I Couldn't Get Real Satisfaction [a Girlfriend] So I Became a Kindred Spirit to a Revolutionary

I Couldn't Get Real Satisfaction [a Girlfriend] So I Became a Kindred Spirit to a Revolutionary
↑ An actual light novel.

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Please, for the love of god, tell me this has a fan-translation.


A communist revolutionary, or some bullshit anime conflict where you need to defeat a specific set of enemies and then the modern liberal status quo is fine forever? Why's anime so afraid to change stuff?

okay boys, the bets BEGIN

Jackpot if:

Double jackpot if there is any Stirner joke

With the help of Google and Google Translate it seems the girl is all theory and the novels talk about socialism and communism.

Any Japananons here? I'd love to see a proper translation of this.

a romance about a girl that's unavailable out of devotion to Marxist theory sounds comfy. I hope the male is not retarded and useless.

That sounds kinda like the Setting Sun speaking of Japanese lit

With the boom of isekai I'm surprised there isn't one where the MC tries to bring cause a proletarian revolution in a fantasy world.

will this be like the Rin route of Katawa Shoujo?

Here's the title if anyone wants to search about it:

We would need some meme magic to pull that out

I never knew I needed this in my life.

This place is full of weebs surely someone can translate it for the greater good. It could be used to radicalise non-lefty weebs.

Why the hell do weaboos fall in the political extremes?, SRLY someone, there has to be an explanation

I don't think they do, honestly it's probably just selection bias.

We frequent a chan, and the offbramd one at that. It's safe to say imageboards skew heavily NEET. Normies just don't hang out here. Unless there FBI

Also your more likely to remember a tweet about gassing likes if there's a Moe imouto next to it. Simply because the contrast makes it striking

there must be at least a raw Japanese version of this manga? Link it please!

There are just a lot of weebs in the world, so there are lots here.

Also weebs are generally miserable shut ins who want to blame someone for their problems, some blame women, and some (rightly) blame porkies. I'm probably talking out of my ass with that tho.

in my socialist/communist utopia, hikikomoris will have to be mods of ALL THE INTERNET, there is probably enough people

Wow the Japs really have a lot of words for miserable shut ins


Not just anime, "culture" in general. Look at Western movies, for instance. The villains are always the proactive ones, the people out to change the world in some way. The heroes are the defenders of the status quo who seek to prevent the heroes from doing things. This stands in stark contrast to older stories such as the Odyssee, where the hero is the one out to accomplish a certain goal and the villains form roadblocks to prevent him from doing so. It is pure ideology that this relation has been reversed, as it helps to make people think of change as dangerous and radical and bad, whilst keeping things as they are is heroic.

Revolutionary alliance of men whom no women are attracted to has its job cut out for them.


Apparently there is no god, comrade.


Is there seriously no one here that can translate 日本語?

I'll try . My Japanese isn't god-tier, and I'll probably misunderstand some things, but it should be completely manageable if I can get some help. Can anyone link me to the text of this ranobe?

How can it be translated if no one has scanned it.

Stuff like this is confusing me a lot. I have jap gf, so I could ask her to translate stuff like OP's pic, but I'm not sure if I'm not already revealing too much of my power level to her, and I fear that something like this could be too much

No need to scan it. It's available for Kindle.


fuckin normies


but anyway, go ahead an ask her, just say it looks interesting to you. not communicating isn't good for a relationship

You are the worst kind of coward.

She live in other side of globe. I see her max two times a year, it's not exactly chad relationship

I'm quite open, it's not exactly easy to reveal full power level with someone from so different cultural background, especially if she doesn't watch any anime

yes, if you put it this way, it's reasonable. thanks

i'm not coward you faggot. I'm just… careful

Wall Candy, my friend…enjoy her for now, discard her for glorious sturdy proletariat companion when the revolution comes

i'd like to have your optimism. But hell, I'll try to make love to her until she dump me for someone with future


Literal cuck.

or until 3d printed sexbots are supplied for all workers by glorious vanguard

Truly this is a dystopian reality.

I wouldn't care so much if she fucked someone other. In fact, I'll might fuck one other girl soon… our relationship is about more than just sex

yes, soon…

you can make robot look like 2d, it won't be such problem

they could at least purr

damn, I hadn't even realize that until you said so.

Maybe that's why I like the Temeraire Series so much.

I haven't read much theory but it's so nice to hear that someone else thinks this as well. I've thought about this and had this idea about Western movies for a long time now, but this is the first time I've heard someone else share the same observation. Thanks user.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the left needs to be pro-robowaifus if it wants to win

Welcome to the party. All art is propoganda, whether it promotes the status quo, hedonist destraction, or glorious revolution and workers' paradise

Teach me your ways.

I'm lost. What do I read? Where do I turn?

I don't ask anyone but my god you came to the same conclusion I did a while back about Western movies and how it's weird that the 'hero' preserves the status quo and I respect your opinion a lot because of that.

Point me towards the light, user.

that wasn't me, but the textbook is
"All Art is Propaganda" - George Fucking Orwell

I'd literally smash that poon

False alarm, everyone. It's not about communism. It's about rebelling against hierarchal Japanese school culture. I don't know where > 1353153 got the idea that she was all about communist theory. Anyway, I'll be on the lookout for something else worth translating. Stay tuned.

I look forward too it. Might wanna create another thread once you decide.

You grant respect far too easily, user. I really don't know much about anything. Regardless, perhaps you'd find Althusser's work on ideology and ideological state apparatuses interesting, or the Society of the Spectacle.

That's still pretty cool and definitely not something you see every day in Japanese media. The vocabulary like 同士, 革命家 are references to communist movements, but yeah no LN will be about communism.

that is even better

Could be an analogy though.

I think light novels are not comics but more like novellas that have anime-like plots

rebelling against the hierarchical society in the schools and japan as a whole is a damn fine start tho. At least it seems to be some what critical of the status quo, even if it might be in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

Light novels are pretty much this. Anime in short novel form, sometimes with a few illustrations. This makes them easy to adapt, BTW.
