Is it just me, or since Brexit and the US election, have Liberals become like 10000x more reactionary...

Is it just me, or since Brexit and the US election, have Liberals become like 10000x more reactionary, smug and fucking insane?

I worry it's just me because my hated of Liberals has gone up also about 10000x this past few months in their complete absurd naievete and sabotaging people like Corbyn, Sanders and throwing people like Greenwald, Manning etc under the bus.

Well, the libfag is actually correct. Liberalism and other right wing ideologies are incompatible with socialism, and thus need to be destroyed.

Hence the file name.

This is probably the only time I've seen a Liberal actually not be a disingenuous fuck hence the screenshot.

What is authoritarian about Corbyn? I like that he has the correct definition of liberalism, but can blithely dismiss the militarism of those other maphuckas while telling us to be scared of a leader that isn't even partially as militaristic and insane as supposed "moderates"

Why even quote retards.

all of the non-reactionary liberals got woke and joined leftist movements leaving only the reactionary ones as far as i know

This, it's hard to be pro bald faced liberalism after iceberg Hillary and the craven actions of euro libs.

Nah, they were always bottom of the barrel. Things are just getting less comfortable for them again so they're actually spewing their shitty opinions once more.

The amount of people who'll be enjoying a one-way trip to the fucking gulag.

True liberty is licking out all the crevices of American boots as they invade and decimate random Middle Eastern countries of course

Spreading Freedumb™ and Demograzy™

I believe liberals are going hard into denial right now which ramps up the level of smugness on which they operate (can't feel like you're wrong) and therefore make them even more unlikeable

btw lots of "liberals" are actually shills.

I swear the fucking arrogance liberals have is fucking nauseating. It's this bullshit blend of comedy and ""information"".

They're more likely to link and article from buzzfeed or a John Oliver video than a fucking study etc.

If fucking only. At least that would indicate a desire to broach the subject as opposed to the usual "OMG remember like in Harry Potter where that meanie did X? This is basically like that" level discourse

I swear if I see another Harry Potter reference to politics…

I promise you this lad. If we do have our revolution, I will ensure you that Harry Potter liberals will be fodder for the tankies to use in their gulags.

Yeah I remember that

I legit wish Corbyn actually was the dangerous tankie Rowling thinks he is just so she could be first on the train to the new gulags along with her legions of HP libs.

What does Tankie mean?

Copies of Harry Potter will be replaced by books by Bookchin, Bukanin, Marx, Subcomandante Marcos, Kropotkin, Stirner, and Nietzsche

"Authoritarian" socialist like is referenced in OP. Basically I'm mocking people who think he's Stalin 2.0

It's a reference to people who supported the invasion in places like Hungary by the USSR by using tanks. They like central planning and general statism.

No, it's not just you. It's been pretty clear for a few years now that the American """""left""""" has degenerated into a gaggle of cruise missile liberals, pop culture worshippers and "I'm not against free speech but…" authoritarians.

Yes, because they cannot accept that the mainstream media is lying to them to the degree that the election proved.

They don't want to take off their glasses of ideology.

No one likes being told the truth.
They want things handed on a plate for them.

Life is tough, just fucking deal with it and crack on otherwise this ship goes down.

But the mainstream media is lying for them. It has never been as slanted towards their side as it is now.

Of course, the media still puts Porky above liberals themelves, but still. God knows they're not getting mad at him.

Exactly, they're going full damage control to maintain the ideological matrix. It's disgusting.

I want more scrutiny on all media resources. I read on the other boards of the idea to use a threshold of evidence in news articles. That's a good idea.

All I want is to live in a world where the media is scrutinized and not mere weakly concocted disinformation or misinformation. I hate how people are covering up everything.

I want the truth, the real facts, the well formed arguments, the well sourced articles.
I want scrutiny of media procedure as the number one issue this year. It's fucking awful.

But if the news fills their air time with facts they won't be able to show us the funniest me YouTube videos

This is the problem.

We live in brave new world. People are sedated with media and refuse to break their ideological matrix.
They're not living, they're just rotting slowly. They indulge in pleasures to sedate them from the reality of the world.

And I refuse to actively kick them up the ass, I want them to move for themselves. How? Meme magic?

To put it bluntly, I want them to live in the real world. I want them to not only have aspirations - I want them to achieve those aspirations and deal with the pain of trying to achieve them.

Unsurprisingly, corbynites share their putin fandom with ukippers

Yeah, but unfortunately you can't drag people out of the cave. All you can do is leave yourself and then hope they start wondering where you've gone.

this is your brain on ideology

Liberals have definitely reacted poorly to the realisation that the world is losing trust in them. They're looking for scapegoats to pin the blame on, like the innate fascism of white people, or the Putin bogeyman. They don't want to admit that liberalism is failing because it sucks.

So they will keep getting worse while righties take over?

Never happened you burger scoffing retard.
Didn't happen
Because they are backstabbing little shits.
No idea what you're talking about now. Please stick to a hobbies board.

I can't believe anyone would think liberalism is great considering the entire Midwest has been solidly republican for generations. That's just incompetence.

Originally, it referred to those Western communists who supported Kruschev's suppression of the Hungarian rebellion against Soviet rule, during which tanks were used. Later, it grew to refer to Soviet apologists in general, and specifically Marxist-Leninists who advocate staying true to the Stalinist model. Ironically, most people who would be called tankies nowadays consider Kruschev a filthy revisionist and fake socialist.


What Americans call Conservatism is a form of Liberalism. Don't fall for the newspeak.

death by a thousand cuts, got to give it to seumas, he knows how to purge while appearing as a victim of plots and saboteurs

how are they backstabbing when they never supported a momentum take over in the first place?


