How do we solve the Saudi Arabia/wahhabi problem?

How do we solve the Saudi Arabia/wahhabi problem?

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with an A bomb

Remove USA and the problem solves itself

stop selling them guns for one thing


Fund a coup in Saudi Arabia that results in the Royal family getting the guillotine

Just ignore it.

open borders ;_)

nuke them

basically this. plus social security insurance.
when the last slave flees they'll find out you can't order oil around.

stop buying their oil.

Seriously. All the fundie madrasas setup since the 70s were funded with oil money.

The entire state is dependent on oil money. You stop buying that, it will disintegrate by itself.

Resurrect Nasser

Destroy the monarchies in Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and butcher the Likud in Israel.

Voila, suddenly no push for war, suddenly isis not receiving welfare tanks.

agitate the working class
execute the royalty

this is now

Cut off all support from America/Britain for the gulf monarchies
Incite communist revolution

If all else fails, gulag

There is no heavy industry to give a rise to an industrial working class, and all of the lower class jobs are filled by third world immigrant, so any class revolt could easily be read from the population as an immigrant and foreign intervention against them.

Stop buying oil and they will get done
Do they even have any other products beside oil?


Raise class conciousness in the prole foreign workers living in Saudi Arabia. They make up a third of the population including millions of Indians and Pakistanis.
You also have large numbers of atheists and Shiites that would like the Sunni monarchy to fall.

Source? I hail from the deserts and I have zero faith in secularism in Middle East at the moment (Rojava doesn't count)

Romanov's round 2

Qur'an copies and Islamic scholars.

When I say 'a large number of atheists' I really mean more than you would expect from a place like Saudi Arabia.
on page 17 it says, from a sample seize of 502, 19% where not religious and 5% are convicted atheists.
However it is entirely possible that this is not representative of the country as a whole or that the atheists who participated in the poll were foreign workers rather than local Arabs.

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