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Has LARPing gone too far?

Why are so many weebs right wing?

Because very much of nerd culture is based around tirelessly and uncritically consuming, so these weebs are wholly subsumed by the cultural values presented, which unsurprisingly tend to be the status quo. The forces of internet "leftism" threaten to take their consumed products of choice away–ecchi anime, titty figurines, etc–and because they lack any sort of alternative theory become reactionary.

I'm sure there are other factors at work here, but that's my theory.

Well, Japan is a pretty decent example of a racially homogenous corporatist society with a strict culture actually working, even though they rely on the slave labor of global capital just like everyone else

Years of subtle Japanese programming

They're paid. Not much, but paid nonetheless.

In the same way that Terry Schiavo was "actually alive," yeah.

How is Japan anything but homogeneous? They still have a few natives and koreans, but their numbers are really small.

Holla Forums appropriation of image-board culture.

Cute, Cute!

The only thing I can think about is forcing her to take my big pale gaijin cock. Is that normal? Imperialist women deserve communist dick.

#altfurry is simply a shitposting hashtag for furfags tired of the SJW menace in their fandom so they post edgy memes to offend the perpetually offended.

What's up with furfags being right-wingers anyways? Don't they usually hate furfags unless they're a girl? They're almost on the same fun level as bronies.

Because Japan is very right wing and the social norms within anime oftentimes reflect this by being very traditional in many ways, featuring the sort of submissive, domestic, traditionally feminine women Holla Forumsacks jerk off to.

That's pretty funny considering that right wing women tend to be histrionic cunts like


This Japanese nationalist slut deserves white gaijin bukkake

None of you fucks better be planning on actually doing this or I'm switching sides.

how is japan non-functional or non-homogenous?

only the liberals and SJWS want to do that

This is how ideology stops you from seeing prison labor, sweatshops and migrant work as an agreement among equals. Let alone the lack of surplus value given to workers.

Is it in the nature of the right to continuously LARP no matter where they are?

Among inequals* fuck phone posting

The other side do it too


Clearly the answer is RADICAL CENTRISM

Koreans should die, though.


I agree with this sentiment

t. Unruhe


Can't wait for monarchism?

I went on a date with a jap girl desperate for marriage, she went into a polite little tirade about how koreans are all illegal immigrants who just don't belong and they'd be better off being filthy back in COREA.

she still wanted the white dick though.


I question the wisdom of going on rants about how much you hate foreigners whilst dating a foreigner.

Your japanese is very good.

They get triggered by other people irrelevant shiting. They usually don't hold themselves to that same standard. Also koreans are considered lower than normal foreigners there.

Not far enough.


Most of Holla Forums desperate wants an obedient asian waifu. I'm white and that was an 'acceptable foreigner', if you're over 30 and not married in japan your family becomes gravely concerned.

baka desu senpai

Maybe she wasn't married because she was a racist cunt?

Call me a romantic, but having a girlfriend who only went for you because she had to get a boyfriend or face social exclusion hardly seems like it would lead to a solid relationship.




What DOES support personal relationships?

Is marriage all about property or all about progeny?

We're coming for your animu.
We're coming for your mangos.
We're coming for your waifus and husbandos.

But most importantly…

The dialect is already in motion. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

That poster is wrong and it is not about either of those things.
People use marraige to support personal relationships all the time.
It is somewhat about them and just maintaining a relationship with someone does the same thing though.

The revolution eats it's own children



You're a cute one.

Your problem, not mine.
To whom? From the outside it's propertarian. Anyone is free to impose their own cringey believey nonsense on it, as long as they keep it to themselves.

Is there a youtube video of this?

Also, marriage is bourgeois af. Progeny may as well be property according to Western superstructure. Other than that, where are the fucking interests?

I actually asked mr. Chapoman about this just the other day.

He has no idea what hes talking about.

tbf way too many people like SAO

Because many weebs are influenced by imageboards and said imageboards also created internet right, no more, no less. Any further analysis like is being a pseud

That doesn't explain the popularity of anime among females.

fujoshis are all fag hags in making


most nazifurs are just uniform fetishists, the ones who take it seriously are downright retarded

t. lefty furry for 7 years

they aren't

it's like the fake nerd girl except it's right wingers trying to spread an agenda

Does this mean we can't post images of nazifurs to troll Holla Forums and imply they're all furries anymore?


The answer is stop killing anime with pandering garbage.

when the fuck are we getting Durarara!! x3?

First episode yesterday.

I said "most", not "all"

besides Holla Forums gets triggered when they see "their" "people" and emblems with duhgenewet furfriends, so have at it

more Holla Forums-triggering furshit incoming

wait really?

We need more idolshit.

furries rival weebs as the most obnoxious consumerist fucks.
furry is cultural capitalism incarnate and i don't think i'll ever get over how angry that makes me.

Oh BAW, people are buying shit! At least be happy the art they commission comes from independent freelancers and not multinational corporations.

Not me though I'd never buy into that scam, I'll stick to piracy and self-artistry/editing pics myself.

Yeah, I should just be happy that a notionally interesting idea for a community is unabated consumerism. Nothing wrong with that. I should just enjoy the thousands of mini porkies and the desperate attempts to buy friendship.

