"theres so much more to hate about the guy than how fat he is"
Piers was completely right about the 'is our country so innocent?' thing.
is he breaking the conditioning?
He's right.
How did making fun of trumps tiny hands and hair work out in the election?
You're missing the point.
My relatives weren't mad because it was a subtanceless insulting argument, they were mad because it was politically incorrect.
Both my cousins love Samantha Bee and are incredibly fat SJWs
don't sjws hate Bill because he hates on islam?
They hate him because he's apparently
Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan (born Piers Stefan πππO'Mearaπππ, 30 March 1965)
I guess it's just the luck o'the Irish!
This, Maher deserves the gulag.
He is a cancerous pro imperialist polyp that sucks the neoliberal dick every chance he gets.
He won the first Celebrity Apprentice.
I wish dueling was still in fashion so then idiots like these would kill each-other.
Piers is literally Trunicht from LoGH
He will say anything, do anything. Not too long ago, he was an anti-brexit super liberal.
Now he is this.