Are there any boards on 4/Holla Forums that haven't been compromised by the alt-right?

Are there any boards on 4/Holla Forums that haven't been compromised by the alt-right?

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According to Holla Forumsacks I know, Holla Forums has nothing to do with the alt-right :^)

Check out different chans outside of 4 and 8.

I don't know if this helps, but I got banned from pol the other day from bullying nazis. It's literally a safe space for nazis.

Nazis/autright/ancaps are easily the most limp-wristed board users so don't be afraid to get into a scuffle or two. They are easily scared off.

Part of the reason I stay on this board (I think you all can be pretty autistic about social issues, but whatever) is because I can bully the alt-right when they think they're being clever. I've been permabanned from Holla Forums on 4 and 8 because I can pull a (insert Vietnamese tripfriend here) and completely derail and asshurt any thread I want.

The mods there seem fairly absent most of the time.

I got drunk before going out, but the plans were cancelled, so I was bitter and made posts about vore for 5 hours

4chan's /a/ is still going strong against any political discussions.

/lit/ on 4chan

They deserved the vore haha.

I think that's what I'm going to do, just call the place my e-home. People for the most part read theory here, unlike any alt-right I have ever met.

There was a pretend stirnerfag on pol who didn't know who The Individual was (Kierkegaard). He wanted me to provide proofs on why commies get the pussy. It was unreal.

like what? lain is NSA, nntpchan is NSA, endchan is one big Holla Forums containment chan, 420chan requires javascript and the rest is dead.

Just this one

yeah but it's slowly getting invaded by Holla Forumstards spouting 'cultural marxism' and discussing shit books by ann coulter and milo

Get back to reddit friendo.
We fight them off on all boards here. They usually leave buttraged or shortly after sperging out with "infographics".

go post on Holla Forums, Stallman is a commie

lets take it back then

halfchan's /tg/ used to be super comfy when I frequented it but I haven't been there in quite a while.

I don't usually browse 4/tg/, but sometimes I wonder if the place is apolitical at all. I mean there were lots of good threads, but then you see the warhammer autists pol-ing it all up with hardly any resistance

I'm up for it. Let's just mass post leftist fiction authors and eventually start theory threads. Le Guin is a start. She liked Kropotkin

The fact that Warhammer is so fascist obfuscates the actual fascism by directing it towards non-existent races.

So you do absolutely nothing productive with your time. Congrats. We now know why you seek wealth redistribution.


If I was a NEET would I be an Anarcho-Syndicalist, Holla Forumsack. Use your big boy thoughts

Shit, how embarrassing. I was posting about anarcho-communism in another thread, so I was using that flag

I met some people from 4chan and I'm friend with a lot of them on facebook for over 5 years and some invited me to some minor groups with mostly chan culture and a lot of those are either centrist or radical letists, a lot of them are liberal SJWs too, alt-rights are a strict minority to be honest, they're just the loudest on 4chan.

Also it seems like the cultural boards (lit/his/sci/mu/co) are mostly leftist

I quite agree, even Stirner is a meme in halfchan /lit/

4/tg/ has become very Holla Forums-oriented in its leanings

samefag here
Forget what I said

How do I win debate against a Marxist?

Read Stirner.

Yeah… when world-building you usually see right-wing politics come up.

lain is NSA?
Having been there in a while but it was a nice place. Care to elaborate?

well first the shills were contained in Holla Forums then they moved to /cyb/ and then they closed /cyb/ and basically turned lainchan into a shithole.
if somehow some actual user managed to take lainchan back, please tell me, but last time i checked it was still shit.