I mean, it's great at making porn, no denying that, amazing at porn. It's just utterly fucking vapid, I don't want porn 24/7, the 20 hours a day or so i'm not jacking it or sleeping i'd actually like friends and discussion… at which point you realize everyone's eyes have glazed over because you're not money or porn.

Look around you, everything is a business. Food, healthcare, agriculture, media, etc. why just single out furryism?
What's wrong with being self-employed? Do you even know what a capitalist is? Are you new here?
Are you seriously blaming a medium for the followers? This just in: most people are uninteresting fucks, more news at 11.
The problem is shallow people, but you get that in every fandom

Literally one of the most exploitative media forms out there. No wonder so many fascists like it.

I pirate every anime I watch and buy anything physical(manga) second hand only.
You mean like, figs or something?

Because it's a community, and the flow of the money cuts much closer to the bone than it does with other industries. The toxic effect it has on mindsets, and the unbridled ideology it often sets forth are enough to drive one to insanity. That it's corporate culture manages to condense what would normally be an abstract entity into individual people, or small groups (and create resultant drama) makes it much more emotionally intuitive as well, because some of the general structural pressure to be a dick is eliminated and replaced with direct personal responsibility.
I'm reluctant to open that bag of worms. No such thing as ethical consumption, yada yada yada.
Under capitalism: It still drives you to sell. Your concern becomes to sell, sell, sell, and that's a problem. Not really my interest right now though: My problem is making it employment instead of hobby, passtime, what have you. It's a cultural thing that I find highly distasteful and symbolic of the ruin brought to the internet by cash-inflow more widely.
Think along the lines of paid-mods on steam and the controversy that caused, but now imagine the vast majority were defending paid mods.
I'm blaming the collective identity for it's make up. Are anthro-animals themselves somehow inherently capitalist? I would say not. But that's why I said furry, the fandom, instead of the broader topic. My anger comes at the broader topic being centralized under the micro-corporate fandom.
You can make shallow people interesting (or make them fuck off) with what would amount to social manipulation. (Though I would also argue some of the inherent appeal of furry-as-ego-fandom stems from the feeling of lacking identity created by our current conditions, independent in many ways of the general appreciation for animal-people.)
For historical and laziness reasons, I mean, I'm just swearing at spilled milk. There's no way to fix it without more broadly fixing capitalism - the induction of money is unidirectional.

(As a musing, because at least amongst furries someone always pulls the "sour grapes poorfag" card: I can't even think of times that being paywalled has personally inconvenienced me. It's a purely ideological point about money and online culture.)

Are you implying this is not what's happening in most media forms?

idol otaku were a mistake

Idolfags are saving the anime industry.

Sounds like you're projecting your own standards onto it. Furry is just furry, we're not all a big family.
Look capitalism is cancer, but let's be honest, most of these fucks bring it on themselves. Examples: Dragoneer, LupineAssassin, etc.
That's just the effect of being on the internet instead of being face to face and its not exclusive to furry
It's still better to be self-employed rather than an employee of another business
Dangerously spooky
Or maybe they just didn't read Stirner

Look I ain't trying to be your enemy, artists are pompous asses and paywalls are bullshit, pic related

post your own art, m8

anime is also full of what fascists would call "degenerate"

this tbh. I had a short lived phase as an alt-righter years ago simply because Holla Forums spammed their cancer everywhere and it eventually caught on me for a while

Can't, I'm a traditional artist and got no scanner

just take a picture with ur fucking phone u autist

Best be joking nigger

extract a picture through the use of a photographic device

literally nothing special happened.

nice thread but we will have to wait to the apocalypse

(nice trips)
You think I would've done that already if I had one? Maybe I'll ask around if I can borrow one from a friend or something.

It's not about being a family. Lefty/pol/ is a community too. Now imagine it was a big circlejerk as to who could buy the most red flags from me, because I'm a popucom. It would again be right to say that consumerism had ruined the potential for a good thing.
And then they're thrust on us and put in positions of power.
The same applies with face-to-face transactions, really. (The true logic error is to hate bad individuals more than bad systems, but it's still more intuitive.)
For oneself, maybe. In aggregate, the difference is slim.

Well yeah, but consumer-capitalism enables them. If people simply refused to hand over cash full stop, they'd lose all power.
I was thinking, and this is half related to a general imageboard mindset: The encouragement to spend money bothers me at the root, I think independent of commissions, because it discourages doing things for yourself, which in turn does a lot to centralize creativity in those worth paying for, or those who can/will pay. In a digital world where money essentially need not be a factor, that's disconcerting.

But as I said, the present money-system works great for porn production, and despite protests to the contrary in the half-recent past we all know how major a thing that is.

I think I'm going to kill myself having seen this shit. No need for revolution, the stormfags have already dug their own graves.

This one is easy: its because of 4chan (half-chan).

If by "actually working" you mean the population is so beaten down they commit suicide constantly, are so disgusted with life they no longer even reproduce at replacement levels, or just go hikikomori, yeah, I suppose that's a kind of "working."


It's pretty much a cliche in terms of not being exactly true but being mostly true that every variety of Asians are fine with white people but hate every other kind of Asian.