Are you 17? Are you getting your narrative straight from Holla Forums? Pretty much everyone here is old enough to remember the order of events. It is impossible for Momentum to have existed before Corbyn became leader.
Go on then explain the purge so far to me.

democracy, in this sense, is not where the true discussion is about, it is merely a means of instrumental legitimacy

Holla Forums is surprisingly pro-corbyn because they have been fed hitchens nostalgia. the purge is incremental, one by one, people have their careers made impossible, and when they finally give in, they are deemed traitors and obstructionists. momentum existed before "momentum" was it's registered trade mark, it's a coalition of the far left that has won massively, if before they couldn't get a single seat, now they are almost assured of 200.

Yeah, I'm not taking your word for that. Citation needed.

What a wonderful world such would be.

I know Marx pretty much completely disregarded cultural factors as with anything non-material, but there wasn't an actual mass media in his days. I'd say that the means of communication are an absolutely central part of modern class struggle.

After this disgusting display these past few years, I have the sinking feeling that the biggest enemy of freedom of speech is freedom of the press.

The big question is, were the Hungarian rebels socialist dissidents or reactionaries?

Who cares any more? It's history.

Me. I do.

You are not alone. I had become antipolitical and hedonistic, but this crap the libshits are spewing is waking me up again.


One guy.
Also, how do I know this isn't just one of those libertarian/"classical liberal" whatsits who wants to "take back" the term liberal?

There's no way that liberalism is fundamentally pro-free trade. That was a "new Democrats" thing, and it owed to a rightward shift.

It is rather refreshing actually. I wish that all liberals would recognize socialism as an antagonist.

If I wasn't aware the harsh reality filled with brainwashed people, I'd say it's just you - people are supposed to max it out somewhere in their teens.

Some people consider Democracy too authoritarian. Hint: they have a different definition of "freedom".

Today it means "authoritarian socialist". Basically, if you read anything and aren't SJW, SocDem, or smashie (Anarchist) - there is someone out there who will call you tankie.

But this also works.

They were Fascists. If you are talking about rebels, of course. Nagy was an opportunist.

Ups meant leddit

There was, and it was just as bad as it is now. If you think journalism was at any time ethical, you have been drinking a whole lot of liberal nostalgic ideology. Print journalism was not a hair better than the current crop of media. It wasn't a coincidence the Wars of Religion followed on the heels of the printing press; it wasn't because of all the bibles being printed, but because of the asinine propaganda being put out in pamphlets about the Other.

Ethical journalism will not save you.

It means you worship failure

Hello, Holla Forums

Most of them were communists, although many became reactionaries afterwards in prison.

they've always been that they are just doing it more openly because they are being challenged from the left

Besides, porky got everything back in 91

The really fucking annoying thing is that they are so arrogant, yet they are so fucking naive, don't understand real politics beyond managerial institutional bullshit and worst of all, they have literally no understanding of history.

This is why Libs are letting Fascists walk right over them, because Libs genuinely believe we are at the end of history and Liberalism is just the reality that will never be broken, but also because they simply don't understand ideology and they don't understand that the Fascists don't give a fuck about "GOOD SIR I IMPLORE YOU PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTITUTIONAL RULES!".

Because also of the lack of understanding of History, Libs literally just can't believe there are truly malevolent forces at work in the world and conspiracy is actually the norm. For example, if you explain how say, the Israeli lobby has actually had a history of stoking antisemitism and attacking Jewish communities outside Israel to try make those Jewish communities "return home", they would call you a conspiracy theorist, but anybody who understands history knows it's 100% true and even further, the Israeli lobby have literally BOMBED Jewish communities before to stoke up fear.

All a conspiracy theory according to Libs. Hell I've had Libs tell me Iran Contra is a conspiracy theory when I explained it to them, the fuck? Their minds would probably melt if they actually saw a book on Gladio.

As I saw someone on the left say before to a Lib "How can you be so smug, yet so bad at politics?"

Thats why we must push such great publications that tell the truth like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post comrade!

You can't take away 70 years.

There isn't a name for when you know jack shit about something but you feel like you're a pro at it? "something" effect I think it was.

Yeah, for 70 years the eastern block lived in a total utopia, silly me

Dunning Kruger.

Backfire effect is when you show people more evidence they are wrong, they go deeper into their beleifs.

I don't know where you got the impression that I think the media was ever not shit. My contention is that it's far, far more powerful now than it was then, both in economic terms and in, shall we say, semiotic terms. Cue spiel about media writing reality. You can't possibly compare what we have now to print newspapers in an age without instant communication.

24 hour news cycle has also made the media 10000000x worse.

Fox , CNN and the BBC really killed proper news by adopting that shit.

Im old enough to remember when the 24 hour news cycle didnt exist and the news was a lot more dry and policy focused.

I would argue Twitter and the rise of the op-ed twitterazi has also led to a stunning decline in journalistic standards. Honestly so many mainstream commentators are just glorified bloggers.

i though Dunning Kruger was so you don't fuck family?

Anti-Gamergate in a nutshell.

Corbyn's biggest mistake in politics is to court the liberal voters instead of the working class. There is no pleasing these motherfuckers. Support LGBT rights wayyyy before it is cool and misspeak one line, and suddenly you are a homophobe

That's because the liberals fucking want to see Corbyn assassinated over Brexit. None of them actually give a fuck about what Corbyn says or does. It's faux outrage to the extreme.

Also a lot of this shit is being spread by New Labour supporters and LibDems who see a collapsing Labour as an oppertunity for the a rising Lib Dem party and a return to New Labour in power.